Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Ad Hoc Committee on the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center
August 2, 2015
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission’s Ad Hoc Committee on the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center met on Sunday, August 2, 2015, in the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building, Austin, Texas.
Larry G. Holt, committee chair
Martha Doty Freeman
Sandra J. Pickett
Michael C. Waters, commission chair, ex officio
Larry G. Holt, committee chair
Staff Present:
Mark Smith, director and librarian
Edward Seidenberg, assistant state librarian
Donna Osborne, director, Administrative Services
Jelain Chubb, director, Archives and Information Services
Alana Inman, manager, Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center
Pamela Rodriguez, purchaser
Tracy Kuhn Lash, executive assistant
Joe Thrash, Office of the Attorney General
Commissioner Holt called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
- Approve minutes of July 18, 2014 meeting.
Commissioner Freeman moved approval of the July 18, 2014 committee meeting minutes. Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.
- Report on and discussion of the current status of the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center.
Jelain Chubb updated the committee on the ongoing work at the Center and provided a status report of current projects and responded to questions from the committee. She reported that the agency had expended or encumbered a total of $968,088 of the $1 million appropriated by the 83rd Legislature for security and safety upgrades and improvements at the Center. The remaining $31,000 will be used for additional tree removal and improving environmental conditions and energy efficiency in the Center.
- Report on and discussion of the future plans for renovation and repair work at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center.
Jelain Chubb presented a list of recommended priority projects for the committee’s consideration to be funded by the commission’s 2016-2017 biennial budget allocation of $1 million. After discussion, the committee approved the following priorities and amounts:
Expand fire suppression into museum
Renovate Center’s museum space
Critical structural repairs to the Center
Secure Center’s property against trespassing
Preservation planning and repairs to historical buildings
Gillard-Duncan house repairs
Condition Assessment and Maintenance Plan for Center’s Historic Buildings
Critical repairs and upgrades to Center’s HVAC system
Unexpended funds to be applied to an emergency generator and property survey
Commissioner Freeman moved to approve the list. Commissioner Pickett seconded. Commissioner Holt noted that during discussion the committee recognized the need to examine the Atascosito Historical Society’s agreement and relationship with the commission to make it more consistent with current circumstances and asked that this be included in the minutes. Motion passed.
Commission Chairman Waters thanked Commissioner Carr for attending the meeting. Commissioner Freeman thanked staff for the time and thought put into the recommendations and prioritizing them for the committee. Commissioner Holt thanked all for attending the meeting.
There being no further business before the committee, Commissioner Holt adjourned the meeting at 5:43 p.m.