Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Libraries and Talking Book Committee

October 18, 2022


The Libraries and Talking Book Committee of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission met on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, via videoconference.

Committee Members Present:

Darryl Tocker, Committee Chairman
Arthur Mann
Brad Tegeler 


Commissioners Present via Video:

Commissioner Martha Wong


Staff Present:    

Gloria Meraz, Director and Librarian
Tim Gleisner, Assistant State Librarian
Sarah Swanson, General Counsel
Sarah Jacobsen, Director, Library Development and Networking
Bettina Williams, Executive Assistant


Staff via video:

Valicia Greenwood, Library Data Coordinator


Guests present:



Guests present via video:


  1. Welcome and introductions.

    Chairman Tocker called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m., welcomed everyone and stated that the meeting was being conducted via videoconference as authorized by Texas Government Code §551.127. Chairman Tocker disclosed that the notice of this meeting was filed with the Texas Register on October 10, 2022, and he indicated that the meeting would be conducted via videoconference, providing a weblink and phone number for the public to access the meeting. He noted that commissioners who are not committee members will not be able to vote nor will any action be taken by the committee at the meeting.

  2. Roll Call for Members and Establishment of a Quorum.

    Chairman Tocker took a roll call of committee members and established that a quorum was present.
  3. Public Comment.

    No public comments were received.

  4. Approval of Minutes of the Libraries and Talking Book Committee Meeting, July 14, 2022.

    Commissioner Tegeler moved to approve the minutes of the July 14, 2022, committee meeting. Commissioner Mann seconded the motion.

    Chairman Tocker conducted a roll call vote. All committee members voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

  5. Update on Targeted Review of School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas.

    Sarah Jacobson gave an update on the targeted review of School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas.
    This was a discussion item only. No action was required.

  6. Process to Review and Update Public Library Accreditation Criteria

    Sarah Jacobson gave an update on the process to review and update public library accreditation criteria, 13TAC Chapter 1, Subchapter C, Minimum Standards for accreditation of libraries in the state library system.

    This was a discussion item only. No action was required.

  7. Update on Activities of the Library Development and Networking Division

    Sarah Jacobson gave an update on the current division activities.

    This was an information item only. No action was required.

  8. Update on the Talking Book Program

    Gloria Meraz provided an update on the division’s current projects and future developments on behalf of the Talking Book Program director.

    This was an information item only. No action was required.

  9. Adjournment.

    Commissioner Mann moved to adjourn the meeting and Commissioner Tegeler seconded. Chairman Tocker conducted a roll call vote which passed unanimously.

    Chairman Tocker adjourned the meeting at 3:49 p.m.

Page last modified: July 7, 2023