On July 18, 2022, the newest editions of the Texas State Records Retention Schedule (RRS) and the Texas State University Records Retention Schedule (URRS) went live! The amendments to 13 TAC §6.10(a-b) are adopted as an administrative rules of the commission – see the full official announcement on the Texas Register. For state agency and state university RMOs, this means that all previous versions of the RRS and URRS will be obsolete, and your organization must follow all the minimum retention periods in the new editions of the schedules, effective July 18, 2022:
Click here to view the RRS (Revised 5th Edition).
Click here to view the URRS (2nd Edition).
Please note: This retention schedule is only for state agencies and universities. Local governments in Texas should continue following local retention schedules.
So what changed? If you want to see a list of every single change that was made to the RRS and URRS, here are exhaustive lists.
For those who want that aforementioned list analyzed and made into a neat, concise, easy-digestible summary, well…that is what we’re here for!
What’s shiny and new?
These 7 series are brand new to the schedules. You may have had versions of these in your own agency’s schedule, but now they’re officially a state minimum:
- All State Agencies:
- 1.1.079 Copyright Records (Retention: AC)
- 3.1.043 Polygraph Examination Results (Retention: 3 years)
- 4.7.008b Grant Records—Non-Awarded (Retention: AC + 2 years)
- Universities Only:
- 15.5.010 Title IX Complaints (Retention: AC + 7 years)
- 16.1.031b Pharmacy Records—Personnel Log (Retention: AC + 7 years)
- 17.3.018 Animal Research Controlled Substances (Retention: 5 years)
- 18.1.004 Broadcast Station Public Inspection File (Retention: AC)
What’s missing?
These RSINs are no longer in use. Whether they were combined with another series, or are now an obsolete record, the reasoning is explained below:
Deleted Record Series | Explanation |
1.2.011 Record Center Storage Approval Forms (RMD 106) | Record is obsolete. Form was specific to TSLAC operations. Records storage center contracts should be classified under RSIN 5.1.001a/b, and records storage transmittals should be classified under RSIN 1.2.006. |
11.1.005 Copyright Records | Copyright records should be classified under RSIN 1.1.079 (now on the RRS). |
11.1.008 External Committee Records | External committee administration documents are not university records – committee members may retain relevant records for university committees under RSIN 11.1.015. |
11.1.009 Lectures and Lecture Series Records | Bucketed into RSIN 11.1.007, Event Administration Records—University Special Events. |
11.1.011 Photographs, Audiovisual Recordings, and Other Non-Textual Media | Audiovisual collections may already be classified under RSIN 1.3.002, Publication Development Files; RSIN 1.1.019, Public Relations Records; or RSIN 11.1.014, Subject Files—Media and Communications. |
11.1.012 Student and Alumni Surveys/Questionnaires | Survey records should be classified under RSIN 1.1.038, Customer Surveys (on the RRS). |
11.1.016 University and Academic Leadership Meeting Records | University committee meeting records should be classified under RSIN 11.1.015, University Committee Records, and all other non-committee staff meetings should be classified under RSIN 1.1.063. If plans and planning decisions are being documented, classify under RSIN 1.1.007, Correspondence – Administrative; or RSIN 1.1.024, Plans and Planning Records. |
12.1.006 International Scholars Records – Nonimmigrant Visa Public Inspection File | Bucketed into RSIN 12.1.005, International Scholars Records—Nonimmigrant Visa Petition Files. |
13.2.002 Fundraising Records 13.2.004 Gift Records – Department or Program | Bucketed into RSIN 13.2.003, Gift and Fundraising Records. |
13.3.005 Gift Records – Medical | Duplicate series. Medical donation records should be classified under RSIN 16.1.010, Donor Records—Medical. |
13.3.006 Non-Federal Grant Records | Grant records should be classified under RSIN 4.7.008a/b, Grant Records (on the RRS). |
14.1.001 Carcinogenic Compounds Research Use Records | Carcinogenic and hazardous compound records should be classified under RSIN 5.4.015, Hazardous Materials – Administrative Records (on the RRS). |
14.1.002 Radiation Safety Committee Records | Committee records should be classified under RSIN 11.1.015, University Committee Records. |
15.1.003 International Student Records – Enrolled/Accepted | Bucketed into RSIN 15.1.001, Admissions Records—Enrolled/Accepted. |
