Rebekah Manley

Coordinator, Texas Center for the Book

Texas Center for the Book Celebrates Children and Diversity in Literature

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 • Austin, Texas • News Release

This April, Texans celebrate 21 years of Día de los Niño’s, Día de los Libros (Children’s Day, Book Day): a celebration of children, culture and literature. Texas Center for the Book coined the term Lone Star Día for Texas and encouraged statewide participation. Nationally, libraries, schools, churches and organizations are encouraged to discover “bookjoy” year-round and most events occur around Día’s birthday on April 30th.

Pat Mora, a native Texan, founded Día de los Niño’s, Día de los Libros (Children’s Day, Book Day) in 1996 which is celebrated nationally as Día – Diversity in Action - which seeks to link all children to books, languages, and cultures, and to make reading an integral part of children’s lives. Mora chose the Mexican observance of Día de los Niño’s (Children’s Day), April 30, since promoting literacy went hand in hand with supporting the well being of children.

A national registry displaying the state events is available at and Texans can find events near them such as story times, family celebrations and cultural meals. This page includes a Free Program Downloads page to download booklists, event posters and sample activities. All libraries, schools and organizations are invited to participate. The website aims to provide easy materials to make events manageable. All are encouraged to register their event to the National Día Program Registry to attract more participants!

One of 50 state centers affiliated with the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, the Texas Center for the Book is a nonprofit organization under the direction of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission and is guided by library professionals, educators, authors, publishers and booksellers who provide support to our shared mission of promoting a love of literature to the more than 26 million residents in the Lone Star State. For more information contact Rebekah Manley at 512-936-2505 or visit
