Off the Record: Transparency, Cyber Security, and Emerging Technologies

Off the Record

Tune in monthly for a curated collection of articles we found interesting on a broad range of topics; some which are directly related to records management and others which might share common themes.

No, we didn’t write these articles —hence the name of this series, “Off the Record”— , but fortunately we didn’t need to in order to share the knowledge with our subscribers.

Let us know in the comments below what topics you are interested in learning more about!

WEBINAR: Records Centers: The Raiders of the Lost Box – How to Avoid Losing the Ark– NAGARA

Tune in on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 to hear from our own Craig Kelso, state records administrator and director of SLRM at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, as he participates in a webinar hosted by NAGARA (National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators) regarding records centers. Free if you’re a member of NAGARA and $19.00 if you are not a member.

A Cyber Security Chronicle Infographic – Centrify

Trying to drive home the point of security when it comes to proper passwords and electronic records management? Centrify prepared an infographic to come to your rescue illustrating cyber and password security over the years, including some awesome references to literature canon!

5 Emerging Technologies Making Their Way into the Mainstream– Government Technology

If you want to impress your colleagues with your knowledge of and preparation for coming technology advancements and challenges then read this article about emerging technologies and see the future. From gestural interface–think Tom Cruise in “The Minority Report”– to Smartdust, this article delves into tomorrow’s tech and its impact on state and local governments.

Using Transparency To Build A Better Company– Forbes

The idea and practice of transparency is a hot topic for governments, especially in Texas where we not only have records management laws, but also open meeting and public information laws that establish transparency as a priority. Although this article approaches the trend from the angle of traditional businesses, the goal is the same: how can entities use transparency to further the goals of the group whether that be via employee engagement or public awareness.

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