Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 8124 records were found for:

Date Map Number Title Image
1808 c. 02753 ... plano exacto de las provincias internas de Mexico, tanto orientales como occidentales Image of map number 02753 is not available.
1864 03525 Engineer Department, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, July 28th, 1864 Image of map number 03525 is not available.
1993 c. 07703 Abernathy, Texas Image of map number 07703 is not available.
1864 03489 Action near Atlanta, Georgia on July 22, 1864 Image of map number 03489 is not available.
1948 04333 Alvin Uecker land, Bexar County Image of map number 04333 is not available.
1936 c. 06810 Anhydrite Deposits in Texas Image of map number 06810 is not available.
1936 c. 06811 Antimony Deposits in Texas Image of map number 06811 is not available.
1947 c. 04261 Aransas Pass, Texas Image of map number 04261 is not available.
1930-1940 c 04262 Archer County Image of map number 04262 is not available.
1873 00084 Army Reconnaissance in Texas view Image for map number 00084
1936 c. 06812 Asbestos Deposits in Texas Image of map number 06812 is not available.
1936 c. 06813 Asphalt Rock Deposits in Texas Image of map number 06813 is not available.
1839 07047 Atlas Designed to Accompany Smith's Geography for Schools Image of map number 07047 is not available.
1853 00427 Austin County, with Surrounding Counties Image of map number 00427 is not available.
1850-1860 c 00427a Austin, Harris, and Surrounding Counties Image of map number 00427a is not available.
1957 07984 Austin, Texas, Capitol Complex Area Land Acquired through October 31st, 1957 Image of map number 07984 is not available.
pre 1888 01643 Austin, Texas Image of map number 01643 is not available.
1904 00926a Austin Image of map number 00926a is not available.
1910 04062 Baca County, Colorado Image of map number 04062 is not available.
1936 c. 06814 Barite Deposits in Texas Image of map number 06814 is not available.
1936 c. 06863 Barite Production in Texas Image of map number 06863 is not available.
1936 c. 06815 Basalt Deposits in Texas Image of map number 06815 is not available.
1936 c. 06864 Basalt Quarries in Texas Image of map number 06864 is not available.
1944-1953 07651 Base Flow of Lower Rio Grande at various points from Langtry to Rio Grande City, 1944-1953 Image of map number 07651 is not available.
1863-1865 03815 Batteries and Redoubts, Virginia Image of map number 03815 is not available.