Texas State Library and Archives Commission
February 13, 2023, 9:00 a.m.

Videoconference Meeting:
Registration URL


In person:
Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building, 1201 Brazos Street
Austin, Texas

By telephone (listen only):
+1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 838 1616 6750

The February 13, 2023, meeting of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Commission) will be held by videoconference as authorized by Texas Government Code §551.127. TSLAC intends to have the presiding officer physically present at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building. This location will be open to the public during the open portions of the meeting. Important information about this meeting, including how to participate remotely, listen by phone, provide public comment, or request special accommodations is available at the end of the agenda.

The Commission may deliberate and/or take action on any of the posted agenda items. Agenda item numbers are assigned for ease of reference only and do not necessarily reflect the order of their consideration by the Commission. The Commission may go into executive session on any agenda item listed below, as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Gov't Code, Chapter 551.



 Welcome and introductions. 


 Roll call for members and establishment of a quorum.


 Approval of minutes of November 4, 2022, Commission meeting.

 Public Comment.

 Conflict of interest disclosures.


 Acceptance of grants or gifts of $500 or greater. 

•    Gift of Billie Beth Moore ($101,352.84)
•    National Historical Publications and Records Commission ($40,000)


 Contracts. Consideration of the following new contracts or renewals:

•    Library Data Collection tool ($50,000 initial year; up-to $250,000 with optional renewals)
•    OCLC – WebJunction (renewal not-to-exceed $16,000)
•    ProQuest LLC (not-to-exceed $1,136,956)
•    Mobile Device Manager (not-to-exceed $550,000)
•    Interactive large computers and equipment (not-to-exceed $136,000)

 Review of designation of Texas Library and Archives Foundation (TxLAF) as Friends Group under 13 TAC §2.60.
 Approval of annual FY23 Family Place grant awards.     

  13 TAC Chapter 2, General Policies and Procedures, Subchapter A, Policies and Procedures of the Commission.

•    Amendment to §2.2, Responsibilities of Commission and the Director and Librarian
•    Amendment to §2.70, Vehicle Fleet Management
•    New §2.77, Contract Approval Authority and Responsibilities


 13 TAC Chapter 2, General Policies and Procedures, Subchapter C, Grant Policies, Division 1, General Grant Guidelines

•    Amendment to §2.112, Eligible and Ineligible Expenses
•    Amendment to §2.116, Uniform Grants Management Standards (UGMS)


 Notice of Intent to Review 13 TAC Ch. 3, State Publications Depository Program, pursuant to Government Code, §2001.039, Agency Review of Existing Rules.


 13 TAC Chapter 10, Archives and Historical Resources

•    New §10.1, Definitions
•    Amendments to §10.2, Public Access to Archival State Records and Other Historical Resources
•    New §10.3, Loan and Exhibition of State Archives
•    New §10.4, Reappraisal and Deaccessioning of Items
•    Repeal of §10.1, Definitions

 13 TAC Chapter 2, General Policies and Procedures, Subchapter A, Principles and Procedures of the Commission

•    Repeal of §2.59, Loan and Exhibition of State Archives


 13 TAC Chapter 1, Library Development, Subchapter A, Library Services and Technology Act State Plan

•    Amendment to §1.21, State Plan for the Library Services and Technology Act in Texas
•    Repeal of §1.22, Circulation


 State Archives Strategic Plan Update.

 Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center Update.

 Update on Targeted Review of Public School Library Standards.

 Update on the 88th Legislative Session.


 Report of the Director & Librarian: may include information or updates on agency programs (Talking Book, Library Resource Sharing, Library Development including e-resources solicitation, Information Technology Services, State and Local Records Management, Archives & Information Services, Administrative Services, Communications Office, and Center for the Book). The report also includes activities of the Texas Libraries and Archives Foundation, an update on the process for updating the public library accreditation criteria, an update on American Rescue Plan Act funded projects, and information on the agency’s collaboration with the Department of Information Resources.

 Financial Report.

 The Commission may go into Executive Session under one or more of the following provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551:

•    §551.071: Consultation with and advice from legal counsel regarding any item on this agenda, pending or contemplated litigation, or other legal matters, including Texas State Library and Archives Commission vs. Corey Westmoreland, Cause No. D-1-GN-21-001381, 345th Judicial District Court, Travis County, Texas or Commission contract approval procedures


How to watch or listen to the meeting remotely: 
Members of the public who wish to watch the commission meeting remotely should register for the meeting using the Zoom link above. Members of the public who wish to listen to the meeting by telephone should dial 1 346 248 7799,
Meeting ID: 838 1616 6750
How to provide public comment:
Members of the public who wish to provide public comment to the Commission, either on a posted agenda item or during the public comment portion of the meeting, may attend the meeting in person at the address above, register for the meeting using the Zoom link provided above and provide comments via Zoom*, or submit public comment by email to Sarah Swanson at sswanson@tsl.texas.gov by Thursday, February 9.  Written comments received by email will be read aloud during the public comment portion of the meeting.

*If you wish to provide comment remotely (by Zoom), you must contact Sarah Swanson (sswanson@tsl.texas.gov) no later than Thursday, 2/9/23. 

How to ask for an accommodation:
Any individual with a disability who plans to attend this meeting and requires auxiliary aids or services should notify the Commission as far in advance as possible, but no less than two business days in advance, so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Contact Sarah Swanson by telephone at (512) 463-5460.

Page last modified: February 2, 2023