Creating Records At Home, Part III: Various Devices

Previously, we discussed Creating Records at Home, Part I: Microsoft Teams and Part 2: Zoom. In this article, we’re going to discuss the hypothetical situation of a records manager’s worst nightmare come true: employees creating records outside of the office’s network. A best practice for efficient managers is to analyze hypothetical risk to know how…

How does web archiving fit into records management?

Web archiving involves using software to take periodic snapshots to preserve as much data as you need about your organization’s website, including any associated metadata. These snapshots will allow you to track and to document even the slightest changes made to the website. The benefits are that this practice shows your records management program: is…

FAQ: Who is the custodian of this record?

Key Terms: Skip to: Case Sampling Main Takeaway Policy Tip Take a moment to think about the business activities of your state or local government. What examples come to mind for times when there might be more than one custodian for the same record? In such a case, what policies and procedures does your government…

Tools TSLAC Uses To Access and Make Available Older Formats

If you’ve ever taken our Managing Electronic Records class or perused our electronic records webinars, you’re aware that a major responsibility for storing records electronically is providing continuous access to those records throughout their life cycle. In our courses, we offer several strategies for providing continuous access, one of which involves holding onto older hardware…