Texas State Publications 1995 Annual Index Subject List --- 4-H CLUBS 4-H youth focus : state 4-H newsletter for county extension agents. Z TA265.6 Y88......95-0404 Texas State 4-H Horse Show, 1995 : rules and regulations. Z TA265.8 T312HO 1995......95-1222 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1993......95-0548 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1994......95-0957 ACCIDENTS Fatal motor vehicle traffic accidents and deaths, total by county. P3500.8 F268TAC 1994......95-1638 Fatal occupational injuries in Texas. W1900.8 F268 1993......95-1188 Occupational injuries and illnesses in Texas. W1900.8 OC1IN 1992......95-1015 Occupational injuries and illnesses in Texas. W1900.8 OC1IN 1993......95-1863 Occupational injury and illness in Texas : report to the Texas Legislature. Z U406.8 OC1......95-0850 ACCOUNTANCY, BOARD OF PUBLIC Financial report. (Accountancy, Board of Public) A300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0001 ACCOUNTING Annual financial reporting requirements for colleges and universities. C2600.8 AN78 1993/4......95-1251 ACCREDITATION Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 Self-study, Lamar University at Orange : Orange, Texas, November 8-11, 1993. Z L105.8 SE48 1993......95-0160 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT Annual report. (Adjutant General's Department) A600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1571 Financial report. (Adjutant General's Department) A600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0871 Strategic plan for state information resources management, fiscal years 1995-1999. (Adjutant General's Department) A600.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0671 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Chapter 572, Texas Government Code : personal financial disclosure, standards of conduct, and conflict of interest : effective May 11, 1995. E2500.4 P432 1995......95-2129 Construction standards for on-site sewerage facilities. N330.7 R339 NO.134......95-0963 Official Texas administrative code. General index. S500.4 AD65 1995 INDEX......95-1175 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 Official Texas administrative code. Title 4 : agriculture. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 4......95-0992 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 Official Texas administrative code. Title 10 : community development. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 10......95-0994 Official Texas administrative code. Title 13 : cultural resources. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 13......95-0995 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 Official Texas administrative code. Title 19 : education. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 19......95-0996 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 Official Texas administrative code. Title 28 : insurance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 28......95-0999 Official Texas administrative code. Title 30 : environmental quality. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 30......95-1294 Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 Official Texas administrative code. Title 43 : transportation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 43......95-1179 Texas Administrative Code, title 37, public safety and corrections, part XIII, Texas Commission on Fire Protection, chapter 401, practice and procedure : effective date, October 14, 1994. F750.4 T312AD 1994......95-1114 Texas Parks & Wildlife Department public lands : TAC [sections] 59.61-59.64 : policy guidelines for acquisition, development, operation, management & use. P400.4 P96 1995......95-0779 Title 15, Texas election code : regulating political funds and campaigns : effective June 16, 1995. E2500.4 R265 1995......95-1424 ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, OFFICE OF Financial report. (Administrative Hearings, Office of) A696.3 F49 1993/4......95-0002 Procedural rules for contested cases before the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. N330.7 R339 NO.145 95/10......95-2189 ADMINISTRATORS Chief elected and administrative officials of Texas. L1700.5 C434 1995......95-0512 Educator professional development : a key element in states' education reform efforts. L1300.8 ED83 1994......95-2174 Learner-centered schools for Texas : a vision of Texas educators : proficiencies for teachers, proficiencies for administrators, proficiencies for counselors. E500.8 L479 1995......95-2126 ADULT PROBATION COMMISSION Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 AERONAUTICS Aviation videos : VHS. T1305.1 AV52VI 1994......95-1006 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Texas A&M University affirmative action plan : January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. Z TA200.8 AF27 1994......95-1048 Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 AFRICA World of spirits and ancestors in the art of western sub-Saharan Africa. Z TT422.8 W893......95-1384 AGED Coping with caregiving : how to manage stress when caring for elderly relatives. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6006......95-1539 Demography of the Texas elderly population. Z TA455.7 T226 NO.95-1......95-1370 Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 Final report, Tech Prep Intergenerational Curriculum Development Project. Z TT300.8 T225 1993/4......95-0648 Final Texas platform : encompassing the following major issues : long-term care, health and wellness, elder rights, economic security, older Americans as valuable resources, interdependence of the generations. A800.8 T312WH 1995......95-0873 Project CARE : Community Action to Reach the Elderly : final report. A800.8 P943CA......95-0442 Senior aware : insurance information for senior Texans. I1100.5 SE57......95-1948 AGED CARE FACILITIES Directory of adult day care facilities licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628AD......95-1456 AGED CARE SERVICES Coping with caregiving : how to manage stress when caring for elderly relatives. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6006......95-1539 Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 Final Texas platform : encompassing the following major issues : long-term care, health and wellness, elder rights, economic security, older Americans as valuable resources, interdependence of the generations. A800.8 T312WH 1995......95-0873 Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 Health and human services provided by Texas public institutions of higher education to the people of Texas. C3400.8 H349HU......95-0702 Project CARE : Community Action to Reach the Elderly : final report. A800.8 P943CA......95-0442 AGING Final Texas platform : encompassing the following major issues : long-term care, health and wellness, elder rights, economic security, older Americans as valuable resources, interdependence of the generations. A800.8 T312WH 1995......95-0873 AGING, DEPARTMENT ON Annual report. (Aging, Department on) A800.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0872 Budget. (Aging, Department on) A800.3 B859 1994/5......95-0003 Financial report. (Aging, Department on) A800.3 F49 1993/4......95-0441 AGING, DEPARTMENT ON. OFFICE OF THE LONG TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN Annual report. (Aging, Department on) A800.3 L867 1993/4......95-1391 AGRIBUSINESS Agrifood master : teaching the foundation of the nation : the statewide newsletter of the Texas AgriFood Masters (TAM) Program. Z TA265.6 AG83FO......95-0842 AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Proper use of cotton harvest-aid chemicals. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5142......95-2094 Texas plant diseases handbook : chemical control supplement for vegetables. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1140B 1994......95-1375 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Impacts of changing farm program expenditures on the Great Plains. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-5......95-0172 Implications of the 1990 farm bill and FAPRI November 1994 baseline on representative farms. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-6......95-0838 Opportunities for enhancing the Texas food-processing industry. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1719......95-0180 Texas citrus : mature grapefruit orchard production costs and returns--years 8 to 10. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2322 1994......95-1054 Texas citrus : young grapefruit orchard production costs and returns--years 4 to 7. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2321 1994......95-1055 Unraveling of farm policy : an evaluation of broad domestic policy options for the 1995 farm bill. Z TA225.7 P758I NO.94-3......95-0174 AGRICULTURAL FINANCE AUTHORITY Financial report. (Agricultural Finance Authority) A900.3 F49FI 1993/4......95-0443 AGRICULTURAL HAZARD COMMUNICATION ACT Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 AGRICULTURAL HISTORY Texas family land heritage registry. A900.5 F21 V.12......95-1717 AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES Annual report on commercial feeds. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1767......95-0619 AGRICULTURAL LABOR Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 AGRICULTURAL LAND Hunter's clearinghouse directory. P400.5 H919 1995......95-1290 Texas rural land prices in ... . R800.8 T312RUL 1993-4......95-1678 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Texas citrus : grower marketing outlets. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2323 1994......95-0626 Texas citrus : market promotion. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2324 1994......95-0627 Texas citrus : marketing regulations. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2320 1994......95-0628 AGRICULTURAL POLICY Implications of the 1990 farm bill and FAPRI November 1994 baseline on representative farms. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-6......95-0838 Recommendations for the 1995 Farm Bill debate. A900.8 R245......95-1241 Sine die report : agricultural issues of the 74th Legislature, regular session. A900.8 SI63......95-1716 Unraveling of farm policy : an evaluation of broad domestic policy options for the 1995 farm bill. Z TA225.7 P758I NO.94-3......95-0174 AGRICULTURAL PRICES Texas agricultural cash receipts and price statistics. A900.6 C268 1993......95-0005 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Implications of the 1990 farm bill and FAPRI November 1994 baseline on representative farms. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-6......95-0838 Producer certification rating system. (Agriculture, Department of) A900.8 P942......95-1916 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78P 1993/4......95-0634 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78E 1993/4......95-0636 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Natural Fibers Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78T 1993/4......95-0640 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Nutrition and Natural Fiber Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78N 1993/4......95-0641 Annual report. (University of Texas. Natural Fibers Research Information Center (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N329.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0637 AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION AUTHORITY Official Texas administrative code. Title 4 : agriculture. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 4......95-0992 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78P 1993/4......95-0634 Annual report on commercial fertilizers. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1766......95-0620 Implications of the 1990 farm bill and FAPRI November 1994 baseline on representative farms. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-6......95-0838 Texas agricultural cash receipts and price statistics. A900.6 C268 1993......95-0005 Texas crop statistics. A900.8 C883 1993......95-0006 Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 AGRICULTURE Committee on Agriculture and Wildlife Management, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 AG83 74......95-0517 AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF Financial report. (Agricultural Finance Authority) A900.3 F49FI 1993/4......95-0443 Financial report. (Agriculture, Department of) A900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0004 Official Texas administrative code. Title 4 : agriculture. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 4......95-0992 Sine die report : agricultural issues of the 74th Legislature, regular session. A900.8 SI63......95-1716 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Texas Department of Agriculture. S1500.8 AG83 1994......95-0344 AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF. COOPERATIVE INSPECTION PROGRAM Financial report. (Agriculture, Department of) A900.3 F49CO 1993/4......95-0211 AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN State of Texas, Comptroller of Public Accounts, electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system shakedown : final report. C2600.8 EL25......95-0891 AIDS Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78BHI 1993/4......95-0483 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78HIV 1994......95-0482 Rules & regulations governing the control and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.4 R861CS 1994......95-1124 Source : news and information from the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of HIV and STD Prevention. H600.6 H641......95-0484 Texas HIV prevention community planning handbook. H600.5 T312H......95-1430 Texas HIV/STD update. H600.6 H641UP......95-1724 Texas state plan to serve substance abusers at risk of HIV, STDs and TB : 1995 update. A1400.8 T312ST 1995......95-1243 AIR POLLUTION Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility ambient air monitoring annual report. N330.6 P195A 1994......95-1957 Quality assurance project plan for Texas-Mexico border air sampling. N330.7 R339 NO.98......95-0565 AIR QUALITY Air monitoring report, 1992 : Air Quality Assessment Program. N330.8 AI71MO 1992......95-0959 Annotated bibliography of transportation-related air quality documents, 1989-1994. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-8 ......95-1498 Clearing the air : an alternative fuels update from the Texas General Land Office. L600.8 C58 1995......95-2167 Cotton gin plant compliance with air pollution regulations in Texas : effect on plant costs and returns. Z TA225.7 IN3 NO.94-3......95-0171 Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the El Paso FY-94 TIP. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-2......95-1301 Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the Victoria FY-94 TIP and 2015 metropolitan plan. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-3......95-1303 Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the JOHRTS FY-94 TIP. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-4......95-1302 Dry cleaners : an overview of pollution prevention, rules and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.114......95-1468 El Paso TIP and MTP 1995-2015 conformity analysis. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-5......95-1504 El Paso/Juarez 1990 PM10 receptor modeling feasibility study. N330.8 AI17EL......95-0559 El Paso/Juarez 1990 PM10 receptor modeling feasibility study. N330.8 AI17ELEX......95-0560 Marketable permits final report, grant period 1993-94. N330.8 M341PE 1993/4......95-0563 Mobile source emission impacts of high occupancy vehicle facilities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1353-2......95-1327 Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility ambient air monitoring annual report. N330.6 P195A 1994......95-1957 Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility quality assurance project plan for ambient air monitoring. N330.7 R339 NO.140......95-1625 Quality assurance project plan for NAMS, SLAMS, and PAMS monitoring in Texas : state plan. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.7 R339 NO.97......95-0967 Quality assurance project plan for Texas-Mexico border air sampling. N330.7 R339 NO.98......95-0565 Regulatory guidance document for applications to divert, store or use state water. N330.7 R339 NO.141......95-1472 State-of-the-practice report on mobile source emissions models. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-3......95-0820 Taller de carroceria en Texas exencion standard #124 : guia de requisitos y metodos de registro. N330.7 R339 NO.71A 1995 SPAN.......95-1474 TCM Analyst 1.0 and user's guide. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-7......95-2208 Teachers air education handbook. N330.5 T22......95-1628 Texas autobody shop standard exemption #124 : a guide to requirements and record keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.71 1995......95-1475 Texas thermoset resin facilities standard exemption #113 : a guide to requirements and record-keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.135......95-1476 Thermoset resin facilities : an overview of pollution prevention, rules, and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.113 95/07......95-1960 Use and evaluation of transportation control measures. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-6......95-1345 AIRCRAFT POOLING BOARD Financial report. (Aircraft Pooling Board) A1225.3 F49 1993/4......95-0009 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 AIRPLANES Aircraft operations report. (Texas State Technical College - Waco) Z TS815.3 AI74 1993/4......95-0645 Annual aircraft flight log and operating costs : for the period September 1 ... through August 31 ... . (Parks and Wildlife Department) P400.3 AI78 1993/4......95-0107 Annual aircraft flight report. (Aircraft Pooling Board) A1225.3 AN78A 1994/5......95-2116 AIRPORTS 1993 aircraft activity counter report. T1305.8 AI74 1993......95-1184 Five-year aviation capital improvement program, 1996-2000. T1305.8 F586CA 1996/2000......95-1497 Private airports closed to the public directory. T1305.5 P939 1994......95-0128 Private airports closed to the public directory. T1305.5 P939 1995......95-2203 Texas aeronautical facilities plan summary, 1988-1993. T1305.8 AE82 1988-93......95-2204 ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Budget. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 B859 1995/6......95-1864 ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Financial report. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0600 ALCOHOL ABUSE 1994 indicators of alcohol and drug abuse in Texas : treatment data, arrests, motor vehicle accidents, deaths. A1400.8 IN2 1994......95-1242 Substance use among female inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1994. A1400.8 SU16FE......95-1576 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1993. A1400.8 SU16MA......95-1073 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, 1993 : executive summary. A1400.8 SU16MA SUMM.......95-0445 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE, COMMISSION ON Budget. (Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Commission on) A1400.3 B859 1994/5......95-0874 Financial report. (Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Commission on) A1400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0444 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION Financial report. (Alcoholic Beverage Commission) A1300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0446 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 Review of selected permitting processes and activities : Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverage Commission, and Railroad Commission. A2800.8 SE48......95-0020 ALCOHOLISM TREATMENT 1994 indicators of alcohol and drug abuse in Texas : treatment data, arrests, motor vehicle accidents, deaths. A1400.8 IN2 1994......95-1242 1995 resource directory for substance abuse professionals. A1400.5 R312 1995......95-1572 Texas treatment initiative : overview and recommendations from the Criminal Justice Policy Council program evaluations. C4850.8 T312TR......95-0899 ALVIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Budget. (Alvin Community College) Z A050.3 B859 1994/5......95-0360 College catalog. (Alvin Community College) Z A050.5 C28 1994/5......95-0359 Financial report. (Alvin Community College) Z A050.3 R299 1993/4......95-1666 ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Directory of nursing facilities and certified facilities for care of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628NU 1995......95-1279 AMARILLO COLLEGE Budget. (Amarillo College) Z A100.3 B859 1994/5......95-0148 College catalog. (Amarillo College) Z A100.5 C28 1994/5......95-0361 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Americans with Disabilities Act in Texas, 1994 : third annual report : work in progress. G1001.8 AM35 1993/4......95-0728 Employer worksite modification guide. W2100.8 EM73WO......95-1353 Long-range state plan for Texans with disabilities : toward a state disability policy : executive summary : 19.4% of Texans have disabilities. G1001.8 L853 1995 SUMM.......95-0729 ANATOMICAL BOARD Financial report. (Anatomical Board) A1600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0212 Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 ANDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Coffee-Overton 138-kV transmission line project, Anderson, Cherokee, Henderson, Rusk, and Smith counties, Texas. H2000.8 AN23......95-1614 ANGELINA AND NECHES RIVER AUTHORITY Financial report. (Angelina and Neches River Authority) A1750.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0213 ANGELINA COLLEGE Budget. (Angelina College) Z A150.3 B859 1995/6......95-1865 College catalog. (Angelina College) Z A150.5 G286 1994/5......95-0602 College catalog. (Angelina College) Z A150.5 G286 1995/6......95-1021 Financial report. (Angelina College) Z A150.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0601 ANGELINA COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey of the proposed raw waterline replacement project (HUD, CDBG, F2, F13) for the city of Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1486......95-0933 ANGELO STATE UNIVERSITY Budget. (Angelo State University) Z A200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1866 College catalog. (Angelo State University) Z A200.5 C28 1995/7......95-0150 Financial report. (Angelo State University) Z A200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0149 ANIMAL DISEASES Facts about rabies. H600.8 F119RAB 1994......95-0059 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5137......95-1886 ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION Budget. (Animal Health Commission) A1700.3 B859 1993/4......95-0011 Financial report. (Animal Health Commission) A1700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0010 Official Texas administrative code. Title 4 : agriculture. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 4......95-0992 ANNUAL REPORTS Annual property tax report. C2625.3 AN78P 1993......95-0697 Annual report. (Adjutant General's Department) A600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1571 Annual report. (Aging, Department on) A800.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0872 Annual report. (Aging, Department on) A800.3 L867 1993/4......95-1391 Annual report. (Attorney General) A2400.3 AN78CO 1991/2......95-0675 Annual report. (Attorney General. Crime Victims Compensation Division) A2400.3 C868VIC 1992/3......95-0676 Annual report. (Attorney General. Crime Victims Compensation Division) A2400.3 C868VIC 1993/4......95-0677 Annual report. (Auditor) A2800.3 AN78FU 1993/4......95-0216 Annual report. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.3 AN78I 1993/4 REV.......95-0232 Annual report. (Blinn College. Star of the Republic Museum) Z B500.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-1356 Annual report. (Bond Review Board) B1250.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0455 Annual report. (Canadian River Compact Commissioner) C300.3 AN78 1994......95-1250 Annual report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78GAU 1993/4......95-1098 Annual report. (Counselors, Board of Examiners of Professional) C3760.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1721 Annual report. (Counselors, Board of Examiners of Professional) C3760.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1722 Annual report. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0705 Annual report. (Deaf, School for the) D375.3 AN78 1993/4......95-2125 Annual report. (Del Mar College) Z D350.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0152 Annual report. (Edwards Underground Water District) E1550.3 AN78 1993/4......95-2128 Annual report. (Employment Commission) E2100.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0912 Annual report. (Fire Fighters' Pension Commission) F1000.3 AN78 1994......95-1258 Annual report. (Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities) G1001.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0479 Annual report. (Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority) G6000.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0480 Annual report. (Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority) G8000.3 AN78 1994......95-1603 Annual report. (Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission) G9000.3 AN78 1991......95-0731 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78BHI 1993/4......95-0483 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78HIV 1994......95-0482 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78MAF 1992/3......95-0287 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78MAF 1993/4......95-0288 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78PRS 1992/3......95-0291 Annual report. (Health, Department of. Kidney Health Care Division) H760.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0486 Annual report. (Health, Department of. Tuberculosis Elimination Division) H861.3 AN78 1993......95-0061 Annual report. (Human Rights, Commission on) H2700.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0744 Annual report. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0747 Annual report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0943 Annual report. (Jail Standards, Commission on) J040.3 AN78 1994......95-0944 Annual report. (Judicial Conduct, Commission on) C4250.3 AN78 1990/1......95-0508 Annual report. (Judicial Conduct, Commission on) C4250.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1280 Annual report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0510 Annual report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0551 Annual report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0552 Annual report. (National Research Laboratory Commission) N250.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0556 Annual report. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 AN78STS 1993/4......95-0093 Annual report. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 H336 1993/4......95-0558 Annual report. (North Texas Municipal Water District) N985.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0772 Annual report. (Nurse Examiners, Board of) N1200.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1169 Annual report. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.3 AN78 1994/5......95-2089 Annual report. (Pharmacy, Board of) P1200.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1631 Annual report. (Prairie View A&M University) Z P800.3 AN78ENA 1993/4......95-1035 Annual report. (Preservation Board) P2350.3 AN78CA 1993/4......95-1635 Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 Annual report. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1486 Annual report. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1487 Annual report. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.3 AN78 1994......95-1962 Annual report. (Public Utility Commission) P3750.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0984 Annual report. (Public Utility Commission) P3750.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1490 Annual report. (Racing Commission) R200.3 AN78 1989......95-0577 Annual report. (Racing Commission) R200.3 AN78 1994......95-0578 Annual report. (Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University) R800.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1040 Annual report. (Red River Compact Commissioner) R1220.3 B477 1992/3......95-0338 Annual report. (Rehabilitation Commission) R1500.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0582 Annual report. (Research League, Texas) R1800.3 AN78 1994......95-0797 Annual report. (Rio Grande Compact Commissioner) R2500.3 R299 1994......95-1645 Annual report. (Sabine River Compact Commissioner) S100.3 AN78C 1993/4......95-1646 Annual report. (San Antonio River Authority) S250.3 AN78 1994......95-0122 Annual report. (Savings and Loan Department) S400.3 AN78 1994......95-1493 Annual report. (South Plains Association of Governments) S1050.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1001 Annual report. (Southwest Research Institute) Z S730.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0386 Annual report. (State-Federal Relations, Office of) S1250.3 AN78 1991/2......95-0589 Annual report. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.3 AN78ME 1992/3......95-0393 Annual report. (Texas A&M University - Kingsville. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute) Z TA115.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0400 Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78P 1993/4......95-0634 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 AN78 1990/1......95-1376 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 AN78 1991/2......95-1377 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1378 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1379 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78E 1993/4......95-0636 Annual report. (Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) G7000.3 AN78 1990/1......95-0730 Annual report. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 AN78AA 1993/4......95-1056 Annual report. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 AN78GR 1993/4......95-0420 Annual report. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 F49BA 1993/4......95-2099 Annual report. (Texas Tech University. International Textile Center (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N313.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0635 Annual report. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1227 Annual report. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 AN78RE 1994......95-1561 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Natural Fibers Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78T 1993/4......95-0640 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Nutrition and Natural Fiber Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78N 1993/4......95-0641 Annual report. (Turnpike Authority) T1700.3 AN78 1994......95-1010 Annual report. (University of Houston. Energy Laboratory) Z U427.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0427 Annual report. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 AN78L 1993/4......95-1901 Annual report. (University of Texas at Arlington. Automation & Robotics Research Institute) Z UA110.3 AN78 1993/4......95-2109 Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.3 AN78 1994......95-2110 Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. General Libraries) Z UA273.3 AN78 1992/4......95-1904 Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health) Z UA275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0863 Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. IC2 Institute) Z UA280.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0434 Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. IC2 Institute) Z UA280.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0865 Annual report. (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston) Z UM305.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1567 Annual report. (University of Texas. Natural Fibers Research Information Center (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N329.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0637 Annual report. (University of Texas System) Z US900.3 AN78 1994/5......95-0869 Annual report. (Workers' Compensation Research Center) W2000.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0827 Annual report. (Youth Commission) Y200.3 AN78EV 1993/4......95-1192 Annual report for program year ... . (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78DIS 1992/3......95-0038 Annual report for program year ... . (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78DIS 1993/4......95-0243 Annual report on commercial feeds. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1767......95-0619 Annual report on commercial fertilizers. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1766......95-0620 Annual report [on the Library Services and Construction Act]. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.3 L616 1993/4......95-0547 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1992......95-1427 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1993......95-1428 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1994......95-1429 LCRA annual report of cultural resource investigations for ... . L2510.3 AN78CU 1993-4......95-1745 Nontraditional Employment for Women Program annual report. W2100.3 AN78NO 1993......95-2081 Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility ambient air monitoring annual report. N330.6 P195A 1994......95-1957 Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant state plan and ... annual report. H600.3 P928ST 1994/5......95-1944 Regional transportation report. (Houston-Galveston Area Council) H2400.3 T687 1992......95-1615 Regional transportation report. (Houston-Galveston Area Council) H2400.3 T687 1994......95-0743 Texas enterprise zone program ... annual report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.3 EN82 1993/4......95-0236 Texas tourism annual report. C2300.3 T645 1993/4......95-0462 Vocational and applied technology education annual performance report for program year ... . E707.3 P416V 1994......95-1106 ANTHROPOLOGY World of spirits and ancestors in the art of western sub-Saharan Africa. Z TT422.8 W893......95-1384 ANTIQUITIES COMMITTEE LCRA annual report of cultural resource investigations for ... . L2510.3 AN78CU 1993-4......95-1745 Official Texas administrative code. Title 13 : cultural resources. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 13......95-0995 ANTIQUITIES PERMIT REPORTS Archaeological and archival investigations at Fort Magruder (41 TV 1380) : Civil War period fortification in Austin, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1130......95-2151 Archaeological clearance survey of drill holes, backhoe trenches, and access road segments associated with a paleoseismic study of the east Franklin Mountain fault zone in north El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1459......95-0930 Archaeological clearance survey of the proposed 70 acre Dal-Tile lease on El Paso Water Utilities-Public Service Board property in northeast El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1456......95-0487 Archaeological exacavations [sic] at prehistoric sites 41GM166, 41GM281, and 41GM282 at the Gibbons Creek Lignite Mine, Grimes County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1243......95-1738 Archaeological investigations at 41DL279 : site of the John F. Kennedy exhibit, Dallas County Administration Building, Dallas, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.671, 671A......95-0741 Archaeological investigations in the Walnut Creek National Register District, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.322......95-1449 Archaeological monitoring at Espada Road acequia crossing, south San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.221......95-0202 Archaeological monitoring of community development block grant water line construction, Las Milpas Colonia, Socorro, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1504......95-1141 Archaeological survey and historical background of the proposed Ennis Community Park, Ellis County, Texas : final report. A1900.7 P422 NO.1502......95-0931 Archaeological survey for the proposed wastewater system improvements, the city of Woodville, Tyler County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1409......95-0063 Archaeological survey of a proposed pipeline route along Old Corpus Christi and Richter roads. Z UA812.7 L569 NO.110......95-1237 Archaeological survey of Hutton Branch, Carrollton, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1509......95-2152 Archaeological survey of portion of the proposed Upper Trinity Regional Water District, phase 1B, water system improvements, Denton County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1413......95-0932 Archaeological survey of the proposed Cooper EDA waste water project (EDA, F2, F13), Delta County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1416......95-0488 Archaeological survey of the proposed raw waterline replacement project (HUD, CDBG, F2, F13) for the city of Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1486......95-0933 Archaeological survey of the proposed Texas windpower project, Culberson County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1455......95-0934 Archaeological survey of the San Elizario High School site, San Elizario, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1523......95-1142 Archaeological survey of the West Fork relief interceptor, Grand Prairie, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1505......95-1450 Archeological investigations at the Loma Sandia site (41LK28) : a prehistoric cemetery and campsite in Live Oak County, Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.20......95-2112 Archeological monitoring at the METRO multi-use facility, Houston, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1226......95-1451 Archeological survey of a phase I road alignment, city of Houston, Eisenhower Park, northeast Harris County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1481......95-1452 Archeological survey of the colonias wastewater treatment assistance program project near Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1554......95-1453 Archeological survey report on the ENSEARCH Turner prospect seismic project, Hardeman and Foard counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1296......95-1277 Archeology along the Wurzbach Parkway. Module 1, Introduction, conceptual framework, and contexts of archeological investigations in Bexar County, south-central Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.17......95-1234 Archival research, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Calhoun and Aransas counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1423......95-1739 Beneficial use areas survey, Houston-Galveston navigation channels, Texas project, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1529......95-1740 Clint Independent School District wastewater line archaeological survey : archaeological survey report, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1376......95-0064 Cultural resource survey, Carrizzo Springs municipal landfill, Dimmit County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1447......95-0489 Cultural resource survey, Mad Island Marsh Preserve, Matagorda County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1427......95-0490 Cultural resource survey of Fort Boggy State Park, Leon County, Texas. P400.8 C899......95-0108 Cultural resource survey of the Tannehill Branch[/]Greenwood Avenue channel improvements project in Austin, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1540......95-1454 Cultural resources assessment of the 5 acre site of the proposed Texas A & M University Development Foundation headquarters building in Brazos County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1462......95-0935 Cultural resources evaluation in Van Alstyne, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1508......95-2153 Cultural resources evaluation, Northwest Highway widening, Grapevine, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1436......95-0936 Cultural resources evaluation of the Plano municipal golf course. A1900.7 P422 NO.1385......95-0491 Cultural resources remote-sensing survey, discharge area no. 1B, Galveston entrance channel, Galveston County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1295......95-1741 Cultural resources survey of a 15 acre regional detention basin site (HCFC unit E532-01-00) on Whiteoak Bayou in northwest Harris County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1435......95-1143 Cultural resources survey of a distribution line at Copper Breaks State Park. A1900.7 P422 NO.1511......95-2154 Cultural resources survey of a proposed Geoseismic Services seismic line, Brazos Bend State Park, Fort Bend County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.499......95-2155 Cultural resources survey of Arcadia Park South, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1573......95-2156 Cultural resources survey of the Gillespie substation to Nimitz substation overhead transmission line, Gillespie County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1430......95-0492 Cultural resources survey of the Jobe concrete quarry, El Paso, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1375......95-0493 Cultural resources survey of the Kathryn Rose Memorial Park. A1900.7 P422 NO.1458......95-0937 Cultural resources survey of the Nixon substation and associated access road and transmission line rebuild project, Gonzales County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1541......95-1742 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Bowman Springs Road Park, city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1467......95-2157 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Held/Hogan Wildlife Refuge, Nueces County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1347......95-0938 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Leona sewer system, the city of Leona, Leon County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1412......95-0494 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Lynn Creek linear and neighborhood parks, city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1405......95-0495 Cultural resources survey of the proposed raw water reservoir, Brownsville, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1410......95-0065 Cultural resources survey of the proposed South Fork II bridge project, Nueces County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1208......95-2158 Cultural resources survey of the proposed South Texas Plant Materials Center improvement project, Kleberg County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1257......95-0496 Cultural resources survey of the proposed water system improvement project for the community of Ruidosa, Presidio County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1440......95-0497 Documentation of the San Pedro Acequia (41BX337) at Trevino Street, San Antonio, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.230......95-1238 El Paso state jail project : survey results and recommendations. A1900.7 P422 NO.1421......95-0498 Evaluation of archaeological material from the Little Church of La Villita property, San Antonio, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.228......95-0203 Final report : archeological survey and geomorphological testing of the north Longview sewer project, city of Longview, Gregg County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1477......95-0939 Final report : archeological survey report of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Lubbock facility, Lubbock County, Texas : TAC permit # 1402. A1900.7 P422 NO.1402......95-0940 Final report : archeological survey report of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Plainview facility, Hale County, Texas : TAC permit #1445. A1900.7 P422 NO.1445......95-0941 Historical archeology at Fort McIntosh in Laredo, Webb County, Texas : the import/export educational facility at Laredo Community College. A1900.7 P422 NO.1471......95-1278 Historical sites in the Baylor Creek project area, Fayette County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.38......95-0199 Intensive cultural resources survey and assessment for the proposed Oak Hill regional detention pond on Williamson Creek, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1466......95-1144 Lee Colburn Park expansion project. A1900.7 P422 NO.1362......95-0066 Magnetometer survey of Sabine Pass Channel and assessment of the Clifton, 41JF65, Jefferson County, Texas, Cameron Parish, Louisiana. A1900.7 P422 NO.1363......95-0942 Monitoring cultural resource exposures at the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion. A1900.7 P422 NO.1139......95-2159 Negative findings on an archeological survey of the proposed Eula Water Supply Corporation pipeline, Callahan County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1491......95-1455 Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge : continued archeological and historical research at El Capote ranch community, Hidalgo County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1284......95-0499 Place of Lawther Drive in White Rock Creek archaeology. A1900.7 P422 NO.1464......95-2160 Reconnaissance of Big Lake Draw : implications for prehistoric playa utilization, Reagan County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.40......95-0200 Relocation and reassessment of 38 archaeological sites on El Paso Water Utilities-Public Service Board property in northeast El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1389......95-0500 Results of an archaeological survey for a portion of the proposed animal science teaching and research complex in College Station, Brazos County, Texas : final report. Z TA280.7 L569 NO.59......95-2226 Results of archeological and geomorphic monitoring performed at the location of a proposed new city hall annex, downtown Austin. A1900.7 P422 NO.1475......95-1145 San Saba Mill Pond Park survey, San Saba County, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.220......95-0204 Subsurface testing, portions of archeological sites 41WB362 and 41WB363, Texas A & M International University campus, Webb County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1444......95-2161 Summary report of the cultural resources investigations at the proposed Yett Creek regional detention pond, West Parmer Lane, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1488......95-2162 Summary report of the cultural resources investigations of the city of Georgetown force main, sewer, and irrigation transmission line to serve Sun City-Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1516......95-2163 APPEALS PROCESS Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course. B600.8 AD95CIA 1994......95-0227 Appellate practice : for lawyers and legal assistants. B600.8 AP48PF 1995......95-0880 APPRAISAL Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 Appraisal practices and tax burdens, Texas local governments : report. R1800.8 AP65PR 1993/4......95-0989 Texas Veterans Land Program : appraisal conference guidebook for developers. L400.5 T312VE 1994......95-0945 APPRAISAL DISTRICTS Annual property tax report. C2625.3 AN78P 1993......95-0697 Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 Appraisal district directory. C2625.5 P945TAA 1995......95-1406 Appraisal district operations report, 1994 & 1995 data. C2625.8 AP65 1994/5......95-1253 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1992......95-0241 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1994......95-2119 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Preliminary report. C2625.8 P945VP 1994......95-0699 APPROPRIATIONS 1992 financial and compliance audit results. (Auditor) A2800.8 M289G......95-0678 Analysis of the impact on health and human services in the introduced appropriations bill for the 1996-1997 biennium. H350.8 AN12 1995/7......95-0924 Committee on Appropriations, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 AP65 74......95-0518 Fiscal 1996-97 budget-- House Appropriations Committee version. