George Fisher to Sam Houston, April 22, 1842 - Page 1
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George Fisher (1795-1873)
Prints and Photographs Collection,
Texas State Library and Archives Commission. #1/102-718.
George Fisher was born Djordje Ribar in Hungary to Serbian parents. He emigrated to America in 1814, and after a series of adventures ended up in Mexico, where he became a citizen in 1829. As an administrator for the Mexican government, his life was threatened during the Anahuac Disturbances.
After the Texas Revolution, Fisher went into business in Houston. This letter places him in Yucatán as an observer in 1842. In later years, he served in a number of civic posts in both Texas and California and as American consul to Greece.
Merida de Yucatan 22 Apl 1842
Genl Sam Houston.
With respectful reference
to my last of 17th inst with “Boliver [?] Comercial [sic]" up to No
67 and “El Siglo XIX” up to No 141 I have now again
the honor to address you upon the events which have since
occurred and for particulars of which reference is made
to the accompanying papers viz “Com Bol. No 68&
“El Siglo XIX up to No 143.
Since my last, Congress has been instated
and the Governers [sic] Speech to both houses, and the answer
of the Speaker of the House of Repr are given at full
lenght [sic] in the “Siglo No 143” with Editorial Remarks
which are the Sentiments of the Executive spoken by the
Editor, through the medium of the State-Press—but in
toto coinciding with popular opinion. The
Siglo No 142 inserts an Editorial paragraph from
the “ESpiritu del Siglo” (a paper published at Cam-
peche) which conveys clearly the Sentiments of that
Community—from which, and some other conversation
I have [had] to day with the Governor and the Secy of War
and Navy, and the State to whom I had the honor to
present Mr. Lothrop, the Gallant Commander of the
Texas Brig of War Wharton, I am clearly of opinion
that there is no other Alternative left to these people
here than to strike for the Independence, which
would have been done here last fall, if the Executive
had not to[o] much relyed [sic] on the good faith of Santa
Anna that in only to regenerate Mexico he would
approve the Yucatan Treaty made with Quintana
Roo the Mexican Commissioner but since that docu-
ment was spurned at by Santa Anna and since Senor
Roo, incurring into Santa Annas displeasure for having
acceded to such Treaty, in self vindication came out
with a false representation of the state of things in Yuca-
tan[,] and heaping calumny upon the leading men of Yucatan
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George Fisher to Sam Houston, April 22, 1842. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #2400, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.