Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 51 records were found for: routes of expedition

Date Map Number Title Image
1690 01989 Viage que el ano 1690 hize el Gobernador Alonso de Leon des de Cuahuila hasta de Carolina, Provincia habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 01989 is not available.
1908 00931 United States, Showing Routes of Principal Explorers and Early Roads and Highways Image of map number 00931 is not available.
1871-1875 01539 Trails made and Routes used by the Fourth U.S. Calvary under command of General R.S. MacKenzie in its operations against hostile Indians in Texas, Indian Territory (now Oklahoma, New Mexico and Old Mexico, during the period of 1871-2-3-4 and 5 Image of map number 01539 is not available.
1818 00376 Tracing from Melish Map with Kansas and the Panhandle of Texas plotted thereon. Showing the disputed territory. view Image for map number 00376
1850 07077 Topographical Map of the Road from Fort Smith, Arks. to Santa Fe, N.M. and from Dona Ana N.M. to Fort Smith Image of map number 07077 is not available.
1940 01649 The Southwestern United States Image of map number 01649 is not available.
1807 01436 The First Part of Captn. Pike's Chart of the Internal Part of Louisiana view Image for map number 01436
1775 07038 The American Atlas: or A Geographical Description of the Whole Continent of America. Wherein are Delineated at Large, Its Several Regions, Countries, States, and Islands; and Chiefly, the British Colonies Image of map number 07038 is not available.
1856 01446 Texas, Part of New Mexico, & c. view Image for map number 01446
1844 00075 Texas and part of Mexico and the United States Showing the Route of the First Santa Fe Expedition view Image for map number 00075
1854 c. 03942 Texas Image of map number 03942 is not available.
1540-1900 c 07589 Series title: Hoffman and Walker's Focusing on the Past Image of map number 07589 is not available.
1687 00070 Planta de la Costa de la Florida la mas occidental des de 27 grad; de latitud norte hasta 29 gradios Image of map number 00070 is not available.
1855 c. 00430 Nord America zur Ubersicht der Enteckung Eroberug und Colonisation Image of map number 00430 is not available.
1883 01591 Military Map of the Rio Grande Frontier view Image for map number 01591
1777 02785 Mapa Formado sobre el Diaxio del Viase que hizo el P.F. Fran Garces al Rio Colorado, Sr. Gabriel y Moqui en 1777 Image of map number 02785 is not available.
1690 02759 Mapa del Viaxe que el ano 1690 hizo el Gobernador Alonso de Leon desde Coahuila hasta la Carolina, Provincia, habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 02759 is not available.
1690 00070a Mapa del Viaxe que el ano 1690 hize el Gobernador Alonso de Leon des de Cuahuila hasta de Carolina, Provincia, habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 00070a is not available.
1777 02786 Mapa del Viage que Hizo el P.F. Pedro Pont a Monterey, y puerto de San Francisco y del viage que hizo el P.F. Francisco Garces por El Rio Colorado hasta su desemobque, y para arriba hasta el moqui Image of map number 02786 is not available.
1792 c. 01525a Mapa de la Sierra Gorde y Coasta de el Seno Mexico, des de la cuidad de Queretario... que esta la Bahia de el Espiritu Santo … Image of map number 01525a is not available.
1747 02776 Mapa de la Sierra Gorda y Costa del Seno Mexicano desde la Cuidad de Queretaro, que se halla situada cerca de los veinte y un grados hasta los veinte y ocho y medio en que esta' la Bahia de el Espiritu Santu… Image of map number 02776 is not available.
1840-1849 06400 Map Showing the Routes Across the Texas Panhandle of Josiah Gregg in 1840 and Captain R.B. Marcy in 1849 Image of map number 06400 is not available.
1847 01483 Map Showing Colonel A.W. Doniphan's Route through the States of New Mexico, Chihuahua and Coahuila includes Texas view Image for map number 01483
1835 01499 Map of the United States of America with Its Territories and Districts, Including also a part of Upper and Lower Canada and Mexico view Image for map number 01499
1880 c. 07592 Map of the Lands Owned by the New York and Texas Land Company Limited in Northwest Texas Image of map number 07592 is not available.