On the Road: Lubbock

Lubbock County jury selection facility

On 19 May, Erinn Barefield and Bret Adams traveled to Lubbock to conduct a regional two-day Records Management Basics course.  An attentive group of 50 local government officials and employees from across the region spent two days learning about compliance, active and continuing program requirements, improving filing systems, managing electronic records, forms management, and disaster planning for government records.

Barbara Sucsy, Lubbock County District Clerk, and Mande Reeves, Office Administrator for the Lubbock County Commissioners Court, were wonderful hosts and helped ensure the room and audiovisual equipment were set up and in place as required. They were also kind enough to have beautiful weather for the entire visit.  Attendees were inquisitive, responsive, and receptive, asking many good questions and sharing useful examples and lessons learned. While in town, Bret learned the story behind the direction the horse and rider on the Texas Tech campus are facing.  He also got an up close and personal look at one of Buddy Holly’s guitars.

For those of you who could not attend this event, you may refer to our website for valuable reference materials, our list-servs (Local: http://lists.tsl.texas.gov/mailman/listinfo/tx-rml; State: http://lists.tsl.texas.gov/mailman/listinfo/tx-rms), our online classes, and our future webinars.

Analysts are available to provide training in regions across Texas for groups of 50 or more. If you would like to host a regional training event in your area, please contact us at (512) 421-7200 or slrminfo@tsl.texas.gov. Be sure to visit our website for a list of upcoming training.

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