Change in Law Affecting Retention of Precinct Election Records

Some of you may remember when we published this article, informing local government records management officers of a change to Election Code establishing a 6-month retention period for precinct election records not involving a federal office, while those involving federal offices retained a 22-month retention period. However, S.B. 5, passed during the 85th Legislature, repealed…

Electronic Records Resources Now Available

Updated March 3, 2022 TSLAC updated Bulletin 1: Electronic Records Standards and Procedures in 2017, and since then, we’ve been gathering resources to provide guidance to state agencies trying to fulfill the requirements of the bulletin. The bulletin was rewritten to be intentionally higher-level and broad, to allow for more considerations of electronic records in…

e-Records 2017: “Teacher Retirement System of Texas: The Information Governance Journey”

This is the seventh post of a multi-part recap of the 2017 e-Records Conference. Presentation materials from the conference are available on the e-Records 2017 website. Information Governance: Take Control and Succeed The Public Information Act and Updates from 85th Legislative Session TSLAC Wants Your Electronic Records Establishing Information Governance for Local Governments in Microsoft…

Beyond A to Z: Filing Tips to Organize Better

I am not a naturally organized person.  Last weekend, my husband watched me paw through a laundry basket of essentially all black clothes looking for a black tank top and the two I came up with weren’t the right one.  But I have to be organized at work, because others need to find things quickly…

Updates to Juvenile Records Laws

Last year, we were invited to participate in the Juvenile Records Advisory Committee (JRAC), a group composed of prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, court staff, probation officials, and others who are experts in the field of law, especially focused on juveniles in the court system. Our goal was to rewrite Chapter 58 of Texas Family Code,…

Happy Valentine’s Day from Denton County!

Recently, I got an unexpected, delightful email from Denton County.  I’m used to getting emails asking me records questions, advertising relevant webinars and events, and reminders from my bosses, but I had never, ever, EVER gotten a valentine, much less a RECORDS MANAGEMENT THEMED valentine!  Look at how adorable these are! I took the opportunity…

e-Records 2016 Conference Sessions Recap: “Vendor Neutral Data Management and Records Retention” and “Records Management vs. #recordsmanagementrocks!”

This is the fifth and final post of a multi-part recap of the 2016 e-Records Conference. Presentation materials from the conference are available on the e-Records 2016 website. 1. At the Intersection of Technology and Records Management 2. “Accessing the Texas Digital Archive” and “Enterprise Information Management in Sharepoint 2016” 3. “Process Mapping as a Best…