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-3......95-1160 General Appropriations Act for fiscal 1996-97. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-5......95-1622 Hard choices : setting priorities for the Texas state budget : a report. (University of Texas at Austin. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs) Z UA320.7 P758 NO.112......95-0435 Legislative appropriations request. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 R299L......95-0605 Legislative appropriations request. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 B859E......95-0911 Legislative appropriations request. (Lottery Commission) L2503.3 B859E......95-0311 Legislative appropriations request. (North Central Texas College) Z C680.3 R299L......95-0163 Legislative appropriations request. (South Texas Community College) Z S705.3 R299L......95-0385 Major differences between House and Senate versions of HB1. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-4......95-1161 Misuse of government resources. (Ethics Commission) E2500.8 M691......95-0275 Report on the 1994 financial and compliance audit results. (Auditor) A2800.8 M289G 1993/4......95-1075 Statistical report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-0894 Supplement to House journal, Seventy-fourth Legislature, regular session : text of Conference Committee report, House bill no. 1 (General Appropriations Act) and Governor's veto proclamation. L1800.4 AP65 74......95-1461 Writing the state budget. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-1......95-0546 AQUACULTURE Guide to drug, vaccine, and pesticide use in aquaculture. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5085......95-1372 AQUACULTURE Sediment-interstitial study final report. (Lower Colorado River Authority) L2510.8 SE28......95-0958 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 AQUIFERS Edwards/Glen Rose hydrologic communication, San Antonio Region, Texas. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-03......95-1108 Ground-water resources of the Bone Peak Aquifer in the Dell Valley area, Texas. W600.7 R299 NO.344......95-0825 State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS Archival research, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Calhoun and Aransas counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1423......95-1739 Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Port Aransas to Live Oak Point, Aransas and Calhoun counties, Texas. H2000.8 AR13......95-1138 ARCHEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS 1994 archaeological survey operations at the South Hallsville No. 1 Mine, Harrison County, Texas. H2000.8 H245HA 1994......95-2139 1994 archeological data recovery excavations at the Kingwood Site, 41HR616, Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24KI......95-1431 Archaeological and archival investigations at Fort Magruder (41 TV 1380) : Civil War period fortification in Austin, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1130......95-2151 Archaeological clearance survey of drill holes, backhoe trenches, and access road segments associated with a paleoseismic study of the east Franklin Mountain fault zone in north El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1459......95-0930 Archaeological clearance survey of the proposed 70 acre Dal-Tile lease on El Paso Water Utilities-Public Service Board property in northeast El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1456......95-0487 Archaeological exacavations [sic] at prehistoric sites 41GM166, 41GM281, and 41GM282 at the Gibbons Creek Lignite Mine, Grimes County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1243......95-1738 Archaeological investigation, East Toll Plaza, Beltway 8 East. H2000.8 H24EA......95-1127 Archaeological investigation, flood mitigation site, Beltway 8 East. H2000.8 H24FL......95-1128 Archaeological investigation, Southwest Toll Plaza site, Beltway 8. H2000.8 H24SO......95-1129 Archaeological investigation within the Monticello B-2 first five-year disturbance area, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOBA 1993......95-1725 Archaeological investigations at 41DL279 : site of the John F. Kennedy exhibit, Dallas County Administration Building, Dallas, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.671, 671A......95-0741 Archaeological investigations in southwestern Montague County, Texas. H2000.8 M76......95-1432 Archaeological investigations in the Walnut Creek National Register District, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.322......95-1449 Archaeological monitoring at Espada Road acequia crossing, south San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.221......95-0202 Archaeological monitoring of community development block grant water line construction, Las Milpas Colonia, Socorro, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1504......95-1141 Archaeological survey and historical background of the proposed Ennis Community Park, Ellis County, Texas : final report. A1900.7 P422 NO.1502......95-0931 Archaeological survey and testing at the South Hallsville No. 1 Mine, Harrison County, Texas, 1992. H2000.8 H245HA......95-1130 Archaeological survey for the proposed wastewater system improvements, the city of Woodville, Tyler County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1409......95-0063 Archaeological survey of 1993-1994 timber harvesting areas, Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Harrison County, Texas. H2000.8 H245TI......95-2140 Archaeological survey of a proposed construction project (FMHA, F2, F13) for the North Hunt Water Supply Corporation : Hunt, Fannin, and Delta counties, Texas. H2000.8 H911......95-1131 Archaeological survey of a proposed pipeline route along Old Corpus Christi and Richter roads. Z UA812.7 L569 NO.110......95-1237 Archaeological survey of Hutton Branch, Carrollton, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1509......95-2152 Archaeological survey of portion of the proposed Upper Trinity Regional Water District, phase 1B, water system improvements, Denton County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1413......95-0932 Archaeological survey of the Arkla Energy Resources' replacement line S segment (FERC, F2, F13), Harrison County, Texas. H2000.8 H245AR......95-1607 Archaeological survey of the proposed Cooper EDA waste water project (EDA, F2, F13), Delta County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1416......95-0488 Archaeological survey of the proposed raw waterline replacement project (HUD, CDBG, F2, F13) for the city of Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1486......95-0933 Archaeological survey of the proposed Roxton Senior[s] Apartments (FMHA, F2, F13), Lamar County, Texas. H2000.8 L161......95-1726 Archaeological survey of the proposed Texas windpower project, Culberson County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1455......95-0934 Archaeological survey of the San Elizario High School site, San Elizario, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1523......95-1142 Archaeological survey of the West Fork relief interceptor, Grand Prairie, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1505......95-1450 Archaeological testing at the South Hallsville No. 1 Mine, 1993. H2000.8 H245HA 1993......95-2141 Archaic and late prehistoric human ecology in the Middle Onion Creek Valley, Hays County, Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.19......95-1713 Archeological assessment of the proposed Hazelwood landfill expansion, Baytown, Chambers County, Texas. H2000.8 C355......95-1263 Archeological investigations at the Loma Sandia site (41LK28) : a prehistoric cemetery and campsite in Live Oak County, Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.20......95-2112 Archeological investigations on the OkTex Pipeline Company proposed abandonment of OK-7, Red River County, Texas. H2000.8 R245OK......95-1264 Archeological monitoring at the METRO multi-use facility, Houston, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1226......95-1451 Archeological survey of a French Ltd., wetlands replacement project, city of Baytown, Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24FR......95-1433 Archeological survey of a phase I road alignment, city of Houston, Eisenhower Park, northeast Harris County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1481......95-1452 Archeological survey of selected portions of the Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Harrison County, Texas, 1989-1992. H2000.8 H245......95-2142 Archeological survey of the colonias wastewater treatment assistance program project near Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1554......95-1453 Archeological survey of the proposed Hearne to Branchville transmission line reroute project. H2000.8 M59......95-1434 Archeological survey of the proposed Red River transmission line and substation, Cooke County, Texas. H2000.8 C774......95-1435 Archeological survey report on the ENSEARCH Turner prospect seismic project, Hardeman and Foard counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1296......95-1277 Archeological survey report on the ETEX telephone cable project, Wood and Upshur counties, Texas. H2000.8 W85......95-1608 Archeology along the Wurzbach Parkway. Module 1, Introduction, conceptual framework, and contexts of archeological investigations in Bexar County, south-central Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.17......95-1234 Archeology along the Wurzbach Parkway. Module 2, Initial testing and evaluation of five prehistoric sites in the Upper Salado Watershed, Bexar County, Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.18......95-1235 Archival research, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Calhoun and Aransas counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1423......95-1739 Beneficial use areas survey, Houston-Galveston navigation channels, Texas project, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1529......95-1740 Class III cultural resources survey of United Oil and Minerals Stolte no. 1 well, Guadalupe County, Texas. H2000.8 G93......95-1132 Clint Independent School District wastewater line archaeological survey : archaeological survey report, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1376......95-0064 Continuing archeology at Colha, Belize. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.16......95-1236 Continuing cultural resource investigations for Sanchez-O'Brien Oil & Gas, Inc. developments in Falcon State Park-- : an archeological survey of a proposed underground pipeline, Starr County, Texas. H2000.8 ST28......95-1436 Continuing cultural resource management at Calvert Mine : 1993 prehistoric site testing, Robertson County. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.42......95-0654 Cultural resource assessment of a proposed Union Pacific Railroad crossing of Cedar Bayou : Harris and Chambers counties, Texas. H2000.8 H24UN......95-1437 Cultural resource investigations for the Big Brown CVI Revision (F.M. 2570 South) Mine area, Freestone County, Texas. H2000.8 F878BI......95-1727 Cultural resource monitoring of fence and cattle guard construction on Bob West South well pad, Starr County, Texas. H2000.8 ST28FE......95-1265 Cultural resource survey, Carrizzo Springs municipal landfill, Dimmit County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1447......95-0489 Cultural resource survey, Mad Island Marsh Preserve, Matagorda County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1427......95-0490 Cultural resource survey of Alabama-Coushatta Reservation well no. 5 (lease no. 14-20-0208-5265), Polk County, Texas. H2000.8 P759......95-1266 Cultural resource survey of Fort Boggy State Park, Leon County, Texas. P400.8 C899......95-0108 Cultural resource survey of proposed Grapevine-Bowers transmission line and Grapevine interchange, Gray County, Texas. H2000.8 G791......95-1609 Cultural resource survey of proposed preferred and alternate 115 kV transmission line routes and substations, Lamb and Hale counties, Texas. H2000.8 L165......95-1610 Cultural resource survey of targeted areas, B.A. Steinhagen Lake, Jasper and Tyler counties, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.41......95-0655 Cultural resource survey of the 1994-1999 permit area of the Jewett Mine, Freestone County, Texas. H2000.8 F878JE 93/08......95-1611 Cultural resource survey of the Tannehill Branch[/]Greenwood Avenue channel improvements project in Austin, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1540......95-1454 Cultural resources assessment of the 5 acre site of the proposed Texas A & M University Development Foundation headquarters building in Brazos County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1462......95-0935 Cultural resources evaluation in Van Alstyne, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1508......95-2153 Cultural resources evaluation, Northwest Highway widening, Grapevine, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1436......95-0936 Cultural resources evaluation of a Baylor County water line : Baylor County pipelines. H2000.8 B344......95-1438 Cultural resources evaluation of the Blue Flats Disposal Site, Palo Pinto County, Texas. H2000.8 P186......95-2143 Cultural resources evaluation of the La Hacienda Dairy, Camp County, Texas. H2000.8 C15......95-2144 Cultural resources evaluation of the Plano municipal golf course. A1900.7 P422 NO.1385......95-0491 Cultural resources evaluation of the Ranger Wastewater Treatment Plant Site, Eastland County, Texas. H2000.8 EA77RA 1995......95-2145 Cultural resources inventory of the Hunt McCullough low pressure tie in pipeline, Grayson County, Texas : for Warren Petroleum Company. H2000.8 G795HUM......95-1267 Cultural resources inventory of the Hunt Stephens low pressure tie in pipeline, Grayson County, Texas : for Warren Petroleum Company. H2000.8 G795HUS......95-1268 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Eagle oil and gas tie in upgrade pipeline, Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795EA......95-1269 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Shell/Hagerman Refuge low pressure tie in pipeline, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795HA......95-1273 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company J.H. Lawrence upgrade project (east), Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795LA......95-1270 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company M & B north low pressure pipeline project, Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795MB......95-1272 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Simpson lease low pressure connect, Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795SI......95-1274 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Janelle Edwards tie in pipeline, Ward County, Texas. H2000.8 W21......95-1271 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Chevron Estes gathering system corridor, Ward County, Texas. H2000.8 W21CH......95-1439 Cultural resources remote-sensing survey, discharge area no. 1B, Galveston entrance channel, Galveston County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1295......95-1741 Cultural resources remote-sensing survey, offshore borrow areas for beach replenishment project, 10th Street to 103rd Street, Galveston County, Texas. H2000.8 G139......95-1612 Cultural resources survey of 178.23 acres out of the A.G. McMath survey no. 298, El Paso County, Texas. L600.7 AR22 NO.94-0002......95-0078 Cultural resources survey of 550 acres at Lake O' the Pines, Marion County, Texas. H2000.8 M339......95-2146 Cultural resources survey of a 15 acre regional detention basin site (HCFC unit E532-01-00) on Whiteoak Bayou in northwest Harris County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1435......95-1143 Cultural resources survey of a distribution line at Copper Breaks State Park. A1900.7 P422 NO.1511......95-2154 Cultural resources survey of a Harris County MUD Number 254 proposed wastewater treatment plant site on Greens Bayou in Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24MUD......95-1440 Cultural resources survey of a portion of Mustang Oil and Gas Corporation Lopeno Field 3-D seismic survey project, Zapata County, Texas. H2000.8 Z19MU......95-2147 Cultural resources survey of a proposed 138-kV transmission line, Travis and Williamson counties, Texas. H2000.8 T698......95-1613 Cultural resources survey of a proposed 90-acre residential subdivision, Montgomery County, Texas. H2000.8 M766......95-1728 Cultural resources survey of a proposed Geoseismic Services seismic line, Brazos Bend State Park, Fort Bend County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.499......95-2155 Cultural resources survey of a proposed SWEPCO transmission line, Titus County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.39......95-0198 Cultural resources survey of Arcadia Park South, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1573......95-2156 Cultural resources survey of Exxon fee A-13 no. 1 proposed wellpad and pipeline right-of-way, Sabine County, Texas. H2000.8 SA13......95-1133 Cultural resources survey of portions of the Monticello B-2 surface lignite mine, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOBC 1994......95-1729 Cultural resources survey of proposed disposal area 1A, Colorado River, Matagorda County, Texas. H2000.8 M411......95-1134 Cultural resources survey of the Gillespie substation to Nimitz substation overhead transmission line, Gillespie County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1430......95-0492 Cultural resources survey of the Jobe concrete quarry, El Paso, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1375......95-0493 Cultural resources survey of the Kathryn Rose Memorial Park. A1900.7 P422 NO.1458......95-0937 Cultural resources survey of the Nixon substation and associated access road and transmission line rebuild project, Gonzales County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1541......95-1742 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Bowman Springs Road Park, city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1467......95-2157 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Coffee-Overton 138-kV transmission line project, Anderson, Cherokee, Henderson, Rusk, and Smith counties, Texas. H2000.8 AN23......95-1614 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Delhi Gas Pipeline Corporation 6 5/8 inch pipeline crossing of the Lavaca River, Jackson County, Texas. H2000.8 J132......95-1441 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Explorer-Antioch 138-kV transmission line project, Van Zandt, Kaufman, and Henderson counties, Texas. H2000.8 V26......95-1730 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Goodrich Oil Company [pipeline], Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, Brazoria County, Texas. H2000.8 B739......95-1442 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Held/Hogan Wildlife Refuge, Nueces County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1347......95-0938 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Leona sewer system, the city of Leona, Leon County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1412......95-0494 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Lynn Creek linear and neighborhood parks, city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1405......95-0495 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Monticello B-2 surface mine, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOBC......95-1731 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Monticello I area surface mine, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOC 1994......95-1732 Cultural resources survey of the proposed raw water reservoir, Brownsville, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1410......95-0065 Cultural resources survey of the proposed South Fork II bridge project, Nueces County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1208......95-2158 Cultural resources survey of the proposed South Texas Plant Materials Center improvement project, Kleberg County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1257......95-0496 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Sunland Park Drive extension project, Dona Ana County, New Mexico and El Paso County, Texas. H2000.8 EL69SU......95-2148 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Veterans Administration National Cemetery, Dallas, Texas. H2000.8 D161VE......95-2149 Cultural resources survey of the proposed water system improvement project for the community of Ruidosa, Presidio County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1440......95-0497 Cultural resources survey of the Trunkline Gas Company right-of-way, Newton County, Texas. H2000.8 N482......95-1733 Cultural resources survey of Woodforest Road from Greens Bayou to Maxey Road, Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24WO......95-1443 Data recovery of three prehistoric sites at the Gibbons Creek third five-year mine permit area, Grimes County, Texas. H2000.8 G882......95-1734 Documentation of the San Pedro Acequia (41BX337) at Trevino Street, San Antonio, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.230......95-1238 Dos Republicas project : cultural resources survey of a proposed surface mining project in Maverick County, Texas. H2000.8 M449DO 1995......95-2150 El Paso state jail project : survey results and recommendations. A1900.7 P422 NO.1421......95-0498 Evaluation of archaeological material from the Little Church of La Villita property, San Antonio, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.228......95-0203 Evaluation of the potential presence of historic properties located within the North Campus expansion area of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1352......95-0742 Excavations at the Cottonwood Springs Site, Jewett Mine project, Leon County, Texas. H2000.8 L551EXJE......95-1135 Final combined cultural resources survey report, United State Coast Guard Station Sabine, Sabine Pass, Texas. H2000.8 J356......95-1136 Final report : archeological survey and geomorphological testing of the north Longview sewer project, city of Longview, Gregg County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1477......95-0939 Final report : archeological survey report of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Lubbock facility, Lubbock County, Texas : TAC permit # 1402. A1900.7 P422 NO.1402......95-0940 Final report : archeological survey report of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Plainview facility, Hale County, Texas : TAC permit #1445. A1900.7 P422 NO.1445......95-0941 Historical archeology at Fort McIntosh in Laredo, Webb County, Texas : the import/export educational facility at Laredo Community College. A1900.7 P422 NO.1471......95-1278 Historical sites in the Baylor Creek project area, Fayette County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.38......95-0199 Intensive archeological monitoring program conducted for a gas pipeline project, Falcon State Park, Zapata and Starr counties, Texas. H2000.8 Z19FAG......95-1444 Intensive archeological monitoring program conducted for the development of reconfigured pad C alternative and associated pipelines, Falcon State Park, Zapata and Starr counties, Texas. H2000.8 Z19FAD......95-1445 Intensive cultural resources survey and assessment for the proposed Oak Hill regional detention pond on Williamson Creek, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1466......95-1144 Intensive cultural resources survey and assessment to support federal permitting of the proposed expansion of the Skyline Landfill, Dallas and Ellis counties, Texas. H2000.8 D161SK......95-1446 Lee Colburn Park expansion project. A1900.7 P422 NO.1362......95-0066 Letter report for an archeological survey of two parcels of land for the City of Eagle Pass, Maverick County, Texas. H2000.8 M449......95-1447 Magnetometer survey of Sabine Pass Channel and assessment of the Clifton, 41JF65, Jefferson County, Texas, Cameron Parish, Louisiana. A1900.7 P422 NO.1363......95-0942 Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Corpus Christi Bay to Point Penascal : Nueces, Kleberg, and Kenedy counties, Texas. H2000.8 N885......95-1137 Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Port Aransas to Live Oak Point, Aransas and Calhoun counties, Texas. H2000.8 AR13......95-1138 Monitoring cultural resource exposures at the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion. A1900.7 P422 NO.1139......95-2159 National register testing at eight archaeological sites within the Oak Hill 2,280-acre study area, Rusk County, Texas. H2000.8 R897......95-1735 National register testing of four historic archaeological sites in the Martin Lake B West mine, Panola County, Texas. H2000.8 P194......95-1736 National register testing of ten sites in the Monticello B-2 Surface Mine, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOBN......95-1737 Negative findings on an archeological survey of the proposed Eula Water Supply Corporation pipeline, Callahan County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1491......95-1455 Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge : continued archeological and historical research at El Capote ranch community, Hidalgo County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1284......95-0499 Place of Lawther Drive in White Rock Creek archaeology. A1900.7 P422 NO.1464......95-2160 Reconnaissance of Big Lake Draw : implications for prehistoric playa utilization, Reagan County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.40......95-0200 Relocation and reassessment of 38 archaeological sites on El Paso Water Utilities-Public Service Board property in northeast El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1389......95-0500 Report on the archaeological survey of the proposed Campbell #2-58 production pipeline in Hemphill County, Texas : for Warren Petroleum Company. H2000.8 H377......95-1275 Report on the archaeological survey of three proposed production pipelines in Roberts County, Texas for Warren Petroleum Company. H2000.8 R541......95-1276 Results of a cultural resources survey of a proposed pipeline, Newton County, Texas, and Vernon Parish, Louisiana. H2000.8 N482PI......95-1448 Results of a cultural resources survey of the proposed Centana Intrastate Pipeline Company right-of-way, Jefferson, Orange, and Newton counties, Texas. H2000.8 J356CE......95-1139 Results of an archaeological survey for a portion of the proposed animal science teaching and research complex in College Station, Brazos County, Texas : final report. Z TA280.7 L569 NO.59......95-2226 Results of archeological and geomorphic monitoring performed at the location of a proposed new city hall annex, downtown Austin. A1900.7 P422 NO.1475......95-1145 San Saba Mill Pond Park survey, San Saba County, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.220......95-0204 Subsurface testing, portions of archeological sites 41WB362 and 41WB363, Texas A & M International University campus, Webb County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1444......95-2161 Summary report of the cultural resources investigations at the proposed Yett Creek regional detention pond, West Parmer Lane, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1488......95-2162 Summary report of the cultural resources investigations of the city of Georgetown force main, sewer, and irrigation transmission line to serve Sun City-Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1516......95-2163 Texas preservation handbook for county historical commissions, 1994-1995. H2000.5 H629PRH 1995......95-1140 ARCHITECTURAL EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Architectural Examiners, Board of) A2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0214 Management control audit of the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners. A2800.8 AR25......95-1582 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 ARK-TEX COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 20-year (1992-2011) regional solid waste management plan for the Ark-Tex Region. A2150.8 R263......95-0673 Financial report. (Ark-Tex Council of Governments) A2150.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1577 ARLINGTON, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Bowman Springs Road Park, city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1467......95-2157 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Lynn Creek linear and neighborhood parks, city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1405......95-0495 ARMED FORCES Court-martial of Lieutenant Henry Flipper. Z UA550.7 SO89 NO.100......95-1907 Defense diversification : a guide for Texas communities. C2300.5 D361......95-0461 ARMS CONTROL Business defense transition : a resource guide for Texas companies. C2300.5 B964......95-0235 Defense diversification : a guide for Texas communities. C2300.5 D361......95-0461 ARRESTS Texas justice statistics compendium. Z S205.8 T312JU......95-0835 ART EDUCATION Texas Commission on the Arts 1992 Arts Education Task Force Symposium report : arts education update : arts basic, priority one initiative. A2200.8 AR79......95-0674 ARTISTS Woody Gwyn. Z TT422.8 W879......95-1383 ARTS Arts Texas : Texas Commission on the Arts newsletter. A2200.6 N474......95-0447 Texas Commission on the Arts 1992 Arts Education Task Force Symposium report : arts education update : arts basic, priority one initiative. A2200.8 AR79......95-0674 Woody Gwyn. Z TT422.8 W879......95-1383 World of spirits and ancestors in the art of western sub-Saharan Africa. Z TT422.8 W893......95-1384 ARTS, COMMISSION ON THE Arts Texas : Texas Commission on the Arts newsletter. A2200.6 N474......95-0447 Official Texas administrative code. Title 13 : cultural resources. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 13......95-0995 Texas Commission on the Arts 1992 Arts Education Task Force Symposium report : arts education update : arts basic, priority one initiative. A2200.8 AR79......95-0674 ASPHALT Bonded concrete overlay (BCO) project selection, design, and construction. T1311.7 R311 NO.920-6F......95-1297 Development and construction of the Texas supplemental maintenance effectiveness research program (SMERP) experiment. T1311.7 R311 NO.1981-1F 1994......95-0810 Field performance of maintenance treatments constructed with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). T1311.7 R311 NO.187-24......95-1316 Guidelines on the use of RAP in routine maintenance activities. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1272-2F 1994......95-0816 Influence of coarse aggregate shape and surface texture on rutting of hot mix asphalt concrete. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-6 94/10......95-1324 Laboratory evaluation of crumb-rubber modified (CRM) binders and mixtures. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1332-1......95-0130 Prime coat methods and materials to replace cutback asphalt. T1311.7 R311 NO.1334-1F......95-1516 Verification of an asphalt aging test and development of superior recycling agents and asphalts. T1311.7 R311 NO.1314-1F......95-1520 ATASCOSA COUNTY, TEXAS Regional water plan for participating municipalities in Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson counties : final report. W600.8 AT17 1994......95-0141 ATTORNEY GENERAL CLU : criminal law update. A2400.6 C868L......95-1244 Financial report. (Attorney General) A2400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0012 Index to the opinions of the Attorney General of Texas. A2400.7 D569A 1994......95-0875 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 ATTORNEY GENERAL. CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION Annual report. (Attorney General) A2400.3 AN78CO 1991/2......95-0675 ATTORNEY GENERAL. CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION DIVISION Annual report. (Attorney General. Crime Victims Compensation Division) A2400.3 C868VIC 1992/3......95-0676 Annual report. (Attorney General. Crime Victims Compensation Division) A2400.3 C868VIC 1993/4......95-0677 ATTORNEY GENERAL. WORKERS' COMPENSATION DIVISION State of Texas actuarial study, workers' compensation program as of November 30, 1994. A2400.8 ST29AC......95-1393 Texas workers' compensation reserving implementation. A2400.8 T312WO......95-1394 ATTORNEYS Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 Attorney involvement in the Texas workers' compensation system. W2000.8 AT72......95-1662 Demographic profile of the State Bar of Texas membership. B600.8 D396 1995......95-1081 Texas judicial system : directory, 1995-1996. C3900.5 T312J 1995/6......95-1412 AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS Catalog : publications, special products, video tapes, education modules, software. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.1 P942 1996......95-1710 Video catalog, 1994. (Health, Department of) H600.5 V668 1994......95-0737 AUDITING Audit report on agency implementation of State Auditor's Office recommendations. A2800.8 AG35......95-0013 AUDITOR Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Auditor) A2700.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1718 Biennial report. (Auditor) A2700.3 B477 1992/4......95-0220 Financial report. (Auditor) A2700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0215 State Auditor's Office ... personal services schedule. A2700.3 B859PS 1994/5......95-0021 AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Budget. (Austin Community College) Z A800.3 B859 1994/5......95-0363 AUSTIN, TEXAS Archaeological and archival investigations at Fort Magruder (41 TV 1380) : Civil War period fortification in Austin, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1130......95-2151 Cultural resource survey of the Tannehill Branch[/]Greenwood Avenue channel improvements project in Austin, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1540......95-1454 Results of archeological and geomorphic monitoring performed at the location of a proposed new city hall annex, downtown Austin. A1900.7 P422 NO.1475......95-1145 AUTOMATED CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS Criminal Justice Policy Council agency plan for information resources. C4850.8 AG35 1995......95-1593 AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS LONG-RANGE PLANS Criminal Justice Policy Council agency plan for information resources. C4850.8 AG35 1995......95-1593 Information resources strategic plan. (Medical Examiners, Board of) M800.8 IN3 1994......95-2179 Information resources strategic plan, 1996-1997. (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of) P1325.3 ST82IN 1996-7......95-0783 Information resources strategic plan : for September 1, 1994 through August 31, 1999. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 ST82IN 1994/9......95-0388 Information resources strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0380 Information systems strategic plan for the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INA 1995-2000......95-1287 Preliminary report for the information systems strategic plan of the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INAP 1995-2000......95-1288 State Preservation Board information resource strategic plan, 1995-1999. P2350.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0328 Strategic plan for state information resources management, fiscal years 1995-1999. (Adjutant General's Department) A600.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0671 Texas Commission for the Blind information resources strategic plan, 1995-1999. B1000.3 ST29IN 1995-9......95-0884 AUTOMATED SYSTEMS Annual report. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 AN78RE 1994......95-1561 Audit report on the Texas State Treasury Department's automated systems and processes. A2800.8 T71AU......95-2117 Data standards for school district data delivery. E500.8 D262ST 1995/6......95-1102 Electronic records standards and procedures. L1900.7 L787 NO.2 1995......95-2177 Evaluation of automatic vehicle location systems in public transit. T1311.7 R311 NO.3006-1F......95-1310 How to prepare the biennial operating plan : instructions for state agencies and universities, 1996-1997. I525.5 AG35 1995......95-1617 Information resources strategic plan. (Medical Examiners, Board of) M800.8 IN3 1994......95-2179 Information resources strategic plan, 1996-1997. (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of) P1325.3 ST82IN 1996-7......95-0783 Information resources strategic plan : for September 1, 1994 through August 31, 1999. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 ST82IN 1994/9......95-0388 Information resources strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0380 Information systems strategic plan for the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INA 1995-2000......95-1287 Preliminary report for the information systems strategic plan of the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INAP 1995-2000......95-1288 ProScan system evaluation. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1378-1......95-1332 RCE intelliscope : a quarterly focus on the IVHS Research Centers of Excellence Program. Z TA505.6 R219......95-1560 Registration and title system. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.5 R263 1995......95-2202 State of Texas, Comptroller of Public Accounts, electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system shakedown : final report. C2600.8 EL25......95-0891 State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System : STEERS user's manual version 2.1. N330.7 R339 NO.28 1995......95-1626 State Preservation Board information resource strategic plan, 1995-1999. P2350.