1780 c. |
Carte de Louisiane et de la Floride |
Image of map number 00095 is not available.
1780-1900 c |
Historians and Prospectors Map of Texas |
Image of map number 02075 is not available.
1781 c. |
Plano del fuerte proximo al rio Natchitoches |
Image of map number 06311 is not available.
1782 |
A Map of Mexico, or New Spain, from the latest authorities |
Image of map number 02069 is not available.
1783 |
Spanish Dominions in North America |
Image of map number 00007 is not available.
1783 |
Map of the European Settlements in Mexico or New Spain and the West Indies |
Image of map number 02113 is not available.
1783 |
World Map |
Image of map number 02165 is not available.
1784 |
A New and Correct Map of the United States of North America... agreeable to the Peace of 1783 |
Image of map number 01941 is not available.
1784 |
Mapa del Terreno que hade vatir la Expedi.on g.e deve executse. contra los Apacheo Gilenos… |
Image of map number 02790 is not available.
1784 |
Mapa del Terreno que hade vatir la Expedi.on g.e deve executse. contra los Apacheo Gilenos… |
Image of map number 02791 is not available.
1784 |
Plan de la Tierra que se andubo, y descubrio en la Campana, que hizo contra los Cumanchis, el Lhte Colonel Dn. Juan Bautista de Anssa, Governador y Comandte. propietario de esta Provincia del o Nuevo Mexico, y la Victoria… |
Image of map number 02794 is not available.
1788 |
Mapa... semanfiota la Prov. de Texas... con parte dela de la Colonia dd Nuevo Santa Anda, y ... la Provincia de Coahuila |
Image of map number 02025 is not available.
1789 |
Mapa del territorio comprendido entre la Provincia de Nuevo Mexico y el Fuerte de Natchitoches y Texas |
Image of map number 02781 is not available.
1792 |
The Coast of West Florida and Louisiana |
Image of map number 01048 is not available.
1792 |
The Western Coast of Louisiana and the Coast of New Leon |
Image of map number 02345 is not available.
1792 |
Mapa de la Sierra Gorda, y coasta de el Seno Mexico, desde la cuidad de Queretero... que esta la Bahia de el Espiritu Santo… |
1792 c. |
Mapa de la Sierra Gorde y Coasta de el Seno Mexico, des de la cuidad de Queretario... que esta la Bahia de el Espiritu Santo … |
Image of map number 01525a is not available.
1794 |
The Western Coast of Louisiana and the Coast of New Leon |
Image of map number 01420 is not available.
1794 |
A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies, wherein are exactly Described the United States of North America as well as the Several European Possessions … |
Image of map number 01521 is not available.
1799 |
Carta esferica que comprehende las costas del seno Mexicano construida de orden del Rey en el Deposito hidrografico de Marina, por disposicion del exmo Senor Don Juan de Langara, Secretario de Estado y del Despacho universal de ella Ano, de 1799 |
Image of map number 07575 is not available.
1800 c. |
North America |
Image of map number 02053 is not available.
1800 c. |
North America |
Image of map number 02130 is not available.
1800 c. |
North America |
Image of map number 02145 is not available.
1800-1816 c |
Mexique |
Image of map number 00009 is not available.
1800-1830 c |
Map of the Mouth of the Nueces River |
Image of map number 01476 is not available.