Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 60 records were found for: Nada

Date Map Number Title Image
1962 04516 Natural Gas Pipelines Image of map number 04516 is not available.
1851 02121 New Map of the Portion of North America, Exhibiting the United States and Territories, the Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Mexico, also Central America and the West India Islands Image of map number 02121 is not available.
1849 07043 New Universal Atlas. Containing Maps of the Various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World Image of map number 07043 is not available.
1855 c. 00430 Nord America zur Ubersicht der Enteckung Eroberug und Colonisation Image of map number 00430 is not available.
1800 c. 02053 North America Image of map number 02053 is not available.
1766 02039 Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane, Canada, et Nlle. Angleterre Image of map number 02039 is not available.
1918 07052 Rand McNally & Co.'s Commercial Atlas of America Image of map number 07052 is not available.
1725 00385 Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispanie Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginae, et Pennsylvaniae, nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Image of map number 00385 is not available.
1861 01523 United States Including California, Texas & c. view Image for map number 01523
1956 04520 Western Canada, Oil and Gas Fields Image of map number 04520 is not available.