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0328 Statewide geographic information systems implementation plan : building Texas GIS infrastructure. I525.8 ST29......95-0505 Strategic plan for state information resources management, fiscal years 1995-1999. (Adjutant General's Department) A600.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0671 Texas Commission for the Blind information resources strategic plan, 1995-1999. B1000.3 ST29IN 1995-9......95-0884 TNRCC electronic reporting requirements. N330.5 EL25......95-0975 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 1993-1994 Texas consumer complaints against insurance companies-- : a tool for shopping smart. I1100.8 C766CO 1993-4......95-1946 Report of the Select Committee on Rate and Policy Form Regulation to the 74th Texas Legislature : pursuant to House Bill 1461 of the 73rd Legislature, article 1.50, Texas Insurance Code. L1836.74 R187......95-0952 Senior aware : insurance information for senior Texans. I1100.5 SE57......95-1948 Texas automobile rules and rating manual : governing the insuring of automobiles and standard automobile endorsements for the state of Texas : prescribed and approved by the Texas Department of Insurance : pursuant to House Bill 2, as passed by the 72nd Legislature of the state of Texas. I1100.4 AU82 1992......95-0075 AWARDS Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence. N330.3 G746......95-1285 BANKING DEPARTMENT Budget. (Banking, Department of) B400.3 B859 1993/4......95-0023 Financial report. (Banking Department) B400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0022 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 BANKING LAW Advanced Business Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95BU 1995......95-1917 Committee on Investments and Banking, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8B 74......95-0525 Legislative recommendations. (Banking Department) B400.8 L524RE 1993......95-0681 BANKRUPTCY Advanced Business Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95BU 1995......95-1917 Advanced Consumer Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95COB 1994......95-0024 Advanced creditors' rights course. B600.8 AD95CR 1994......95-0025 BANKS AND BANKING Advanced Business Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95BU 1995......95-1917 Committee on Investments and Banking, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8B 74......95-0525 Legislative recommendations. (Banking Department) B400.8 L524RE 1993......95-0681 BAR Demographic profile of the State Bar of Texas membership. B600.8 D396 1995......95-1081 BARBER EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Barber Examiners, Board of) B700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0685 BARTON SPRINGS Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer hydrogeology and groundwater quality. W600.8 B285......95-0137 BASIC SKILLS Executive summary : single parent displaced homemaker grant, Angelina College, 1993-1994. Z A150.8 SI64 1993/4......95-0603 Final report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994. (El Paso County Community College District) Z E880.8 T312 1993/4......95-1670 Project P.A.C.E. : Palo Alto College equity program : project report, 1993-94. Z P075.8 P943PA 1993/4......95-0614 School-to-work transition : a Texas perspective. E500.8 SCH65TOW......95-0716 Workplace competencies in business communications : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892BU......95-1380 Workplace competencies in English : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892EN......95-1381 BASS Striped bass culture program report, 1994. P421.7 M315D 1994 NO.110......95-0113 BASTROP COUNTY, TEXAS Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 BATS Resource book on Texas bats : with specical [sic] emphasis on Mexican free-tailed bats, Tadarida brasiliensis. P400.8 R312BO......95-1484 BAYLOR COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources evaluation of a Baylor County water line : Baylor County pipelines. H2000.8 B344......95-1438 BAYS Freshwater inflows to Texas bays and estuaries : ecological relationships and methods for determination of needs. W600.8 F892......95-1014 BAYTOWN, TEXAS Archeological survey of a French Ltd., wetlands replacement project, city of Baytown, Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24FR......95-1433 BEACHES Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.8 C631mapR......95-0751 BEE COUNTY COLLEGE Budget. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 B859 1993/4......95-1022 Budget. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 B859 1994/5......95-1023 Financial report. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1024 BEETLES White grubs in Texas turfgrass. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.1131 1995......95-2096 BELIZE Continuing archeology at Colha, Belize. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.16......95-1236 BELL COUNTY, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-03......95-1965 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-04......95-1966 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bell County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-236......95-2079 BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological monitoring at Espada Road acequia crossing, south San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.221......95-0202 Archaeological survey of a proposed pipeline route along Old Corpus Christi and Richter roads. Z UA812.7 L569 NO.110......95-1237 Archeology along the Wurzbach Parkway. Module 1, Introduction, conceptual framework, and contexts of archeological investigations in Bexar County, south-central Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.17......95-1234 Archeology along the Wurzbach Parkway. Module 2, Initial testing and evaluation of five prehistoric sites in the Upper Salado Watershed, Bexar County, Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.18......95-1235 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-05......95-1751 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-06......95-1752 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-07......95-1753 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-08......95-1754 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-09......95-1755 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-10......95-1756 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-11......95-1757 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-12......95-1758 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-13......95-1759 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-14......95-1760 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-15......95-1761 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-16......95-1762 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-17......95-1763 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-18......95-1764 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-19......95-1765 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-20......95-1766 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-21......95-1767 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-22......95-1768 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-23......95-1769 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bexar County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-231......95-2074 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-24......95-1770 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-25......95-1771 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-26......95-1772 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-27......95-1773 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-28......95-1774 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-29......95-1775 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-30......95-1776 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-31......95-1777 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-32......95-1778 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-33......95-1779 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-34......95-1780 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-35......95-1781 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-36......95-1782 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-37......95-1783 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-38......95-1784 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-39......95-1785 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-40......95-1786 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-41......95-1787 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-42......95-1788 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-43......95-1789 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-44......95-1790 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-45......95-1791 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-46......95-1792 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-47......95-1793 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-48......95-1794 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-49......95-1795 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-50......95-1796 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-51......95-1797 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-52......95-1798 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-53......95-1799 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-54......95-1800 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-55......95-1801 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-56......95-1802 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-57......95-1803 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-58......95-1804 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-59......95-1805 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-60......95-1806 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-61......95-1807 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-62......95-1808 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-63......95-1809 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-64......95-1810 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-65......95-1811 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-66......95-1812 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-67......95-1813 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-68......95-1814 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-69......95-1815 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-70......95-1816 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-71......95-1817 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-72......95-1818 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-73......95-1819 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-74......95-1820 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-75......95-1821 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-76......95-1822 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-77......95-1823 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-78......95-1824 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-79......95-1825 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-80......95-1826 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-81......95-1827 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-82......95-1828 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-83......95-1829 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-84......95-1830 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-85......95-1831 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-86......95-1832 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-87......95-1833 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-88......95-1834 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-89......95-1835 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-90......95-1836 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-91......95-1837 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-92......95-1838 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-93......95-1839 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-94......95-1840 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-95......95-1841 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-96......95-1842 Leak detection/location survey report for Bexar Metropolitan Water District, northeast/northwest San Antonio, Texas : March 21, 1994-February 24, 1995. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-04......95-1109 Southern Bexar County, Medina Valley surface water supply study. W600.8 SO88......95-0142 BIBLIOGRAPHIES Annotated bibliography of transportation-related air quality documents, 1989-1994. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-8 ......95-1498 Data information guide. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.5 D262......95-0893 Legislative Reference Library resources : a guide to current periodicals, newspapers, CD-ROMs, loose-leaf services, indexes & selected legal reference materials in the Texas Legislative Reference Library. L1700.5 L525 1994......95-0513 Publications catalog. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.1 P96......95-1958 Publications list. (University of Texas at Austin. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health) Z UA275.1 P96 1995......95-0864 TNRCC publications catalog. N330.1 P96 95/10......95-2193 BIENNIAL REPORTS 1994 statewide electrical energy plan. P3750.3 B477STE 1993-4......95-0983 Biennial report. (Auditor) A2700.3 B477 1992/4......95-0220 Biennial report. (Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council) C1155.3 B477 1992/4......95-1089 Biennial report. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.3 B477 1994-5......95-0470 Biennial report. (Employment Commission) E2100.3 B477WO 1992/4......95-0913 Biennial report. (Historical Commission) H2000.3 B477 1992/4......95-0062 Biennial report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.8 R245CHI 1994......95-0506 Biennial report. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.3 B477 1992/4......95-0307 Biennial report. (Offenders with Mental Impairments, Council on) O285.3 B477 1993/5......95-0569 Biennial report. (Pension Review Board) P980.3 B477 1992/4......95-0573 Biennial report. (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of) P1325.3 B477 1993-4......95-0327 Biennial report. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.3 B477 1992/4......95-0798 Biennial report. (Workers' Compensation Commission) W1900.3 B477STR 1992/4......95-0352 Biennial report to the governor and Legislature on information resources management. (Information Resources, Department of) I525.3 B477IRM 1992/4......95-0297 Biennial report to the Texas Legislature. (Health, Department of) H600.3 B477AL 1992/4......95-1121 Regional assessment of water quality, Canadian River Basin of Texas : biennial report. N330.3 B477CAN 1993-4......95-0103 Regional assessment of water quality in the Nueces coastal basins. N330.3 B477NUC 1992/4......95-0767 Regional assessment of water quality in the Rio Grande Basin. N330.3 B477RIG 1992/4......95-0768 Regional assessment of water quality, Red River Basin of Texas : biennial report. N330.3 B477RED 1993-4......95-0104 Regional assessment of water quality, Sabine River Basin, Texas. N330.3 B477SAR 1992/4......95-0968 Regional assessment of water quality : Trinity-San Jacinto Coastal Basin, San Jacinto River Basin, San Jacinto-Brazos Coastal Basin, Brazos-Colorado Coastal Basin. N330.3 B477TR 1993-4......95-1959 Report on state & local debt in Texas. B1250.3 B477DE 1992/4......95-0686 Smart jobs fund : biennial report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.3 SM28 1993/5......95-1589 Texas public school education : making the grade : a biennial report to the 74th Texas Legislature. E500.3 B477 1992/4......95-1413 BIG BEND RANCH STATE PARK Big Bend Ranch State Park newsletter. P400.6 B48......95-1629 BIG LAKE, TEXAS Reconnaissance of Big Lake Draw : implications for prehistoric playa utilization, Reagan County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.40......95-0200 BIOLOGY Workplace competencies in biology : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892BI......95-1226 BIRDS Birdhouse Day. (Parks and Wildlife Department) P400.8 B532D 1995......95-0774 Purple martin and its management in Texas. P400.8 P976......95-1483 BIRTH DEFECTS Investigation of a cluster of neural tube defects in Cameron County, Texas : a report. H600.8 IN8CL......95-0289 Texas birth defects monitor. H661.6 T312......95-1262 BIRTH RATES Birth-origin study of Texas newborns during ... . H600.6 B539 1993......95-0057 Birth-origin study of Texas newborns during ... . H600.6 B539 1994......95-1942 Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 BLACKS Gentlemen, shall we begin again? : the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program. Z UA275.8 G289......95-1067 BLANCO COUNTY, TEXAS Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 BLIND Collaboration. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C683......95-1719 Consumer news. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C766......95-1249 BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED, SCHOOL FOR THE Financial report. (Blind and Visually Impaired, School for the) B900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0029 BLIND, COMMISSION FOR THE Annual report. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.3 AN78I 1993/4 REV.......95-0232 Financial report. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0231 Interim state plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the state plan supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program. B1000.8 IN8......95-0453 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 Texas Commission for the Blind information resources strategic plan, 1995-1999. B1000.3 ST29IN 1995-9......95-0884 BLINN COLLEGE Annual report. (Blinn College. Star of the Republic Museum) Z B500.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-1356 Budget. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 B859 1993/4......95-1194 Budget. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 B859 1994/5......95-1195 College catalog. (Blinn College) Z B500.5 B874 1995/6......95-1357 Financial report. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-1193 BLOCK GRANTS Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant state plan and ... annual report. H600.3 P928ST 1994/5......95-1944 BOATS AND BOATING Boating and seagrasses. P400.8 B63SE......95-1289 BOLLWORMS Pink bollworm : management in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1511 1994......95-0624 BOND REVIEW BOARD Annual report. (Bond Review Board) B1250.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0455 Financial report. (Bond Review Board) B1250.3 F49 1993/4......95-0454 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 BONDS Source book on Texas public school debt. B1250.8 SO84 1995......95-1083 Texas public school districts general obligation debt : a report on debt issued through .... B1250.8 T312PU 1993/4......95-1084 BORGER JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT Financial report. (Borger Junior College District) Z B600.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-0364 Financial report. (Borger Junior College District) Z B600.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0365 BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Goodrich Oil Company [pipeline], Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, Brazoria County, Texas. H2000.8 B739......95-1442 BRAZOS BEND STATE PARK Cultural resources survey of a proposed Geoseismic Services seismic line, Brazos Bend State Park, Fort Bend County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.499......95-2155 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources assessment of the 5 acre site of the proposed Texas A & M University Development Foundation headquarters building in Brazos County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1462......95-0935 Results of an archaeological survey for a portion of the proposed animal science teaching and research complex in College Station, Brazos County, Texas : final report. Z TA280.7 L569 NO.59......95-2226 BRAZOS RIVER AUTHORITY 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994......95-0091 Appendices to the 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994 APP.......95-0094 Executive summary : 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994 SUMM.......95-0097 BRAZOS RIVER BASIN 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994......95-0091 Appendices to the 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994 APP.......95-0094 Executive summary : 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994 SUMM.......95-0097 BRAZOS VALLEY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Financial report. (Brazos Valley Development Council) B1350.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1085 BRAZOS-COLORADO COASTAL BASIN Regional assessment of water quality : Trinity-San Jacinto Coastal Basin, San Jacinto River Basin, San Jacinto-Brazos Coastal Basin, Brazos-Colorado Coastal Basin. N330.3 B477TR 1993-4......95-1959 BRAZOSPORT COLLEGE Budget. (Brazosport College) Z B650.3 B859 1994/5......95-1025 College catalog. (Brazosport College) Z B650.5 G286 1995/6......95-1358 Financial report. (Brazosport College) Z B650.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1026 BREAD Eat right : bread, cereal and pasta = Alimentese bien : pan, cereal y pasta. Z TA265.8 EA81RIBR 1995......95-1541 BRIDGES Detailing in structural concrete. T1311.7 R311 NO.1127-3F......95-1300 Dynamic response-- : tied arch bridges, U.S. 59 Houston. T1311.8 D993 1995......95-2205 Effects of traffic and wind loads on a tied-arch bridge. T1311.8 EF36 1994......95-2206 Elastomeric bearings : background information and field study. T1311.7 R311 NO.1304-1......95-1308 Evaluation of failure in bridge expansion joint rails. T1311.7 R311 NO.1309-1F......95-1311 Factors affecting the design thickness of bridge slabs : results of static and fatigue test. T1311.7 R311 NO.1305-2......95-1654 Feasibility study for hydraulic modeling facility for scour problems. T1311.7 R311 NO.1408-1F......95-1509 Foraging of bald eagles at a proposed bridge site near Lake Livingston. T1311.7 R311 NO.1990-2F......95-0813 Overload permit procedures. T1311.7 R311 NO.1266-4F 94/02......95-1515 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed raw water reservoir, Brownsville, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1410......95-0065 BRUSH CONTROL Chemical weed and brush control suggestions for rangeland. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1466 1995......95-2235 Research highlights noxious brush and weed control, range and wildlife management. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.6 N859 1994 V.25......95-0847 BUDA, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-117......95-1987 BUDGETING 1994-95 Texas state budget : what we get for our money. C2600.8 W556......95-0237 Fiscal 1996-97 budget-- House Appropriations Committee version. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-3......95-1160 General Appropriations Act for fiscal 1996-97. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-5......95-1622 Hard choices : setting priorities for the Texas state budget : a report. (University of Texas at Austin. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs) Z UA320.7 P758 NO.112......95-0435 Writing the state budget. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-1......95-0546 BUDGETS Budget. (Aging, Department on) A800.3 B859 1994/5......95-0003 Budget. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 B859 1995/6......95-1864 Budget. (Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Commission on) A1400.3 B859 1994/5......95-0874 Budget. (Alvin Community College) Z A050.3 B859 1994/5......95-0360 Budget. (Amarillo College) Z A100.3 B859 1994/5......95-0148 Budget. (Angelina College) Z A150.3 B859 1995/6......95-1865 Budget. (Angelo State University) Z A200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1866 Budget. (Animal Health Commission) A1700.3 B859 1993/4......95-0011 Budget. (Austin Community College) Z A800.3 B859 1994/5......95-0363 Budget. (Banking, Department of) B400.3 B859 1993/4......95-0023 Budget. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 B859 1993/4......95-1022 Budget. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 B859 1994/5......95-1023 Budget. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 B859 1993/4......95-1194 Budget. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 B859 1994/5......95-1195 Budget. (Brazosport College) Z B650.3 B859 1994/5......95-1025 Budget. (Cancer Council) C330.3 B859 1993/4......95-0031 Budget. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 B859CO 1994/5......95-0371 Budget. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 B859CO 1995/6......95-1868 Budget. (Chiropractic Examiners, Board of) C1300.3 B859 1993/4......95-0032 Budget. (Clarendon College) Z C500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0374 Budget. (Coastal Water Authority) C1975.3 B859 1995......95-1091 Budget. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 B859OP 1994/5 REV.......95-2213 Budget. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 B859OP 1995/6......95-1869 Budget. (Cooke County College) Z C680.3 B859 1993/4......95-1027 Budget. (Court of Criminal Appeals) C4200.3 B859PR 1993/4......95-0263 Budget. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.3 B859 1995/6......95-2120 Budget. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.3 B859PR 1994/2001......95-0706 Budget. (Del Mar College) Z D350.3 B859 1994/5......95-0151 Budget. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 B859 1995/6......95-1871 Budget. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 B859R 95/SUMMER......95-0607 Budget. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 B859 1995/6......95-1872 Budget. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.3 B859 1994/5......95-0155 Budget. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 B859 1994/5......95-0046 Budget. (Engineers, Board of Registration for Professional) E2200.3 B859 1993/4......95-0049 Budget. (Finance Authority, Public) B1385.3 B859 1993/4......95-0051 Budget. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.3 B859 1993/4......95-0156 Budget. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0157 Budget. (Galveston College) Z G100.3 B859 1995/6......95-2086 Budget. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 B859 1994/5......95-1361 Budget. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 B859 1995/6......95-1873 Budget. (Hill College) Z H500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0831 Budget. (Howard College ) Z H870.3 B859 1995/6......95-1671 Budget. (Human Rights, Commission on) H2700.3 B859 1993/4......95-0068 Budget. (Lamar University at Port Arthur) Z L110.3 B859 1995/6......95-2215 Budget. (Land Office, General) L600.3 B859 1994/5......95-2168 Budget. (Lee College) Z L300.3 B859 1993/4......95-1031 Budget. (Lee College) Z L300.3 B859 1994/5......95-1032 Budget. (Licensing and Regulation, Department of) L200.3 B859 1993/4......95-0089 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1991/2......95-1362 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1992/3......95-1363 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1993/4......95-1364 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1994/5......95-1365 Budget. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 B859 1995/6......95-1674 Budget. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.3 B859 1994/5......95-1034 Budget. (Prairie View A&M University) Z P800.3 B859 1995/6......95-2217 Budget. (Preservation Board) P2350.3 B859 1994......95-0978 Budget. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 B859 1994/5......95-1036 Budget. (Sam Houston State University) Z S200.3 B859R 1995/6......95-1878 Budget. (San Antonio River Authority) S250.3 AN78B 1995/6......95-1647 Budget. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 B859 1994/5......95-1679 Budget. (South Plains College) Z S700.3 B859 1994/5......95-1367 Budget. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.3 B859 1994/5......95-1368 Budget. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.3 B859 1995/6......95-1683 Budget. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 B859 1995/6......95-1879 Budget. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 B859 1995/6......95-1880 Budget. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.3 B859 1995/6......95-2221 Budget. (Tarrant County Junior College District) Z T150.3 B859 1995/6......95-2222 Budget. (Temple Junior College) Z T300.3 B859 1995/6......95-1882 Budget. (Texas A&M International University) Z L250.3 B859 1995/6......95-2223 Budget. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.3 B859 1995/6......95-2224 Budget. (Texas A&M University at Galveston) Z TA555.3 B859 1995/6......95-2227 Budget. (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi) Z C800.3 B859 1995/6......95-2228 Budget. (Texas A&M University - Kingsville) Z TA110.3 B859 1995/6......95-2229 Budget. (Texas A&M University System) Z TA565.3 B859AD 1995/6......95-2230 Budget. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.3 B859 1995/6......95-2232 Budget. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.3 B859 1995/6......95-2238 Budget. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 B859 1995/6......95-2242 Budget. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.3 B859 1995/6......95-2243 Budget. (Texas Forest Service) F1400.3 B859 1995/6......95-2244 Budget. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1891 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Harlingen) Z TS835.3 B859 1995/6......95-1892 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Sweetwater) Z TS845.3 B859 1995/6......95-1893 Budget. (Texas State Technical College System) Z TS800.3 B859 1995/6......95-1895 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Waco) Z TS815.3 B859 1995/6......95-1894 Budget. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 B859 1995 SUMMER......95-1224 Budget. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 B859 1995/6......95-2245 Budget. (Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory) V775.3 B859 1995/6......95-2246 Budget. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1897 Budget. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1898 Budget. (University of North Texas) Z N700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1701 Budget. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 B859 1995/6......95-1902 Budget. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1903 Budget. (University of Texas at Dallas) Z UA500.3 B859 1995/6......95-1906 Budget. (University of Texas at El Paso) Z UA550.3 B859 1995/6......95-1908 Budget. (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) Z UH325.3 B859 1995/6......95-1909 Budget. (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Z UH340.3 B859 1995/6......95-1910 Budget. (University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Z US905.3 B859 1995/6......95-1911 Budget. (University of Texas of the Permian Basin) Z UP300.3 B859 1995/6......95-1912 Budget. (University of Texas - Pan American) Z P100.3 B859 1995/6......95-1913 Budget. (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Z UH310.3 B859 1995/6......95-1914 Budget. (West Texas A&M University) Z W350.3 B859 1995/6......95-2250 Budget. (Western Texas College) Z W375.3 B859 1995/6......95-1915 Budget. (Youth Commission) Y200.3 B859 1995/6......95-2211 Health and human services consolidated budget, FY 1996-97. H350.3 B859CO 1995/7......95-0285 State Auditor's Office ... personal services schedule. A2700.3 B859PS 1994/5......95-0021 State of the states : a look at tax and budget issues in the 50 states. C2600.6 ST29ST......95-1252 University pay plans. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 UN3 1994/5......95-0390 BUILDING Annual building permit activity in Texas metropolitan areas, 1980-94. R800.8 AN78BUA 95/07......95-1677 Audit report on improving the construction process. A2800.8 IM7CO......95-0217 Construction status report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78C 1992/3......95-0762 Construction status report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78C 1993/4......95-0763 BURNET COUNTY, TEXAS Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 BUSINESS Business defense transition : a resource guide for Texas companies. C2300.5 B964......95-0235 Business disputes along the information superhighway. B600.8 B964DIA......95-1583 Business information and systems plan. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.8 B964......95-0807 Doing business in the new Texas-Mexico market. B600.8 D685......95-1399 Guide to Texas business licenses & permits. C2300.5 T312G 1995......95-1094 Texas business organizations : choice of entity and formation. B600.8 C452......95-0684 Texas enterprise zone program ... annual report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.3 EN82 1993/4......95-0236 BUTTERFLIES Texas monarch watch. P400.6 T312MO......95-0778 CALDWELL COUNTY, TEXAS Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS Archival research, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Calhoun and Aransas counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1423......95-1739 Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Port Aransas to Live Oak Point, Aransas and Calhoun counties, Texas. H2000.8 AR13......95-1138 CALLAHAN COUNTY, TEXAS Negative findings on an archeological survey of the proposed Eula Water Supply Corporation pipeline, Callahan County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1491......95-1455 CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS Investigation of a cluster of neural tube defects in Cameron County, Texas : a report. H600.8 IN8CL......95-0289 CAMP COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources evaluation of the La Hacienda Dairy, Camp County, Texas. H2000.8 C15......95-2144 CAMPAIGN FUNDS Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU......95-1598 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU 95/09......95-1933 Texas appellate judicial candidates campaign and election report : 1988, 1990, 1992 and 1994 elections. C3900.5 T312AP 1988-94......95-0896 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 20, Reporting political contributions and expenditures. E2500.4 R299PO 1995......95-1936 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 22, Restrictions on contributions and expenditures. E2500.4 R313CO 1995......95-1937 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 24, Restrictions on contributions and expenditures applicable to corporations and labor organizations. E2500.4 R313COA 1995......95-1938 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 28, Reports by a candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives. E2500.4 R299CA 1995......95-1940 Title 15, Texas election code : regulating political funds and campaigns : effective June 16, 1995. E2500.4 R265 1995......95-1424 CANADA NAFTA and the energy industry : lessons from the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. Z N707.8 N13......95-1062 NAFTA handbook for water resource managers and engineers. Z UA320.8 N13......95-1389 CANADIAN RIVER BASIN Regional assessment of water quality, Canadian River Basin of Texas : biennial report. N330.3 B477CAN 1993-4......95-0103 CANADIAN RIVER COMPACT COMMISSIONER Annual report. (Canadian River Compact Commissioner) C300.3 AN78 1994......95-1250 Financial report. (Canadian River Compact Commissioner) C300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0456 CANADIAN RIVER MUNICIPAL WATER AUTHORITY Overview of conjunctive management alternatives for the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority. W600.8 C16RMU 93/09......95-0140 CANCER 1996 cancer prevention & control initiatives : an overview of Texas Cancer Plan projects. C330.8 C16 1996......95-1919 Cancer incidence (1989-1990) and mortality (1981-1991) in the Texas Golden Crescent. H600.8 C16ING 1989-90......95-0733 Collaboration among Texas medical schools to improve education in cancer prevention and detection. C330.8 C683......95-0885 Impact of cancer on Texas. C330.8 IM7CAT 1995......95-1920 MD Anderson oncolog. Z UM100.6 R299......95-1240 Speakers' bureau directory for cancer & related topics : a joint project. C330.5 SP31......95-1921 Texas cancer mortality statistics. H600.8 C16MOS 1993......95-0290 Wellness exchange : a quarterly report from the Social Work Wellness Project. C330.6 W462......95-0457 CANCER COUNCIL 1996 cancer prevention & control initiatives : an overview of Texas Cancer Plan projects. C330.8 C16 1996......95-1919 Budget. (Cancer Council) C330.3 B859 1993/4......95-0031 Financial report. (Cancer Council) C330.3 F49 1993/4......95-0030 Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 CANCER REPORTING Impact of cancer on Texas. C330.8 IM7CAT 1995......95-1920 CAPITAL AREA PLANNING COUNCIL Financial report. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.3 F49AU 1993......95-0687 Financial report. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.3 F49AU 1994......95-0886 Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Five-year aviation capital improvement program, 1996-2000. T1305.8 F586CA 1996/2000......95-1497 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 C868 74......95-0519 CAPITOL BUILDING Annual report. (Preservation Board) P2350.3 AN78CA 1993/4......95-1635 Master plan : historic grounds of the Texas Capitol. P2350.8 H629MA......95-1632 Pre-schematic estimate of landscape costs : historic grounds of the Texas Capitol. P2350.8 H629PR......95-1633 Texas Capitol Restoration Celebration, April 1995. P2350.8 C172RE......95-1636 CAPITOL COMPLEX Capitol news. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.6 C172......95-0980 CAPITOL COMPLEX CHILD CARE CENTER Report to the 74th Legislature. (Governor, Office of the. Child Care Development Board) G807.8 R299 74TH......95-1601 CARBOHYDRATES Eat right : bread, cereal and pasta = Alimentese bien : pan, cereal y pasta. Z TA265.8 EA81RIBR 1995......95-1541 CARROLLTON, TEXAS Archaeological survey of Hutton Branch, Carrollton, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1509......95-2152 CASTROVILLE, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-149......95-1999 CATALOGS Aviation videos : VHS. T1305.1 AV52VI 1994......95-1006 Video catalog. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 M467 1995......95-1480 Video catalog, 1994. (Health, Department of) H600.5 V668 1994......95-0737 CATTLE Anaplasmosis in beef cattle. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5098......95-0181 Determining pregnancy in cattle. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1077 1995......95-2236 Microcomputer selection and uses in beef cattle management. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2208 1995......95-1544 Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 CEMETERIES Archeological investigations at the Loma Sandia site (41LK28) : a prehistoric cemetery and campsite in Live Oak County, Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.20......95-2112 Texas State Cemetery master plan. P400.8 T312STC......95-0325 CENSUS Transportation system performance changes, 1980-1990 : based on the decennial censuses. T1311.7 R311 NO.1962-1......95-0822 CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE Administrative response to the institutional self-study. (Central Texas College) Z C200.8 IN7AD......95-0366 Alternative instructional delivery/distance learning : research report. Z C200.8 AL79......95-1668 Central Texas College institutional self-study, 1992-1994. Z C200.8 IN7 1992-4......95-0367 Response to the reports of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Reaffirmation Committee. (Central Texas College) Z C200.8 R312......95-0368 Salary schedule for the fiscal year ending ... . (Central Texas College) Z C200.3 B859SA 1994/5......95-0369 Salary schedule for the fiscal year ending ... . (Central Texas College) Z C200.3 B859SA 1995/6......95-1867 CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE DISTRICT Budget. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 B859CO 1994/5......95-0371 Budget. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 B859CO 1995/6......95-1868 Comprehensive list of publications, Central Texas College District. Z C310.1 C738......95-0370 Financial report. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0372 Institutional profile for 1992-1993. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.1 IN7......95-0373 Legislative appropriations request. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 R299L......95-0605 CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Financial report. (Central Texas Council of Governments) C980.3 F49 1990/1......95-1587 CHAMBERS COUNTY, TEXAS 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Archeological assessment of the proposed Hazelwood landfill expansion, Baytown, Chambers County, Texas. H2000.8 C355......95-1263 Beneficial use areas survey, Houston-Galveston navigation channels, Texas project, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1529......95-1740 Cultural resource assessment of a proposed Union Pacific Railroad crossing of Cedar Bayou : Harris and Chambers counties, Texas. H2000.8 H24UN......95-1437 CHEESE Eat right : milk, cheese, and yogurt. Z TA265.8 EA81RIMI 1994......95-0621 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer in the fast lane : the unexpurgated story of a long-range program of research in combustion. Z TA200.7 L645 NO.8......95-1537 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1988......95-1553 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1989......95-1554 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1991......95-1555 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1992......95-1556 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1993......95-1557 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1994......95-1695 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1995......95-1558 CHEMISTRY Semiconductor physics and chemistry I. Z TA325.8 SE51 V.2......95-0633 CHEROKEE COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Coffee-Overton 138-kV transmission line project, Anderson, Cherokee, Henderson, Rusk, and Smith counties, Texas. H2000.8 AN23......95-1614 CHICKENS Home broiler flock. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.7 L47 NO.1247 1995......95-2091 CHILD ABUSE Directory : child abuse and neglect prevention programs. C1155.5 C437 1995......95-0460 Prevention of child abuse and neglect : program evaluation report, fiscal year 1994. C1155.8 C437 1993/4......95-1090 Prevention of child abuse and neglect : program evaluation report, fiscal year 1994. C1155.8 C437 1993/4 SUMM.......95-0887 State studies how best to deter sex crimes. