Texas State Library and Archives Commission
February 6, 2015
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission met on Friday, February 6, 2015, at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building, 1201 Brazos Street, Austin, Texas.
Michael C. Waters, chair
Sharon T. Carr, vice chair
Martha Doty Freeman
F. Lynwood Givens
Larry G. Holt
Wm. Scott McAfee
Sandra J. Pickett
Mark Smith, director and librarian
Edward Seidenberg, deputy director
Manuel Alvarez, director, Information Resource Technologies
Jelain Chubb, director, Archives and Information Services
Craig Kelso, director, State and Local Records Management
Deborah Littrell, director, Library Development and Networking
Ava Smith, director, Talking Book Program
Stephen Siwinski, communications officer
Tracy Kuhn Lash, executive assistant
Alana Inman, manager, Sam Houston Center
Sarah Jacobson, manager, Records Management Assistance, SLRM
Michael Reagor, government information analyst, SLRM
Saidah Ochoa, reader's advisory librarian, TBP
Donna Warren, administrative assistant, Administrative Services
Erica McCormick, grants administrator, LDN
Joe Thrash, Office of the Attorney General
Kimberly Lopez-Gonzales, Garza/Gonzalez & Associates
Rene E. Gonzales, Garza/Gonzalez & Associates
Mark Lambert, General Land Office
John Raff, Texas Facilities Commission
Paul Waak, Connecting Texas Libraries Statewide
Gloria Meraz, Texas Library Association
Karen Smith, retired TSLAC employee
Chairman Waters called the meeting to order at 9:24 a.m.
- Welcome, introductions and general announcements.
Chairman Waters welcomed everyone to the meeting and called upon Mark Smith who introduced Employees of the Quarter, Saidah Ochoa, Donna Warren and Erica McCormick. Chairman Waters thanked the employees for their service, said the commission is very proud of them, and congratulated them on their awards.
- Consideration of commemorative resolutions.
Jelain Chubb introduced Karen Smith who retired in October 2014 after 17 years in the Archives and Information Services Division as a library assistant. Chairman Waters presented Ms. Smith with a commemorative resolution and thanked her for her service.
Commissioner Pickett moved to adopt the resolution for Karen Smith and a resolution honoring Sue Troyan who retired after 42 years of service in the ARIS Division. Commissioner Carr seconded. Motion passed. -
Approve minutes of November 7, 2014 Audit Committee and Commission meetings.
Commissioner McAfee moved to approve minutes of the November 7, 2014 Audit Committee meeting. Commissioner Carr seconded. Motion passed. Commissioner Carr moved to approve the minutes of the November 7, 2014 commission meeting as corrected. Commissioner Freeman seconded. Motion passed. -
Public Comment. There was no public comment at this time.
Conflict of interest disclosures. There were no conflict of interest disclosures at this time.
Review of consent agenda: non-substantive corrections in other agenda items such as spelling, numbering, punctuation, grammar, or other revisions. None were identified.
Review and approve Audit Committee recommendations regarding the Annual Internal Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2015.
Commissioner McAfee reported that the Audit Committee approved the Annual Internal Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2015 and recommended approval. No second required. Motion passed. -
Presentation by General Land Office regarding archival holdings.
Chairman Waters welcomed Mark Lambert who presented a request that the agency consider returning certain records to the General Land Office. Noting the historical and collegial relations between the two agencies, Mark Smith recommended that staff from the two agencies work out a solution together. After discussion, Chairman Waters said staff from both agencies should continue the dialogue to reach an agreed upon solution and report to the commission at its next meeting, April 14, 2015. -
Update on the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center.
Alana Inman provided an update on the renovations and improvements at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center in Liberty. Visitors have commented favorably on the renovations and the Center has also seen an increase in patrons since the Center re-opened after construction was completed.
Work continues on the fire suppression system which is expected to be completed very soon. Jelain Chubb thanked agency Purchasing staff on their work throughout the process. Because no bids were received for certain repairs at the Center, TSLAC has approached the Texas Facilities Commission for assistance. Ms. Chubb introduced John Raff who said he is confident TFC can address the outstanding repairs at the Center and will be able to find the right people to do the work. Mark Smith noted that working with TFC locks in the funds and also takes the pressure off agency staff whose expertise is not working with construction projects. Edward Seidenberg noted that in the past 10 years, TSLAC has had an ongoing relationship with TFC in the renovation of the Zavala Building, the deferred maintenance projects at the State Records Center and other projects. Ms. Chubb commended the Sam Houston Center staff for enduring the disruptions during the recent renovations. -
Review and approve acceptance of grants, and gifts greater than $500.
Ava Smith requested approval of the following donations designated for the Talking Book Program:
• $500 gift from Kenneth and Doris Glover.
• $1,000 gift from Glenn Lattimore.
• $500 gift from Norma Clements, Paula Martin, and Debbie Smith.
• $500 gift from the Austin chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Texas.
Commissioner Carr moved to accept the gifts. Commissioner Holt seconded. Motion passed.
Chairman Waters called a break at 10:30 a.m. and resumed the meeting at 10:40 a.m., continuing with Agenda Item 10.
