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Triumph and Tragedy: Presidents of the Republic of Texas

Mary Ann Moreland to Mirabeau Lamar, May 30, 1836

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Mary Ann Moreland to Mirabeau Lamar, May 1836

home, and remain amid scenes of danger and
hardships no longer, and if I thought any persua-
sions could induce you to leave Texas for home I
would write till tomorrow morning urging them upon you,
instead of closing soon as I expect to do, but I
have no faith to believe that you would heed
persuasions on this subject, and therefore will not
trouble you to read them[.] But I sincerely pray
that you may be impelled by your feelings to
return the first oportunity [sic]. We received a letter
from Mr Curry sometime since, the sole object of which
was to  inquire after you as he had not heard
from you (he said) since last summer, and was quite
anxious about “your probable fate[.]” I think if you
have an oportunity [sic] you ought to write to him. But
the Columbus and Milledgeville papers have doubtless
releived [sic] his fears quite satisfactorily ere this.

            All send their love to you and Rebecca Ann
says you may look for a letter from her the next
oportunity [sic] that offers for sending one.

Your affectionate Sister,
Mary Ann Moreland

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Mary Ann Moreland to Mirabeau Lamar, May 30, 1836. Mirabeau B. Lamar Papers #3012, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


Page last modified: August 10, 2011