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-9......95-0954 Texas children quality of life report. C1155.8 T312CH......95-0888 CHILD ABUSE STATISTICS Legislative data book. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.8 L524 1993/4......95-1292 CHILD CARE Final report, Tech Prep Intergenerational Curriculum Development Project. Z TT300.8 T225 1993/4......95-0648 Finding child care : a guide to CCMS services for parents of children with disabilities = Cuidado de ninos : guia de servicios de CCMS para los padres del nino que tiene una incapacidad. H2600.5 F492CHCG......95-0294 Report to the 74th Legislature. (Governor, Office of the. Child Care Development Board) G807.8 R299 74TH......95-1601 CHILD CARE FACILITIES Day-care center minimum standards & guidelines. P3275.4 M664DAC 1995......95-1488 Directory of licensed administrators and child care institutions. P3275.5 D628L 1995......95-1171 Finding child care : a guide to CCMS services for parents of children with disabilities = Cuidado de ninos : guia de servicios de CCMS para los padres del nino que tiene una incapacidad. H2600.5 F492CHCG......95-0294 Report to the 74th Legislature. (Governor, Office of the. Child Care Development Board) G807.8 R299 74TH......95-1601 Texas child care facility report : immunization status of enrollees. H661.8 C436IM 1992/3......95-0738 CHILD HEALTH CARE Cuestiones de familia : inmunizaciones. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5089 SPAN.......95-1052 Final evaluation report, Texas Nutrition Education and Training Program. H2600.8 T312NUE 1993/4......95-0748 Guidelines for the detection and management of lead poisoning for physicians and health care providers. H600.5 G941LEP......95-0735 Health and human services provided by Texas public institutions of higher education to the people of Texas. C3400.8 H349HU......95-0702 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature on health care for women and children in Texas. H600.8 R299HEC......95-0928 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 Texas families : immunizations. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5089 94/06......95-0631 Texas talk : family health newsletter. H781.6 T144......95-1605 Your child with tuberculosis : a guide for parents and guardians. Z UH500.5 Y88......95-2115 CHILD WELFARE Directory : child abuse and neglect prevention programs. C1155.5 C437 1995......95-0460 Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 Prevention of child abuse and neglect : program evaluation report, fiscal year 1994. C1155.8 C437 1993/4......95-1090 Prevention of child abuse and neglect : program evaluation report, fiscal year 1994. C1155.8 C437 1993/4 SUMM.......95-0887 Review of rate setting for children's residential care. A2800.8 R187......95-0225 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 Texas children quality of life report. C1155.8 T312CH......95-0888 CHILDBIRTH Perinatal forum. Z UM305.6 P418......95-1568 CHILDREN 1994 executive summary : Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994 SUMM.......95-1071 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994......95-1573 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994......95-1574 Directory : child abuse and neglect prevention programs. C1155.5 C437 1995......95-0460 Executive summary : 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994 SUMM.......95-1072 Families first. (Children and Youth, Commission on) C1151.6 F21......95-1086 Prevention of child abuse and neglect : program evaluation report, fiscal year 1994. C1155.8 C437 1993/4......95-1090 Prevention of child abuse and neglect : program evaluation report, fiscal year 1994. C1155.8 C437 1993/4 SUMM.......95-0887 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 Texas children quality of life report. C1155.8 T312CH......95-0888 CHILDREN AND YOUTH, COMMISSION ON (1993-1995) Families first. (Children and Youth, Commission on) C1151.6 F21......95-1086 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 CHILDREN'S TRUST FUND OF TEXAS COUNCIL Biennial report. (Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council) C1155.3 B477 1992/4......95-1089 Financial report. (Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council) C1155.3 F49 1993/4......95-0459 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Budget. (Chiropractic Examiners, Board of) C1300.3 B859 1993/4......95-0032 Financial report. (Chiropractic Examiners, Board of) C1300.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0234 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 CITIES City forester : a quarterly publication of the Texas Urban Forestry Council. F1400.6 C498......95-1696 Texas : Texas state travel guide. T1325.8 T312 1995......95-0824 CITRUS FRUIT Texas citrus : disease management. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2328 1994......95-1053 Texas citrus : grapefruit orchard establishment : costs-- years 1 to 3. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2327 1994......95-0845 Texas citrus : grower marketing outlets. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2323 1994......95-0626 Texas citrus : market promotion. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2324 1994......95-0627 Texas citrus : marketing regulations. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2320 1994......95-0628 Texas citrus : mature grapefruit orchard production costs and returns--years 8 to 10. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2322 1994......95-1054 Texas citrus : production, utilization, and demand. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2319 1994......95-0629 Texas citrus : weed control. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2317 1994......95-0630 Texas citrus : young grapefruit orchard production costs and returns--years 4 to 7. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2321 1994......95-1055 CITRUS INDUSTRY Texas citrus : grower marketing outlets. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2323 1994......95-0626 Texas citrus : market promotion. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2324 1994......95-0627 Texas citrus : marketing regulations. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2320 1994......95-0628 Texas citrus : production, utilization, and demand. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2319 1994......95-0629 Texas citrus : weed control. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2317 1994......95-0630 CIVIL LAW Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course. B600.8 AD95CIA 1994......95-0227 Appellate practice : for lawyers and legal assistants. B600.8 AP48PF 1995......95-0880 CLARENDON COLLEGE Budget. (Clarendon College) Z C500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0374 CLEAN AIR ACT Annotated bibliography of transportation-related air quality documents, 1989-1994. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-8 ......95-1498 State-of-the-practice report on mobile source emissions models. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-3......95-0820 Texas Clean Rivers Program long term action plan, 1991-2000. N330.8 T312CL......95-0566 Texas water quality : a summary of river basin assessments. N330.8 T312WA......95-1477 CLEBURNE STATE PARK Coyote Run Nature Trail, Cleburne State Park. P500 C583CO......95-1170 CLOVER Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 COAL Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.220......95-1708 Public Utility Commission of Texas 1993 lignite mine survey results. P3750.8 L629S 1993......95-0790 COASTAL BASINS State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 COASTAL BEND All-Conference Workshop. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 AL51 1995......95-1283 COASTAL WATER AUTHORITY Budget. (Coastal Water Authority) C1975.3 B859 1995......95-1091 Financial report. (Coastal Water Authority) C1975.3 F49AU 1994......95-1092 Financial report. (Coastal Water Authority) C1975.3 F49AUP 1993/4......95-1093 COASTAL ZONE Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.8 C631mapR......95-0751 Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON) quarterly progress report. Z C800.6 T312......95-0176 Texas coastal wetlands. L600.8 C631WE......95-1155 COLLEGE CATALOGS College catalog. (Alvin Community College) Z A050.5 C28 1994/5......95-0359 College catalog. (Amarillo College) Z A100.5 C28 1994/5......95-0361 College catalog. (Angelina College) Z A150.5 G286 1994/5......95-0602 College catalog. (Angelina College) Z A150.5 G286 1995/6......95-1021 College catalog. (Angelo State University) Z A200.5 C28 1995/7......95-0150 College catalog. (Blinn College) Z B500.5 B874 1995/6......95-1357 College catalog. (Brazosport College) Z B650.5 G286 1995/6......95-1358 College catalog. (Collin County Community College District) Z C650.5 C28 1995/6......95-1870 College catalog. (Cooke County College) Z C680.5 C28 1993/4......95-1028 College catalog. (Dallas County Community College District) Z D100.5 C28 1995/6......95-2083 College catalog. (Del Mar College) Z D350.5 C28 1995/6......95-1029 College catalog. (East Texas State University) Z E400.5 G686 1994/5......95-0378 College catalog. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 C28 1995/6......95-2084 College catalog. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.5 AN78 1993/4......95-0158 College catalog. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.5 AN78 1994/5......95-0159 College catalog. (Galveston College) Z G100.5 C28 1995/7......95-2085 College catalog. (Grayson County College) Z G800.5 G286 1995/6......95-1359 College catalog. (Howard College) Z H870.5 C868 1995/7......95-1672 College catalog. (Lee College) Z L300.5 B873 1994/5......95-1874 College catalog. (Lee College) Z L300.5 B873 1995/6......95-1875 College catalog. (North Central Texas College) Z C680.5 C28 1994/5......95-1033 College catalog. (Palo Alto College) Z P075.5 C28 1995/6......95-1676 College catalog. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.5 C28 1995/7......95-1198 College catalog. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.5 C28 1994/5......95-1039 College catalog. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.5 C28 1995/6......95-1681 College catalog. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.5 C686 1995/7......95-1684 College catalog. (Southwest Texas Junior College) Z S750.5 C28 1994/5......95-1202 College catalog. (Southwest Texas Junior College) Z S750.5 C28 1995/6......95-2219 College catalog. (Stephen F. Austin State University) Z S850.5 G286 1995/6......95-0618 College catalog. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.5 C28 1994/6......95-1204 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1990/1......95-1205 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1991/2......95-1685 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1992/3......95-1686 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1993/4......95-1687 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1994/5......95-1688 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1995/6......95-1689 College catalog. (Texas A&M International University) Z L250.5 B874 1995/6......95-1536 College catalog. (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi) Z C800.5 C28 1995/6......95-1692 College catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 C28FI 1994......95-0412 College catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 C28TRT......95-0416 College catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 C834 1994......95-0413 College catalog. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.5 C28 1993/5......95-0642 College catalog. (Texas State Technical College - Sweetwater) Z TS845.5 G286 1994/5......95-0419 College catalog. (Texas State Technical College - Sweetwater) Z TS845.5 G286 1995/6......95-2098 College catalog. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.5 G286 1995/6......95-1225 College catalog. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.5 C28 1995/7......95-1061 College catalog. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.5 C28 1995/6......95-1700 College catalog. (University of Houston) Z U400.5 C28U 1995/7......95-0849 College catalog. (University of Houston - Clear Lake) Z U500.5 B874 1995/6......95-1564 College catalog. (University of North Texas) Z N700.5 G286 1995/6......95-2248 College catalog. (University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. College of Osteopathic Medicine) Z U900.5 C28OS 1995/6......95-1704 College catalog. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.5 UN2 1995/7......95-1385 College catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 C28 1994/5......95-0201 College catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 C28 1995/6......95-2114 College catalog. (University of Texas of the Permian Basin) Z UP300.5 C28 1995/7......95-1569 College catalog. (University of Texas Southwestern Allied Health Sciences School) Z US110.5 B874 1995/8......95-1715 College catalog. (Weatherford College) Z W300.5 AN78 1995/6......95-1570 College catalog. (West Texas A&M University) Z W350.5 UN2 1995......95-0870 Course catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Services) Z TA325.5 C28 1994/5......95-0414 General information [catalogue]. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 G286I 1995/6......95-1705 Graduate catalog. (East Texas State University) Z E400.5 C686G 1994/6......95-0377 Graduate catalog. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.5 G755 1995/7......95-1045 Graduate catalog. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.5 G755 1994/6......95-0848 Graduate catalog. (University of North Texas) Z N700.5 G755 1995/6......95-2247 Graduate catalog. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 G755 1995/7......95-1706 Graduate catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 G755 1995/6......95-2113 Graduate catalog - Texas Tech University. Z TT300.5 G755 1995/6......95-0423 Graduate catalogue. (Sam Houston State University) Z S200.5 C28GR 1995/7......95-0834 COLLEGE OF THE MAINLAND Budget. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 B859OP 1994/5 REV.......95-2213 Budget. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 B859OP 1995/6......95-1869 Financial report. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0606 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Results of an archaeological survey for a portion of the proposed animal science teaching and research complex in College Station, Brazos County, Texas : final report. Z TA280.7 L569 NO.59......95-2226 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES 1995 progress report on the Master plan for Texas higher education. C3400.8 M393P 1995 REV.......95-1099 Administrative expenditures in Texas public universities. C3400.8 AD65......95-0035 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1535 Annual financial reporting requirements for colleges and universities. C2600.8 AN78 1993/4......95-1251 Annual plan. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 ST82 1994/5......95-1037 Appendices, universities and health science centers, community and technical colleges. C3400.5 R299 1995 APP.......95-1407 Audit report on improving the construction process. A2800.8 IM7CO......95-0217 Audit report on university formula funding reporting. A2800.8 UN3FO......95-0219 Biennial report. (Auditor) A2700.3 B477 1992/4......95-0220 Briefing report on derivative investments by Texas state entities. A2800.8 D445......95-0877 Data information guide. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.5 D262......95-0893 Educational opportunities at Texas public universities : valid through 1996. C3400.5 ED83OPPU 1995......95-1254 Enrollment forecasts, 1995-2010 : Texas institutions of higher education. C3400.7 ST94 NO.27 1995......95-1100 Expenditures for remedial instruction in Texas public institutions of higher education. C3400.8 EX71......95-0039 Fees at Texas public institutions of higher education. C3400.8 F321 1994......95-0245 Final report to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Community and Technical Colleges Division : for project number 33120003, "Personnel development for staff delivering special population services" : funded by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act, funding year July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993. Z TS815.8 P432......95-0188 Health and human services provided by Texas public institutions of higher education to the people of Texas. C3400.8 H349HU......95-0702 Institutions of higher education in Texas. C3400.5 IN7H 1994/5......95-0246 Learning to work : making the business and industry connection for tech prep programs : a manual for developing advanced skills courses at community and technical colleges. Z TS815.5 L479......95-0189 Master plan for Texas higher education, 1995. C3400.8 M393 1995......95-1101 Master plan for Texas higher education 1995 progress report. C3400.8 M393P 1995......95-0704 Movin' on. (Dallas County Community College District) Z D100.8 M869 1995......95-2214 Reporting and procedures manual for health science centers : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299HS 1995......95-1408 Reporting and procedures manual for public community and technical colleges : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299 1995......95-1409 Reporting and procedures manual for public universities : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299PU 1995......95-1410 Research expenditures, Texas public universities and health-related institutions. C3400.3 R311 1993/4......95-1255 Statistical report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-0894 Strategic focus report, 1993-1995. (Navarro College) Z N100.3 ST82 1995-2005......95-1530 Strategic plan. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 ST82 92/06......95-1682 Strategic plan, 1994-1999. (Texas A&M University at Galveston) Z TA555.3 ST82 1994-9......95-1371 Strategic plan, 1995-1999. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1562 Strategic plan, FY 1995-1999. (Texas Forest Service) F1400.3 ST82 1995-9......95-0418 Strategic plan through 1999. Z TA505.3 ST82 94/08......95-1563 SWT & its comparable institutions : a statistical profile, fall 1993. Z S770.1 SW79 1993......95-0168 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1993......95-0548 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1994......95-0957 Toward 2000 : a long-range plan for Panola College. Z P130.8 L853 1993-2000......95-1531 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CCCC, 1985 1995. (Collin County Community College District) Z C650.1 C319 1985-95......95-1528 College catalog. (Collin County Community College District) Z C650.5 C28 1995/6......95-1870 Financial report. (Collin County Community College District) Z C650.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0375 COLONIAS Water and wastewater needs of colonias in Texas. W600.8 W291WA 1992......95-2210 Water and wastewater needs of Texas colonias : 1995 update. W600.8 W291WA 1995......95-1661 COLORADO Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.220......95-1708 COLORADO BEND STATE PARK Results of test hole 41-61-804 at Colorado Bend State Park, San Saba County, Texas. W600.8 R313......95-0351 COLORADO RIVER Cultural resources survey of proposed disposal area 1A, Colorado River, Matagorda County, Texas. H2000.8 M411......95-1134 Sediment-interstitial study final report. (Lower Colorado River Authority) L2510.8 SE28......95-0958 COMAL COUNTY, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-97......95-1967 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-98......95-1968 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-99......95-1969 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-100......95-1970 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-101......95-1971 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-102......95-1972 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-103......95-1973 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-104......95-1974 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-105......95-1975 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-106......95-1976 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-107......95-1977 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Comal County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-232......95-2075 COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF Audit report on the Texas Enterprise Zone Program. A2800.8 EN82......95-0016 Financial report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0033 Foreign office report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.6 F761......95-0688 Official Texas administrative code. Title 10 : community development. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 10......95-0994 Review of selected permitting processes and activities : Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverage Commission, and Railroad Commission. A2800.8 SE48......95-0020 Texas tourism annual report. C2300.3 T645 1993/4......95-0462 COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF. SMART JOBS FUND Smart jobs fund : biennial report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.3 SM28 1993/5......95-1589 COMMERCIAL FISHING Texas ... commercial fishing guide. P400.4 G942COM 1995/6......95-1747 Trends in Texas commercial fishery landings, 1972-1993. P437.7 M315D 1994 NO.111......95-0781 COMMERCIAL LAW Advanced Business Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95BU 1995......95-1917 Advanced creditors' rights course. B600.8 AD95CR 1994......95-0025 Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 Business disputes along the information superhighway. B600.8 B964DIA......95-1583 Comprehensive Consumer Law Seminar. B600.8 C738......95-0230 Doing business in the new Texas-Mexico market. B600.8 D685......95-1399 Guide to Texas business licenses & permits. C2300.5 T312G 1995......95-1094 Texas business organizations : choice of entity and formation. B600.8 C452......95-0684 COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT Saltwater finfish research and management in Texas : a report to the governor and the 74th Legislature. P400.8 SA37FIR 1994......95-0777 COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78SE 1993......95-0060 Border health authority : issues and design. Z UA320.7 US1 NO.6......95-1388 Epidemiology in Texas ... annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.6 R299MOM 1993......95-1123 Identification, confirmation, and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.8 ID2C 1995......95-1943 Rules & regulations governing the control and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.4 R861CS 1994......95-1124 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Communities : a newsletter highlighting successful community development programs. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.6 C737......95-0843 Is your community ready for economic development?. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6009......95-2237 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PROGRAMS Clean industries 2000 community environmental programs resource guide. N330.5 C58INCO......95-0961 Texas Recycles Day : special event planning guide. N330.5 R245 1995......95-2191 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS Directory of facilities for persons with mental retardation and/or related conditions licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628ME......95-1457 Equity of Access Task Force report. M1000.8 EQ59......95-0553 Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 Special report on the Life Management Center for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services of El Paso. A2800.8 M528LI......95-0879 COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS In-depth review of the evaluation of the Texas correctional substance abuse treatment initiative. C4850.8 IN2 1995......95-2123 COMPOST Conteniendo la composta : construyendo una caja o un cajon para la composta en su jardin. N330.5 C767 SPAN.......95-0095 Guia de planeacion del programa especialistas en composta para la promocion de la composta en el hogar y la reduccion de recortes de cesped. N330.5 M393P SPAN.......95-0315 Manual de capacitacion para especialistas en composta. N330.5 M393T SPAN.......95-0316 Texas municipal compost marketing manual. N330.5 M925......95-0567 COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Audit report on the Comptroller's tax revenue management process. A2800.8 C739REV 1994......95-0876 Financial report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0238 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 COMPUTER NETWORKS Computing at Texas Tech. Z TT300.5 C739 1995......95-1896 Statewide geographic information systems implementation plan : building Texas GIS infrastructure. I525.8 ST29......95-0505 COMPUTER SCIENCE RICIS review. (University of Houston - Clear Lake. Research Institute for Computing and Information Systems) Z U510.6 R419......95-0426 COMPUTER SOFTWARE Computing at Texas Tech. Z TT300.5 C739 1995......95-1896 Development of analytical tools for evaluating operations of light-rail at-grade within an urban signal system. Interim report 2. T1311.7 R311 NO.1278-2......95-1500 Development of analytical tools for evaluating operations of light rail at grade within an urban signal system. Final report. T1311.7 R311 NO.1278-4F......95-1501 GIS protocol and data structures for the Texas travel demand package. T1311.7 R311 NO.947-8......95-0814 Hardware/software compatibility for traffic management/IVHS systems. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-26......95-0817 Interactive Graphics Intersection Design user's manual. T1311.7 R311 NO.1308-1F......95-1656 Method for estimating the remaining life of continuously reinforced concrete pavements. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-12......95-1657 Microcomputer selection and uses in beef cattle management. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2208 1995......95-1544 ProScan system evaluation. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1378-1......95-1332 RICIS review. (University of Houston - Clear Lake. Research Institute for Computing and Information Systems) Z U510.6 R419......95-0426 Temporary erosion control selection : TAMUBMP computer program. T1311.7 R311 NO.1379-2F......95-1518 TRANPLAN corridor analysis : procedures guide. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-16F......95-1339 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN 3-D modeling as a tool to improve integrated design and construction. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.104......95-1066 COMPUTERS Computer recycling : in layman's terms. L600.8 C739......95-0946 Computing at Texas Tech. Z TT300.5 C739 1995......95-1896 Hardware/software compatibility for traffic management/IVHS systems. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-26......95-0817 Recycling directory : computers & electronics. L600.5 R245......95-0948 Workplace competencies in computer literacy : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892CO......95-1058 Workplace competencies in microcomputer applications : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892MI......95-1060 CONCRETE Analysis of jointed concrete pavement. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-10......95-1650 Bonded concrete overlay (BCO) project selection, design, and construction. T1311.7 R311 NO.920-6F......95-1297 Detailing in structural concrete. T1311.7 R311 NO.1127-3F......95-1300 Development of a bonded concrete overlay computer-aided design system. T1311.7 R311 NO.2911-1......95-1652 Effects of aggregate blends on the properties of Portland cement concrete pavements. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-8......95-1307 Evaluation of failure in bridge expansion joint rails. T1311.7 R311 NO.1309-1F......95-1311 Examination of air entrainment stability factors of pumped concrete. T1311.7 R311 NO.1254-3F 94/11......95-0811 Field performance of maintenance treatments constructed with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). T1311.7 R311 NO.187-24......95-1316 Field tests and analyses of concrete pavement in Texarkana and La Porte, Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-7......95-0812 Guidelines for the construction of fast track concrete paving intersections. T1311.7 R311 NO.1385-1F 94/06......95-0815 Influence of coarse aggregate shape and surface texture on rutting of hot mix asphalt concrete. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-6 94/10......95-1324 Investigation of parameters affecting the interface bonding of thin concrete overlays due to vehicular vibration. T1311.7 R311 NO.1920-2......95-1007 Laboratory evaluation of crumb-rubber modified (CRM) binders and mixtures. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1332-1......95-0130 Method for estimating the remaining life of continuously reinforced concrete pavements. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-12......95-1657 Procedure for classification of coarse aggregates based on properties affecting performance. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-9......95-1331 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS All-Conference Workshop. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 AL51 1995......95-1283 Border environment : an exchange : October 3 and 4, 1994, El Paso, Texas : summary of conference proceedings = el ambiente fronterizo : un intercambio. N330.8 B644 1994......95-1467 Final Texas platform : encompassing the following major issues : long-term care, health and wellness, elder rights, economic security, older Americans as valuable resources, interdependence of the generations. A800.8 T312WH 1995......95-0873 First annual proceedings : held in Austin, Texas, July 1994. (University of Texas at Austin. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs) Z UA320.8 IN8WO 1994......95-1068 Opportunities for energy efficiency in the Texas industrial sector : roundtable proceedings. L600.8 OP5 1995......95-2169 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1988......95-1553 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1989......95-1554 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1991......95-1555 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1992......95-1556 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1993......95-1557 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1994......95-1695 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1995......95-1558 Proceedings of the 3rd annual Conference on Environmental Monitoring in Southeast Texas. N330.8 C76 1994......95-1167 Proceedings of the ... Rice Technical Working Group. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.8 P941R 1994......95-1051 Recent advances in engineering science. Z TA200.8 R243 1994......95-1538 Summit report : a report of the proceedings of the Texas Punishment Standards Commission's Criminal Justice Summit, August 13-15, 1992, Dallas, Texas. P3975.8 SU64......95-0792 Texas Commission on the Arts 1992 Arts Education Task Force Symposium report : arts education update : arts basic, priority one initiative. A2200.8 AR79......95-0674 University of Texas at Arlington Division of Continuing Education in association with the electric utility industry presents the 26th Annual Transmission & Substation Design & Operation Symposium : Wednesday-Friday, September 15, 16, 17, 1993, Hyatt Regency DFW : TSDOS. Z UA100.8 T87 1993......95-0196 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 CONSERVATION Mitigation and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat : Texas Parks and Wildlife Department lands. P400.8 M697......95-0775 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 3-D modeling as a tool to improve integrated design and construction. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.104......95-1066 Analysis of pre-project planning effort and success variables for capital facility projects. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.105......95-0429 Blueprint : a process for measuring project quality. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.36-2......95-0651 CII news. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.6 C489......95-1711 Cost-trust relationship in the construction industry. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.100......95-0430 Disputes potential index. Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.23-3......95-2111 DPI--disputes potential index : a study into the predictability of contract disputes. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.101......95-0431 Effects of changes on labor productivity : why and how much. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.99......95-0432 Effects of scheduled overtime on labor productivity : a quantitative analysis. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.98......95-0860 Measuring quality performance on EPC projects. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 P96 NO.36-1......95-0861 Perceptions of project representatives concerning project success and pre-project planning effort. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.102......95-0433 Pre-project planning : beginning a project the right way. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 P96 NO.39-1......95-1386 Project change management. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.43-1......95-0862 Schedule reduction. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 P96 NO.41-1......95-1387 CONSULTANT CONTRACT REPORT School performance review, Waco Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65WA......95-1097 Directory of adult jails and lockups operating in Texas, February 1995. J040.8 C868D......95-1620 Employer incentives and technical assistance : final report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1995......95-1351 Employer incentives and technical assistance project : policy report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1994......95-1352 Employer worksite modification guide. W2100.8 EM73WO......95-1353 Guide for combining work-based learning programs. W2100.8 G941......95-1354 Handbook for developing a school-based integrated support services system. W2100.5 H191......95-1524 Incentive and strategy guide : encouraging and facilitating employer participation in work-based learning programs for youth. W2100.8 IN2......95-1355 Information systems strategic plan for the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INA 1995-2000......95-1287 National comparative results for Texas students : a report. E500.8 N213......95-1594 Preliminary report for the information systems strategic plan of the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INAP 1995-2000......95-1288 [Procedures used to complete survey of juvenile detainees in Texas adult jails and to complete Texas directory of adult jails]. J040.8 C868S......95-1621 Recommendations for the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston's employee trip reduction program. Z UH325.8 R245......95-1069 School-to-work pilot project for work-based training in machining with linkages to tech prep and youth apprenticeship : final report-- implementation plan. W2100.8 SCH65PII......95-1525 School-to-work pilot project for work-based training in machining with linkages to tech prep and youth apprenticeship : final programmatic report. W2100.8 SCH65PIP......95-1526 Site and survey assessment, University Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Z UH325.8 SI86......95-1070 State of Texas actuarial study, workers' compensation program as of November 30, 1994. A2400.8 ST29AC......95-1393 State of Texas, Comptroller of Public Accounts, electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system shakedown : final report. C2600.8 EL25......95-0891 State of Texas disparity study : a report to the Texas Legislature as mandated by H.B. 2626, 73rd Legislature. C2600.8 D632......95-0466 Study of the Texas Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Higher Education State Grant Program : case studies of five long-term projects. C3400.8 EI83 1995......95-1411 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 TAAS : Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and end-of-course examinations : student performance results, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 : statewide and regional results. E510.8 AS74MPE 1992/4......95-0717 Texas workers' compensation reserving implementation. A2400.8 T312WO......95-1394 CONSUMER CREDIT COMMISSIONER, OFFICE OF Financial report. (Consumer Credit Commissioner, Office of) C3100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0700 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 CONSUMER PROTECTION 1993-1994 Texas consumer complaints against insurance companies-- : a tool for shopping smart. I1100.8 C766CO 1993-4......95-1946 Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 Advanced personal injury law course. B600.8 AD95P 1994......95-0027 Comprehensive Consumer Law Seminar. B600.8 C738......95-0230 Homeowners insurance : a guide for Texas consumers. I1100.5 H752 1995......95-1148 CONTRACTS Advanced Oil, Gas & Mineral Law Course. B600.8 AD95OIG 1994......95-0229 DPI--disputes potential index : a study into the predictability of contract disputes. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.101......95-0431 CONVERSE, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-12......95-1758 COOKE COUNTY COLLEGE Budget. (Cooke County College) Z C680.3 B859 1993/4......95-1027 College catalog. (Cooke County College) Z C680.5 C28 1993/4......95-1028 COOKE COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological survey of the proposed Red River transmission line and substation, Cooke County, Texas. H2000.8 C774......95-1435 COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION Appendices, universities and health science centers, community and technical colleges. C3400.5 R299 1995 APP.......95-1407 Audit report on university formula funding reporting. A2800.8 UN3FO......95-0219 Financial report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0037 Official Texas administrative code. Title 19 : education. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 19......95-0996 Reporting and procedures manual for health science centers : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299HS 1995......95-1408 Reporting and procedures manual for public community and technical colleges : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299 1995......95-1409 Reporting and procedures manual for public universities : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299PU 1995......95-1410 COPYRIGHT LAW Business disputes along the information superhighway. B600.8 B964DIA......95-1583 Intellectual property law. B600.8 IN8PR 1995......95-1082 Legal aspects of the entertainment industry. B600.8 L522ASE 1995......95-1247 CORN 1994 corn performance tests in Texas. Z TA245.7 T226 NO.95-1......95-2231 Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 Managing insect and mite pests of Texas corn. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1366 1995......95-1215 CORPORATIONS Business defense transition : a resource guide for Texas companies. C2300.5 B964......95-0235 Filing guide for corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, assumed name, registered limited liability partnership & trademark documents. S500.5 F476C 94/12......95-0585 Texas business organizations : choice of entity and formation. B600.8 C452......95-0684 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 24, Restrictions on contributions and expenditures applicable to corporations and labor organizations. E2500.4 R313COA 1995......95-1938 CORPUS CHRISTI BAY All-Conference Workshop. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 AL51 1995......95-1283 Around the bend : news of the Coastal Bend's bays & estuaries. N330.6 AR67......95-0399 CORPUS CHRISTI BAY NATIONAL ESTUARY PROGRAM All-Conference Workshop. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 AL51 1995......95-1283 Annual work plan. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 AN78CC 1994/5......95-0960 Annual work plan. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 AN78CC 1995/6......95-2181 Around the bend : news of the Coastal Bend's bays & estuaries. N330.6 AR67......95-0399 Management conference agreement. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 M312CC......95-0964 CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES Abolishing parole for offenders sentenced to prison for violent offenses : impact analysis. C4850.8 AB78......95-0897 Crime and justice in Texas. Z S205.8 C868 1995......95-1044 Criminal justice plan for Texas. G821.6 C868J 1996......95-0282 Criminal justice system population projection, 1991-1997. C4850.8 P819......95-0708 Criminal justice system population projections, 1991-1997 : briefing to House Corrections Committee, Allen Hightower, chairman. C4850.8 P819B......95-0709 Directory of adult jails and lockups operating in Texas, February 1995. J040.8 C868D......95-1620 [Procedures used to complete survey of juvenile detainees in Texas adult jails and to complete Texas directory of adult jails]. J040.8 C868S......95-1621 [Professional Development Workshop for College Vocational Instructors in Correctional Institutions summary of proceedings]. Z C200.8 P942......95-1669 Projected impact of S.B. 15 under different policy assumptions : summary report. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.8 P943IM SUMM.......95-0710 Projection of correctional populations in Texas, FY 1994-2000. C4850.8 P943CO 95/03......95-0711 Projection of female correctional populations in Texas, FY 1996-2000. C4850.8 P943FE 1996-2000......95-2124 State jail felony implementation report. C4825.8 ST29......95-1256 Testing the case for more incarceration in Texas : the record so far. C4850.8 T288 1995......95-1930 Texas correctional cost per day, 1993-1994. C4850.8 T312CC 1992/4......95-0712 Texas justice statistics compendium. Z S205.8 T312JU......95-0835 Texas Punishment Standards Commission final report : recommendations to the 73rd Legislature. P3975.8 R245 1993......95-0793 To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature : report of the Committee on Corrections, Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 C817 74......95-0544 COSMETOLOGY COMMISSION Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 COST ACCOUNTING Municipal solid waste services full cost accounting workbook for Texas local governments. N330.7 R339 NO.127......95-1166 Review of cost accounting methodology at the Texas Department of Transportation. A2800.8 T688CO......95-1076 Texas correctional cost per day, 1993-1994. C4850.8 T312CC 1992/4......95-0712 COTTON Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78P 1993/4......95-0634 Cotton gin plant compliance with air pollution regulations in Texas : effect on plant costs and returns. Z TA225.7 IN3 NO.94-3......95-0171 Proper use of cotton harvest-aid chemicals. