Deborah Robbins flexes her planning muscles.

eRecords 2018: Data Mapping and Agile Development

Data Mapping: Finding An Organization’s True Treasure If you missed Deborah Robbins of Paypal after lunch, you missed a true treasure. Her highly entertaining and informative talk focused on data mapping from a records management perspective. The kind of data mapping Ms. Robbins encouraged brings together the strengths of a traditional records inventory and an…

e-Records 2018: Tackle Tough E-Records Challenges

Another e-Records Conference is in the books! We more than met expectations this year with over 350 people in attendance representing about 60 state agencies, 61 local government entities, and 22 vendors. We also had 23 speakers providing 12 educational sessions (the most sessions ever!) focused on this year’s theme of tackling tough e-records challenges…