Publications and Resources for Librarians
Library Development | Library Technology | Youth Services | K-12 Programs
Library Development
- Texas Public Libraries: Economic Benefits and Return on Investment, December 2012 - This report examines economic benefits attributable to Texas public libraries and documents those activities which contribute to economic activities throughout all regions of Texas. Page includes links to PDF of full document and links to individual chapters.
- CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries - an easy method for weeding small to medium sized public and school library collections.
- Joint Use School/Public Libraries in Texas: Building 21st Century Libraries- Report on joint use school/public libraries in Texas conducted by Mary Lankford in 2006, and Handbook for Planning Joint Use School/Public Libraries.
- Library Services and Technology Act Five-Year Plan - The Library Services and Technology Act provides a significant level of funding for Texas. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission currently receives approximately $12 million annually. Through the Grants to States program, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) provides funds to State Library Administrative Agencies using a population-based formula. Each state must submit a five-year plan to IMLS for approval to receive these funds. Comments are needed from the Texas library community about a proposed framework for the plan.
- Library Laws of Texas - an online compilation of Texas statutes relating to libraries and librarians current through the 83rd Legislature, Third Called Session, 2013.
- County Librarian Certification
**On May 25, 2007, Governor Rick Perry signed into law S.B. 913, the sunset legislation that reestablishes the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for twelve years, through 2019. One of the key provisions of S.B. 913 eliminates the agency's certification of county librarians. The State Library no longer has the authority to certify county librarians and we are no longer issuing certificates.
- Library Science Collection - the "Librarian's Library". Borrow library science related materials or ask library-related questions.
- Public Library Building Consultants - list of librarians or consultants in Texas with experience in public library building and space planning.
- Texas Academic Library Statistics - Statistics for four-year public institutions, four-year private institutions, two-year institutions, and medical/law institutions.
- The Texas Public Library Development Study - Developing Texas Public Libraries for the 21st century. The Himmel and Wilson study completed in 2003; see also the work of the two joint TSLAC/TLA taskforces that followed the study.
- Texas Public Library Standards - The TLA Public Library Standards review was completed by the task force in the spring of 2014. The TLA Public Library Standards were adopted by the Texas Library Association Council on July 11, 2014.
- Tool Box - Improving Operational Effectiveness for Texas Library Systems and Consortia
Library Technology
- HB2128 - Information regarding telecommunications discounts for libraries.
Youth Services
- Digame un Cuento/Tell Me a Story: Bilingual Library Programs for Children and Families - compilation of the Bilingual Programs Chapters from To the Library and Beyond! 2001 Texas Reading Club Manual and Read Across Texas! 2002 Texas Reading Club Manual.
- El día de los niños / El día de los libros - A celebration of childhood and bilingual literacy: activities, bookmarks, lists of resources, and original audio files of popular childrens' songs in Spanish.
- Public Library - Head Start Partnerships for Early Childhood Education and Family Literacy - Collaborations between public libraries, Head Start agencies, and child care centers, support rich early childhood learning experiences and promote family literacy.
- Texas Summer Reading Program - Information about the reading club, the artwork, and promotion activities; with an audio file of the TRC theme song and links to other web resources.