15.1.004 International Student Records – Not Enrolled/Denied | Bucketed into RSIN 15.1.002, Admissions Records—Not Enrolled/Denied. |
15.1.005 National Board of Medical Examiners Test Scores | Test scores are retained permanently by NBME; there is no need for universities to retain permanent copies. |
15.2.004 Applications for Admission to Program – Enrolled/Accepted | Bucketed into RSIN 15.1.001, Admissions Records—Enrolled/Accepted. |
15.2.005 Applications for Admissions to Program – Not Enrolled/Denied | Bucketed into RSIN 15.1.002, Admissions Records—Not Enrolled/Denied. |
15.2.006 Class Schedules of Students | Bucketed into RSIN 15.2.007, Course Registration and Status Records. |
15.2.015 Graduation – Degree Audit and Authorizations 15.2.016 Graduation – Diploma Administration Records | Bucketed into RSIN 15.2.014, Graduation and Diploma Administration. |
15.2.018 Hazlewood Act Documentation – Non- Awarded Applicants | Bucketed into RSIN 15.2.017, Hazlewood Act Documentation. |
15.2.024 Original Grade Sheets | Bucketed into RSIN 15.2.012, Original Grade Sheets and Grade Changes. |
15.2.025 Personal Data Update Records | Bucketed into RSIN 15.2.023, Personal Data and Name Change Records. |
15.2.029 Student Coursework | Bucketed into RSIN 15.2.013, Student Coursework and Grade Reports. |
15.2.031 Transcript Requests | Transcript requests should be classified under RSIN 1.1.077, Release of Records Documentation (on the RRS). |
15.2.034 Veterans Records | Bucketed into RSIN 15.2.033, Veterans Affairs Records. |
15.3.001 Fee Assessment Forms | Accounts receivable records should be classified under RSIN 4.1.009 (on the RRS). |
15.3.004 Financial Aid… 15.3.014 Financial Aid… 15.3.015 Financial Aid… 15.3.020 Financial Aid… 15.3.021 Financial Aid… | Bucketed into RSIN 15.3.002, Financial Aid Application, Award, and Disbursement Records—All Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Grants, Scholarships, and Work-Study Programs. |
15.3.006 Financial Aid… | Bucketed into RSIN 15.3.002 for grant applications and RSIN 15.3.003 for loan applications. |
15.3.008 Financial Aid… 15.3.009 Financial Aid… | Bucketed into RSIN 15.3.003, Financial Aid Application and Award Records—All Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Loan Programs. |
15.3.012 Financial Aid… 15.3.013 Financial Aid… 15.3.019 Financial Aid… 15.3.022 Financial Aid… | Bucketed into RSIN 15.3.011, Financial Aid Disbursement and Repayment Records—All Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Loan Programs. |
15.3.016 Financial Aid… | Bucketed into RSIN 15.3.010, Financial Aid Application, Award, and Disbursement Records—Veterans Administration Education Assistance Allowances |
15.3.017 Financial Aid… | HEAL loan program is obsolete. Bucketed into RSIN 15.3.018, Financial Aid Disbursement and Repayment Records—Health Profession and Nursing Student Loan Programs. |
15.3.024 Financial Aid Program – Health Profession and Nursing Student Loan Administration Records 15.3.025 Financial Aid Program – Institutional Program Files | Bucketed into RSIN 15.3.023, Financial Aid Programs. |
15.4.001 Access Policies | Policies should be classified under RSIN 1.1.070, Agency Rules, Policies, and Procedures (on the RRS). |
15.5.004 Recruitment Records | Public relations records should be classified under RSIN 1.1.019, and recruitment records should be classified under RSIN 15.5.005. |
15.5.006 Statistical Reports | Reports should be classified under RSIN 1.1.067, Reports and Studies (Non-Fiscal) (on the RRS). |
15.5.009 Student Statistical Reports – Raw Data | Raw data for reports should be classified under RSIN 1.1.065, Reports and Studies (Non-Fiscal) – Raw Data (on the RRS). |
16.1.021 Licensure Records for Health Personnel and Facilities | Permits and licenses should be classified under RSIN 3.1.027 or 5.1.010, as applicable (on the RRS). |
16.1.028 Medical Treatment Plans / Teaching Files | Teaching lesson plans and course materials should be classified under RSIN 17.1.009, Course Records. |
16.1.032 Pharmacy – Prescription File | Bucketed into RSIN 16.1.031a, Pharmacy Records—Prescription and Inventory. |
16.1.039 Student Health History Forms | Health history forms submitted during admissions or enrollment should be classified under RSIN 15.1.001 or 15.1.002, as applicable. |
16.2.004 Courtesy Borrower Records 16.2.005 Equipment Checkout Records | Bucketed into RSIN 16.2.001, Circulation Records. |
16.3.006 Campus Fire Statistics – Fire Statistics | Bucketed into RSIN 16.3.005, Campus Fire Log and Statistics. |
