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Legal Paperwork for Shipley, September 1860
Page 2
The State of Texas
County of Uvalde Personally appeared before
me R.W. Black Chief Justice of Uvalde
County, Alexander Oswald and Isidro Martines
who upon oath say that John Lerens did
on the 15th day of September A.D. 1860 cross from
the other side of the Rio Grande a certain Negro
slave of the following description to wit a
mulatto about 30 years old[,] about 5 ft. 6 in[.] high[,]
weight about 145 lbs[,] called himself Shipley[.]
Alexander Oswald
Isidro Martines
Sworn and subscr[i]bed this the
19th day of September A.D. 1860. To
certify which I hereu[n]to set my
hand seal of office in the Town
of Uvalde [?] this the 19th day of Sep-
tember A.D. 1860
RW Black
Chief Justice
Uvalde County
Legal Paperwork for Shipley, September 1860. Adjutant General Ranger Records.