Texas State Library and Archives Commission
February 6, 2017
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission met on Monday, February 6, 2017, at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building, 1201 Brazos Street, in Austin, Texas.
Commissioners Present:
Michael C. Waters, chair
Sharon T. Carr, vice chair
F. Lynwood Givens
Larry G. Holt
Wm. Scott McAfee
Martha Wong
Staff Present:
Mark Smith, Director and Librarian
Gloria Meraz, Assistant State Librarian
Donna Osborne, Chief Operations and Fiscal Officer
Jelain Chubb, director, Archives and Information Services
Craig Kelso, director, State and Local Records Management
Deborah Littrell, director, Library Development and Networking
Ava Smith, director, Talking Book Program
Michael Ford, Network Operations Coordinator
Tracy Kuhn Lash, Executive Assistant
Rebekah Manley, Coordinator, Center for the Book
Alana Inman, Manager, Sam Houston Center
Katherine Adelberg, Library Management Consultant
Henry Stokes, Library Technology Consultant
Kyla Hunt, Library Management Consultant
Russlene Waukechon, Networked Information Coordinator
Danielle Plumer, Statewide Resource Sharing Coordinator
Erica McCormick, Grants Administrator
Inez Garcia, Braille Office Assistant
Stephanie Andrews, Library Assistant
Taylor Fox, Reference Librarian
Alice McAfee, Office of the Attorney General
Logan Mims, Office of the Governor
John Raff, Texas Facilities Commission
Perry Jefferies, Texas Veterans Initiative
Paul Waak, Connecting Texas Libraries Statewide
- Welcome, introductions, and general announcements.
Chairman Waters called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. After introductions, Mark Smith informed the commission that later in the day he would be testifying before the Senate Finance Committee and invited the commission to attend the hearing. -
Consideration of commemorative resolutions.
No resolutions were presented at this time. Mark Smith informed the commission that TSLAC Youth Services Consultant, Christine McNew, passed away on January 27. The agency received many condolences from across the state and country as Christine, a loyal and hardworking colleague within the agency, was also well known and highly respected expert on library services to children throughout Texas and nationally. He then introduced Inez Garcia, Stephanie Andrews, and Taylor Fox, recently named Employees of the Quarter. He noted that Ms. McNew had been named Employee of the Quarter for FY16 Fourth Quarter. -
Approve minutes of October 27, 2016 Audit Committee and Commission Meetings.
Commissioner Carr moved to approve the minutes of the Audit Committee meeting of October 27, 2016. Commissioner McAfee seconded. Motion passed.
Commissioner Carr move to approve of the minutes of the October 27, 2016 Commission meeting with corrections. Commissioner Wong seconded. Motion passed. -
Public Comment.
Perry Jeffries thanked the commission for the agency’s first statewide reading program, Read Across Texas, which focuses on veterans. He has been working with TSLAC’s Center for the Book Coordinator, Rebekah Manley, to connect veterans with libraries through the statewide read. He said the program helps veterans connect with communities, a proven way to prevent veteran suicides as well as helping bridge the civil-military divide. Chairman Waters thanked Mr. Jeffries for his service. -
Conflict of interest disclosures.
Commissioner Carr disclosed that her husband serves on the board of Datamark. No action required. -
Review of consent agenda: non-substantive corrections in other agenda items such as spelling, numbering, punctuation, grammar, or other revisions.
Tracy Lash identified several typographical errors none of which required action. -
Report of the ad hoc Technology Committee.
Commissioner McAfee reported that the commission’s new ad hoc committee on technology met on January 6, 2017 and received excellent input identifying technology challenges and initiatives from staff, commissioners, and staff from the Department of Information Resources. The committee will meet in the future to continue its discussion and to map out a committee charter. No action required. -
Report current status and future plans for renovation and repair work at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center.
Alana Inman provided an update on the current status and plans for renovation and repair at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center in Liberty noting that all projects funded by the 2014-2015 legislative appropriation are complete and approved. Projects funded by the 2016-2017 legislative appropriation are moving forward and include museum renovation and fire suppression and repairs to the main building and historic structures. No action required. -
Review and approve acceptance of grants, and gifts greater than $500, including a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, and gifts from Steven and Emily Butler and Glen Sample Ely.
Donna Osborne requested approval for gifts as follows:- A gift of $1,000 from Steven and Emily Butler of Fredericksburg in honor and appreciation for the services of the Talking Book Program.
- A gift of $3,560 from Glen Sample Ely of Fort Worth to help preserve and provide enhanced access to correspondence and reports of the Texas Rangers. Given in honor and appreciation of former TSLAC employee Robert Schaadt.
Commissioner McAfee moved to approve the gifts. Commissioner Carr seconded. Chairman Waters said the commission greatly appreciates these gifts. Motion passed.
Donna Osborne requested approval for a grant of $30,954 from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to support activities of the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board through December 31, 2017. Commissioner Carr moved to approve the grant. Commissioner Wong seconded. Motion passed. -
Review and approve contracts greater than $100,000, and contract renewals, including with the Texas Facilities Commission, Preservica, Inc., and Gretchen McCord.
