Tune in monthly for a curated collection of articles we found interesting on a broad range of topics; some which are directly related to records management and others which might share common themes.
No, we didn’t write these articles —hence the name of this series, “Off the Record”— but fortunately, we didn’t need to in order to share the knowledge with our subscribers.
Let us know in the comments below what topics you are interested in learning more about!
Yes, Cops are Now Opening iPhones with Dead People’s Fingerprints — Forbes
Previously just a thinly veiled threat — “I’m going to use your finger to open your phone when you’re asleep” — or far-off concern of the future — “What if I leave my fingerprint somewhere and it’s used against me…” — a very real bio-metric concern has arrived to 2018.
The first known case of police attempting to use a deceased person’s fingerprints to move past bio-metric security protections was not successful however, where that attempt failed, others have since succeeded. Whether you see it as a growing problem or interesting trend in the use of technology, this technique is growing in usage as encryption grows more unique and powerful.
“Resourceful Records Managers” —The Schedule (Society of American Archivists)
Ever wondered about some of the ways people come into the records management profession, what their background is, how their role fits into an organization, and what it is they love about their job and their career?
Do you have a quote you live by?
“Everything in moderation, including moderation” (variously attributed to a lot of people!)
Tune into The Schedule, the official blog of the Society of American Archivists, for a records manager profile on Eira Tansey, Digital Archivist/Records Manager at the University of Cincinnati.
“How to move a 120 TB web archive to the cloud in two weeks” — The National Archives
Take a peek behind the scenes of the UK Government Web Archive modernization project — awarded to and undertaken by MirrorWeb in 2017.
Their undertaking: “[O]ver 5,000 websites from 1996 to the present, as well as tweets and videos from government social media accounts…[a] data footprint of ..over 120TB”
Their goal: “relaunch the archive as a more modern, cloud-based service”
Their challenges: Moving, then indexing, the data
The outcome? Read the article to find out!