Microfilm reel

Microfilm Destruction Tips

Are you looking to streamline your microfilm destruction methods? Do you already have a system in place? In any case, you might find these pointers below helpful to incorporate into your organization’s practices. Step 1: Make sure you have procedures in place. Will the destruction be done in-house, or will you hire an outside vendor?…

To Microfilm, or Not to Microfilm

Despite the acceleration of new technologies over the last couple of decades, if you ask archivists or records managers about best practices of long term preservation of records, they’ll still say microfilm is a solid choice. Much like paper (which has a life expectancy of thousands of years), microfilm can be stored for hundreds of…

Digital newspaper archive delivered to Carrizo Springs

By Angela Ossar, Government Information Analyst TSLAC’s Gilberto Herrera and Andy Puente recently returned from delivering the archive of the Carrizo Springs Javelin to their offices in Carrizo Springs, Texas, a town 117 miles southwest of San Antonio and roughly 45 miles from the Texas-Mexico border.  The Javelin employed TSLAC’s Imaging Services department to create…