The Texas Historical Records Advisory Board (THRAB) invites participants to develop an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for their archival repositories with a free webinar series launching May 20. Over the course of five weeks, professional consultant Rebecca Elder of Elder Cultural Heritage Preservation will guide participants through the step-by-step process of creating an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for their archival repositories. Each 90-minute webinar will focus on components of building a plan, with the final installment an opportunity to assess draft plans and review potential implementation concerns. The topics are as follows:
Week 1: Emergency Planning Basics and the Emergency Team
Week 2: Risk Assessment and Choosing a Plan Template
Week 3: Contact Lists and Salvage Priorities
Week 4: Procedures, Supplies and Implementation
Week 5: How Did It Go?
Registration is for the series. Please note that week two covers risk assessment, which would typically require access to the repository. Those not able to make on-site visits because of COVID -19 may need to address the more specific details of this module at a later date. Register here:
Support for this project provided by the National Historic Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), the funding arm of the National Archives.
Question: The article said that when tapes are too far gone for baking to help them, more extreme measures are needed. What are those measures?
Please give me contact info for Steven Kantner. I would like to ask him some questions about 8mm video tapes I am trying to recover. Please email me that information at:
Thank you very much.
We referred your query to Steven Kantner.