The Civil War in Texas: An Exhibit from the Texas State Library and Archives

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Sidney Sherman to Governor Edward Clark, May 22, 1861

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Sidney Sherman to Edward Clark, May 1861

Galveston, May 22nd 1861

His Excellency Edward Clark
Governor of the State of Texas


This point is plainly
the most exposed to an attack by the enemy, of
any in Texas. The defenses are imperfect al-
though we have been actively employed in trying
to improve them[.] Our funds are nearly exhaus-
ted and without aid from the State and ulti
mately from the Confederacy I apprehend it will
be quite impossible to put Galveston in a safe

The Advisory Committee have
suggested and I fully concur with them the propriety
of raising and enrolling for the war, unless from
discharged, One Hundred troops to be drilled and
serve as Artillery Men at our newly erected Fort.

We are now depending entirely on Volunteers
—citizens of the town who are inspired by a com-
mendable zeal but who feel it convenient and
desirable to be at home at night. The Committee
will provide for the support of the proposed Artil-
lery Corps for one month but hope and expect
that Your Excellency will assume the responsibility
of their pay and sustenance looking to the Con-
federate Government for ultimate remuneration[.]

Our City and County have al-
ready contributed the sum of Five Thousand

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Sidney Sherman to Governor Edward Clark, May 22, 1861. Records of Governor Edward Clark.

Page last modified: February 18, 2016