16.3.012 Clery Act Reporting – Crime Statistics | Bucketed into RSIN 16.3.011, Clery Act Reporting—Crime Log and Statistics. |
16.3.019 Emergency Protective Order Lists | Lists of records should be classified under RSIN 1.2.013, Records Access and Locator Aids (on the RRS). |
16.3.021 Emergency Protective Orders – Issued pursuant to Code of Criminal Procedure | Bucketed into RSIN 16.3.020, Emergency Protective Orders. |
16.3.022 Dating and Family Violence Reports | Bucketed into RSIN 16.3.027, Campus Security and Incident Reports. |
16.3.025 Fire Alarm and Drill Records | Fire alarm and drill records should be classified under RSIN 5.4.003 or 16.3.005, as applicable. |
16.3.040 Parking Permit Records | Parking permits should be classified under RSIN 5.6.009, Parking Permits or Assignments (on the RRS). |
16.3.045 Police Audiovisual Recordings – Offense Greater than Class C | Bucketed into RSIN 16.3.044, Police Audiovisual Recordings. |
16.3.049 Surveillance Videos | Surveillance videos should be classified under RSIN 5.1.018, Surveillance Videos (on the RRS). |
16.5.005 Child-Care Center Records – Individual Child | Bucketed into 16.5.004, Childcare Center Records—Individual Child. |
17.1.005 Continuing Education Course Records – Final Reports | Reports should be classified under RSIN 1.1.067, Reports and Studies (Non-Fiscal) (on the RRS). |
17.1.008 Cooperative Program Records – Program Records | Bucketed into 17.1.007, Cooperative Program Records. |
17.1.010 Course Schedule Maintenance Forms | Institutional catalog working files should be classified under RSIN 1.3.002, and data entry maintenance forms should be classified under RSIN 1.1.057. |
17.1.011 Degree Program Proposal, Development and Review Records – Working Files 17.1.013 Non-University Student Program Administration Records – Policy and Program Development Records 17.1.014 Non-University Student Program Administration Records – Working Files 17.1.016 Special Academic Programs Records – Policy and Program Development Records | Bucketed into RSIN 17.1.012, Degree and Special Academic Program Proposal, Development and Review Records. |
17.1.015 Space Deficit/Allocation Records | Space utilization reports should be classified under RSIN 5.2.027, and legislative funds allocation requests should be classified under RSIN 1.1.004. |
17.1.017 Special Academic Programs Records – Working Files | Bucketed into RSIN 17.1.001, Academic Program Administrative Records. |
17.3.002 Denied Research Grant Proposal Applications Records | Denied grant applications should be classified under RSIN 4.7.008b, Grant Records – Non-Awarded. |
17.3.006 Institutionally Funded Research – Project Funding Review | Bucketed into RSIN 17.3.007, Institutionally Funded Research—Project Review Records. Any university financial records should be classified under Category 4 of the RRS. |
17.3.014 Research Grant Records – Working Files | Bucketed into RSIN 17.3.013, Research Data—Funded Projects. |
17.3.015 Research, Clinical, and Teaching Drug Inventory Records | Bucketed into RSIN 16.1.031a, Pharmacy Records—Prescription and Inventory. |
17.3.017 Unfunded Research Grant Proposal Development Records | Bucketed into RSIN 17.3.012, Research Data—Non-Funded Projects. |
18.1.002 Radio and Television License Records | Permits and licenses should be classified under RSIN 5.1.010, and the public inspection file should be classified under RSIN 18.1.004. |
18.2.001 Athletic Eligibility Records | All conference eligibility, reporting, and compliance records should be classified under RSIN 18.2.005, NCAA and NAIA Reporting Requirements. Individual athlete records should be classified under RSIN 18.2.014. |
18.2.002 Athletic Scholarship and Grant-In-Aid Award Records – National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Records | Bucketed into RSIN 18.2.005, NCAA and NAIA Reporting Requirements. |
18.2.003 Athletic Scholarship and Grant-In-Aid Award Records – All records Except NCAA | This series describes convenience copies of financial aid documents classified under URRS Section 15.3. |
18.2.004 Catastrophic Injury Insurance Records | All conference compliance records should be classified under NCAA and NAIA Reporting Requirements (RSIN 18.2.005); university insurance policies should be classified under RSIN 5.1.013; accident reports should be classified under RSIN 5.4.014; and claim payments should be classified under RSIN 4.7.005. |
18.2.006 Competition Scheduling Records | Contracts should be classified under RSIN 5.1.001a/b, and game schedules and statistics should be classified under RSIN 18.2.012. |