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5142......95-2094 Suggestions for weed control in cotton. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5039......95-2240 COTTON GINNING Cotton gin plant compliance with air pollution regulations in Texas : effect on plant costs and returns. Z TA225.7 IN3 NO.94-3......95-0171 COTTON PESTS Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78P 1993/4......95-0634 Management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans-Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209 1995......95-1374 Management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210 1995......95-1212 Management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204 1995......95-1213 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204A 1995......95-1219 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209A 1995......95-1548 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210A 1995......95-1220 COTTONSEED Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78P 1993/4......95-0634 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Nutrition and Natural Fiber Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78N 1993/4......95-0641 COUNSELORS, BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PROFESSIONAL Annual report. (Counselors, Board of Examiners of Professional) C3760.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1721 Annual report. (Counselors, Board of Examiners of Professional) C3760.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1722 COUNTY AND DISTRICT RETIREMENT SYSTEM Financial report. (County and District Retirement System) C3800.3 F49AU 1994......95-1591 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 COUNTY COURTS Annual report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0510 Reference materials for judicial redistricting. C3900.8 J898......95-0895 Texas judicial system : directory, 1995-1996. C3900.5 T312J 1995/6......95-1412 Travis County Commissioners Court : a report. C2600.8 T698......95-0892 COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSIONS Texas preservation handbook for county historical commissions, 1994-1995. H2000.5 H629PRH 1995......95-1140 COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF Annual report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0510 Reference materials for judicial redistricting. C3900.8 J898......95-0895 COURT OF APPEALS, 1ST SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, HOUSTON Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 1st Supreme Judicial District, Houston) C3951.3 F49 1993/4......95-0247 COURT OF APPEALS, 2ND SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, FORT WORTH Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 2nd Supreme Judicial District, Fort Worth) C3952.3 F49 1993/4......95-0248 COURT OF APPEALS, 3RD SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AUSTIN Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 3rd Supreme Judicial District, Austin) C3953.3 F49 1993/4......95-0249 COURT OF APPEALS, 4TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, SAN ANTONIO Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 4th Supreme Judicial District, San Antonio) C3954.3 F49 1993/4......95-0250 COURT OF APPEALS, 5TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, DALLAS Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 5th Supreme Judicial District, Dallas) C3955.3 F49 1993/4......95-0251 COURT OF APPEALS, 6TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, TEXARKANA Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 6th Supreme Judicial District, Texarkana) C3956.3 F49 1993/4......95-0252 COURT OF APPEALS, 7TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AMARILLO Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 7th Supreme Judicial District, Amarillo) C3957.3 F49 1993/4......95-0253 COURT OF APPEALS, 8TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, EL PASO Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 8th Supreme Judicial District, El Paso) C3958.3 F49 1993/4......95-0254 COURT OF APPEALS, 9TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, BEAUMONT Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 9th Supreme Judicial District, Beaumont) C3959.3 F49 1993/4......95-0255 COURT OF APPEALS, 10TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, WACO Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 10th Supreme Judicial District, Waco) C3960.3 F49 1993/4......95-0256 COURT OF APPEALS, 11TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, EASTLAND Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 11th Supreme Judicial District, Eastland) C3961.3 F49 1993/4......95-0257 COURT OF APPEALS, 12TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, TYLER Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 12th Supreme Judicial District, Tyler) C3962.3 F49 1993/4......95-0258 COURT OF APPEALS, 13TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, CORPUS CHRISTI Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 13th Supreme Judicial District, Corpus Christi) C3963.3 F49 1993/4......95-0259 COURT OF APPEALS, 14TH SUPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT, HOUSTON Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 14th Supreme Judicial District, Houston) C3964.3 F49 1993/4......95-0260 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Financial report. (Court of Criminal Appeals) C4200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0261 Financial report. (Court of Criminal Appeals. Prosecuting Attorney) C4200.3 F49PR 1993/4......95-0262 COURT PROCEDURES 74th Legislature overhauls tort law. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-13......95-1462 Advanced Criminal Law Course. B600.8 AD95CL 1994......95-0450 Advanced Evidence and Discovery Course. B600.8 AD95EV 1994......95-0682 Advanced family law course. B600.8 AD95F 1994......95-0451 Advanced personal injury law course. B600.8 AD95P 1994......95-0027 Anatomy of a personal injury trial. B600.8 AN16PEI 1994......95-1080 Appellate practice : for lawyers and legal assistants. B600.8 AP48PF 1995......95-0880 Bench book for the Texas judiciary. B600.8 B431......95-0881 Choosing and courting a jury. B600.8 C455......95-1584 Court-martial of Lieutenant Henry Flipper. Z UA550.7 SO89 NO.100......95-1907 Federal court practice. B600.8 F317 1994......95-0683 Mental Health Institute : how to represent clients in involuntary commitment and forced medication hearings. B600.8 M528......95-1585 Tort reform : basics of the 1995 debate. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-10......95-0955 Trial advocacy for winners-- : master strategists and judges demonstrate how to be successful at trial. B600.8 T73......95-1400 Ultimate trial notebook-- family law. B600.8 AD95ULTF 1994......95-0883 COURT REPORTERS CERTIFICATION BOARD CRCB newsletter. (Court Reporters Certification Board) C4444.6 C859......95-0265 Financial report. (Court Reporters Certification Board) C4444.3 F49 1993/4......95-0264 COURT SYSTEM Annual report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0510 Reference materials for judicial redistricting. C3900.8 J898......95-0895 COURTS Committee on Judicial Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 J897 74......95-0526 Reference materials for judicial redistricting. C3900.8 J898......95-0895 Texas judicial system : directory, 1995-1996. C3900.5 T312J 1995/6......95-1412 COURTS OF APPEALS Appellate practice : for lawyers and legal assistants. B600.8 AP48PF 1995......95-0880 Texas appellate judicial candidates campaign and election report : 1988, 1990, 1992 and 1994 elections. C3900.5 T312AP 1988-94......95-0896 Texas judicial system : directory, 1995-1996. C3900.5 T312J 1995/6......95-1412 COWPEAS Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 CRASH TESTS Development of low-profile to safety-shape transition sections. (Transportation Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1992-1......95-1304 CREDIT CARDS Como ahorrar dinero con las tarjetas de credito. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5074 SPAN. ......95-0405 Saving money on credit cards. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5074......95-0625 CREDIT LAW Advanced Business Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95BU 1995......95-1917 Advanced Consumer Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95COB 1994......95-0024 Advanced creditors' rights course. B600.8 AD95CR 1994......95-0025 Comprehensive Consumer Law Seminar. B600.8 C738......95-0230 Texas Credit Union Act : act of 1975, as amended by the 74th Legislature : effective June 16, 1995. C4700.4 C86 1995......95-1928 CREDIT UNION COMMISSION Budget. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.3 B859 1995/6......95-2120 Financial report. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0266 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 Self-evaluation report for the Sunset Advisory Commission. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.1 SE48......95-2121 Texas Credit Union Act : act of 1975, as amended by the 74th Legislature : effective June 16, 1995. C4700.4 C86 1995......95-1928 CREDIT UNIONS Texas Credit Union Act : act of 1975, as amended by the 74th Legislature : effective June 16, 1995. C4700.4 C86 1995......95-1928 Unique needs study report. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.8 UN3......95-0469 CREDITORS Advanced Business Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95BU 1995......95-1917 Advanced creditors' rights course. B600.8 AD95CR 1994......95-0025 CRIME Crime and justice in Texas. Z S205.8 C868 1995......95-1044 Criminal justice report to the 74th Legislature of Texas : September 1, 1992-August 31, 1994. G821.1 R299 74TH......95-1118 Punishment reform in the new Texas. P3975.8 P969......95-0791 Summit report : a report of the proceedings of the Texas Punishment Standards Commission's Criminal Justice Summit, August 13-15, 1992, Dallas, Texas. P3975.8 SU64......95-0792 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1991......95-0615 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1992......95-0616 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1993......95-0617 Texas justice statistics compendium. Z S205.8 T312JU......95-0835 Texas Punishment Standards Commission final report : recommendations to the 73rd Legislature. P3975.8 R245 1993......95-0793 CRIME PREVENTION Criminal justice plan for Texas. G821.6 C868J 1996......95-0282 Criminal justice report to the 74th Legislature of Texas : September 1, 1992-August 31, 1994. G821.1 R299 74TH......95-1118 Pace-setters : preventive adolescent crime education : building a crime-free community. Z TA265.8 P114......95-1216 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 State studies how best to deter sex crimes. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-9......95-0954 Statewide strategy for drug and violent crime control. G821.8 T312N 1995......95-0919 CRIMINAL JUSTICE Abolishing parole for offenders sentenced to prison for violent offenses : impact analysis. C4850.8 AB78......95-0897 Advanced Criminal Law Course. B600.8 AD95CL 1994......95-0450 CLU : criminal law update. A2400.6 C868L......95-1244 Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 C868 74......95-0519 Committee on Judicial Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 J897 74......95-0526 Crime and justice in Texas. Z S205.8 C868 1995......95-1044 Criminal justice plan for Texas. G821.6 C868J 1996......95-0282 Gender Bias Task Force of Texas final report. (Bar) B600.8 G285......95-0452 Punishment reform in the new Texas. P3975.8 P969......95-0791 So now you're a judge-- . (Ethics Commission) E2500.5 SO1......95-0276 State jail felony implementation report. C4825.8 ST29......95-1256 Summit report : a report of the proceedings of the Texas Punishment Standards Commission's Criminal Justice Summit, August 13-15, 1992, Dallas, Texas. P3975.8 SU64......95-0792 Texas correctional cost per day, 1993-1994. C4850.8 T312CC 1992/4......95-0712 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1991......95-0615 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1992......95-0616 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1993......95-0617 Texas Punishment Standards Commission final report : recommendations to the 73rd Legislature. P3975.8 R245 1993......95-0793 To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature : report of the Committee on Corrections, Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 C817 74......95-0544 To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature : report of the Committee on Public Safety, Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 P96S 74......95-0545 Treatment alternatives to incarceration program : an analysis of retention in treatment and outcome evaluation. C4850.8 T71AN......95-0900 CRIMINAL JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF Annual report. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0705 Budget. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.3 B859PR 1994/2001......95-0706 Component reports to the Steering Committee. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.8 C738......95-1592 Financial report. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.3 F49 1993/4......95-0040 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 CRIMINAL JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF. COMMUNITY JUSTICE ASSISTANCE DIVISION Financial management manual for TDCJ-CJAD funding. C4830.5 F49 1995......95-1929 Standards for TDCJ-CJAD. C4830.4 ST24TD 1995......95-2122 CRIMINAL JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF. JAIL DIVISION State jail felony implementation report. C4825.8 ST29......95-1256 CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICY COUNCIL Biennial report. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.3 B477 1994-5......95-0470 Criminal Justice Policy Council agency plan for information resources. C4850.8 AG35 1995......95-1593 Financial report. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.3 F49 1993/4......95-0041 CRIMINAL JUSTICE STATISTICS 1994 indicators of alcohol and drug abuse in Texas : treatment data, arrests, motor vehicle accidents, deaths. A1400.8 IN2 1994......95-1242 Abolishing parole for offenders sentenced to prison for violent offenses : impact analysis. C4850.8 AB78......95-0897 Convicted sex offenders in Texas : an overview of sentencing dynamics and the impact of altering sentencing policy. C4850.8 C769......95-0707 Crime and justice in Texas. Z S205.8 C868 1995......95-1044 Criminal justice system population projection, 1991-1997. C4850.8 P819......95-0708 Criminal justice system population projections, 1991-1997 : briefing to House Corrections Committee, Allen Hightower, chairman. C4850.8 P819B......95-0709 State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 Substance abuse trends in Texas, June 1995. A1400.8 SU16ABTR 1995......95-1392 Testing the case for more incarceration in Texas : the record so far. C4850.8 T288 1995......95-1930 Texas justice statistics compendium. Z S205.8 T312JU......95-0835 CRIMINAL LAW Advanced Criminal Law Course. B600.8 AD95CL 1994......95-0450 CLU : criminal law update. A2400.6 C868L......95-1244 Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 C868 74......95-0519 Texas Punishment Standards Commission final report : recommendations to the 73rd Legislature. P3975.8 R245 1993......95-0793 To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature : report of the Committee on Corrections, Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 C817 74......95-0544 CROP YIELDS Grain sorghum performance tests in Texas--1994. Z TA245.7 T226 NO.95-2......95-1211 CROPS Texas crop statistics. A900.8 C883 1993......95-0006 CULBERSON COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey of the proposed Texas windpower project, Culberson County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1455......95-0934 CURRICULUM Certification curriculum manual for paid fire protection personnel. F750.5 C337PA......95-0917 Educational opportunities at Texas public community and technical colleges : valid through 1996. C3400.5 ED83OPP 1995......95-0701 Educational opportunities at Texas public universities : valid through 1996. C3400.5 ED83OPPU 1995......95-1254 Environmental technology : (laboratory analysis and environmental sampling) : curriculum development project : final report. Z TS835.8 EN89......95-1697 Faculty development and core curriculum : concepts, alternatives, and strategies = Desarollo del profesorado y tronco comun : conceptos, alternativas y estrategias. C3400.7 OC1 NO.1......95-1927 Final report, Tech Prep Intergenerational Curriculum Development Project. Z TT300.8 T225 1993/4......95-0648 Resource manual for an emerging occupation, environmental technology. Z B750.8 EN89......95-1667 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 92 end of year report, July 1, 1992-June 30, 1993 : executive summary. (Amarillo College) Z A100.8 R229 1992/3......95-1019 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994 : executive summary. (Amarillo College) Z A100.8 R229 1993/4......95-1020 Workplace competencies in biology : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892BI......95-1226 Workplace competencies in business communications : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892BU......95-1380 Workplace competencies in computer literacy : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892CO......95-1058 Workplace competencies in English : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892EN......95-1381 Workplace competencies in mathematics : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892MA......95-1059 Workplace competencies in microcomputer applications : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892MI......95-1060 CYPRESS CREEK BASIN Water quality in Cypress Creek : an effluent dominated stream : segment 1009. N330.8 C992......95-0976 DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CC Magazine. (Dallas County Community College District) Z D100.8 C319 1995......95-2082 College catalog. (Dallas County Community College District) Z D100.5 C28 1995/6......95-2083 Movin' on. (Dallas County Community College District) Z D100.8 M869 1995......95-2214 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Veterans Administration National Cemetery, Dallas, Texas. H2000.8 D161VE......95-2149 Intensive cultural resources survey and assessment to support federal permitting of the proposed expansion of the Skyline Landfill, Dallas and Ellis counties, Texas. H2000.8 D161SK......95-1446 Monitoring cultural resource exposures at the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion. A1900.7 P422 NO.1139......95-2159 Place of Lawther Drive in White Rock Creek archaeology. A1900.7 P422 NO.1464......95-2160 DALLAS, TEXAS Archaeological investigations at 41DL279 : site of the John F. Kennedy exhibit, Dallas County Administration Building, Dallas, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.671, 671A......95-0741 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Veterans Administration National Cemetery, Dallas, Texas. H2000.8 D161VE......95-2149 Economic impact of the health industry on Dallas-Fort Worth : update. Z N707.8 EC74HE 1994......95-0852 Evaluation of the potential presence of historic properties located within the North Campus expansion area of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1352......95-0742 Monitoring cultural resource exposures at the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion. A1900.7 P422 NO.1139......95-2159 Public capital and local economic development : the case of Dallas, Texas. Z N707.8 P96......95-0853 DATA PROCESSING Galveston Bay data inventory. N330.7 G139 NO.40 V.1......95-0561 Galveston Bay data inventory. N330.7 G139 NO.40 V.2......95-0561 State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System : STEERS user's manual version 2.1. N330.7 R339 NO.28 1995......95-1626 TNRCC electronic reporting requirements. N330.5 EL25......95-0975 DATABASES Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 ST29 74......95-0530 Data standards for school district data delivery. E500.8 D262ST 1995/6......95-1102 Galveston Bay data inventory. N330.7 G139 NO.40 V.1......95-0561 Galveston Bay data inventory. N330.7 G139 NO.40 V.2......95-0561 Statewide geographic information systems implementation plan : building Texas GIS infrastructure. I525.8 ST29......95-0505 DEAF AND HEARING IMPAIRED, COMMISSION FOR THE Financial report. (Deaf and Hearing Impaired, Commission for the) D400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0042 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 DEAF INTERPRETING Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 92 end of year report, July 1, 1992-June 30, 1993 : executive summary. (Amarillo College) Z A100.8 R229 1992/3......95-1019 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994 : executive summary. (Amarillo College) Z A100.8 R229 1993/4......95-1020 DEAF, SCHOOL FOR THE Annual report. (Deaf, School for the) D375.3 AN78 1993/4......95-2125 Financial report. (Deaf, School for the) D375.3 F49 1993/4......95-0043 DEBT COLLECTION Advanced Business Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95BU 1995......95-1917 DEBT MANAGEMENT Interim report to the 74th Texas Legislature. (Legislature. House of Representatives) L1801.9 G286 74......95-0537 Report on state & local debt in Texas. B1250.3 B477DE 1992/4......95-0686 Source book on Texas public school debt. B1250.8 SO84 1995......95-1083 Texas public school districts general obligation debt : a report on debt issued through .... B1250.8 T312PU 1993/4......95-1084 DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES ACT Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 Comprehensive Consumer Law Seminar. B600.8 C738......95-0230 DEER Post Oak Savannah deer herd : past, present, future. P400.8 P845......95-0776 DEFENSE INDUSTRIES Business defense transition : a resource guide for Texas companies. C2300.5 B964......95-0235 Defense diversification : a guide for Texas communities. C2300.5 D361......95-0461 DEL MAR COLLEGE Annual report. (Del Mar College) Z D350.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0152 Budget. (Del Mar College) Z D350.3 B859 1994/5......95-0151 College catalog. (Del Mar College) Z D350.5 C28 1995/6......95-1029 Financial report. (Del Mar College) Z D350.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0376 DELL CITY, TEXAS Ground-water resources of the Bone Peak Aquifer in the Dell Valley area, Texas. W600.7 R299 NO.344......95-0825 DELTA COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey of a proposed construction project (FMHA, F2, F13) for the North Hunt Water Supply Corporation : Hunt, Fannin, and Delta counties, Texas. H2000.8 H911......95-1131 Archaeological survey of the proposed Cooper EDA waste water project (EDA, F2, F13), Delta County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1416......95-0488 DEMOGRAPHY Demography of the Texas elderly population. Z TA455.7 T226 NO.95-1......95-1370 Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 DENTAL CARE Tattletooth II, a new generation : kindergarten : something to smile about. H600.8 T189KI SPAN.......95-0929 Toothfully speaking : 4-H dental health program. Z TA265.8 T619......95-0185 DENTAL EDUCATION Allied health review : a report. C3400.8 AL55H......95-0036 DENTAL EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Court sets deadline for dental board law. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-2......95-0534 DENTAL EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Dental Examiners, Board of) D700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0267 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey of portion of the proposed Upper Trinity Regional Water District, phase 1B, water system improvements, Denton County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1413......95-0932 DEPOSITORY BOARD Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, OFFICE FOR PREVENTION OF Long range state plan for disability prevention in Texas : strategies for prevention, 1994-2000. D1100.8 L853 1994-2000......95-0901 DEVINE, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-150......95-2000 DIABETES Comer bien para vivir mejor = Eat well to live better : skills-oriented nutrition counseling for Mexican American type II diabetic patients : a professional guide. D1300.5 C734 1991......95-1931 Cornerstone : a quarterly newsletter from the Texas Diabetes Council/Texas Department of Health. D1300.6 C815......95-0902 Meeting the challenge : a plan to control diabetes in Texas. D1300.8 P692COD 1995......95-0903 DIABETES COUNCIL Cornerstone : a quarterly newsletter from the Texas Diabetes Council/Texas Department of Health. D1300.6 C815......95-0902 DIET Comer bien para vivir mejor = Eat well to live better : skills-oriented nutrition counseling for Mexican American type II diabetic patients : a professional guide. D1300.5 C734 1991......95-1931 Effect of socioeconomic and demographic factors on away-from-home and at-home consumption of selected nutrients. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1717......95-0179 Final evaluation report, Texas Nutrition Education and Training Program. H2600.8 T312NUE 1993/4......95-0748 DIMMIT COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource survey, Carrizzo Springs municipal landfill, Dimmit County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1447......95-0489 DINOSAURS Learn about-- Texas dinosaurs : a learning and activity book : color your own field guide to the dinosaurs that once roamed Texas. P400.8 T312DI......95-0109 DIRECTORIES 1995 profile of licensed nursing homes in Texas. H2600.5 P943 1995......95-1616 1995 resource directory for substance abuse professionals. A1400.5 R312 1995......95-1572 Appraisal district directory. C2625.5 P945TAA 1995......95-1406 Clean industries 2000 community environmental programs resource guide. N330.5 C58INCO......95-0961 Clean Industries 2000 directory. N330.5 C58IN......95-0962 College of Education directory of faculty specialties, Texas Tech University. Z TT300.5 D628ED......95-0421 Directory : child abuse and neglect prevention programs. C1155.5 C437 1995......95-0460 Directory of adult day care facilities licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628AD......95-1456 Directory of adult jails and lockups operating in Texas, February 1995. J040.8 C868D......95-1620 Directory of community resources : families helping families. H2600.5 D628MC 1994......95-0070 Directory of facilities for persons with mental retardation and/or related conditions licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628ME......95-1457 Directory of licensed administrators and child care institutions. P3275.5 D628L 1995......95-1171 Directory of licensed and registered physicians and surgeons in Texas. M800.5 D628 1994......95-0761 Directory of nursing facilities and certified facilities for care of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628NU 1995......95-1279 Directory of personal care facilities licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628PE......95-1458 Directory of social workers licensed by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners. H600.5 D628SOW 1995......95-0926 Directory of Texas manufacturers. Z UA215.5 D628 1995......95-1065 Directory of the forest products industries in Texas. F1400.7 C496 NO.275 1994......95-0417 Directory of workers' compensation resources. W2000.5 D628 1995......95-1523 Directory : Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and Texas soil and water conservation district directors. S900.5 D628 1995......95-0799 Directory - University of Texas System. Z US900.5 D628 1994/5......95-0207 Faculty, Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University, 1994-1995. Z TA200.5 F119PO 1994/5......95-1047 Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 Hunter's clearinghouse directory. P400.5 H919 1995......95-1290 Institutions of higher education in Texas. C3400.5 IN7H 1994/5......95-0246 Labor directory : workers' guide. (Employment Commission) E2100.5 L113D 1995......95-0723 Official directory. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 D628 1994/5......95-0197 Official directory. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 D628 1995/6......95-2249 Private airports closed to the public directory. T1305.5 P939 1994......95-0128 Private airports closed to the public directory. T1305.5 P939 1995......95-2203 Recycle Texas : a reuse and recycling directory. N330.7 R339 NO.79......95-0102 Recycling directory : computers & electronics. L600.5 R245......95-0948 Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 Regional directory. (South Plains Association of Governments) S1050.5 R263 1995......95-1649 Registered professional engineers ... roster ... . E2200.5 R263 1995......95-1416 Roster. (Psychologists, Board of Examiners of) P3300.5 R739 1995......95-1172 Roster of registered licensed irrigators and licensed installers : geographical listing also included : as of May 1995. N330.7 R339 NO.66 1995......95-1473 Roster, state certified and licensed real estate appraisers. R910.5 R739 1995......95-0988 Safeguarding the future : a call to action : programs that work : the Governor's Statewide Youth Summit. G800.8 SA17......95-0477 Sex offender treatment providers : registry. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.5 SE91 NO.4......95-0340 Sex offender treatment providers : registry. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.5 SE91 NO.5......95-2197 Sources of assistance for tourism in Texas. C2300.5 SO84AS 1995......95-1402 Southwest scholarship : a collection of faculty accomplishments for ... . (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.5 SO89 1993......95-1203 Speakers' bureau directory for cancer & related topics : a joint project. C330.5 SP31......95-1921 State services and assistance : workers' guide. E2100.5 ST29......95-0473 Texas appellate judicial candidates campaign and election report : 1988, 1990, 1992 and 1994 elections. C3900.5 T312AP 1988-94......95-0896 Texas directory, farm and ranch associations. E2100.5 D628FA 1995......95-0915 Texas judicial system : directory, 1995-1996. C3900.5 T312J 1995/6......95-1412 Texas music industry directory : the annotated sourcebook of the Texas music industry. G842.5 M973 1995......95-0923 Texas production manual : a source book for the motion picture, television, and video industries. G830.5 P942 1995......95-0922 Texas public campgrounds : year round, the camping's great in Texas!. T1325.5 P96 1994......95-1009 Texas public library directory for ... . L1900.6 P96DI 1993......95-0308 Texas savings & loan directory. S400.5 SA94 1995......95-1293 Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 Texas state travel directory. P4050.5 T312 1995/6......95-1600 Texas : Texas state travel guide. T1325.8 T312 1995......95-0824 Texas well drillers and pump installers : alphabetical listing (as of February 3, 1995). N330.7 R339 NO.83 REV.......95-0972 Texas well drillers and pump installers : county listing (as of February 3, 1995). N330.7 R339 NO.82 REV.......95-0973 TNRCC directory : organizational listings. N330.5 T549 1995......95-0974 TNRCC directory : organizational listings. N330.5 T549 95/06......95-1478 TNRCC directory : organizational listings. N330.5 T549 95/10......95-2192 Veterans Service Officers directory. V400.5 V641SO 1995......95-1013 DISABILITIES Long range state plan for disability prevention in Texas : strategies for prevention, 1994-2000. D1100.8 L853 1994-2000......95-0901 Long-range state plan for Texans with disabilities : toward a state disability policy : executive summary : 19.4% of Texans have disabilities. G1001.8 L853 1995 SUMM.......95-0729 DISABLED Just friends [videorecording]. (Developmental Disabilities, Planning Council for) D1200.8 J982......95-0713 DISABLED CHILDREN --begin with a single step : a rights handbook for families with children in the Texas Early Childhood Intervention Program. E035.8 SE74 1994......95-0714 Finding child care : a guide to CCMS services for parents of children with disabilities = Cuidado de ninos : guia de servicios de CCMS para los padres del nino que tiene una incapacidad. H2600.5 F492CHCG......95-0294 DISABLED, SERVICES FOR Collaboration. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C683......95-1719 Employer worksite modification guide. W2100.8 EM73WO......95-1353 Final report, improvement of special populations coordinators. Z N700.8 IM7F......95-1702 Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 Interim state plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the state plan supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program. B1000.8 IN8......95-0453 Just friends [videorecording]. (Developmental Disabilities, Planning Council for) D1200.8 J982......95-0713 Long-range state plan for Texans with disabilities : toward a state disability policy : executive summary : 19.4% of Texans have disabilities. G1001.8 L853 1995 SUMM.......95-0729 Programs reference guide. (Rehabilitation Commission) R1500.1 P943R 1994......95-0796 Selected laws passed by the 1995 Texas Legislature affecting people with disabilities. G1001.4 SE48L 1995......95-2132 Trainers' manual and participants' guide. (University of North Texas) Z N700.8 IM7T......95-1703 DISASTER PLANS State of Texas hazard mitigation plan for Texas counties affected by severe storms and tornadoes during the period April 25, 1994 through May 4, 1994 and wildfires during the period July 1, 1994 through July 10 1994. P3510.8 H336MIS 1994......95-1639 DISCRIMINATION Gender Bias Task Force of Texas final report. (Bar) B600.8 G285......95-0452 Texas redistricting cases considered. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-8......95-0759 Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 DISEASE CONTROL 1995/96 Texas state health plan. H600.8 H349P 1995-6......95-0481 1996 cancer prevention & control initiatives : an overview of Texas Cancer Plan projects. C330.8 C16 1996......95-1919 Anaplasmosis in beef cattle. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5098......95-0181 Identification, confirmation, and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.8 ID2C 1995......95-1943 Meeting the challenge : a plan to control diabetes in Texas. D1300.8 P692COD 1995......95-0903 Public Health Region 11. H600.1 P96H NO.11......95-2137 Texas citrus : disease management. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2328 1994......95-1053 Texas plant diseases handbook : chemical control supplement for vegetables. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1140B 1994......95-1375 Texas risk factor report : behavioral risk factor surveillance system. H653.6 T312RI......95-0292 DISEASES Epidemiology in Texas ... annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.6 R299MOM 1993......95-1123 Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6008......95-1373 Investigation of a cluster of neural tube defects in Cameron County, Texas : a report. H600.8 IN8CL......95-0289 Rules & regulations governing the control and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.4 R861CS 1994......95-1124 DISPUTE RESOLUTION Disputes potential index. Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.23-3......95-2111 DPI--disputes potential index : a study into the predictability of contract disputes. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.101......95-0431 Litigation and controversy : an analysis of the Texas workers' compensation administrative dispute resolution system. W2000.8 L714......95-1663 DISTRICT COURTS Annual report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0510 Reference materials for judicial redistricting. C3900.8 J898......95-0895 Texas judicial system : directory, 1995-1996. C3900.5 T312J 1995/6......95-1412 DIVORCE 18th Annual Marriage Dissolution Institute. B600.8 M349 1995......95-1397 Advanced family law course. B600.8 AD95F 1994......95-0451 Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 DRAINAGE Dickinson Bayou Watershed regional drainage plan. W600.8 G139DI......95-1186 DRIVER EDUCATION Texas Traffic Safety Program highway safety plan. T1300.8 H539 1995/6......95-1496 DROPOUTS Report on Texas public school dropouts. E500.8 R299D 1993/4......95-2127 DRUG ABUSE 1994 executive summary : Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994 SUMM.......95-1071 1994 indicators of alcohol and drug abuse in Texas : treatment data, arrests, motor vehicle accidents, deaths. A1400.8 IN2 1994......95-1242 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994......95-1573 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994......95-1574 Ethnographic study of heroin abuse by Mexican Americans in San Antonio, Texas. A1400.8 ET38......95-1575 Executive summary : 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994 SUMM.......95-1072 Substance abuse trends in Texas, June 1995. A1400.8 SU16ABTR 1995......95-1392 Substance use among female inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1994. A1400.8 SU16FE......95-1576 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1993. A1400.8 SU16MA......95-1073 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, 1993 : executive summary. A1400.8 SU16MA SUMM.......95-0445 DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT 1994 indicators of alcohol and drug abuse in Texas : treatment data, arrests, motor vehicle accidents, deaths. A1400.8 IN2 1994......95-1242 1995 resource directory for substance abuse professionals. A1400.5 R312 1995......95-1572 In-depth review of the evaluation of the Texas correctional substance abuse treatment initiative. C4850.8 IN2 1995......95-2123 Texas treatment initiative : overview and recommendations from the Criminal Justice Policy Council program evaluations. C4850.8 T312TR......95-0899 Treatment alternatives to incarceration program : an analysis of retention in treatment and outcome evaluation. C4850.8 T71AN......95-0900 DRUG EDUCATION 1995 resource directory for substance abuse professionals. A1400.5 R312 1995......95-1572 DRUG TESTING Study of drug-free workplace policies of Texas employers with workers' compensation coverage. W2000.8 D842......95-1664 DRUG TRAFFIC Statewide strategy for drug and violent crime control. G821.8 T312N 1995......95-0919 DRUGS Guide to drug, vaccine, and pesticide use in aquaculture. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5085......95-1372 DRY CLEANING Dry cleaners : an overview of pollution prevention, rules and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.114......95-1468 EAGLE PASS, TEXAS Letter report for an archeological survey of two parcels of land for the City of Eagle Pass, Maverick County, Texas. H2000.8 M449......95-1447 EAGLES Foraging of bald eagles at a proposed bridge site near Lake Livingston. T1311.7 R311 NO.1990-2F......95-0813 EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION --begin with a single step : a rights handbook for families with children in the Texas Early Childhood Intervention Program. E035.8 SE74 1994......95-0714 EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION, INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON --begin with a single step : a rights handbook for families with children in the Texas Early Childhood Intervention Program. E035.8 SE74 1994......95-0714 Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 EAST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY Audit report on management controls at East Texas State University. A2800.8 EA77MA......95-1395 Budget. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 B859 1995/6......95-1871 Budget. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 B859R 95/SUMMER......95-0607 College catalog. (East Texas State University) Z E400.5 G686 1994/5......95-0378 Financial report. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0153 Graduate catalog. (East Texas State University) Z E400.5 C686G 1994/6......95-0377 EAST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY AT TEXARKANA Budget. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 B859 1995/6......95-1872 Budget. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 B859R 95/SUMMER......95-1196 College catalog. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 C28 1995/6......95-2084 Financial report. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 F49 1993/4......95-0154 Special report for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools on East Texas State University at Texarkana. A2800.8 EA77SO......95-0680 EASTLAND COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources evaluation of the Ranger Wastewater Treatment Plant Site, Eastland County, Texas. H2000.8 EA77RA 1995......95-2145 ECOLOGY Freshwater inflows to Texas bays and estuaries : ecological relationships and methods for determination of needs. W600.8 F892......95-1014 Managing environmental risks in Texas : background papers. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.78-79......95-0437 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Texas housing affordability index, 1989-94. R800.8 T312HOA 1989-94......95-1201 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 1994-95 Texas state budget : what we get for our money. C2600.8 W556......95-0237 Public capital and local economic development : the case of Dallas, Texas. Z N707.8 P96......95-0853 Short- and long-term economic problems and prospects for the El Paso Region. Z N707.8 SH81......95-0854 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0239 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0240 Texas economy : a new wave of employment opportunity! : a descriptive analysis of trends in the Texas economy and how they can and are shaping the Texas job market. O250.8 T312NE 1995......95-1961 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report : a report to the 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 EC74 74......95-0520 Is your community ready for economic development?. