Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 46 records were found for: provinces

Date Map Number Title Image
1821 02798 Map of the Internal Provinces from Somarete to New Orleans to the Oregon Country Image of map number 02798 is not available.
1805 c. 01456 Mexico Image of map number 01456 is not available.
1736 02783 Province of Nuevo Santander with parts of Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, and Texas Image of map number 02783 is not available.
1733 01522 A Map of British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto Image of map number 01522 is not available.
1721 00362 A Map of Louisiana and of the River Mississippi view Image for map number 00362
1717 00446 A Map of Mexico or New Spain, Florida, now called Louisiana, and part of California and etc. Image of map number 00446 is not available.
1782 02069 A Map of Mexico, or New Spain, from the latest authorities Image of map number 02069 is not available.
1733 07041 A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto Image of map number 07041 is not available.
1733 06280 A Map of the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto view Image for map number 06280
1777 01460 A New and Accurate Map of North America Image of map number 01460 is not available.
1807 c. 01454 A Sketch of the Vice Royalty Exhibiting the several Provinces and its Aproximation to the Internal Provinces of New Spain Image of map number 01454 is not available.
1750 01439 Amerique Septentrionale, dressee sur les Relations les plus modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs et divisee suivant les differentes possessions des Europeans Image of map number 01439 is not available.
1650 07075 Ameriqve Septentrional Image of map number 07075 is not available.
1720 c. 00401 Amplissimae Regionis Mississipi Seu Provinciae Ludoviciane view Image for map number 00401
1804-1812 07040 Atlas Geographique Et Physique du Royaume de La Nouvelle-Espagne, Fond'e Sur Des Observations Astronomiques Des Mesures Trigonom'etriques Et Des Nivellemens Barom'etriques Image of map number 07040 is not available.
1657 c. 02038 Audience de Guadalajara, Nouveau Mexique, Californie, & c. Image of map number 02038 is not available.
1750-1760 c 00048 Carta Geografica del Messico o sia Della Nueva Spagna Image of map number 00048 is not available.
1777 c. 02780 Carta o' mapa geografico de una gran parte del Reino de Nueva Espana, comprendido entre los 19 y 42 grados de Latitud Septentrional y entre 249 y 289 grados de Longitude del meridano de Tenerife, … Image of map number 02780 is not available.
1705-1720 01067 Carte contenant de Royaume de Mexique et la Floride, dresfez fur les Meilleures obfervations et fur les Meimorres les plas Nouveaux Image of map number 01067 is not available.
1719 07073 Carte de la Nouvelle France ... Image of map number 07073 is not available.
1750-1760 c 00045 Carte de Mexique ou de la Nouvelle Espagne view Image for map number 00045
1703 01489 Carte du Mexique et de Floride des Terres Angloises et des Antilles du Cours et des Environs de la Riviere de Misfisfipi Image of map number 01489 is not available.
1853 00105 Colton's Map of the United States of America, the British Provinces, of Mexico and the West Indies Image of map number 00105 is not available.
1700 01464 Hispania Nova Image of map number 01464 is not available.
1780 06525 Le Nouveau Mexique Avec la Partie Seplentrionale de l'Ancien, ou de la Nouvelle Espange Image of map number 06525 is not available.