Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 158 records were found for: Comanche Indians

Date Map Number Title Image
1700-1800 01440 Map of Texas and Adjacent Regions in the Eighteenth Century view Image for map number 01440
1769 02754 Mapa de la parte septentrional de la provincia de Tejas y sus inmediaciones con la Luziana y Florida Image of map number 02754 is not available.
1777 c. 02780 Carta o' mapa geografico de una gran parte del Reino de Nueva Espana, comprendido entre los 19 y 42 grados de Latitud Septentrional y entre 249 y 289 grados de Longitude del meridano de Tenerife, … Image of map number 02780 is not available.
1784 02794 Plan de la Tierra que se andubo, y descubrio en la Campana, que hizo contra los Cumanchis, el Lhte Colonel Dn. Juan Bautista de Anssa, Governador y Comandte. propietario de esta Provincia del o Nuevo Mexico, y la Victoria… Image of map number 02794 is not available.
1810-1820 c 01608 Map of Spanish-Texas Image of map number 01608 is not available.
1811 02153 Spanish Dominions in North America, Northern Part Image of map number 02153 is not available.
1814 01518 Spanish North America Image of map number 01518 is not available.
1818 c. 02033 Spanish Dominions in North America, Northern Part Image of map number 02033 is not available.
1820 01024 A Map of Louisiana and Mexico/ Carte de la Louisiane et du Mexique view Image for map number 01024
1821 02798 Map of the Internal Provinces from Somarete to New Orleans to the Oregon Country Image of map number 02798 is not available.
1822 01413 Mapa Geografico de la Provincia de Texas view Image for map number 01413
1822 c. 00360 Mexico and Internal Provinces. Subtitle: Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Mexico view Image for map number 00360
1822-1835 c 00070h Colonization Grants, southeastern Texas Image of map number 00070h is not available.
1824 c. 01470 Mexico Image of map number 01470 is not available.
1825 00420 A Map of the United States of Mexico, as Organized and defined by the Several Acts of the Congress of that Republic Image of map number 00420 is not available.
1827 c. 01505 Mexico view Image for map number 01505
1828 01022 Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Mejico, Segun lo organizado y definido, par los varias actas del Congreso de dicha Republica; y construido por los mejores autoridades view Image for map number 01022
1829 00021 Mexico and Internal Provinces view Image for map number 00021
1829 00917 Mapa Original de Texas view Image for map number 00917
1829 01411 Stephen F. Austin's Map of Texas Image of map number 01411 is not available.
1830 01414 Mapa Original de Texas Image of map number 01414 is not available.
1831 c. 00940 Mapa de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos view Image for map number 00940
1833 00409a Map of Texas with Parts of Adjoining States view Image for map number 00409a
1833 01607b Map of the State of Coahuila and Texas view Image for map number 01607b
1834 00023 Map of Texas Before Admission to the Union and Adjoining States with Northern Portions of the Mexican States of Coahuila and Chihuahua Image of map number 00023 is not available.