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6009......95-2237 New perspectives on local economic development in Texas and strategies for the South Texas Region. Z UA150.8 N42......95-1063 Public capital and local economic development : the case of Dallas, Texas. Z N707.8 P96......95-0853 Short- and long-term economic problems and prospects for the El Paso Region. Z N707.8 SH81......95-0854 Texas economy : a new wave of employment opportunity! : a descriptive analysis of trends in the Texas economy and how they can and are shaping the Texas job market. O250.8 T312NE 1995......95-1961 Texas enterprise zone program ... annual report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.3 EN82 1993/4......95-0236 Update : the effects of the Mexican financial situation on the Texas economy. C2300.6 UP1......95-1720 ECONOMIC POLICY Interim report to the 74th Texas Legislature. (House of Representatives. Special Select Committee on NAFTA and GATT) L1836.74 N13......95-0951 ECONOMIC STATISTICS 1994 Texas local hotel taxes : survey report. C2300.8 L786 1994......95-1922 Condensed housing sales in Texas, 1979-94. R800.8 H817SAC 1979-94......95-1532 Housing sales in Texas, 1979-94. R800.8 H817SA 1979-94......95-1533 Rural land values in the Southwest : second half, 1994. R800.8 R88LV 94/7-12......95-1042 Texas hotel performance report. C2300.6 T312HOP ......95-1095 ECONOMICS Economic impact of higher education in North Texas : update. Z N707.8 EC74HI 1994......95-0851 Economic impact of the health industry on Dallas-Fort Worth : update. Z N707.8 EC74HE 1994......95-0852 EDUCATION Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 Alternative instructional delivery/distance learning : research report. Z C200.8 AL79......95-1668 Charter schools : experiments in reform : an update. L1300.8 C385 1995......95-2173 Committee on Public Education, Texas House of Representatives interim reports, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 ED84 74......95-0528 Efficiency of the Texas public school delivery system. L1801.8 EF41......95-0756 Final report of the Joint Select Committee to Review the Central Education Agency. L1836.74 C332......95-0086 First impressions : Texas Early Childhood and Elementary School Mentor Network : a 21st century imperative. E500.6 F519......95-0715 Middle school spotlight. E500.6 M584......95-1103 Midland ISD school performance review. C2600.8 SCH65MI......95-0464 New accountability system for Texas public schools : report of the accountability study. E450.8 N42......95-0828 One student at a time : report of the State Board of Education, Task Force on High School Education. E500.8 ON2......95-0905 Privatizing public education : the Texas experience. Z UA150.8 P939......95-1064 Report on grade level retention of Texas students, 1992-93 and 1993-94. E500.8 ST29REP 1995......95-0906 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 School performance review, San Angelo Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65SAG......95-1405 School performance review, Waco Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65WA......95-1097 School-to-work transition : a Texas perspective. E500.8 SCH65TOW......95-0716 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 Texas school performance review progress report. C2600.8 SCH65PR PT.1......95-0696 EDUCATION AGENCY Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Education Agency) E500.3 ST82 1995-9 94/12......95-0268 Data standards for school district data delivery. E500.8 D262ST 1995/6......95-1102 Financial report. (Education Agency) E500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0044 Official Texas administrative code. Title 19 : education. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 19......95-0996 Texas Education Agency performance review. C2600.8 T312EDA......95-0695 Texas public school education : making the grade : a biennial report to the 74th Texas Legislature. E500.3 B477 1992/4......95-1413 Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 EDUCATION CODE New code governs public schools. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-14......95-1623 Texas public school accountability : a report card on implementation of the system. L1300.8 P96 1994......95-2175 EDUCATION LAWS Texas public school accountability : a report card on implementation of the system. L1300.8 P96 1994......95-2175 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTERS Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 EDUCATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY CENTER (1990-3) Strategic plan for the 1992-1998 period. (Educational Economic Policy Center) E450.3 ST82 1992-8......95-0830 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Community master plan report for higher education at Paris Junior College. Z P150.8 C737 1994......95-0165 Facilities fact book. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 F118 1993/4......95-0244 Report of the Senate Interim Committee on School Facilities. L1803.9 SCH65 74......95-0956 Statistical report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-0894 EDUCATIONAL FINANCE Fees at Texas public institutions of higher education. C3400.8 F321 1994......95-0245 Higher education tuition in Texas. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-2......95-0953 Proposed administrative cost measure for Texas school districts : final report of the administrative cost study. E450.8 P945......95-0829 Report of the Senate Interim Committee on School Facilities. L1803.9 SCH65 74......95-0956 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1992......95-0241 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1994......95-2119 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Preliminary report. C2625.8 P945VP 1994......95-0699 School finance issues remain after ruling. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-12......95-1162 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 Source book on Texas public school debt. B1250.8 SO84 1995......95-1083 Texas public school districts general obligation debt : a report on debt issued through .... B1250.8 T312PU 1993/4......95-1084 EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL Budget. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 B859 1995/6......95-1864 Budget. (Alvin Community College) Z A050.3 B859 1994/5......95-0360 Budget. (Amarillo College) Z A100.3 B859 1994/5......95-0148 Budget. (Angelina College) Z A150.3 B859 1995/6......95-1865 Budget. (Angelo State University) Z A200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1866 Budget. (Austin Community College) Z A800.3 B859 1994/5......95-0363 Budget. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 B859 1993/4......95-1022 Budget. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 B859 1994/5......95-1023 Budget. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 B859 1993/4......95-1194 Budget. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 B859 1994/5......95-1195 Budget. (Brazosport College) Z B650.3 B859 1994/5......95-1025 Budget. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 B859CO 1994/5......95-0371 Budget. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 B859CO 1995/6......95-1868 Budget. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 B859OP 1994/5 REV.......95-2213 Budget. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 B859OP 1995/6......95-1869 Budget. (Cooke County College) Z C680.3 B859 1993/4......95-1027 Budget. (Del Mar College) Z D350.3 B859 1994/5......95-0151 Budget. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 B859 1995/6......95-1871 Budget. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 B859R 95/SUMMER......95-0607 Budget. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 B859 1995/6......95-1872 Budget. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 B859R 95/SUMMER......95-1196 Budget. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.3 B859 1994/5......95-0155 Budget. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.3 B859 1993/4......95-0156 Budget. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0157 Budget. (Galveston College) Z G100.3 B859 1995/6......95-2086 Budget. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 B859 1994/5......95-1361 Budget. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 B859 1995/6......95-1873 Budget. (Hill College) Z H500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0831 Budget. (Howard College ) Z H870.3 B859 1995/6......95-1671 Budget. (Lamar University at Port Arthur) Z L110.3 B859 1995/6......95-2215 Budget. (Lee College) Z L300.3 B859 1993/4......95-1031 Budget. (Lee College) Z L300.3 B859 1994/5......95-1032 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1991/2......95-1362 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1992/3......95-1363 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1993/4......95-1364 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1994/5......95-1365 Budget. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 B859 1995/6......95-1674 Budget. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.3 B859 1994/5......95-1034 Budget. (Prairie View A&M University) Z P800.3 B859 1995/6......95-2217 Budget. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 B859 1994/5......95-1036 Budget. (Sam Houston State University) Z S200.3 B859R 1995/6......95-1878 Budget. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 B859 1994/5......95-1679 Budget. (South Plains College) Z S700.3 B859 1994/5......95-1367 Budget. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.3 B859 1994/5......95-1368 Budget. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.3 B859 1995/6......95-1683 Budget. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 B859 1995/6......95-1879 Budget. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 B859 1995/6......95-1880 Budget. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.3 B859 1995/6......95-2221 Budget. (Tarrant County Junior College District) Z T150.3 B859 1995/6......95-2222 Budget. (Texas A&M International University) Z L250.3 B859 1995/6......95-2223 Budget. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.3 B859 1995/6......95-2224 Budget. (Texas A&M University at Galveston) Z TA555.3 B859 1995/6......95-2227 Budget. (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi) Z C800.3 B859 1995/6......95-2228 Budget. (Texas A&M University - Kingsville) Z TA110.3 B859 1995/6......95-2229 Budget. (Texas A&M University System) Z TA565.3 B859AD 1995/6......95-2230 Budget. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.3 B859 1995/6......95-2232 Budget. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.3 B859 1995/6......95-2238 Budget. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 B859 1995/6......95-2242 Budget. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.3 B859 1995/6......95-2243 Budget. (Texas Forest Service) F1400.3 B859 1995/6......95-2244 Budget. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1891 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Harlingen) Z TS835.3 B859 1995/6......95-1892 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Sweetwater) Z TS845.3 B859 1995/6......95-1893 Budget. (Texas State Technical College System) Z TS800.3 B859 1995/6......95-1895 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Waco) Z TS815.3 B859 1995/6......95-1894 Budget. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 B859 1995 SUMMER......95-1224 Budget. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 B859 1995/6......95-2245 Budget. (Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory) V775.3 B859 1995/6......95-2246 Budget. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1897 Budget. (University of North Texas) Z N700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1701 Budget. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 B859 1995/6......95-1902 Budget. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1903 Budget. (University of Texas at Dallas) Z UA500.3 B859 1995/6......95-1906 Budget. (University of Texas at El Paso) Z UA550.3 B859 1995/6......95-1908 Budget. (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) Z UH325.3 B859 1995/6......95-1909 Budget. (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Z UH340.3 B859 1995/6......95-1910 Budget. (University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Z US905.3 B859 1995/6......95-1911 Budget. (University of Texas of the Permian Basin) Z UP300.3 B859 1995/6......95-1912 Budget. (University of Texas - Pan American) Z P100.3 B859 1995/6......95-1913 Budget. (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Z UH310.3 B859 1995/6......95-1914 Budget. (West Texas A&M University) Z W350.3 B859 1995/6......95-2250 Budget. (Western Texas College) Z W375.3 B859 1995/6......95-1915 College of Education directory of faculty specialties, Texas Tech University. Z TT300.5 D628ED......95-0421 Faculty, Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University, 1994-1995. Z TA200.5 F119PO 1994/5......95-1047 Final report to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Community and Technical Colleges Division : for project number 33120003, "Personnel development for staff delivering special population services" : funded by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act, funding year July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993. Z TS815.8 P432......95-0188 Salary schedule. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.3 B859SA 1995/6......95-1899 Salary schedule for the fiscal year ending ... . (Central Texas College) Z C200.3 B859SA 1994/5......95-0369 Salary schedule for the fiscal year ending ... . (Central Texas College) Z C200.3 B859SA 1995/6......95-1867 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 Southwest scholarship : a collection of faculty accomplishments for ... . (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.5 SO89 1993......95-1203 Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 University pay plans. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 UN3 1994/5......95-0390 EDUCATIONAL PLANNING Charter schools : experiments in reform : an update. L1300.8 C385 1995......95-2173 Educator professional development : a key element in states' education reform efforts. L1300.8 ED83 1994......95-2174 Midland ISD school performance review. C2600.8 SCH65MI......95-0464 New accountability system for Texas public schools : report of the accountability study. E450.8 N42......95-0828 School performance review, San Angelo Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65SAG......95-1405 School performance review, Waco Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65WA......95-1097 Texas Education Agency performance review. C2600.8 T312EDA......95-0695 Texas public school accountability : a report card on implementation of the system. L1300.8 P96 1994......95-2175 Texas school performance review progress report. C2600.8 SCH65PR PT.1......95-0696 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Constitution and contest rules. (University of Texas at Austin. University Interscholastic League) Z UA375.4 C767 1995/6......95-1905 Educational opportunities at Texas public community and technical colleges : valid through 1996. C3400.5 ED83OPP 1995......95-0701 Educational opportunities at Texas public universities : valid through 1996. C3400.5 ED83OPPU 1995......95-1254 Pace-setters : preventive adolescent crime education : building a crime-free community. Z TA265.8 P114......95-1216 School to work liaison system. W2100.5 SCH65......95-1665 Study of the Texas Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Higher Education State Grant Program : case studies of five long-term projects. C3400.8 EI83 1995......95-1411 Vocational and applied technology education annual performance report for program year ... . E707.3 P416V 1994......95-1106 EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS National comparative results for Texas students : a report. E500.8 N213......95-1594 Report on grade level retention of Texas students, 1992-93 and 1993-94. E500.8 ST29REP 1995......95-0906 Report on Texas public school dropouts. E500.8 R299D 1993/4......95-2127 Research expenditures, Texas public universities and health-related institutions. C3400.3 R311 1993/4......95-1255 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3 SUPP.......95-1105 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 Statistical report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-0894 TAAS : Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and end-of-course examinations : student performance results, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 : statewide and regional results. E510.8 AS74MPE 1992/4......95-0717 Texas teacher retention, mobility, and attrition. E500.7 P758 NO.6......95-1414 EDUCATIONAL TESTING Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 National comparative results for Texas students : a report. E500.8 N213......95-1594 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3 SUPP.......95-1105 TAAS : Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and end-of-course examinations : student performance results, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 : statewide and regional results. E510.8 AS74MPE 1992/4......95-0717 TASP, Texas Academic Skills Program policy manual. C3400.5 T183POM 1993......95-0468 Texas public school accountability : a report card on implementation of the system. L1300.8 P96 1994......95-2175 EDWARDS AQUIFER 1994 review and update of the position of the Edward Aquifer freshwater/saline-water interface from Uvalde to Kyle, Texas. E1550.7 R299 NO.94-05......95-0909 Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer hydrogeology and groundwater quality. W600.8 B285......95-0137 Committee on Natural Resources interim report, 1994. L1801.9 N219 74......95-0527 Edwards Aquifer ground-water divides assessment, San Antonio Region, Texas. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-01......95-1107 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-03......95-1965 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-04......95-1966 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-05......95-1751 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-06......95-1752 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-07......95-1753 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-08......95-1754 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-09......95-1755 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-10......95-1756 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-11......95-1757 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-12......95-1758 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-13......95-1759 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-14......95-1760 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-15......95-1761 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-16......95-1762 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-17......95-1763 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-18......95-1764 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-19......95-1765 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-20......95-1766 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-21......95-1767 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-22......95-1768 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-23......95-1769 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-24......95-1770 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-25......95-1771 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-26......95-1772 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-27......95-1773 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-28......95-1774 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-29......95-1775 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-30......95-1776 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-31......95-1777 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-32......95-1778 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-33......95-1779 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-34......95-1780 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-35......95-1781 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-36......95-1782 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-37......95-1783 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-38......95-1784 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-39......95-1785 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-40......95-1786 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-41......95-1787 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-42......95-1788 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-43......95-1789 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-44......95-1790 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-45......95-1791 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-46......95-1792 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-47......95-1793 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-48......95-1794 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-49......95-1795 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-50......95-1796 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-51......95-1797 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-52......95-1798 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-53......95-1799 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-54......95-1800 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-55......95-1801 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-56......95-1802 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-57......95-1803 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-58......95-1804 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-59......95-1805 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-60......95-1806 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-61......95-1807 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-62......95-1808 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-63......95-1809 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-64......95-1810 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-65......95-1811 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-66......95-1812 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-67......95-1813 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-68......95-1814 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-69......95-1815 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-70......95-1816 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-71......95-1817 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-72......95-1818 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-73......95-1819 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-74......95-1820 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-75......95-1821 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-76......95-1822 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-77......95-1823 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-78......95-1824 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-79......95-1825 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-80......95-1826 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-81......95-1827 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-82......95-1828 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-83......95-1829 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-84......95-1830 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-85......95-1831 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-86......95-1832 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-87......95-1833 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-88......95-1834 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-89......95-1835 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-90......95-1836 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-91......95-1837 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-92......95-1838 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-93......95-1839 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-94......95-1840 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-95......95-1841 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-96......95-1842 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-97......95-1967 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-98......95-1968 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-99......95-1969 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-100......95-1970 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-101......95-1971 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-102......95-1972 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-103......95-1973 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-104......95-1974 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-105......95-1975 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-106......95-1976 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-107......95-1977 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-108......95-1978 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-109......95-1979 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-110......95-1980 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-111......95-1981 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-112......95-1982 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-113......95-1983 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-114......95-1984 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-115......95-1985 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-116......95-1986 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-117......95-1987 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-118......95-1843 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-119......95-1844 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-120......95-1845 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-121......95-1846 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-122......95-1847 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-123......95-1848 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-124......95-1849 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-125......95-1850 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-126......95-1851 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-127......95-1852 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-128......95-1853 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-129......95-1854 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-130......95-1855 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-131......95-1856 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-132......95-1857 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-133......95-1858 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-134......95-1859 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-135......95-1860 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-136......95-1861 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-137......95-1988 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-138......95-1989 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-139......95-1862 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-140......95-1990 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-141......95-1991 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-142......95-1992 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-143......95-1993 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-144......95-1994 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-145......95-1995 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-146......95-1996 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-147......95-1997 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-148......95-1998 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-149......95-1999 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-150......95-2000 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-151......95-2001 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-152......95-2002 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-153......95-2003 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-154......95-2004 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-155......95-2005 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-156......95-2006 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-157......95-2007 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-158......95-2008 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-159......95-2009 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-160......95-2010 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-161......95-2011 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-162......95-2012 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-163......95-2013 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-164......95-2014 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-165......95-2015 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-166......95-2016 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-167......95-2017 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-168......95-2018 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-169......95-2019 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-170......95-2020 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-171......95-2021 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-172......95-2022 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-173......95-2023 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-174......95-2024 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-175......95-2025 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-176......95-2026 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-177......95-2027 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-178......95-2028 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-179......95-2029 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-180......95-2030 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-181......95-2031 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-182......95-2032 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-183......95-2033 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-184......95-2034 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-185......95-2035 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-186......95-2036 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-187......95-2037 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-188......95-2038 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-189......95-2039 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-190......95-2040 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-191......95-2041 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-192......95-2042 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-193......95-2043 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-194......95-2044 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-195......95-2045 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-196......95-2046 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-197......95-2047 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-198......95-2048 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-199......95-2049 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-200......95-2050 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-201......95-2051 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-202......95-2052 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-203......95-2053 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-204......95-2054 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-205......95-2055 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-206......95-2056 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-207......95-2057 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-208......95-2058 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-209......95-2059 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-210......95-2060 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-211......95-2061 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-212......95-2062 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-213......95-2063 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-214......95-2064 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-215......95-2065 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-216......95-2066 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-217......95-2067 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-218......95-2068 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-219......95-2069 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-220......95-2070 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-221......95-2071 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-222......95-2072 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Medina County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-230......95-2073 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bexar County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-231......95-2074 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Comal County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-232......95-2075 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Hays County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-233......95-2076 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Travis County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-234......95-2077 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Williamson County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-235......95-2078 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bell County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-236......95-2079 Edwards Aquifer hydrogeologic report for ... . E1550.7 R299 NO.94-04......95-0910 Edwards/Glen Rose hydrologic communication, San Antonio Region, Texas. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-03......95-1108 Regional distribution of permeability in the Edwards Aquifer : final report. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-02......95-1110 Threatened and endangered plant and animal species of the Edwards Aquifer. E1550.8 T413......95-1596 Water's for fighting : the Edwards Aquifer dilemma. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.80......95-0653 EDWARDS UNDERGROUND WATER DISTRICT Annual report. (Edwards Underground Water District) E1550.3 AN78 1993/4......95-2128 Edwards Underground Water District strategic plan (1994-2004). E1550.3 ST82 1994-2004......95-0719 Evaluation of alternative instream and bay & estuary flow criteria for run-of-the-river diversions : technical memorandum : Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area. W600.8 T687EV......95-1660 Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area : phase I : interim report. W600.8 T687 V.3......95-0598 EGGS Hatching eggs in the classroom : a teacher's guide. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5084......95-0410 EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Budget. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.3 B859 1994/5......95-0155 EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Financial report. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-0379 Financial report. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1197 EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological clearance survey of drill holes, backhoe trenches, and access road segments associated with a paleoseismic study of the east Franklin Mountain fault zone in north El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1459......95-0930 Archaeological clearance survey of the proposed 70 acre Dal-Tile lease on El Paso Water Utilities-Public Service Board property in northeast El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1456......95-0487 Clint Independent School District wastewater line archaeological survey : archaeological survey report, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1376......95-0064 Cultural resources survey of 178.23 acres out of the A.G. McMath survey no. 298, El Paso County, Texas. L600.7 AR22 NO.94-0002......95-0078 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Sunland Park Drive extension project, Dona Ana County, New Mexico and El Paso County, Texas. H2000.8 EL69SU......95-2148 Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the El Paso FY-94 TIP. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-2......95-1301 El Paso state jail project : survey results and recommendations. A1900.7 P422 NO.1421......95-0498 Relocation and reassessment of 38 archaeological sites on El Paso Water Utilities-Public Service Board property in northeast El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1389......95-0500 EL PASO, TEXAS Archaeological clearance survey of the proposed 70 acre Dal-Tile lease on El Paso Water Utilities-Public Service Board property in northeast El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1456......95-0487 Cultural resources survey of the Jobe concrete quarry, El Paso, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1375......95-0493 El Paso/Juarez 1990 PM10 receptor modeling feasibility study. N330.8 AI17EL......95-0559 El Paso/Juarez 1990 PM10 receptor modeling feasibility study. N330.8 AI17ELEX......95-0560 Relocation and reassessment of 38 archaeological sites on El Paso Water Utilities-Public Service Board property in northeast El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1389......95-0500 Short- and long-term economic problems and prospects for the El Paso Region. Z N707.8 SH81......95-0854 ELDER LAWS Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 ELDERLY ABUSE STATISTICS Legislative data book. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.8 L524 1993/4......95-1292 ELECTED OFFICIALS Chapter 572, Texas Government Code : personal financial disclosure, standards of conduct, and conflict of interest : effective May 11, 1995. E2500.4 P432 1995......95-2129 Chief elected and administrative officials of Texas. L1700.5 C434 1995......95-0512 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU......95-1598 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU 95/09......95-1933 Labor directory : workers' guide. (Employment Commission) E2100.5 L113D 1995......95-0723 Misuse of government resources. (Ethics Commission) E2500.8 M691......95-0275 Texas appellate judicial candidates campaign and election report : 1988, 1990, 1992 and 1994 elections. C3900.5 T312AP 1988-94......95-0896 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 50, Legislative salaries & per diem. E2500.4 L524SA 1995......95-2130 ELECTIONS Texas appellate judicial candidates campaign and election report : 1988, 1990, 1992 and 1994 elections. C3900.5 T312AP 1988-94......95-0896 ELECTORAL DISTRICTS State, congressional redistricting update. L1801.8 ST29 1995......95-2176 Texas redistricting cases considered. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-8......95-0759 ELECTORAL SYSTEMS Chapter 302, Texas Government Code : speaker of the House of Representatives : effective September 1, 1993. E2500.4 C161 1995......95-1417 ELECTRIC POWER Texas electric resource planning for sustainability. L600.8 EL25......95-1950 Texas electric resource planning for sustainability : executive summary. L600.8 EL25 1995 SUMM.......95-2170 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1994 statewide electrical energy plan. P3750.3 B477STE 1993-4......95-0983 Assessment of the potential for stranded investment in Texas. P3750.8 AS74......95-1750 Earnings report for electric cooperatives and river authorities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76EC 1995......95-0786 Earnings report for electric investor-owned utilities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76EL 1995......95-0787 Electric generating unit inventory. P3750.8 IN8EL 1994......95-0333 Equal employment opportunities and contracting opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in the Texas telephone and electric industry. P3750.8 EQ25......95-0986 Final report, compliance audit of Sam Houston Electric Cooperative, Inc. : project no. 13274. P3750.8 C738SAH......95-0575 Texas alternatives : competitive and regulatory options in telecommunications and electric power : a roadmap for meeting new challenges : a report to the 74th Legislature. L1836.74 T235......95-0754 Texas electric resource planning for sustainability. L600.8 EL25......95-1950 Texas electric resource planning for sustainability : executive summary. L600.8 EL25 1995 SUMM.......95-2170 Texas electric utility company profiles. P3750.8 T312E 1994......95-1492 University of Texas at Arlington Division of Continuing Education in association with the electric utility industry presents the 26th Annual Transmission & Substation Design & Operation Symposium : Wednesday-Friday, September 15, 16, 17, 1993, Hyatt Regency DFW : TSDOS. Z UA100.8 T87 1993......95-0196 ELECTRICITY Fundamentals of electricity : introductory module 1. Z TA325.8 F962 1993......95-0415 Survey of semiconductor fabrication. Z TA325.8 SU79......95-0846 ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE Continuous electronic monitoring in Texas : issues for consideration. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.8 C767......95-0898 ELECTRONICS Computer recycling : in layman's terms. L600.8 C739......95-0946 Recycling directory : computers & electronics. L600.5 R245......95-0948 Semiconductor physics and chemistry I. Z TA325.8 SE51 V.2......95-0633 Survey of semiconductor fabrication. Z TA325.8 SU79......95-0846 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS First impressions : Texas Early Childhood and Elementary School Mentor Network : a 21st century imperative. E500.6 F519......95-0715 ELLIS COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey and historical background of the proposed Ennis Community Park, Ellis County, Texas : final report. A1900.7 P422 NO.1502......95-0931 Intensive cultural resources survey and assessment to support federal permitting of the proposed expansion of the Skyline Landfill, Dallas and Ellis counties, Texas. H2000.8 D161SK......95-1446 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS, ADVISORY COMMISSION ON STATE Financial report. (Emergency Communications, Advisory Commission on State) E1840.3 F49 1993/4......95-0269 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS State of Texas hazard mitigation plan for Texas counties affected by severe storms and tornadoes during the period April 25, 1994 through May 4, 1994 and wildfires during the period July 1, 1994 through July 10 1994. P3510.8 H336MIS 1994......95-1639 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS For your benefit. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.6 ER81......95-1111 Study of nonsubscription to the Texas workers' compensation system : the employee perspective. W2000.8 ST94EM......95-0355 Texas impairment schedule : an alternative model to the American Medical Association's Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment. L1836.74 OV2......95-1159 EMPLOYEE HEALTH CARE Occupational injury and illness in Texas : report to the Texas Legislature. Z U406.8 OC1......95-0850 EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Agency strategic plan for the Employees Retirement System of Texas. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 ST82 1994......95-0045 Budget. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 B859 1994/5......95-0046 Financial report. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0472 Financial report. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 F49AUC 1993/4......95-0720 For your benefit. