Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 8124 records were found for:

Date Map Number Title Image
1862 03235 Map of Northeastern Virginia and Vicinity of Washington. "Surveys for Military Defenses" Sheet 2 Image of map number 03235 is not available.
1862 03282 Offical Plan of the Siege of Yorktown, Virginia. Conducted by the Army of Potomac under the command of Major General George B. McClellan, U.S.A., April 5th to May 3rd, 1862 Image of map number 03282 is not available.
1862 03281 White House to Harrison's Landing. Campaign Maps, Army of the Potomac, Map No. 3 Image of map number 03281 is not available.
1862 03280 Yorktown to Williamsburg. Campaign Maps, Army of the Potomac, Map No. 1 Image of map number 03280 is not available.
1862 03233 Sketch of the Enemy's Fortified Position at and Opposite Mill Springs, Kentucky, to which he retreated after his defeat at Logan's Cross-Roads by the U.S. Forces under Brigadier General George H. Thomas, Jan 19, 1862...… Image of map number 03233 is not available.
1862 03260 Field of Shiloh and vicinity Image of map number 03260 is not available.
1862 03279 Military Reconnaissance, Department of Virginia, Major General Wool Commanding Image of map number 03279 is not available.
1862 03278 Reconnaissance toward Lee's Mill, Virginia, April 28, 1862 Image of map number 03278 is not available.
1862 03256 Engagement at Valverde, New Mexico, February 21, 1862, 12 o'clock p.m. Image of map number 03256 is not available.
1862 03277 Picket Line of First Brigade and Reconnaissance toward Lee's Mill, Virignia, April 28, 1862 Image of map number 03277 is not available.
1862 03276 Part of the Map of the Military Department of Southeastern Virginia and Fort Monroe showing the Approaches to Richmond and Petersburg Image of map number 03276 is not available.
1862 03400 Sketch Showing Route of the Burnside Expedition Image of map number 03400 is not available.
1862 03349 Position held by the 1st Division, 3rd Corps After Having Repulsed the Enemy, December 13, 1862 Image of map number 03349 is not available.
1862 03756 Battle of Cross Keys, Virginia, June 8, 1862 Image of map number 03756 is not available.
1862 03254 Fort Donelson and the Positions of the 1st Division During the Siege February 12-16, 1862, Brigadier General John A. McClernand Commanding Image of map number 03254 is not available.
1862 03240 Route from Keetsville to Fayetteville, Arkansas Image of map number 03240 is not available.
1862 03269 Map of the Battlefield of Shiloh, April 6th and 7th, 1862 Image of map number 03269 is not available.
1862 03227 Reconnaissance of the Battlefield of Bull Run, Virginia Image of map number 03227 is not available.
1862 03788 Operations in Northern Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland, Map of Route to Mc Dowell Image of map number 03788 is not available.
1862 03785 Sketch of the Battle of McDowell, Virginia on Thursday, May 8th, 1862 Image of map number 03785 is not available.
1862 03757 Sketch Showing Position of Confederate and Federal Armies at Franklin, Virginia, May 9th to 11th, 1862 Image of map number 03757 is not available.
1862 03755 Sketch Showing Positions of Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, August 26th to September 2, 1862, Embracing Engagements at Bristol Station, Manassas Junction, Groveton or Second Bull Run, and Ox Hill or Chantilly, Virginia Image of map number 03755 is not available.
1862 03740 Sketch of Affair at Rappahannock Station, Virginia, March 28th, 1862 Image of map number 03740 is not available.
1862 03244 Battlefield of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, March 8th, 1862 Image of map number 03244 is not available.
1862 03359 Positions of the Divisions of Humphreys, Whipple, Griffin and Sykes at the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13th, 1862 Image of map number 03359 is not available.