Visual illustrations of data, information, and records

The Relationships Between Data, Information, and Records

by Erica Rice Data. Information. Record. These terms are thrown around a lot in the information management world, and they are often used interchangeably. However, each of these terms has a distinct definition and purpose in the practice of records management. Let’s look at the definitions of each of these—and how they are related—to make…

RIM Month Swag expo hall

RIM Month Virtual Swag Bag

By Erica Rice and Rebecca Hanna It’s that time of year again! April is “RIM Month,” which means that Records and Information Management (RIM) professionals the world over get together to educate their stakeholders on the value of records management. Aside from actively improving records management in your organization (e.g. training your employees, conducting cost-benefit…

Illustration of Person Filing Paper in Giant File Folder

What is a Subject File?

by Erica Rice If you are a close reader of the local or state retention schedules, you may have seen the term “subject file” appear in the descriptions of some of your favorite records series. Subject files are defined in the local schedules as “collections of correspondence, memos and printed materials on various individuals, activities,…