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.6 ER81......95-1111 Investment policy and procedures. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.8 IN8POP......95-0721 Legislative appropriations request. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 B859E......95-0911 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 Report to management based on the audit of financial statements for the fiscal year ended August 31 ... , Employees Retirement System of Texas, Austin, Texas. A2800.8 EM73R 1993/4......95-0878 Review of internal controls of certain programs administered by the Employees Retirement System of Texas. A2800.8 EM73CE......95-1396 EMPLOYERS JSEC news. (Employment Commission) E2100.6 J869......95-0914 Study of drug-free workplace policies of Texas employers with workers' compensation coverage. W2000.8 D842......95-1664 System performance update : employer participation in the Texas workers' compensation system. W2000.8 SY87......95-1349 EMPLOYMENT Briefing materials, April 20, 1995, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/04......95-1018 Briefing materials, December 8-9, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/12......95-0357 Briefing materials, June 1-2, 1995, Doubletree Hotel, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/06......95-1350 Briefing materials, May 26-27, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/05......95-0358 Employer incentives and technical assistance : final report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1995......95-1351 Employer incentives and technical assistance project : policy report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1994......95-1352 Employer worksite modification guide. W2100.8 EM73WO......95-1353 Guide for combining work-based learning programs. W2100.8 G941......95-1354 How to get an interview : how to get a job offer : how to negotiate a higher salary and better benefits : the successful nontraditional method : the job search workshop manual of the Texas Employment Commission's Dislocated Worker Program. E2100.5 J575WO......95-0047 Incentive and strategy guide : encouraging and facilitating employer participation in work-based learning programs for youth. W2100.8 IN2......95-1355 Interim state plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the state plan supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program. B1000.8 IN8......95-0453 Job development [chart] : telephone format. E2100.5 J575DE......95-0722 State services and assistance : workers' guide. E2100.5 ST29......95-0473 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 Update. (Employment Commission) E2100.6 UP1......95-1112 EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION Annual report. (Employment Commission) E2100.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0912 Financial report. (Employment Commission) E2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0270 JSEC news. (Employment Commission) E2100.6 J869......95-0914 Labor directory : workers' guide. (Employment Commission) E2100.5 L113D 1995......95-0723 TEC overview for the Texas Legislature, 74th session. (Employment Commission) E2100.1 OV2 1995......95-0271 Texas Employment Commission rules : adopted pursuant to Texas Unemployment Compensation Act. E2100.4 R861 1994......95-0272 Update. (Employment Commission) E2100.6 UP1......95-1112 EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION. WORK & FAMILY CLEARINGHOUSE Biennial report. (Employment Commission) E2100.3 B477WO 1992/4......95-0913 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS Fatal occupational injuries in Texas. W1900.8 F268 1993......95-1188 Minority hiring report. H2700.3 M666 1991/2......95-0503 Minority hiring report : phase I, snapshot as of August 31, 1993 : phase II, September 1, 1993 through August 31, 1994 (fiscal year 1994). H2700.3 M666 1993/4......95-0745 Occupational injuries and illnesses in Texas. W1900.8 OC1IN 1992......95-1015 Occupational injuries and illnesses in Texas. W1900.8 OC1IN 1993......95-1863 Standardized EEO report, calendar year 1994 : January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. H2700.3 ST24 1994......95-0746 State of Texas state and local government information USPS/HRIS statewide support ... EEO-4 statewide summary report. G827.8 ST29 SUMM. 1991......95-0920 State of Texas state and local government information USPS/HRIS statewide support ... EEO-4 statewide summary report. G827.8 ST29 SUMM. 1993......95-0921 State priority & regional targeted occupations for Texas. E500.8 ST29PR 1995......95-1723 Texas economy : a new wave of employment opportunity! : a descriptive analysis of trends in the Texas economy and how they can and are shaping the Texas job market. O250.8 T312NE 1995......95-1961 Texas occupational employment statistics. Industry staffing patterns, non-manufacturing industries, 2nd quarter, 1993. E2100.8 OC1EN 1993......95-0916 EMPLOYMENT TRENDS State priority & regional targeted occupations for Texas. E500.8 ST29PR 1995......95-1723 Texas occupational employment statistics. Industry staffing patterns, non-manufacturing industries, 2nd quarter, 1993. E2100.8 OC1EN 1993......95-0916 ENCHANTED ROCK STATE NATURAL AREA On your way up : a trail guide to the top of Enchanted Rock. P500 EN15ON......95-0323 ENDANGERED SPECIES Endangered Species Act : impact on Texas rural land values. R800.8 EN21 1995......95-2218 Springflow augmentation of Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs, Texas : phase I--feasibility study. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.247......95-0858 Texas hunting guide. P400.4 H92G 1995/6......95-1749 Threatened and endangered plant and animal species of the Edwards Aquifer. E1550.8 T413......95-1596 ENERGY CONSERVATION Fleet management. (General Services Commission) P4050.3 F624 1993/4......95-1599 Opportunities for energy efficiency in the Texas industrial sector : roundtable proceedings. L600.8 OP5 1995......95-2169 Recommendations for the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston's employee trip reduction program. Z UH325.8 R245......95-1069 Site and survey assessment, University Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Z UH325.8 SI86......95-1070 Texas transportation energy savings : executive summary. L600.8 T687 1995 SUMM.......95-2171 Texas transportation energy savings : strategies for reducing energy consumption. L600.8 T687 1995......95-2172 ENERGY CONSUMPTION Benefits of the Texas traffic light synchronization (TLS) grant program II. T1311.7 R311 NO.3010-1F......95-1296 Effect of the proposed btu tax on the Texas economy. C2600.8 EF36......95-0692 Opportunities for energy efficiency in the Texas industrial sector : roundtable proceedings. L600.8 OP5 1995......95-2169 Texas transportation energy savings : executive summary. L600.8 T687 1995 SUMM.......95-2171 Texas transportation energy savings : strategies for reducing energy consumption. L600.8 T687 1995......95-2172 ENERGY INDUSTRIES NAFTA and the energy industry : lessons from the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. Z N707.8 N13......95-1062 ENERGY SOURCES 1994 statewide electrical energy plan. P3750.3 B477STE 1993-4......95-0983 Clearing the air : an alternative fuels update from the Texas General Land Office. L600.8 C58 1995......95-2167 First interim report of the Federal Fleet Conversion Task Force. (Land Office, General) L600.8 F519......95-0947 Introduction to wind energy. Z W352.7 R299 NO.94-2......95-0209 University of Texas at Arlington Division of Continuing Education in association with the electric utility industry presents the 26th Annual Transmission & Substation Design & Operation Symposium : Wednesday-Friday, September 15, 16, 17, 1993, Hyatt Regency DFW : TSDOS. Z UA100.8 T87 1993......95-0196 Wind resource screening in the Texas Panhandle. Z W352.7 R299 NO.94-1......95-0210 ENGINEERING NAFTA handbook for water resource managers and engineers. Z UA320.8 N13......95-1389 Recent advances in engineering science. Z TA200.8 R243 1994......95-1538 Registered professional engineers ... roster ... . E2200.5 R263 1995......95-1416 ENGINEERS, BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL Budget. (Engineers, Board of Registration for Professional) E2200.3 B859 1993/4......95-0049 Financial report. (Engineers, Board of Registration for Professional) E2200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0048 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 Registered professional engineers ... roster ... . E2200.5 R263 1995......95-1416 ENROLLMENT Enrollment forecasts, 1995-2010 : Texas institutions of higher education. C3400.7 ST94 NO.27 1995......95-1100 Statistical report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-0894 ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY Legal aspects of the entertainment industry. B600.8 L522ASE 1995......95-1247 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Environmental technology : (laboratory analysis and environmental sampling) : curriculum development project : final report. Z TS835.8 EN89......95-1697 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Resource manual for an emerging occupation, environmental technology. Z B750.8 EN89......95-1667 Teachers air education handbook. N330.5 T22......95-1628 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Advanced Environmental Law Course. B600.8 AD95EN 1995......95-1078 Air compliance kit. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.5 AI72CO......95-0092 Autobody shops : an overview of pollution prevention, rules, and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.84 1995......95-2182 Border environment : an exchange : October 3 and 4, 1994, El Paso, Texas : summary of conference proceedings = el ambiente fronterizo : un intercambio. N330.8 B644 1994......95-1467 Committee on Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 EN89R 74......95-0521 Cotton gin plant compliance with air pollution regulations in Texas : effect on plant costs and returns. Z TA225.7 IN3 NO.94-3......95-0171 Federal consistency report for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.48......95-1469 Funding strategy for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.47......95-1284 House Bill 2473, Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, July 24, 1995. N330.7 R339 NO.173......95-2185 Implementation strategy for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.46......95-1471 Managing environmental risks in Texas : background papers. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.78-79......95-0437 Marketable permits final report, grant period 1993-94. N330.8 M341PE 1993/4......95-0563 Official Texas administrative code. Title 30 : environmental quality. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 30......95-1294 Squeezing a dry sponge : water planning in Texas : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.111......95-0438 Talleres de carroceria : un resumen de la prevencion, las normas y los permisos sobre la contaminacion. N330.7 R339 NO.84A 1995 SPAN.......95-1627 Texas Clean Rivers Program long term action plan, 1991-2000. N330.8 T312CL......95-0566 Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.8 C631mapR......95-0751 Transboundary resource inventory glossary : Spanish-English : cartographic, environmental, and oil spill terms. L600.5 T687......95-0949 Use determination for pollution control property : guidelines for implementing House Bill 1920 and November 1993 constitutional amendment proposition 2. N330.7 R339 NO.102......95-0771 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION All-Conference Workshop. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 AL51 1995......95-1283 Around the bend : news of the Coastal Bend's bays & estuaries. N330.6 AR67......95-0399 Border environment : an exchange : October 3 and 4, 1994, El Paso, Texas : summary of conference proceedings = el ambiente fronterizo : un intercambio. N330.8 B644 1994......95-1467 Bulletin. (University of Houston) Z U400.6 EN89......95-1900 Clean cities 2000 program guide : recruiting municipalities to voluntarily reduce solid waste going to landfills, and to reduce pollution going into Texas' skies, land, and waterways by the year 2000. N330.8 C58......95-0765 Clean industries 2000 : program description. N330.7 R339 NO.143......95-1955 Economic value of improving the environmental quality of Galveston Bay. N330.7 G139 NO.38......95-0314 Federal consistency report for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.48......95-1469 First interim report of the Federal Fleet Conversion Task Force. (Land Office, General) L600.8 F519......95-0947 Fiscal year 1994 multi-media strategy and guidance. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.7 R339 NO.96......95-0098 Funding strategy for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.47......95-1284 Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence. N330.3 G746......95-1285 Implementation strategy for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.46......95-1471 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1992......95-1427 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1993......95-1428 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1994......95-1429 Management conference agreement. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 M312CC......95-0964 Managing environmental risks in Texas : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.108......95-0436 Managing environmental risks in Texas : background papers. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.78-79......95-0437 Mitigation and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat : Texas Parks and Wildlife Department lands. P400.8 M697......95-0775 Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling : Clean Texas 2000, pollution prevention, recycling. N330.1 C58 1995......95-1956 Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling : Clean Texas 2000, pollution prevention, recycling. N330.1 C58 1995B......95-2186 Protecting our heritage : 1994-1995 report of accomplishments. (Land Office, General) L600.3 P946 1994/5......95-1154 Regional monitoring program for The Galveston Bay plan. N330.7 G139 NO.45......95-1168 Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 Texas watch report. (Natural Resources Conservation Commission) N330.8 V889 1994......95-0105 Texas watch : volunteer environmental monitoring trainer's manual. N330.5 T312WA 1994......95-0770 Transboundary resource inventory glossary : Spanish-English : cartographic, environmental, and oil spill terms. L600.5 T687......95-0949 Use determination for pollution control property : guidelines for implementing House Bill 1920 and November 1993 constitutional amendment proposition 2. N330.7 R339 NO.102......95-0771 Video catalog. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 M467 1995......95-1480 Wellhead protection update. N330.6 W459P......95-1481 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Bulletin. (University of Houston) Z U400.6 EN89......95-1900 Clean industries 2000 community environmental programs resource guide. N330.5 C58INCO......95-0961 Economic value of improving the environmental quality of Galveston Bay. N330.7 G139 NO.38......95-0314 Management conference agreement. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 M312CC......95-0964 Managing environmental risks in Texas : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.108......95-0436 Managing environmental risks in Texas : background papers. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.78-79......95-0437 Proceedings of the 3rd annual Conference on Environmental Monitoring in Southeast Texas. N330.8 C76 1994......95-1167 Regional monitoring program for The Galveston Bay plan. N330.7 G139 NO.45......95-1168 Transboundary resource inventory glossary : Spanish-English : cartographic, environmental, and oil spill terms. L600.5 T687......95-0949 ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING Environmental monitoring annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78ENM 1992......95-0734 Environmental technology : (laboratory analysis and environmental sampling) : curriculum development project : final report. Z TS835.8 EN89......95-1697 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1992......95-1427 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1993......95-1428 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1994......95-1429 Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility quality assurance project plan for ambient air monitoring. N330.7 R339 NO.140......95-1625 Proceedings of the 3rd annual Conference on Environmental Monitoring in Southeast Texas. N330.8 C76 1994......95-1167 Quality assurance project plan for NAMS, SLAMS, and PAMS monitoring in Texas : state plan. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.7 R339 NO.97......95-0967 Quality assurance project plan for Texas-Mexico border air sampling. N330.7 R339 NO.98......95-0565 Regional monitoring program for The Galveston Bay plan. N330.7 G139 NO.45......95-1168 Sediment-interstitial study final report. (Lower Colorado River Authority) L2510.8 SE28......95-0958 ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS Air monitoring report, 1992 : Air Quality Assessment Program. N330.8 AI71MO 1992......95-0959 El Paso/Juarez 1990 PM10 receptor modeling feasibility study. N330.8 AI17EL......95-0559 El Paso/Juarez 1990 PM10 receptor modeling feasibility study. N330.8 AI17ELEX......95-0560 Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility ambient air monitoring annual report. N330.6 P195A 1994......95-1957 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Equal employment opportunities and contracting opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in the Texas telephone and electric industry. P3750.8 EQ25......95-0986 Minority hiring report : phase I, snapshot as of August 31, 1993 : phase II, September 1, 1993 through August 31, 1994 (fiscal year 1994). H2700.3 M666 1993/4......95-0745 Standardized EEO report, calendar year 1994 : January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. H2700.3 ST24 1994......95-0746 State of Texas state and local government information USPS/HRIS statewide support ... EEO-4 statewide summary report. G827.8 ST29 SUMM. 1991......95-0920 State of Texas state and local government information USPS/HRIS statewide support ... EEO-4 statewide summary report. G827.8 ST29 SUMM. 1993......95-0921 EROSION On the coast : a bimonthly newsletter of the Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.6 C631......95-1153 Temporary erosion control measures design guidelines for TxDOT. T1311.7 R311 NO.1379-1......95-1517 Temporary erosion control selection : TAMUBMP computer program. T1311.7 R311 NO.1379-2F......95-1518 ESTATE PLANNING Advanced drafting : estate planning and probate course. B600.8 AD95DEP 1994......95-0228 Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 Advanced estate planning strategies. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1398 ESTUARIES Freshwater inflows to Texas bays and estuaries : ecological relationships and methods for determination of needs. W600.8 F892......95-1014 Management conference agreement. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 M312CC......95-0964 ETHICS Chapter 305, Texas Government Code : registration of lobbyists : effective September 1, 1995. E2500.4 R263 1995......95-1418 Chapters 36 & 39, Texas Penal Code : bribery and corrupt influence : effective September 1, 1993. E2500.4 B76 1995......95-1420 Legislative guide. (Ethics Commission) E2500.5 L525GU......95-0274 Misuse of government resources. (Ethics Commission) E2500.8 M691......95-0275 ETHICS COMMISSION Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Ethics Commission) E2500.3 ST82 1995-9 94/08......95-0474 Chapter 571, Texas Government Code : Texas Ethics Commission : effective September 1, 1995. E2500.4 L524 1995......95-1419 Ethics advisory opinion. E2500.6 AD96 INDEX 1992-4......95-1257 Financial report. (Ethics Commission) E2500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0273 Texas Ethics Commission rules. E2500.4 R861 1995......95-1113 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 6, Organization and administration. E2500.4 OR3......95-1421 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 8, Advisory opinions. E2500.4 AD96......95-1422 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 10, Ethics training programs. E2500.4 ET37......95-1423 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 12, Sworn complaints. E2500.4 SW74 1995......95-1934 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 18, General rules concerning reports. E2500.4 G286 1995......95-1935 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 20, Reporting political contributions and expenditures. E2500.4 R299PO 1995......95-1936 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 22, Restrictions on contributions and expenditures. E2500.4 R313CO 1995......95-1937 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 24, Restrictions on contributions and expenditures applicable to corporations and labor organizations. E2500.4 R313COA 1995......95-1938 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 26, Political and legislative advertising. E2500.4 P759 1995......95-1939 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 28, Reports by a candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives. E2500.4 R299CA 1995......95-1940 ETHNIC GROUPS Demography of the Texas elderly population. Z TA455.7 T226 NO.95-1......95-1370 Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 EVALUATION METHODS Audit report on performance measures at 18 state agencies. A2800.8 P416STE......95-0679 Blueprint : a process for measuring project quality. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.36-2......95-0651 New accountability system for Texas public schools : report of the accountability study. E450.8 N42......95-0828 EVIDENCE (LAW) Advanced Evidence and Discovery Course. B600.8 AD95EV 1994......95-0682 EXPENDITURES 1992 financial and compliance audit results. (Auditor) A2800.8 M289G......95-0678 Administrative expenditures in Texas public universities. C3400.8 AD65......95-0035 Annual report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78GAU 1993/4......95-1098 Expenditures for remedial instruction in Texas public institutions of higher education. C3400.8 EX71......95-0039 Hard choices : setting priorities for the Texas state budget : a report. (University of Texas at Austin. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs) Z UA320.7 P758 NO.112......95-0435 Report on the 1994 financial and compliance audit results. (Auditor) A2800.8 M289G 1993/4......95-1075 State expenditures by county. C2600.3 EX71CO 1995......95-2118 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0239 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0240 FALCON STATE RECREATION PARK Continuing cultural resource investigations for Sanchez-O'Brien Oil & Gas, Inc. developments in Falcon State Park-- : an archeological survey of a proposed underground pipeline, Starr County, Texas. H2000.8 ST28......95-1436 Intensive archeological monitoring program conducted for a gas pipeline project, Falcon State Park, Zapata and Starr counties, Texas. H2000.8 Z19FAG......95-1444 Intensive archeological monitoring program conducted for the development of reconfigured pad C alternative and associated pipelines, Falcon State Park, Zapata and Starr counties, Texas. H2000.8 Z19FAD......95-1445 FAMILIES Alimento y familia. H600.6 F739 SPAN.......95-2135 Food & family. H600.6 F739......95-2136 Report to the legislature. (Youth Commission) Y200.8 R299......95-0147 FAMILY CARE SERVICES Client self-support services guide = Guia de servicios para el cliente. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.5 C611 1994......95-0069 Coping with caregiving : how to manage stress when caring for elderly relatives. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6006......95-1539 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 Texas directory of services for homeless veterans & their families. V400.5 T312DI 1995......95-1012 Texas talk : family health newsletter. H781.6 T144......95-1605 FAMILY LAW 18th Annual Marriage Dissolution Institute. B600.8 M349 1995......95-1397 Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 Advanced estate planning strategies. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1398 Advanced family law course. B600.8 AD95F 1994......95-0451 --begin with a single step : a rights handbook for families with children in the Texas Early Childhood Intervention Program. E035.8 SE74 1994......95-0714 Comprehensive review of the Texas Family Code. L1836.74 F21......95-0085 Gender Bias Task Force of Texas final report. (Bar) B600.8 G285......95-0452 Ultimate trial notebook-- family law. B600.8 AD95ULTF 1994......95-0883 FAMILY SERVICES Directory : child abuse and neglect prevention programs. C1155.5 C437 1995......95-0460 FAMILY VIOLENCE Committee on Judicial Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 J897 74......95-0526 FANNIN COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey of a proposed construction project (FMHA, F2, F13) for the North Hunt Water Supply Corporation : Hunt, Fannin, and Delta counties, Texas. H2000.8 H911......95-1131 FARM MANAGEMENT Impacts of changing farm program expenditures on the Great Plains. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-5......95-0172 Recommendations for the 1995 Farm Bill debate. A900.8 R245......95-1241 Unraveling of farm policy : an evaluation of broad domestic policy options for the 1995 farm bill. Z TA225.7 P758I NO.94-3......95-0174 FARMS Impacts of changing farm program expenditures on the Great Plains. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-5......95-0172 Implications of the 1990 farm bill and FAPRI November 1994 baseline on representative farms. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-6......95-0838 Producer certification rating system. (Agriculture, Department of) A900.8 P942......95-1916 Recommendations for the 1995 Farm Bill debate. A900.8 R245......95-1241 Texas directory, farm and ranch associations. E2100.5 D628FA 1995......95-0915 Unraveling of farm policy : an evaluation of broad domestic policy options for the 1995 farm bill. Z TA225.7 P758I NO.94-3......95-0174 FAYETTE COUNTY, TEXAS Historical sites in the Baylor Creek project area, Fayette County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.38......95-0199 Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE Federal consistency report for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.48......95-1469 Federal discretionary grants and Texas state agencies, fiscal year 1993. S1250.8 F317 1992/3......95-0802 Interim report, state match pool : program performance to date, February 1, 1995. S1250.8 IN8R......95-1002 Long range plan for statewide library development in Texas. L1900.8 L853RAP 1995/9......95-1282 State services and federal expenditures in Texas. S1250.8 ST29......95-0803 TxDOT's federal flyer. T1300.6 F317......95-1183 Vocational and applied technology education annual performance report for program year ... . E707.3 P416V 1994......95-1106 FEDERAL LEGISLATION Consumer news. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C766......95-1249 Federal consistency report for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.48......95-1469 Federal court practice. B600.8 F317 1994......95-0683 Implications of the 1990 farm bill and FAPRI November 1994 baseline on representative farms. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-6......95-0838 TxDOT's federal flyer. T1300.6 F317......95-1183 FEED Annual report on commercial feeds. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1767......95-0619 Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 FEES 1995 fees : schedule of fees for jurisdications [i.e. jurisdictions] under the International Registration Plan. T1322.8 F321 1995......95-0593 Texas highway cost allocation analysis and estimates, 1993-1995. T1311.7 R311 NO.1919-3F, 1910-4F......95-1337 FERTILIZERS Annual report on commercial fertilizers. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1766......95-0620 Dryland wheat response to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1723......95-1209 FIELD CROPS Grain sorghum performance tests in Texas--1994. Z TA245.7 T226 NO.95-2......95-1211 FILM INDUSTRY Texas production manual : a source book for the motion picture, television, and video industries. G830.5 P942 1995......95-0922 FILMS Texas production manual : a source book for the motion picture, television, and video industries. G830.5 P942 1995......95-0922 Video catalog, 1994. (Health, Department of) H600.5 V668 1994......95-0737 FINANCE AUTHORITY, PUBLIC Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Finance Authority, Public) B1385.3 ST82 1995-9 94/06/15......95-0277 Budget. (Finance Authority, Public) B1385.3 B859 1993/4......95-0051 Financial report. (Finance Authority, Public) B1385.3 F49 1993/4......95-0050 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 FINANCE COMMISSION Financial report. (Finance Commission) F300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0052 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 FINANCIAL AID Scholarships & financial aid. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.5 SCH64 1995......95-1699 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Chapter 572, Texas Government Code : personal financial disclosure, standards of conduct, and conflict of interest : effective May 11, 1995. E2500.4 P432 1995......95-2129 Legislative guide. (Ethics Commission) E2500.5 L525GU......95-0274 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 20, Reporting political contributions and expenditures. E2500.4 R299PO 1995......95-1936 Title 15, Texas election code : regulating political funds and campaigns : effective June 16, 1995. E2500.4 R265 1995......95-1424 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial management manual for TDCJ-CJAD funding. C4830.5 F49 1995......95-1929 FINANCIAL REPORTS Audit report. (Middle Rio Grande Development Council) M1300.3 AU24 1993/4......95-0764 Audited financial statements and other financial information. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 AU25 1993/4......95-1038 Briefing report on reconciling state financial reports. A2800.8 R245......95-0221 Financial report. (Accountancy, Board of Public) A300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0001 Financial report. (Adjutant General's Department) A600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0871 Financial report. (Administrative Hearings, Office of) A696.3 F49 1993/4......95-0002 Financial report. (Aging, Department on) A800.3 F49 1993/4......95-0441 Financial report. (Agricultural Finance Authority) A900.3 F49FI 1993/4......95-0443 Financial report. (Agriculture, Department of) A900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0004 Financial report. (Agriculture, Department of) A900.3 F49CO 1993/4......95-0211 Financial report. (Aircraft Pooling Board) A1225.3 F49 1993/4......95-0009 Financial report. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0600 Financial report. (Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Commission on) A1400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0444 Financial report. (Alcoholic Beverage Commission) A1300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0446 Financial report. (Alvin Community College) Z A050.3 R299 1993/4......95-1666 Financial report. (Anatomical Board) A1600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0212 Financial report. (Angelina and Neches River Authority) A1750.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0213 Financial report. (Angelina College) Z A150.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0601 Financial report. (Angelo State University) Z A200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0149 Financial report. (Animal Health Commission) A1700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0010 Financial report. (Architectural Examiners, Board of) A2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0214 Financial report. (Ark-Tex Council of Governments) A2150.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1577 Financial report. (Attorney General) A2400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0012 Financial report. (Auditor) A2700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0215 Financial report. (Austin Community College) Z A800.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-0362 Financial report. (Banking Department) B400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0022 Financial report. (Barber Examiners, Board of) B700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0685 Financial report. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1024 Financial report. (Blind and Visually Impaired, School for the) B900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0029 Financial report. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0231 Financial report. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-1193 Financial report. (Bond Review Board) B1250.3 F49 1993/4......95-0454 Financial report. (Borger Junior College District) Z B600.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-0364 Financial report. (Borger Junior College District) Z B600.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0365 Financial report. (Brazos Valley Development Council) B1350.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1085 Financial report. (Brazosport College) Z B650.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1026 Financial report. (Canadian River Compact Commissioner) C300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0456 Financial report. (Cancer Council) C330.3 F49 1993/4......95-0030 Financial report. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.3 F49AU 1993......95-0687 Financial report. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.3 F49AU 1994......95-0886 Financial report. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0372 Financial report. (Central Texas Council of Governments) C980.3 F49 1990/1......95-1587 Financial report. (Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council) C1155.3 F49 1993/4......95-0459 Financial report. (Chiropractic Examiners, Board of) C1300.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0234 Financial report. (Coastal Water Authority) C1975.3 F49AU 1994......95-1092 Financial report. (Coastal Water Authority) C1975.3 F49AUP 1993/4......95-1093 Financial report. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0606 Financial report. (Collin County Community College District) Z C650.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0375 Financial report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0033 Financial report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0238 Financial report. (Consumer Credit Commissioner, Office of) C3100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0700 Financial report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0037 Financial report. (County and District Retirement System) C3800.3 F49AU 1994......95-1591 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 10th Supreme Judicial District, Waco) C3960.3 F49 1993/4......95-0256 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 11th Supreme Judicial District, Eastland) C3961.3 F49 1993/4......95-0257 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 12th Supreme Judicial District, Tyler) C3962.3 F49 1993/4......95-0258 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 13th Supreme Judicial District, Corpus Christi) C3963.3 F49 1993/4......95-0259 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 14th Supreme Judicial District, Houston) C3964.3 F49 1993/4......95-0260 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 1st Supreme Judicial District, Houston) C3951.3 F49 1993/4......95-0247 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 2nd Supreme Judicial District, Fort Worth) C3952.3 F49 1993/4......95-0248 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 3rd Supreme Judicial District, Austin) C3953.3 F49 1993/4......95-0249 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 4th Supreme Judicial District, San Antonio) C3954.3 F49 1993/4......95-0250 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 5th Supreme Judicial District, Dallas) C3955.3 F49 1993/4......95-0251 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 6th Supreme Judicial District, Texarkana) C3956.3 F49 1993/4......95-0252 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 7th Supreme Judicial District, Amarillo) C3957.3 F49 1993/4......95-0253 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 8th Supreme Judicial District, El Paso) C3958.3 F49 1993/4......95-0254 Financial report. (Court of Appeals, 9th Supreme Judicial District, Beaumont) C3959.3 F49 1993/4......95-0255 Financial report. (Court of Criminal Appeals) C4200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0261 Financial report. (Court of Criminal Appeals. Prosecuting Attorney) C4200.3 F49PR 1993/4......95-0262 Financial report. (Court Reporters Certification Board) C4444.3 F49 1993/4......95-0264 Financial report. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0266 Financial report. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.3 F49 1993/4......95-0040 Financial report. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.3 F49 1993/4......95-0041 Financial report. (Deaf and Hearing Impaired, Commission for the) D400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0042 Financial report. (Deaf, School for the) D375.3 F49 1993/4......95-0043 Financial report. (Del Mar College) Z D350.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0376 Financial report. (Dental Examiners, Board of) D700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0267 Financial report. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0153 Financial report. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 F49 1993/4......95-0154 Financial report. (Education Agency) E500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0044 Financial report. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-0379 Financial report. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1197 Financial report. (Emergency Communications, Advisory Commission on State) E1840.3 F49 1993/4......95-0269 Financial report. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0472 Financial report. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 F49AUC 1993/4......95-0720 Financial report. (Employment Commission) E2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0270 Financial report. (Engineers, Board of Registration for Professional) E2200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0048 Financial report. (Ethics Commission) E2500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0273 Financial report. (Finance Authority, Public) B1385.3 F49 1993/4......95-0050 Financial report. (Finance Commission) F300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0052 Financial report. (Fire Fighters' Pension Commission) F1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0053 Financial report. (Fire Protection, Commission on) F750.3 F49 1993/4......95-0278 Financial report. (Funeral Service Commission) M2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0724 Financial report. (General Services Commission) P4050.3 F49 1993/4......95-0281 Financial report. (Governor, Office of the) G800.3 F49 1993/4......95-0475 Financial report. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1360 Financial report. (Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) G7000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0283 Financial report. (Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority) G8000.3 F49 1994......95-1119 Financial report. (Health and Human Services Commission) H350.3 F49 1993/4......95-0054 Financial report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0056 Financial report. (Heart of Texas Council of Governments) H1120.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-1606 Financial report. (High-Speed Rail Authority) H1175.3 F49 1993/4......95-0293 Financial report. (Hill College) Z H500.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0832 Financial report. (Historical Commission) H2000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0740 Financial report. (Hospital Equipment Financing Council) T1400.3 F49H 1993/4......95-0134 Financial report. (Housing and Community Affairs, Department of) H2370.3 F49 1993/4......95-0501 Financial report. (Howard County Junior College District) Z H875.3 F49AU 1993/4 SUPP.......95-0833 Financial report. (Human Rights, Commission on) H2700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0067 Financial report. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0071 Financial report. (Incentive and Productivity Commission) I150.3 F49 1993/4......95-0296 Financial report. (Information Resources, Department of) I525.3 F49 1993/4......95-0072 Financial report. (Insurance Counsel, Office of Public) I1130.3 F49 1993/4......95-0299 Financial report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0074 Financial report. (Jail Standards, Commission on) J040.3 F49 1993/4......95-0076 Financial report. (Judicial Conduct, Commission on) C4250.3 F49 1993/4......95-0507 Financial report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 F49CO 1993/4......95-0509 Financial report. (Juvenile Probation Commission) J850.3 F49 1993/4......95-0750 Financial report. (Lamar University System) Z L150.3 F49CON 1993/4......95-0161 Financial report. (Land Office, General) L600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0079 Financial report. (Land Surveying, Board of Professional) L700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0080 Financial report. (Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, Commission on) L900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0300 Financial report. (Law Examiners, Board of) L1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0081 Financial report. (Law Library) L1050.3 F49 1993/4......95-0752 Financial report. (Lee College) Z L300.3 F49 1992/3......95-1030 Financial report. (Legislative Budget Board) L1300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0301 Financial report. (Legislative Council) L1400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0082 Financial report. (Legislature. House of Representatives) L1801.3 F49 1993/4......95-0516 Financial report. (Legislature. Senate) L1803.3 F49 1993/4......95-0088 Financial report. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0306 Financial report. (Licensing and Regulation, Department of) L200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0549 Financial report. (Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority) L2505.3 F49 1993/4......95-0090 Financial report. (Medical Examiners, Board of) M800.3 F49 1993/4......95-0760 Financial report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0550 Financial report. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 F49 1993/4......95-0162 Financial report. (Municipal Retirement System) M2500.