Belle Sherman Kendall to McArdle, August 2, 1887
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Father returned to Kentucky
after the Battle of San Jacin-
to and remained there I
believe about a year before
returning to Texas[.] [B]oth he
and my Mother sat for
their portraits-to [by] this young
Artist then in Louisville
or Cinncinnatti [sic] or Covington. I
am not sure which but
think it was Louisville.
On a subsequent visit to
Ky he went to claim his
portrait and learned
that the Artist had died
or moved away and
that a few unfinished
portraits with other of his
effects were stored in a
certain attic. After consider-
able searching he entered a
little store and enquired
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Belle Sherman Kendall to McArdle, August 2, 1887, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.