Texas State Archives Map Collection

A total of 23 records were found for: ship routes

Date Map Number Title Image
1690 00070a Mapa del Viaxe que el ano 1690 hize el Gobernador Alonso de Leon des de Cuahuila hasta de Carolina, Provincia, habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 00070a is not available.
1690 01989 Viage que el ano 1690 hize el Gobernador Alonso de Leon des de Cuahuila hasta de Carolina, Provincia habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 01989 is not available.
1690 02759 Mapa del Viaxe que el ano 1690 hizo el Gobernador Alonso de Leon desde Coahuila hasta la Carolina, Provincia, habilitada de Texas y otras Naciones al Nordeste de la Nueva Espana Image of map number 02759 is not available.
1703 01009 Archipelague du Mexique ou sont les Isles de Cuba, Espagnola, Iamaique, & c. ... Image of map number 01009 is not available.
1725 00385 Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispanie Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginae, et Pennsylvaniae, nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Image of map number 00385 is not available.
1725 c. 00442 Mappa geographica regionem Mexicanam et Floridam, Terrasque adjacentes ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas, Curfus itidem et Reditus Navigantuim verfus flumen Missisipi et alias Colonies ob oculos ponens cura et fumptibus view Image for map number 00442
1851 02121 New Map of the Portion of North America, Exhibiting the United States and Territories, the Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Mexico, also Central America and the West India Islands Image of map number 02121 is not available.
1870 01517 The American Republic and Rail-Road Map of the United States, British Provinces, West Indies, Mexico, and Central America Image of map number 01517 is not available.
1880 c. 00936 Nuevo Mapa de Mexico Mostrando los pueblos y Villas, Rutas de Vapores, los Caminos y Ferrocarriles & c. los ultimos trazados Image of map number 00936 is not available.
1885 01017 Special Map of the Great Southwest, for Burke's Texas Almanac, 1885 view Image for map number 01017
1894 02109 Correct Map of the Railway and Steamship Lines operated by the Southern Pacific Company view Image for map number 02109
1908 c. 07086 Sectional Map of Texas, Traversed by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines and Connections Image of map number 07086 is not available.
1909 c. 02099 The M K and T Sectional Map of Texas Traversed by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines view Image for map number 02099
1913 c. 02100 The M K and T Sectional Map of Texas Traversed by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines Image of map number 02100 is not available.
1917 c. 06255 The Rand McNally New Commercial Atlas of Texas Image of map number 06255 is not available.
1918 07052 Rand McNally & Co.'s Commercial Atlas of America Image of map number 07052 is not available.
1923 c. 01987 Rand McNally Standard Map of Texas view Image for map number 01987
1924 c. 07067 Clason's Guide Map of Texas and Northern Mexico view Image for map number 07067
1938 06297 Southern Pacific Lines and Connections Image of map number 06297 is not available.
1939 04523 The World on Mercator Projection Image of map number 04523 is not available.
1947 02310a World Map Image of map number 02310a is not available.
1961 05073 General Highway Map, Calhoun County, Texas view Image for map number 05073
mid 1700s 01475 Pafcaert van West Indien ende Caribise Eylanden Image of map number 01475 is not available.