Texas State Archives Map Collection
A total of 2 records were found for: routes pursuing
Date | Map Number | Title | Image |
1784 | 02794 | Plan de la Tierra que se andubo, y descubrio en la Campana, que hizo contra los Cumanchis, el Lhte Colonel Dn. Juan Bautista de Anssa, Governador y Comandte. propietario de esta Provincia del o Nuevo Mexico, y la Victoria… | Image of map number 02794 is not available. |
1849 | 01528 | Map of the Route Pursued in 1849 by the United States Troops, under the Command of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John M. Washington, Governor of New Mexico, in an Expedition Against the Navajos Indians | Image of map number 01528 is not available. |