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The Civil War in Texas: An Exhibit from the Texas State Library and Archives

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Affidavit on women taking cotton in Lavaca County, October 25, 1864

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Affidavit on the taking of cotton by women, October 1864

The State of Texas Know all men to whom
County of Lavaca these presents may come
that we Thomas Carpenter and
Thomas Hogan both citizens of said county
living in the vicinity of Sub Depot No 3 Depository
for Tex in kind Rept by DC Tate Sub Agent.
Having been called upon by GA Hester agent
Sec No 13 2nd Comp Dist Texas, to investigate
the illegal taking of the Tithe cotton from said
Depot by certain Females: Make this report
That upon investigation we find that during
the month of October 1864 the following named
persons took cotton from the Depot in the
absence of the Depot agent DC Tate as follows

Mrs Beverly got 47 forty seven pounds cotton

Charity Carpenter got 31 Thirty one pounds “

Mrs Mitchel “ 25 Twenty five pounds “

Mrs Turner “ 40 Forty pounds “

Sarah Johnson “ 48 Forty eight pounds “

Miss Mariah Hogan “ 5 five pounds “

Mrs Nancy Coons “ 25 Twenty five pounds “

Mrs Brown “ 40 Forty pounds “

Mrs Andrews “ 40 Forty pounds “

Mrs Huffman “ 14 Fourteen pounds “

Mrs Nelson “ 5 five pounds “

Mrs Dewitt “ 50 Fifty pounds “

in all amounting to (370) Three Hundred and Seventy
pounds of cotton taken by the above named persons
from the Depot aforesaid.

Thomas Carpenter
Thomas Hogan

Sworn to & Subscribed [?] before me H Holtzclaw clerk of
the County Court Lavaca County State aforesaid
In testimony whereof I have this day set
My Hand and official Seal at Hallettsville
This 25th Octr 1864

Henry Holtzclaw [,] clk [clerk]
[County Court Lavaca County]

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Affidavit on women taking cotton in Lavaca County, October 25, 1864. Records of the Adjutant General, General Correspondence.

Page last modified: February 19, 2016