A hand places a coral colored binder on a shelf full of light blue binders. Below are the words Remarkable Records and the TSLAC logo.

Remarkable Records: Complaints

The Remarkable Records Series was created to highlight our favorite, weird, and wacky record series found in the retention schedules. We’ve covered the quirky and funny, but it’s time to complain contribute a lesser favorite: Complaints. Recently we received a record clarification question from a Local Government (LG) that seemed to fit under the umbrella…

old tombstones

Remarkable Records: Cemeteries

By Michelle Johnson Managing local government cemetery records can be a spooky business. Texas legislative code is positively haunted with regulations for cemetery operations! We often hear from municipality and county records managers asking, “Am I the custodian of this cemetery record?” Although cemetery record series all have permanent retention periods, it is important to…

Remarkable Records

Remarkable Records: Spooky Records

With the changing of the seasons from summer to autumn brings in cooler weather, shorter days, and heralds in the spooky season. This season brings harvests, pumpkins, spectacular eye-catching displays, and eerie paranormal searches for the source of morbid curiosities. Searching for a sense of hair-raising sites and information of the departed, where might one…

Remarkable Records

Remarkable Records: Wildlife Edition

A common icebreaker question among records professionals is, “What is your favorite record series?” While we all have our own “favorites,” the twelve local government retention schedules include several series one might call “remarkable,” including this one: PW5550-03c WILDLIFE RECORDS Necropsy reports on dead marine mammals.   3 years. By regulation – 9 CFR 3.110(g). Located…