Jelain Chubb requested approval to contract with the Texas Facilities Commission to manage repairs to the exterior of the Sam Houston Center’s main building and the historic buildings, and if additional private funds are received, repairs to the Jean and Price Daniel Home and Archives, construction of a main entry sign, and additional directional signage. The estimated total contract award would not exceed $475,000, including the 5.85% TFC fee. Commissioner Carr moved to approve the request. Commissioner Givens seconded. Motion passed.
Donna Osborne requested approval to amend the amount and length of contract with Preservica, Inc., the system used for the Texas Digital Archive. Agency staff negotiated with Preservica to extend the contract through December 31, 2017 putting the contract on a yearly schedule with the option to renew for four years. The cost per quarter remains the same at $12,582.50. Commissioner Carr moved to approve the contract revision. Commissioner Holt seconded. Motion passed.
Deborah Littrell requested approval to extend the service agreement with Gretchen McCord for access to archived recordings of her Patron Privacy webinar series to the end of the fiscal year, August 31, 2017 in the amount of $1,200. Additionally, Ms. McCord will provide language for the online course webpage if legislative changes require updating the information. Ms. Littrell said training on privacy and security is a high priority for Texas public library staff and the webinar series had received very strong positive reviews. Commissioner Carr moved to approve. Commissioner Givens seconded.
Commissioner McAfee asked if there is a potential conflict of interest due to Ms. McCord’s service on the TexShare Advisory Board. Responding to a question from Commissioner Wong, Mark Smith said the TexShare board advises staff on various aspects of resource sharing and is involved in long term planning for the most effective types of sharing, keeping the agency informed of trends in the field, and providing feedback on how effective agency activities are in statewide resource sharing. The board meets on an as needed basis about three times per year and follows all open meetings rules.
Chairman Waters asked Alice McAfee to examine the issue for conflicts of interest. Commissioner Carr revised her motion to approve conditionally pending Ms. McAfee’s investigation which if a conflict is found would nullify the approval. Commissioner Givens seconded. Motion passed.
Chairman Waters recessed the meeting at 9:41 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:50 a.m. -
Demonstration of Dynamic CRM applications in Library Development and Networking.
Danielle Plumer and Erica McCormick demonstrated the Library Development and Networking Division’s use of Microsoft Dynamic CRM to manage its competitive grants and TexShare program data. No action required. -
Demonstration of TexShare online resources.
Because of time constraints, Chairman Waters deferred the demonstration of TexShare online resources by agency staff to a future commission meeting.
Mark Smith introduced Wendy Woodland, Director of Communications with the Texas Library Association, noting that her position was previously held by Gloria Meraz, who joined the agency in August. -
Report on National Library Service TBP site visit.
Ava Smith presented the results of a report generated by a recent site visit by a National Library Service consultant. The site visit is conducted every two years to insure that the division is following the NLS guidelines. She said that NLS is pleased with the work the Texas Talking Book Program is doing. No action required. - Status report and discussion of TSLAC agency sunset review.
In preparation for the agency’s Sunset Review in 2019, Gloria Meraz provided an update on agency activities, timeline leading up to the review, and an initial list of key issues recommended by staff for the commission to consider. No action required.
- Report of the Director and Librarian.
Mark Smith provided a written report of agency activities and initiatives including an update on how the governor’s hiring freeze has impacted the agency. The agency did apply for a waiver for two critical IT positions. He also noted that a return on investment study for libraries in Texas originally done in 2012 has been updated and shows a $2.628 billion in benefits while costing $566 million, a return on investment of $4.64 for each dollar. No action required.
- Authorization to adopt rule review of Chapter 6 (State Records), §§6.1 to 6.10, 6.21 to 6.35, 6.91 to 6.97, 6.121, and 6.122.
Craig Kelso requested authorization to adopt a rule review of Chapter 6 (State Records), §§6.1 to 6.10, 6.21 to 6.35, 6.91 to 6.97, 6.121, and 6.122. Commissioner Carr moved to approve. Commissioner Holt seconded. Motion passed.
- Discussion of commission rules, 13 TAC 2.2 and 2.3.
Mark Smith provided the sections from the Texas Administrative Code that govern the responsibilities of the commission and Director and Librarian at the request of the commission.
- Review and approve Standards of Conduct.
Mark Smith requested approval for Standards of Conduct that were revised with commission suggestions at a previous meeting. Because of commissioners’ questions as to whether the standards apply to them, Alice McAfee will create a separate document outlining the commission’s responsibilities based on state statutes. Commissioner McAfee moved to approve the agency’s Standards of Conduct for Employees as amended. Commissioner Carr seconded. After a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.
- Report on agency financial information.
Donna Osborne provided a written report on agency finances and responded to commissioners’ questions. No action required.
- Executive session, as authorized by Texas Government Code §551.074, regarding personnel matters.
At 11:30 a.m. Chairman Waters called the commission into executive session and at 11:43 a.m. returned to open session. No action was taken on items discussed in executive session.
There being no further business before the commission, Chairman Waters adjourned the meeting at 11:45 a.m.