How to Determine Fiscal Year End Retention Periods

Determining your record’s fiscal year end (FE) date is important for destroying that specific record on schedule. Read TSLAC’s recommendation for keeping a disposition log to understand consequences of destroying a record too early and TSLAC’s thoughts on keeping a record too long. Fiscal year (FY) is a 12-month period office’s use for accounting purposes.…

Personnel File Bucketing

The Personnel File: Retention & Best Practices

by Erica Rice Every state agency and local government creates and maintains employee records.  Often maintained in individual files for each employee, the personnel file is added to regularly throughout its active life, and it may often be consulted during its long inactive life.  We create and use personnel records to hire, re-hire, train, evaluate,…

RIM Month Fun: Emoji Records Management

Emoji Records Retention Schedule At some point in the introduction to records management training courses for both local governments and state agencies we discuss what the different retention codes on the retention schedules mean. Normally it looks and goes something like this:         We say it’s time for a little update. Better…