Donna Osborne requested the commission formally accept the gift of the 1927 Hull-Daisetta Rotary Building from the Rotary Friends, Inc., donated to the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center in 2009. A review of the files on the building revealed that the commission accepted the donation from the Atascocito Historical Society when in fact the building was owned by the Rotary Friends, Inc. which had received it from the original owner, the Hull Fresh Water Supply District. In 2014, the Rotary Friends legally transferred ownership of the building to TSLAC. Joe Thrash has determined that the commission must formally accept the donation from the Rotary Friends.
After discussion, Commissioner McAfee moved to table the issue pending research by Mr. Thrash on legal issues involved in the transfer of the building, learning the cost to the agency of hosting a museum in the building and obtaining a “hold harmless” letter for the agency from the legal owner. Commissioner Carr seconded. Motion passed with a vote of 5 in favor, with Commissioner Holt voting against and Commissioner Pickett abstaining. -
Review and approve contracts greater than $100,000, and contract renewals.
Ava Smith and Manuel Alvarez requested approval to hire Greg Haviland as project manager of the Talking Book Program Integrated Library System for up to 1,500 hours over 17 months beginning April 16, 2015 and ending August 31, 2016 with the contract amount not to exceed $174,495. Mark Smith said a vendor contract will be brought to the commission at the April 14 commission meeting. Commissioner Givens expressed concerns that the project could trend over budget as he noted he has done in the past. Mr. Smith responded that the project was within the budget as approved. Commissioner Freeman moved to approve the contract. Commissioner McAfee seconded. Motion passed with Commissioner Givens voting against.
Chairman Waters recessed the meeting for lunch at 11:30 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 11:51 a.m. -
Report on progress of the Governor’s records project.
Mark Smith updated the commission on former Governor Rick Perry’s records project and responded to questions from the commission. He said progress made since the last commission meeting included receiving approvals needed to move ahead with software acquisition, resolving storage issues, gaining approval to include the item in the agency’s capital budget, and receiving additional funds for the project. He said the agency is beginning to receive materials from the governor’s office and applauded agency staff who worked on the project.
At this point in the meeting, Chairman Waters took up Agenda Item 15. -
Report of the Records Management Committee.
Commissioner Freeman said the Records Management Committee met on January 27, 2015, and discussed the changes proposed by staff to local government records retention schedule GR (Records Common to All Local Governments) and made recommendations to the schedule. A copy of the committee’s suggested changes were distributed to the commission at this meeting. -
Review and discussion of possible amendments to the local government records retention schedule GR (Records Common to All Local Governments).
Craig Kelso and Sarah Jacobson presented the records retention schedule GR (Records Common to All Local Governments) with the amendments proposed by staff and reviewed by the Records Management Committee and responded to questions and recommendations. Commissioner Freeman said an amended schedule would be brought before the commission at the April 14, 2015 meeting. -
Review of the status of legislation, appropriations, and other issues in the Texas Legislature.
Mark Smith reported on legislative issues affecting the agency most notably that House and Senate budget bills introduced shortly after the 84th Legislature convened on January 13 include appropriations for TSLAC that do not include FTE or budget cuts and do include renewal of funds for the Sam Houston Center. Additionally the introduced budget allows the agency to carry over certain unexpended balances. -
Report of the Director and Librarian.
Mark Smith provided a report on agency activities and initiatives and responded to questions about the report. He noted that the William Barret Travis Bible is now part of the State Archives having been purchased in 2014 for the state by John Nau who will be honored at the next commission meeting. Mr. Smith also mentioned that the agency is in the process of revising school library standards which are 10 years old. He will appear before a committee of the State Board of Education next week to begin that process. -
Authorization to adopt new rule 13 TAC 2.8 regarding the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board.
Jelain Chubb requested approval to adopt new rule 13 TAC 2.8 regarding the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board. Commissioner Pickett moved to approve. Commissioner Carr seconded. Motion passed. -
Authorization to propose amendments to 13 TAC 8.4 regarding the TexShare Advisory Board.
Deborah Littrell requested approval to propose amendments to 13 TAC 8.4 regarding the TexShare Advisory Board. Commissioner Carr moved to approve. Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed. -
Authorization to propose new rule 13 TAC 2.7 regarding the Library Systems Act Advisory Board.
Deborah Littrell requested approval to propose new rule 13 TAC 2.7 regarding the Library Systems Act Advisory Board. Commissioner Givens moved to approve. Commissioner Carr seconded. Motion passed. -
Authorization to propose amendments to 13 TAC 2.54 regarding bid procedures and HUB program.
Donna Osborne requested approval to propose amendments to 13 TAC 2.54 regarding bid procedures and HUB program. Commissioner Carr moved to approve. Commissioner Freeman seconded. Motion passed. -
(a) Authorization to propose new rules 13 TAC 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.61, and 2.75 regarding dual office holding, merit selection principles, sick leave pool, private donors, and contract monitoring requirements, respectively.
Donna Osborne requested authorization to propose new rules 13 TAC 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.61, and 2.75 regarding dual office holding, merit selection principles, sick leave pool, private donors, and contract monitoring requirements, respectively. Commissioner Carr moved to approve. Commissioner Holt seconded. Motion passed. -
Report on agency financial information.
Donna Osborne presented a report on agency financial information requiring no action. -
Executive session, as authorized by Texas Government Code 551.071, 551.074, & 551.076, regarding consultations with attorney, personnel matters, and security devices respectively.
No executive session was called.
There being no further business before the commission, Chairman Waters adjourned the meeting at 12:55 p.m.