Alana Inman
Manager, Sam Houston Center
Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center Museum Space Closed for Remodeling
Wednesday, May 17, 2017 • Liberty, TX • News Release
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission has started renovation of the 1,900 square foot museum exhibit space at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center. Staff from the Center must carefully transport delicate historical artifacts and remove exhibit cases in preparation for the extensive remodeling project. All artifacts will be removed by Thursday, May 25, 2017, and the museum will remain closed until fall 2017. The research library and historic buildings will remain open to the public throughout the museum renovation.
“We are excited to begin the renovation process and to install a new exhibit on the historic Atascosito District in order to provide an interactive historical experience for the people of Southeast Texas,” stated Alana Inman, Center manager. “Artifacts currently on display will be inventoried and placed into secure storage in our archival facilities to ensure their safety throughout the course of construction.”
The Center serves as the official regional historical resource depository for the ten counties of Chambers, Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Newton, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, and Tyler. The Center's primary mission is to collect, preserve, and provide access to historically significant state and local government records and publications of the designated region, and to secondarily to serve as a library of Texana and genealogical resources for the region.
The Center’s holdings include over 12,000 cubic feet of historical materials related to Southeast Texas, comprised of local government records, manuscripts, fine art prints and photographs, blueprints and maps, newspapers, books and journals, three-dimensional artifacts, and audio-visual materials and microfilm. The Center is also responsible for five historic buildings, ranging in date from 1848 to circa 1930, and the Jean and Price Daniel Home and Archives, constructed in 1983.
For more information, please call (936) 336-8821 or email