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Sam Houston to Isaac Van Zandt, January 29, 1844

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Sam Houston to Isaac Van Zandt, January 1844

have been so. When an individual is overwhelmed by

misfortune, and that misfortune is lightened or releived [sic],

the beneficiary always feels grateful for the benefits conferred,

and in the event of a recurrence, would naturally look

to the same source for a renewal of favor. Thus must it

be with nations and it will require no argument to convince

the U.S. that in submitting the first proposition for a treaty

of alliance with them, the authorities of Texas are far from

pretermitting any just claims which they may have to the

confidence of Texas as a nation—but the reverse. It is true that

our eyes were directed to the U.S. not only as a people but as

a Government to which Texas was most willing to feel her-

self obligated. If we did not realize all our expectations, we

were far from concluding that anything left unaccomplished

by her arose from hostility to Texas on her part; and for that,

among other reasons, we propose an alliance as an earnest, of

the confidence we are still willing to place upon them and their


You can I presume, very readily ascertain on presenting the subject

to the consideration of that Govt in what light such a subject

would be regarded. If they are really anxious for the maintenance

of the institution of slavery in this country, and dread the inter-

ference of other powers upon that subject, it could be made a

stipulation antecedent to others, in the treaty of alliance contemplated,

and at once quiet the noise and apprehension existing in the U.S.

on that subject. I perceive that it has been one of great

excitement in the U.S. if I were to judge from the newspapers

and the calumnies against myself to which it has given rise.

I discover that many U.S. journals have become the vehicles of

the coarsest abuse of me both personally and politically, and

I was much gratified to see that a writer over the signature of

“Amistad” had written a piece both creditable to his head

and his heart, and I have no doubt a complete refutation

with all reasonable men who were disposed to regard things

without jaundiced vision.

I hope you will find it convenient to write

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Sam Houston to Isaac Van Zandt, January 29, 1844. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #3305, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: April 5, 2011