The Texas Library Association (TLA) and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) created a joint task force in the Spring of 2013 to review the TLA Public Library Standards and the TSLAC Minimum Criteria for Accreditation. Two groups were formed. One of those reviewed the Minimum Criteria and one reviewed the TLA Standards.
The TLA Public Library Standards review was completed by the task force in the spring of 2014. The TLA Public Library Standards were adopted by the Texas Library Association Council on July 11, 2014.
The purpose of these standards is to promote quality library service to all Texans, to raise the expectations of library clientele, and to provide an authoritative document by which library quality may be measured.
TLA Public Library Standards (Word format)
TLA Public Library Standards (PDF format)
They are not the Minimum Criteria for Accreditation.
The Accreditation Rules are found here: Minimum Standards for Accreditation in the State Library System