Local Schedules GR, EL, HR, PW, TX, UT Released

The following local government records retention schedules went into effect on April 3, 2011. To download the new schedules as PDF documents, click on the links below. To download the schedules as Microsoft Word documents, see Local Retention Schedules.

How do the changes affect our records management program?

It depends on the way your government has chosen to meet the records scheduling requirement of the Local Government Records Act.

  • If your government has met this requirement through the SLR 508 (Declaration of Compliance with the Records Scheduling Requirement of the Local Government Records Act), the changes will automatically go into effect for your government with no further action needed.
  • If your government has met the requirement through the submission of a Records Control Schedule, your RMO may submit an SLR 508 to adopt the new schedules. Alternatively, your RMO may submit an amended records control schedule with all changes incorporated, using the SLR 500 and SLR 540 forms; or an amendment that lists all the items that will be changing, using the SLR 520 and SLR 540 forms. All forms may be downloaded here.

Is compliance with the new schedules mandatory?

Yes. See Section 203.041(d), Local Government Code:

The records management officer shall review the records control schedules of the local government or elective county office and prepare amendments to the schedules as needed to reflect new records created or received by the government or office or revisions to retention periods established in a records retention schedule issued by the commission. Amendments to records control schedules shall be filed with the director and librarian in the same manner as the original schedules.

Section 203.041(c) allows this requirement to be met through a Declaration of Compliance (SLR 508) form:

A records management officer, in lieu of filing an amended records control schedule, may file with the director and librarian an amended written certification of compliance that the local government or the elective county office has adopted amended records control schedules to comply with the minimum requirements established on records retention schedules issued by the commission including any revised schedules issued by the commission.

Do the new retention periods apply to records created before April 3rd, 2011?

Yes. As an example, the retention period for records control schedules (GR1000-40a) has changed from “permanent” to “until superseded.” This means that any superseded records control schedules are now eligible for destruction, regardless of when they were created.

How can we find out what’s changed?

Any new or substantially revised records series will include an asterisk preceding the item’s record number, for example, *GR1000-26. Additionally, lists of substantive changes to each schedule, such as records series titles, retention periods, new/deleted series, have been prepared and are available on our website.

Where can I get help?

Government Information Analysts are available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., to answer your questions. Please contact the analyst assigned to your county or call (512) 421-7200.

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