Records Appraisal Report:
Capitol Committee, Inc.

Contents of this report
Agency Contact | Agency History | Project Review | Record Series Review

Internal links to series reviews
Financial records

October 31, 1996, Laura K. Saegert, Appraisal Archivist

Agency contact

This agency contact information was current at the time of the report but may have changed in the interim. Please call (512-463-5455) for current contact information of the agency's records manager or records liaison for these records.

Danielle Bourdeau
State Preservation Board
Stephen F. Austin Bldg., Suite 1029
Austin, TX 78711

Agency history and structure

The Capitol Committee, Inc., was a non-profit group formed in 1985 by the State Preservation Board to function as a fundraising mechanism for projects undertaken by the Board. The committee consisted of numerous individuals in the private sector, with the current and past governors and their wives, the lieutenant governor and his wife, and the speaker of the house and his wife as honorary members of the committee. George Bristol served as the Executive Director. Funds were raised for the restoration, preservation and maintenance of the state Capitol, the old General Land Office, and the surrounding grounds. The committee was dissolved 1988, with fundraising activities assumed by the State Preservation Board.

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Project review

These records were in an accession received from the State Preservation Board. The committee's records were maintained in the Board offices as the funds raised went toward the Capitol restoration and other Board projects. Although closely intertwined with Board activities, especially with the Architect of the Capitol, these are not the records of the Board, but rather of the Capitol Committee.

I have reviewed the history and functions of the committee from reports and other materials found within the records of the committee and the records of the Preservation Board. The committee does not have a retention schedule.

Archives Holdings

Financial records, 1985-1988, 0.5 cubic feet.

Financial records of the Capitol Committee, including balance sheets, copies of checks issued, invoices, requests to encumber, requests for funds transfers, memos re: cost of projects, and correspondence with contractors and companies. Dates covered are 1985-1988. These records document funds received, funds transferred, deposited. The funds were used for the restoration/construction of various phases of the Capitol restoration, including the Goddess of Liberty, the Great Walk, the rose garden, and the Capitol gift shop. Money was raised by the committee, then transferred to the State Preservation Board for use on these projects.

Previous Destructions

No destruction requests have been filed by this Committee.

Project outcome

The appraisal of the committee's records is complete. This series has been appraised to be non-archival. A destruction request for the records on file in the Archives and Information Services Division will be submitted following approval of this decision.

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Record Series Reviews

Records Series Review
Series Title:
Financial records

Agency: Capitol Committee, Inc.

Obsolete record series? Yes

Replaced by: None

Ongoing record series? No

Agency holdings: None

Archival holdings:

Financial records of the Capitol Committee, including balance sheets, copies of checks issued, invoices, requests to encumber funds, requests for funds transfers, memos re: cost of projects, and correspondence with contractors and companies. Dates covered are 1985-1988. These records document funds received, funds transferred, and deposited. The funds were used for the restoration/construction of various phases of the Capitol restoration, including the Goddess of Liberty, the Great Walk, the rose garden, and the Capitol gift shop. Money was raised by the committee, then transferred to the State Preservation Board for use on these projects.

These records comprise 0.5 cubic feet.


See archival holdings.


Documents the funds raised by the Committee and transferred to the State Preservation Board.

Agency program:

The Capitol Committee, Inc., was a non-profit group formed in 1985 by the State Preservation Board to function as a fundraising mechanism for projects undertaken by the Board. The committee consisted of numerous individuals in the private sector, with the current and past governors and their wives, the lieutenant and his wife, and the speaker of the house and his wife as honorary members of the committee. George Bristol served as the Executive Director. Funds were raised for the restoration, preservation and maintenance of the state Capitol, the old General Land Office, and the surrounding grounds. The committee was dissolved in 1988, with fundraising activities assumed by the State Preservation Board.

Arrangement: By type of material, then project.

Access constraints: None

Use constraints: None

Indexes or finding aids required for/or an aid to access? No

Gaps: None

Problems: None

Known related records in other agencies:

Some coverage of the activities of this committee can be found at the State Preservation Board, Fundraising series.

Previous destructions:

Destruction requests on file in the Archives and Information Services Division of the Library and Archives Commission were checked for the Capitol Committee and none were found for this series or for equivalent or related series.

Publications based on records: None

Appraisal decision:

These files document the funds raised by this committee and transferred to the State Preservation Board for their various restoration projects. While this was an important activity concerning the Capitol restoration, financial records are not normally permanent records. Summaries of funds raised by the committee and narrative documentation of the functioning of the committee can be found in the minutes of the Board. The relationship of the committee with the Board is also discussed in a management audit of the Board by Terrell Blodgett in 1989. The working papers used in the audit can be found at the Archives and Information Services Division in the collection, Terrell Blodgett papers, State Preservation Board series, 1917, 1983-1989. This report is published and available in the Texas State Publications Depository Program (Blodgett, Terrell. Management review of the Texas State Preservation Board and the Office of the Architect: a report. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, 1988).

Sufficient documentation of the committee's functions can be found in archival records described above, so these financial records have been appraised to be non-archival. A destruction request for the records on file in the Archives and Information Services Division will be submitted following approval of this decision.

Page last modified: August 31, 2011