The deep interest I have felt for some
time in the question of annexation induces me to
address you this letter. I of course have not one word
to suggest on the propriety of policy of such a union
of the two countries—not one, for every reason for & against
it must have passed too often in review in your
own mind[.] But I take it for granted that some
information as to whether such a proposition would
be likely to be successful in this country would not
be unacceptable to you. Many here perhaps of both
parties apprehend that Mr. Tyler has only gotten
up this subject for the purpose of making some capital
for himself out of it. In that light they speak but
slightly of it—but add if there was any real likeli-
hood of such an event, they should be decidedly
for it. If the subject was presented in any precise
form, in that of a Treaty for instance, I think I can
lay my finger on forty senators who would vote
for it whilst you know 35 would be sufficient.
Genl Jackson has done much to rouse this adminis-
tration up to make the proposition. He more than any
any man is the basis of whatever has been
proposed to your government. I shall send you
one of his letters to me a year since, which I know
Aaron V. Brown to Sam Houston, January 17, 1844. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #3279, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.