Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 3 records were found for: ore mines

Date Map Number Title Image
1778 02787 Mapa desde Veracruz a los Presidios del Norte, y de estos a Chiguagua levantado de orden del s or. Comandte. Gen. Cavro. DeCroix por el Capitn. e' Yngo. Ordin. Dn. Carlos Duparquet desde principio de Agosto de 1777 hasta catorce de Marzo de 1788 Image of map number 02787 is not available.
1836 01598 Map of Texas Containing the Latest Grants and Discoveries view Image for map number 01598
1825 00420 A Map of the United States of Mexico, as Organized and defined by the Several Acts of the Congress of that Republic Image of map number 00420 is not available.