Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 158 records were found for: Comanche Indians

Date Map Number Title Image
1845 07677 Commemorative Map of the Republic of Texas Image of map number 07677 is not available.
1837 07676 A New Map of Texas with the Contiguous American and Mexican States Image of map number 07676 is not available.
1840 c. 07540 Mexico Image of map number 07540 is not available.
1854 c. 07527 Etats-Unis, Region Des Territoires Image of map number 07527 is not available.
1853 07078 Map of the Country Between the Frontiers of Arkansas and New Mexico embracing the section explored in 1849, 50, 51, & 52 Image of map number 07078 is not available.
1850 07077 Topographical Map of the Road from Fort Smith, Arks. to Santa Fe, N.M. and from Dona Ana N.M. to Fort Smith Image of map number 07077 is not available.
1867 06403 Richardson's New Map of the State of Texas Image of map number 06403 is not available.
1837 06388 Map of the Republic of Texas Image of map number 06388 is not available.
1836 06310 Sesquicentennial Map of Texas Image of map number 06310 is not available.
1853 06244 Map of the State of Texas Image of map number 06244 is not available.
1849 03940 Karte des Staates Texas view Image for map number 03940
1839 03938 Karte von Texas view Image for map number 03938
1867 03793 Map of the States Kansas and Texas and Indian Territory, with Parts of the Territories of Colorado and New Mexico Image of map number 03793 is not available.
1821 02798 Map of the Internal Provinces from Somarete to New Orleans to the Oregon Country Image of map number 02798 is not available.
1784 02794 Plan de la Tierra que se andubo, y descubrio en la Campana, que hizo contra los Cumanchis, el Lhte Colonel Dn. Juan Bautista de Anssa, Governador y Comandte. propietario de esta Provincia del o Nuevo Mexico, y la Victoria… Image of map number 02794 is not available.
1777 c. 02780 Carta o' mapa geografico de una gran parte del Reino de Nueva Espana, comprendido entre los 19 y 42 grados de Latitud Septentrional y entre 249 y 289 grados de Longitude del meridano de Tenerife, … Image of map number 02780 is not available.
1769 02754 Mapa de la parte septentrional de la provincia de Tejas y sus inmediaciones con la Luziana y Florida Image of map number 02754 is not available.
1836 02735 Map of Texas Containing the Latest Grants and Discoveries Image of map number 02735 is not available.
1842 02344a Walker Map of 1842: Sheet I - South Texas and Northern Mexico Image of map number 02344a is not available.
1842 02344 Central America Including Texas, California, and the Northern States Mexico view Image for map number 02344
1841 02338 Mexico and Centr. America entw. u. gez. vom Haupton v. Stuelpnegel view Image for map number 02338
1871 02220a Ross' New Connected County and Railroad Map of Texas and Indian Territory Image of map number 02220a is not available.
1841 02199 Karte von Texas entworfen nach der Vermefsungen, welche in den Acten der General-Land-Office de Republic Image of map number 02199 is not available.
1846 c. 02197 Karte von Texas entworfen nach den Vermefsugen der General Land Office der Republic view Image for map number 02197
1836 02177 Texas in 1836 Image of map number 02177 is not available.