Tool Box - Practical resources for developing library systems
and consortia

Compiled by Lee+ Associates
Alexis De Sela, COO
Marion T. Lee, CEO, CFRE

October 2018

The Tool Box is the culmination of an Organizational Assessment project for the four library systems, supported by the Friends of Libraries & Archives of Texas through a grant from the Stillwater Foundation. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission engaged Lee+ Associates to perform Organizational Assessments for each library system to assess their current level of operational health and provide specific recommendations for improvement. This Tool Box was designed to assist member libraries in each system with continued self-evaluation and learning towards improving operational effectiveness.


Each Tool Box section has specific topics with corresponding resources. Resources will be online (a link is included) or a document(s), which will be included in the Appendix. The column to the far right will denote a level, which indicates the recommended resource based on the library’s Organizational Lifecycle Score. A quick guide to determine your library’s score is included in the Tool Box.

The nine main sections are:

  1. Governance
  2. Human Capital Management
  3. Technology
  4. Marketing and Communications
  5. Data Collection, Management, Analytics
  6. Budgeting and Finance
  7. Administrative Systems
  8. Fundraising
  9. Makers Spaces

Download the Tool Box in its entirety:

 Or download a section at a time:

Page last modified: January 14, 2019