Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 20 records were found for: West Bay

Date Map Number Title Image
1690 00070a Mapa del Viaxe que el ano 1690 hize el Gobernador Alonso de Leon des de Cuahuila hasta de Carolina, Provincia, habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 00070a is not available.
1690 01989 Viage que el ano 1690 hize el Gobernador Alonso de Leon des de Cuahuila hasta de Carolina, Provincia habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 01989 is not available.
1690 02759 Mapa del Viaxe que el ano 1690 hizo el Gobernador Alonso de Leon desde Coahuila hasta la Carolina, Provincia, habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 02759 is not available.
1691 00070b Planta Cosmographica del lago de San Bernardo Con los senos y Rios que a el se comunican, desculierto por horden del Exmo. Sr. Conde de Galve Virey, Gobernador y Capitan General desta Nueva Espana Image of map number 00070b is not available.
1800-1986 07032 A Replica Chart of the Galveston-Houston Area circa 1836 Image of map number 07032 is not available.
1828 c. 00066 Map of the Colonization Grants to Zavala, Vehlein and Burnet in Texas belonging to the Galveston Bay and Texas Land Co. Image of map number 00066 is not available.
1848-1850 00005 Sketch 1: Showing the Progress in Section no. 9, U.S. Coast Guard Survey 1848-1850 Image of map number 00005 is not available.
1851 01020 Preliminary Sketch of Galveston Bay Indicating Proposed Sites for Light Houses view Image for map number 01020
1852 06476 Preliminary Sketch of Galveston Bay, Texas view Image for map number 06476
1855 01631 Preliminary Chart of Galveston Bay, Texas view Image for map number 01631
1856 01729 Preliminary Chart of the Sea Coast of Texas in the Vicinity of Galveston view Image for map number 01729
1857 01006a Preliminary Chart no. 31 of the Sea Coast of the United States from Galveston Bay to Matagorda Bay, Texas view Image for map number 01006a
1858 01637 Galveston Bay to Oyster Bay view Image for map number 01637
1862 00114 Department of the Gulf, Map No. 3, Galveston, Texas, showing the Fortifications, etc. Image of map number 00114 is not available.
1891 01959 Map of the County and City of Galveston, Texas view Image for map number 01959
1971 06486 Galveston Bay to Cedar Lakes, Including the Brazos and San Bernard Rivers, Texas Image of map number 06486 is not available.
1971 06496 Galveston Bay Entrance. Galveston and Texas City Harbors Image of map number 06496 is not available.
1994 07686 Galveston Bay, Texas Image of map number 07686 is not available.
1994 07688 Galveston Bay entrance, Galveston and Texas City Harbors Image of map number 07688 is not available.
post 1904 00088 Map of Galveston Bay Area and Waterfront Image of map number 00088 is not available.