1945 |
Braniff Airways |
Image of map number 00043a is not available.
1835 |
Map of Spanish Texas |
1750-1760 c |
Carta Geografica del Messico o sia Della Nueva Spagna |
Image of map number 00048 is not available.
1940 |
Final Figures - Population of Texas by Counties, 1940 |
Image of map number 00049 is not available.
1846 |
Map of the State of Texas. Subtitle: Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography |
Image of map number 00051 is not available.
1858 |
Texas |
Image of map number 00052 is not available.
1852 |
Map of the State of Texas |
Image of map number 00053 is not available.
1858 |
Texas. Subtitle: Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography |
Image of map number 00054 is not available.
1846 |
Map of Texas and part of Mexico |
Image of map number 00056 is not available.
1942 |
United States |
Image of map number 00057 is not available.
1898 |
Underground Routes to Canada Showing Lines of Travel of Fugitive Slaves |
Image of map number 00058 is not available.
1880-1890 c |
Map 1 Illustrating the Historical Geography of Texas |
Image of map number 00059 is not available.
1849 |
Map of the Southern and Southwestern States |
Image of map number 00061 is not available.
1850 c. |
Texas |
Image of map number 00062 is not available.
1895 |
Map of Texas |
Image of map number 00064 is not available.
1889 |
An Approximate of Topography of the Texas Region |
Image of map number 00065 is not available.
1828 c. |
Map of the Colonization Grants to Zavala, Vehlein and Burnet in Texas belonging to the Galveston Bay and Texas Land Co. |
Image of map number 00066 is not available.
1884 |
Texas |
Image of map number 00066a is not available.
1822 |
United States |
Image of map number 00067 is not available.
1840 c. |
Texas Compiled from the Latest and Best Authorities |
Image of map number 00068 is not available.
1687 |
Planta de la Costa de la Florida la mas occidental des de 27 grad; de latitud norte hasta 29 gradios |
Image of map number 00070 is not available.
1690 |
Mapa del Viaxe que el ano 1690 hize el Gobernador Alonso de Leon des de Cuahuila hasta de Carolina, Provincia, habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana |
Image of map number 00070a is not available.
1691 |
Planta Cosmographica del lago de San Bernardo Con los senos y Rios que a el se comunican, desculierto por horden del Exmo. Sr. Conde de Galve Virey, Gobernador y Capitan General desta Nueva Espana |
Image of map number 00070b is not available.
1722 |
Plano del Presidio de Nuestra Senora de los Dolores, junto a la Mision de Nuestra a Senora de la Concepcion que esta en al centro pais de los Texas, que erigio y delineo el Marques de San Miguel de Aguayo |
Image of map number 00070d is not available.
1721 |
Plano del Presidio de Nuestra Senora del Pilar de los Adais en la frontera de los Texas, Nuevo Reino de Filipinas, cuya fortificacion delines y dejo executada el Marques de San Miguel de Aguayo el 1 Noviembre de 1721 |
Image of map number 00070e is not available.