18.2.009 Game Arrangement Records | Bucketed into RSIN 18.2.012, Game Records. |
18.2.010 Game Day Totals 18.2.013 Game Tickets and Ticket Orders | Accounts receivable records should be classified under RSIN 4.1.009 (on the RRS). |
18.2.015 Individual Athletes Records – Public Profile | Bucketed into RSIN 18.2.014, Individual Athletes Records. RSIN 18.2.014 now carries an “O” code to allow for transfer to archives for permanent retention if records hold long-term historical value. |
18.2.017 Practice Schedule Records | Bucketed into RSIN 18.2.005, NCAA and NAIA Reporting Requirements. |
18.2.020 Student Athlete Insurance Records – Collegiate Insurance 18.2.021 Student Athlete Insurance Records – Secondary Coverage Insurance | All conference compliance records should be classified under NCAA and NAIA Reporting Requirements (RSIN 18.2.005); university insurance policies should be classified under RSIN 5.1.013; accident reports should be classified under RSIN 5.4.014; and claim payments should be classified under RSIN 4.7.005. |
18.2.022 Student Athletes Academic Advising Records | Student academic advising records should be classified under RSIN 15.2.026, and individual student athlete records should be classified under RSIN 18.2.014. |
18.2.023 Student Athletes Dining Rosters | Menus should be classified under 16.4.002, and any documentation of student athlete training required by conference guidelines should be classified under RSIN 18.2.005. |
18.2.024 Student Athletes Medical Records | Medical records of students treated by university physicians should be classified under RSINs 16.1.008, 16.1.025, or 16.1.026, as applicable. Copies of medical records and injury reports submitted to conference organizers should be classified under RSIN 18.2.005 or 18.2.014, as applicable. |
18.2.025 Ticket Sales and Event Cash Reconciliation Records – Athletics | Accounts receivable records should be classified under RSIN 4.1.009. Any game day totals reportable to the NCAA or NAIA should be classified under RSIN 18.2.005. |
What do we need to keep longer?
The retention periods for the following records series have increased:
- 3.1.043 Polygraph Examination Results
- (possibly 2 years) -> 3 years
- This is a new series, so technically the retention period is not increasing. However, if you were previously retaining polygraph records under RSIN 3.1.014 (Employment Selection Records), the retention period may need to be increased.
- 13.2.003 Gift and Fundraising Records
- (possibly 5 years) -> 7 years
- All non-institutional gift and fundraising records were bucketed into one series. If you have any standalone gift series with a retention period of less than 7 years, you may need to increase the retention period.
- 16.2.003 Collection or Artifact Loan Records
- AC+4 years -> AC+7 years
- Because this series involves a contract or agreement, the retention period was increased to match the longest retention period for contracts per RSIN 5.1.001a.
- 16.4.004 Student Housing Judicial Record
- AC+4 years -> AC+7 years
- Because this series involves a contract or agreement, the retention period was increased to match the longest retention period for contracts per RSIN 5.1.001a.
- 16.4.005 Student Housing Tenant Records
- AC+4 years -> AC+7 years
- Because this series involves a contract or agreement, the retention period was increased to match the longest retention period for contracts per RSIN 5.1.001a.
- 17.3.001 Animal Breeding and Management Records
- AC – > AC+3 years
- 9 CFR 2.35 requires that records of animal research facilities be retained for 3 years.
How does this affect our recertification?
The new and revised retention periods are retroactive. This means that all of your records, whether they were created before or after the effective dates of the updated schedules, will be subject to the new retention rules.
If your state agency or university has recently recertified, you may need to file an amendment to ensure that you are retaining all records for at least the minimum retention periods. Keep in mind it may not be necessary to remove all obsolete RSINs at this time – special consideration should instead be given to those series that have increased retention periods (see previous section: “What do we need to keep longer?”) View instructions for submitting an amendment (form SLR 122) here, or contact your analyst for advice!
Excellent recap of all the changes. Schedule updates are a big undertaking–congratulations and nice work!