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1624 Financial report. (National Research Laboratory Commission) N250.3 F49 1993/4......95-0555 Financial report. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0312 Financial report. (Navarro College) Z N100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0381 Financial report. (Nortex Regional Planning Commission) N980.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0318 Financial report. (North Central Texas Council of Governments) N970.3 F49 1993/4......95-0568 Financial report. (Northeast Texas Community College District) Z N750.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-2088 Financial report. (Nueces River Authority) N1135.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0319 Financial report. (Optometry Board) O500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0320 Financial report. (Panola College) Z P130.3 F49 1993/4......95-0164 Financial report. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0166 Financial report. (Parks and Wildlife Department) P400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0321 Financial report. (Pecos River Compact Commissioner) P900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0571 Financial report. (Pension Review Board) P980.3 F49 1993/4......95-0572 Financial report. (Pharmacy, Board of) P1200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0114 Financial report. (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of) P1325.3 F49 1993/4......95-0326 Financial report. (Plumbing Examiners, Board of) P1900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0784 Financial report. (Podiatry Examiners, Board of) P2000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0977 Financial report. (Polygraph Examiners Board) P2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0115 Financial report. (Preservation Board) P2350.3 F49 1993/4......95-0116 Financial report. (Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies, Board of) P3150.3 F49 1993/4......95-0117 Financial report. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.3 F49 1993/4......95-0329 Financial report. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0574 Financial report. (Psychologists, Board of Examiners of) P3300.3 F49 1993/4......95-1637 Financial report. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0118 Financial report. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0330 Financial report. (Public Utility Commission) P3750.3 F49 1993/4......95-0332 Financial report. (Public Utility Counsel, Office of) P3755.3 F49 1993/4......95-0119 Financial report. (Racing Commission) R200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0120 Financial report. (Railroad Commission) R500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0335 Financial report. (Real Estate Commission) R900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0581 Financial report. (Red River Authority) R1200.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0336 Financial report. (Red River Compact Commissioner) R1220.3 F49 1993/4......95-0337 Financial report. (Rehabilitation Commission) R1500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0121 Financial report. (Rio Grande Compact Commissioner) R2500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0583 Financial report. (Sabine River Compact Commission) S100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0584 Financial report. (Sam Houston State University) Z S200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0383 Financial report. (San Antonio River Authority) S250.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0990 Financial report. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 AU25 1993/4......95-1680 Financial report. (Savings and Loan Department) S400.3 F49 1993/4......95-1648 Financial report. (Securities Board) S600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0339 Financial report. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.3 F49 1993/4......95-0586 Financial report. (Soil and Water Conservation Board) S900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0587 Financial report. (South East Texas Regional Planning Commission) S1010.3 F49 1992/3......95-1180 Financial report. (South Plains College) Z S700.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0384 Financial report. (South Texas Development Council) S1060.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0801 Financial report. (Southwest Texas Junior College) Z S750.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0387 Financial report. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 F49 1993/4......95-0167 Financial report. (State-Federal Relations, Office of) S1250.3 F49 1993/4......95-0588 Financial report. (Structural Pest Control Board) S1400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0590 Financial report. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0169 Financial report. (Sunset Advisory Commission) S1500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0123 Financial report. (Supreme Court) C4400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0591 Financial report. (Tarrant County Junior College District) Z T150.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0391 Financial report. (Tax Professional Examiners, Board of) T175.3 F49 1993/4......95-0345 Financial report. (Teacher Retirement System) T600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0126 Financial report. (Teacher Retirement System) T600.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1003 Financial report. (Temple Junior College) Z T300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0392 Financial report. (Texas A&M University System) Z TA565.3 F49 1993/4......95-0177 Financial report. (Texas A&M University System) Z TA565.3 F49S 1993/4......95-0840 Financial report. (Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0639 Financial report. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0187 Financial report. (Texas State University System) Z TS875.3 F49 1993/4......95-0647 Financial report. (Texas State University System) Z TS875.3 F49CO 1993/4......95-1698 Financial report. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0422 Financial report. (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center) Z TT550.3 F49 1993/4......95-0424 Financial report. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0190 Financial report. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0127 Financial report. (Treasury Department) T1400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0135 Financial report. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0425 Financial report. (Tyler Junior College) Z TY100.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0192 Financial report. (Uniform State Laws, Commission on) U400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0596 Financial report. (University of Houston) Z U400.3 F49 1994/5......95-2102 Financial report. (University of Houston - Clear Lake) Z U500.3 F49 1994/5......95-2103 Financial report. (University of Houston - Downtown) Z U515.3 F49 1994/5......95-2104 Financial report. (University of Houston System) Z U600.3 F49 1994/5......95-2107 Financial report. (University of Houston System) Z U600.3 F49A 1994/5......95-2106 Financial report. (University of Houston - Victoria) Z U480.3 F49 1994/5......95-2105 Financial report. (University of North Texas) Z N700.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0193 Financial report. (University of North Texas Health Science Center at Forth Worth) Z U900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0195 Financial report. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0649 Financial report. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0650 Financial report. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.3 F49 1993/4......95-0656 Financial report. (University of Texas at Dallas) Z UA500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0657 Financial report. (University of Texas at El Paso) Z UA550.3 F49 1993/4......95-0658 Financial report. (University of Texas at San Antonio) Z UA800.3 F49 1993/4......95-0659 Financial report. (University of Texas at Tyler) Z UA900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0660 Financial report. (University of Texas Health Center at Tyler) Z UH500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0661 Financial report. (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) Z UH325.3 F49 1993/4......95-0662 Financial report. (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Z UH340.3 F49 1993/4......95-0663 Financial report. (University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Z US905.3 F49 1993/4......95-0664 Financial report. (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston) Z UM305.3 F49 1993/4......95-0665 Financial report. (University of Texas of the Permian Basin) Z UP300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0666 Financial report. (University of Texas - Pan American) Z P100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0667 Financial report. (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Z UH310.3 F49 1993/4......95-0668 Financial report. (University of Texas System) Z US900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0206 Financial report. (University of Texas System) Z US900.3 F49A 1993/4......95-0669 Financial report. (Upper Guadalupe River Authority) U1375.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1011 Financial report. (Veterans Commission) V400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0348 Financial report. (Vocational Nurse Examiners, Board of) V1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0349 Financial report. (Water Development Board) W600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0136 Financial report. (Western Texas College) Z W375.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0440 Financial report. (Workers' Compensation Commission) W1900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0144 Financial report. (Workers' Compensation Research Center) W2000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0353 Financial report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0356 Financial report. (Youth Commission) Y200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0146 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0239 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0240 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Actuarial valuation: Teacher Retirement System of Texas. T600.3 AC88 1993/4......95-0592 Annual financial reporting requirements for colleges and universities. C2600.8 AN78 1993/4......95-1251 Earnings report for electric cooperatives and river authorities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76EC 1995......95-0786 Earnings report for electric investor-owned utilities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76EL 1995......95-0787 Earnings report for telephone utilities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76TE 1995......95-0788 Texas electric utility company profiles. P3750.8 T312E 1994......95-1492 FINFISH Saltwater finfish research and management in Texas : a report to the governor and the 74th Legislature. P400.8 SA37FIR 1994......95-0777 FIRE FIGHTERS Certification curriculum manual for paid fire protection personnel. F750.5 C337PA......95-0917 Certification curriculum manual for volunteer fire protection personnel. F750.8 V889 1995......95-1259 FIRE FIGHTERS' PENSION COMMISSION Annual report. (Fire Fighters' Pension Commission) F1000.3 AN78 1994......95-1258 Financial report. (Fire Fighters' Pension Commission) F1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0053 FIRE INSURANCE Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-2 : fire detection and alarm devices and the fire alarm rules. F750.4 T312INFD 1995......95-1115 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-3 : fire protection sprinkler systems and the sprinkler rules. F750.4 T312INFP 1995......95-1116 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-4 : fireworks and storage and sale of fireworks. F750.4 T312INFW 1995......95-1117 FIRE PREVENTION Certification curriculum manual for paid fire protection personnel. F750.5 C337PA......95-0917 FIRE PROTECTION Certification curriculum manual for paid fire protection personnel. F750.5 C337PA......95-0917 Certification curriculum manual for volunteer fire protection personnel. F750.8 V889 1995......95-1259 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-3 : fire protection sprinkler systems and the sprinkler rules. F750.4 T312INFP 1995......95-1116 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-4 : fireworks and storage and sale of fireworks. F750.4 T312INFW 1995......95-1117 FIRE PROTECTION, COMMISSION ON Financial report. (Fire Protection, Commission on) F750.3 F49 1993/4......95-0278 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 Texas Administrative Code, title 37, public safety and corrections, part XIII, Texas Commission on Fire Protection, chapter 401, practice and procedure : effective date, October 14, 1994. F750.4 T312AD 1994......95-1114 Training approval procedures. (Fire Protection, Commission on) F750.5 T682 1994......95-0280 FIRE STATISTICS Fires in Texas, 1993. F750.8 F514 1993......95-0279 Fires in Texas, 1994. F750.8 F514 1994......95-1941 FIREARMS License to carry a handgun debated. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-4......95-0538 Texas concealed handgun laws : and selected deadly force statutes, 1995-1996. P3500.4 C744 1995......95-1963 FIRES Certification curriculum manual for paid fire protection personnel. F750.5 C337PA......95-0917 Certification curriculum manual for volunteer fire protection personnel. F750.8 V889 1995......95-1259 Fires in Texas, 1993. F750.8 F514 1993......95-0279 Fires in Texas, 1994. F750.8 F514 1994......95-1941 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-2 : fire detection and alarm devices and the fire alarm rules. F750.4 T312INFD 1995......95-1115 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-3 : fire protection sprinkler systems and the sprinkler rules. F750.4 T312INFP 1995......95-1116 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-4 : fireworks and storage and sale of fireworks. F750.4 T312INFW 1995......95-1117 FIREWORKS Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-4 : fireworks and storage and sale of fireworks. F750.4 T312INFW 1995......95-1117 FISH Abundance and distribution of larval fishes and shrimps in the Laguna Madre, Texas : a hypersaline lagoon. Z UA335.7 T226 NO.90-007......95-1233 FISH INDUSTRY Trends in Texas commercial fishery landings, 1972-1993. P437.7 M315D 1994 NO.111......95-0781 FISH MANAGEMENT 1992 Texas inland fish hatchery production. P421.7 M315D 1993 NO.102......95-0112 Mitigation and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat : Texas Parks and Wildlife Department lands. P400.8 M697......95-0775 Saltwater finfish research and management in Texas : a report to the governor and the 74th Legislature. P400.8 SA37FIR 1994......95-0777 Striped bass culture program report, 1994. P421.7 M315D 1994 NO.110......95-0113 FISHING Hunter's clearinghouse directory. P400.5 H919 1995......95-1290 Saltwater finfish research and management in Texas : a report to the governor and the 74th Legislature. P400.8 SA37FIR 1994......95-0777 Texas fishing guide. P400.4 F539 1995/6......95-1748 FLIGHT LOGS Annual aircraft flight log and operating costs : for the period September 1 ... through August 31 ... . (Parks and Wildlife Department) P400.3 AI78 1993/4......95-0107 Annual aircraft flight report. (Aircraft Pooling Board) A1225.3 AN78A 1994/5......95-2116 FLIPPER, HENRY OSSIAN Court-martial of Lieutenant Henry Flipper. Z UA550.7 SO89 NO.100......95-1907 FLOOD CONTROL Dickinson Bayou Watershed regional drainage plan. W600.8 G139DI......95-1186 Flood protection study, city of Orange, Texas. W600.8 F659PRO......95-0138 Northshore regional wastewater reuse, water supply, and flood control planning study-- San Patricio County, Texas. W600.8 N818......95-0139 State of Texas hazard mitigation plan for Texas counties affected by severe storms and tornadoes during the period April 25, 1994 through May 4, 1994 and wildfires during the period July 1, 1994 through July 10 1994. P3510.8 H336MIS 1994......95-1639 FLOODS Sanderson flood of 1965 : crisis in a rural Texas community. Z S900.8 SA56......95-1881 FOARD COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological survey report on the ENSEARCH Turner prospect seismic project, Hardeman and Foard counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1296......95-1277 FOLKLORE Texas Folklore Society. Z N700.8 F719 V.2......95-0194 FOOD Agrifood master : teaching the foundation of the nation : the statewide newsletter of the Texas AgriFood Masters (TAM) Program. Z TA265.6 AG83FO......95-0842 Alimento y familia. H600.6 F739 SPAN.......95-2135 Eat right : bread, cereal and pasta = Alimentese bien : pan, cereal y pasta. Z TA265.8 EA81RIBR 1995......95-1541 Eat right : planning makes a difference. Z TA265.8 EA81RIPL......95-1543 Eat right : shopping basics = Alimentese bien : lo basico de comprar alimentos. Z TA265.8 EA81AL 1994......95-0844 Eating right is basic : handouts for 4-H : picking the winners : lesson 5. Z TA265.8 EA81PI ......95-0406 Eating right is basic : handouts for 4-H : play it safe : lesson 4. Z TA265.8 EA81PL......95-0407 Eating right is basic : lesson 2 : start your engines. Z TA265.8 EA81STL 1993......95-0408 Effect of socioeconomic and demographic factors on away-from-home and at-home consumption of selected nutrients. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1717......95-0179 Food & family. H600.6 F739......95-2136 Living light. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5097......95-0183 Start your engines : lesson two : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81STM 1995......95-1546 Winning food ideas, lesson three : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81WI 1995......95-1551 Winning food ideas, lesson three : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81WIM 1995......95-1552 FOOD PROCESSING Committee on Public Health, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 P96 74......95-0529 Opportunities for enhancing the Texas food-processing industry. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1719......95-0180 FOOD SERVICE Final evaluation report, Texas Nutrition Education and Training Program. H2600.8 T312NUE 1993/4......95-0748 FOOD STAMPS Client self-support services guide = Guia de servicios para el cliente. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.5 C611 1994......95-0069 State of Texas, Comptroller of Public Accounts, electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system shakedown : final report. C2600.8 EL25......95-0891 FOOTBALL Texas A & M 1894-1994 football centennial media guide. Z TA200.5 F739......95-0395 FORAGE Balancing forage demand with forage supply. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1606 1995......95-2233 Do you have enough forage?. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5141......95-2090 Forage quality and agronomic traits of experimental forage sorghum hybrids. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1759......95-0401 Forage quality and agronomic traits of sorghum-sudangrass hybrids. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1765......95-1210 Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 Integrated pest management guide for Texas forage crops. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1401 1995......95-2092 FORECLOSURES Should Texas allow home equity lending?. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-6......95-0758 FOREIGN TRADE Foreign office report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.6 F761......95-0688 Free trade with Mexico : what's in it for Texas?. Z UA320.7 US1 NO.1......95-1566 Interim report to the 74th Texas Legislature. (House of Representatives. Special Select Committee on NAFTA and GATT) L1836.74 N13......95-0951 Logistics management and U.S.-Mexico transportation systems : a preliminary investigation. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.109......95-0652 Update : the effects of the Mexican financial situation on the Texas economy. C2300.6 UP1......95-1720 FOREST PRODUCTS Directory of the forest products industries in Texas. F1400.7 C496 NO.275 1994......95-0417 Harvest trends. F1400.7 P96 NO.152......95-0186 FORESTRY City forester : a quarterly publication of the Texas Urban Forestry Council. F1400.6 C498......95-1696 Streamside management zones. F1400.7 C496 NO.278 1995......95-1559 FORMS CONTROL Appendices, universities and health science centers, community and technical colleges. C3400.5 R299 1995 APP.......95-1407 How to prepare the biennial operating plan : instructions for state agencies and universities, 1996-1997. I525.5 AG35 1995......95-1617 Reporting and procedures manual for public community and technical colleges : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299 1995......95-1409 Source reduction and waste minimization annual progress report : instruction manual and forms. N330.7 R339 NO.112 REV.......95-0971 State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System : STEERS user's manual version 2.1. N330.7 R339 NO.28 1995......95-1626 Taller de carroceria en Texas exencion standard #124 : guia de requisitos y metodos de registro. N330.7 R339 NO.71A 1995 SPAN.......95-1474 Texas autobody shop standard exemption #124 : a guide to requirements and record keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.71 1995......95-1475 Texas Department of Health forms and literature catalog. H600.1 L712 1995......95-2138 Texas thermoset resin facilities standard exemption #113 : a guide to requirements and record-keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.135......95-1476 FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Cultural resources survey of a proposed Geoseismic Services seismic line, Brazos Bend State Park, Fort Bend County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.499......95-2155 FORT WORTH, TEXAS Economic impact of the health industry on Dallas-Fort Worth : update. Z N707.8 EC74HE 1994......95-0852 FRANCHISE TAXES Committee on Ways and Means, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 W368 74......95-0533 Franchise tax. Subchapter B, Exemptions. C2600.4 F846E 1995......95-0693 Sales and franchise tax exemptions : a report to the governor and Texas Legislature. C2600.8 SA32FRT 1995......95-0465 FRANK PHILLIPS COLLEGE Budget. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.3 B859 1993/4......95-0156 Budget. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0157 College catalog. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.5 AN78 1993/4......95-0158 College catalog. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.5 AN78 1994/5......95-0159 FREESTONE COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource investigations for the Big Brown CVI Revision (F.M. 2570 South) Mine area, Freestone County, Texas. H2000.8 F878BI......95-1727 Cultural resource survey of the 1994-1999 permit area of the Jewett Mine, Freestone County, Texas. H2000.8 F878JE 93/08......95-1611 FRIO COUNTY, TEXAS Regional water plan for participating municipalities in Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson counties : final report. W600.8 AT17 1994......95-0141 FRUIT Eat right : fruits. Z TA265.8 EA81RIFR......95-1542 Home canning fruits and tomatoes. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2216 1994......95-0622 Texas public school system guidelines for purchasing Texas fruits & vegetables, 1992-1993. A900.5 T312PU 1992/3......95-0008 FUEL CONSUMPTION Benefits of the Texas traffic light synchronization (TLS) grant program II. T1311.7 R311 NO.3010-1F......95-1296 Fleet management. (General Services Commission) P4050.3 F624 1993/4......95-1599 Texas transportation energy savings : executive summary. L600.8 T687 1995 SUMM.......95-2171 Texas transportation energy savings : strategies for reducing energy consumption. L600.8 T687 1995......95-2172 FUELS TAXES IFTA Texas guidebook. C2600.5 IF7......95-1926 FUNERAL SERVICE COMMISSION Financial report. (Funeral Service Commission) M2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0724 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 GALVESTON BAY Beneficial use areas survey, Houston-Galveston navigation channels, Texas project, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1529......95-1740 Economic value of improving the environmental quality of Galveston Bay. N330.7 G139 NO.38......95-0314 Estimated loadings of partially treated domestic wastewater on Galveston Bay. N330.7 G139 NO.41......95-1164 Federal consistency report for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.48......95-1469 Funding strategy for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.47......95-1284 Galveston Bay data inventory. N330.7 G139 NO.40 V.1......95-0561 Galveston Bay data inventory. N330.7 G139 NO.40 V.2......95-0561 Implementation strategy for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.46......95-1471 Regional monitoring program for The Galveston Bay plan. N330.7 G139 NO.45......95-1168 GALVESTON BAY NATIONAL ESTUARY PROGRAM Economic value of improving the environmental quality of Galveston Bay. N330.7 G139 NO.38......95-0314 Estimated loadings of partially treated domestic wastewater on Galveston Bay. N330.7 G139 NO.41......95-1164 Federal consistency report for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.48......95-1469 Funding strategy for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.47......95-1284 Galveston Bay data inventory. N330.7 G139 NO.40 V.1......95-0561 Galveston Bay data inventory. N330.7 G139 NO.40 V.2......95-0561 Implementation strategy for The Galveston Bay Plan. N330.7 G139 NO.46......95-1471 Regional monitoring program for The Galveston Bay plan. N330.7 G139 NO.45......95-1168 GALVESTON COLLEGE Budget. (Galveston College) Z G100.3 B859 1995/6......95-2086 College catalog. (Galveston College) Z G100.5 C28 1995/7......95-2085 GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Beneficial use areas survey, Houston-Galveston navigation channels, Texas project, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1529......95-1740 Cultural resources remote-sensing survey, discharge area no. 1B, Galveston entrance channel, Galveston County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1295......95-1741 Cultural resources remote-sensing survey, offshore borrow areas for beach replenishment project, 10th Street to 103rd Street, Galveston County, Texas. H2000.8 G139......95-1612 Dickinson Bayou Watershed regional drainage plan. W600.8 G139DI......95-1186 GALVESTON ISLAND STATE PARK Galveston Island State Park activity book. P500 G139AC......95-1630 GALVESTON, TEXAS Cultural resources remote-sensing survey, offshore borrow areas for beach replenishment project, 10th Street to 103rd Street, Galveston County, Texas. H2000.8 G139......95-1612 GAMBLING Should Texas allow casino gambling?. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-1......95-0542 GARDENING Texas home gardening guide. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6003......95-1221 Water gardening in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6001......95-1223 GAS INDUSTRY Advanced Oil, Gas & Mineral Law Course. B600.8 AD95OIG 1994......95-0229 GAS, OIL AND MINERAL TAXES Crude oil tax report tape reporting system. C2600.5 T199GCR 1995......95-0890 GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE (GATT) Interim report to the 74th Texas Legislature. (House of Representatives. Special Select Committee on NAFTA and GATT) L1836.74 N13......95-0951 GENERAL SERVICES COMMISSION Financial report. (General Services Commission) P4050.3 F49 1993/4......95-0281 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 GENETIC COUNSELING Video catalog, 1994. (Health, Department of) H600.5 V668 1994......95-0737 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS GIS protocol and data structures for the Texas travel demand package. T1311.7 R311 NO.947-8......95-0814 Statewide geographic information systems implementation plan : building Texas GIS infrastructure. I525.8 ST29......95-0505 GEOHYDROLOGY Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.220......95-1708 GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS Depositional and diagenetic facies patterns and reservoir development in Silurian and Devonian rocks of the Permian Basin. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.216......95-1707 Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.220......95-1708 GEOLOGICAL mapPING Transboundary resource inventory glossary : Spanish-English : cartographic, environmental, and oil spill terms. L600.5 T687......95-0949 GEOLOGY Committee on Licensing and Administrative Procedures, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 L616 74......95-0755 GEORGETOWN, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-205......95-2055 Summary report of the cultural resources investigations of the city of Georgetown force main, sewer, and irrigation transmission line to serve Sun City-Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1516......95-2163 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Rules having statewide general application to oil, gas, and geothermal resource operations within the state of Texas. R553.4 ST29RUF 1994......95-0579 GILLESPIE COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the Gillespie substation to Nimitz substation overhead transmission line, Gillespie County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1430......95-0492 GLOSSARIES Transboundary resource inventory glossary : Spanish-English : cartographic, environmental, and oil spill terms. L600.5 T687......95-0949 GOATS Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 GOLDEN CRESCENT Cancer incidence (1989-1990) and mortality (1981-1991) in the Texas Golden Crescent. H600.8 C16ING 1989-90......95-0733 GONZALES COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the Nixon substation and associated access road and transmission line rebuild project, Gonzales County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1541......95-1742 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Annual report. (Auditor) A2800.3 AN78FU 1993/4......95-0216 Biennial report of recommended changes to the Classification Plan. (Auditor) A2800.8 C569REC......95-0017 Capitol news. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.6 C172......95-0980 Leadership team responses to the recommendations of the employee survey QUESTeams. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 L469......95-0562 Minority hiring report. H2700.3 M666 1991/2......95-0503 Minority hiring report : phase I, snapshot as of August 31, 1993 : phase II, September 1, 1993 through August 31, 1994 (fiscal year 1994). H2700.3 M666 1993/4......95-0745 Misuse of government resources. (Ethics Commission) E2500.8 M691......95-0275 Standardized EEO report, calendar year 1994 : January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. H2700.3 ST24 1994......95-0746 State of Texas state and local government information USPS/HRIS statewide support ... EEO-4 statewide summary report. G827.8 ST29 SUMM. 1991......95-0920 State of Texas state and local government information USPS/HRIS statewide support ... EEO-4 statewide summary report. G827.8 ST29 SUMM. 1993......95-0921 Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 GOVERNMENT FINANCE 1992 financial and compliance audit results. (Auditor) A2800.8 M289G......95-0678 1994-95 Texas state budget : what we get for our money. C2600.8 W556......95-0237 Annual report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78GAU 1993/4......95-1098 Fiscal 1996-97 budget-- House Appropriations Committee version. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-3......95-1160 General Appropriations Act for fiscal 1996-97. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-5......95-1622 Hard choices : setting priorities for the Texas state budget : a report. (University of Texas at Austin. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs) Z UA320.7 P758 NO.112......95-0435 Interim report to the 74th Texas Legislature. (Legislature. House of Representatives) L1801.9 G286 74......95-0537 Procurement practices : state of Texas : report to the 74th Legislature as mandated by Senate Bill 381. C2600.8 P942PR 1994......95-1404 Report on state & local debt in Texas. B1250.3 B477DE 1992/4......95-0686 Report on the 1994 financial and compliance audit results. (Auditor) A2800.8 M289G 1993/4......95-1075 Rider 154 implementation : a report to the Governor, Legislative Budget Board, and Comptroller of Public Accounts. H350.8 R435......95-0286 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0239 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0240 Writing the state budget. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-1......95-0546 GOVERNMENT POLICY First interim report of the Federal Fleet Conversion Task Force. (Land Office, General) L600.8 F519......95-0947 Implications of the 1990 farm bill and FAPRI November 1994 baseline on representative farms. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-6......95-0838 GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY Audit report on performance measures at 18 state agencies. A2800.8 P416STE......95-0679 GOVERNMENT PURCHASING Commodity book : identification of supplies, equipment, and services by classes and items. P4050.5 C737 1995......95-1260 Hardware/software compatibility for traffic management/IVHS systems. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-26......95-0817 Procurement practices : state of Texas : report to the 74th Legislature as mandated by Senate Bill 381. C2600.8 P942PR 1994......95-1404 GOVERNMENT REGULATION Chapter 572, Texas Government Code : personal financial disclosure, standards of conduct, and conflict of interest : effective May 11, 1995. E2500.4 P432 1995......95-2129 Earnings report for electric cooperatives and river authorities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76EC 1995......95-0786 Earnings report for electric investor-owned utilities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76EL 1995......95-0787 Earnings report for telephone utilities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76TE 1995......95-0788 Equal employment opportunities and contracting opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in the Texas telephone and electric industry. P3750.8 EQ25......95-0986 Guide to Texas business licenses & permits. C2300.5 T312G 1995......95-1094 Official Texas administrative code. General index. S500.4 AD65 1995 INDEX......95-1175 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 Official Texas administrative code. Title 4 : agriculture. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 4......95-0992 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 Official Texas administrative code. Title 10 : community development. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 10......95-0994 Official Texas administrative code. Title 13 : cultural resources. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 13......95-0995 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 Official Texas administrative code. Title 19 : education. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 19......95-0996 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 Official Texas administrative code. Title 28 : insurance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 28......95-0999 Official Texas administrative code. Title 30 : environmental quality. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 30......95-1294 Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 Official Texas administrative code. Title 43 : transportation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 43......95-1179 Summary of enactments, 74th Legislature : regular session, 1995. L1400.8 SU63EN 74TH......95-1744 Texas electric resource planning for sustainability. L600.8 EL25......95-1950 Texas electric resource planning for sustainability : executive summary. L600.8 EL25 1995 SUMM.......95-2170 Title 15, Texas election code : regulating political funds and campaigns : effective June 16, 1995. E2500.4 R265 1995......95-1424 GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION Travis County Commissioners Court : a report. C2600.8 T698......95-0892 GOVERNOR, OFFICE OF THE Financial report. (Governor, Office of the) G800.3 F49 1993/4......95-0475 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 GOVERNOR, OFFICE OF THE. CHILD CARE DEVELOPMENT BOARD Report to the 74th Legislature. (Governor, Office of the. Child Care Development Board) G807.8 R299 74TH......95-1601 GOVERNOR, OFFICE OF THE. CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION Criminal justice report to the 74th Legislature of Texas : September 1, 1992-August 31, 1994. G821.1 R299 74TH......95-1118 Performance report. (Governor, Office of the. Criminal Justice Division) G821.3 P416 1993/4......95-2131 GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE ON PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Americans with Disabilities Act in Texas, 1994 : third annual report : work in progress. G1001.8 AM35 1993/4......95-0728 Annual report. (Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities) G1001.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0479 Long-range state plan for Texans with disabilities : toward a state disability policy : executive summary : 19.4% of Texans have disabilities. G1001.8 L853 1995 SUMM.......95-0729 Strategic plan. (Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities) G1001.3 ST82 1992......95-1602 GOVERNOR'S OMBUDSMAN OFFICE Better government for the people of Texas. (Governor, Office of the) G800.8 B466......95-0476 GRAINS Disease response of grain sorghum hybrids. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6004......95-1540 GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS Archaeological survey of the West Fork relief interceptor, Grand Prairie, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1505......95-1450 GRANTS Criminal justice plan for Texas. G821.6 C868J 1996......95-0282 Criminal justice report to the 74th Legislature of Texas : September 1, 1992-August 31, 1994. G821.1 R299 74TH......95-1118 Federal discretionary grants and Texas state agencies, fiscal year 1993. S1250.8 F317 1992/3......95-0802 Interim report, state match pool : program performance to date, February 1, 1995. S1250.8 IN8R......95-1002 Research alert. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.6 R311......95-0403 Scholarships & financial aid. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.5 SCH64 1995......95-1699 Southwest scholarship : a collection of faculty accomplishments for ... . (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.5 SO89 1993......95-1203 State services and federal expenditures in Texas. S1250.8 ST29......95-0803 Statistical report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-0894 Study of the Texas Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Higher Education State Grant Program : case studies of five long-term projects. C3400.8 EI83 1995......95-1411 GRAPEFRUIT Texas citrus : grapefruit orchard establishment : costs-- years 1 to 3. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2327 1994......95-0845 Texas citrus : mature grapefruit orchard production costs and returns--years 8 to 10. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2322 1994......95-1054 Texas citrus : young grapefruit orchard production costs and returns--years 4 to 7. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2321 1994......95-1055 GRAPEVINE, TEXAS Cultural resources evaluation, Northwest Highway widening, Grapevine, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1436......95-0936 GRASS Boating and seagrasses. P400.8 B63SE......95-1289 Establishment of grass mixtures on roadsides. T1311.7 R311 NO.902-6......95-1309 Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 Guide to grasses of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Z P100.8 G941......95-0205 Influence of Roundup with adjuvants and other herbicides for control of roadside bermudagrass. T1311.7 R311 NO.902-11......95-1325 Prairie restoration : an evaluation of techniques for management of native grass communities in highway roadsides in Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.944-1 ......95-0818 GRAY COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource survey of proposed Grapevine-Bowers transmission line and Grapevine interchange, Gray County, Texas. H2000.8 G791......95-1609 GRAYSON COUNTY COLLEGE Budget. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 B859 1994/5......95-1361 Budget. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 B859 1995/6......95-1873 College catalog. (Grayson County College) Z G800.5 G286 1995/6......95-1359 Financial report. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1360 GRAYSON COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources inventory of the Hunt McCullough low pressure tie in pipeline, Grayson County, Texas : for Warren Petroleum Company. H2000.8 G795HUM......95-1267 Cultural resources inventory of the Hunt Stephens low pressure tie in pipeline, Grayson County, Texas : for Warren Petroleum Company. H2000.8 G795HUS......95-1268 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Eagle oil and gas tie in upgrade pipeline, Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795EA......95-1269 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Shell/Hagerman Refuge low pressure tie in pipeline, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795HA......95-1273 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company J.H. Lawrence upgrade project (east), Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795LA......95-1270 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company M & B north low pressure pipeline project, Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795MB......95-1272 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Simpson lease low pressure connect, Grayson County, Texas. H2000.8 G795SI......95-1274 GRAZING Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 Research highlights noxious brush and weed control, range and wildlife management. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.6 N859 1994 V.25......95-0847 GREAT PLAINS Impacts of changing farm program expenditures on the Great Plains. Z TA225.7 P758 NO.94-5......95-0172 GREGG COUNTY, TEXAS Final report : archeological survey and geomorphological testing of the north Longview sewer project, city of Longview, Gregg County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1477......95-0939 GRIMES COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological exacavations [sic] at prehistoric sites 41GM166, 41GM281, and 41GM282 at the Gibbons Creek Lignite Mine, Grimes County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1243......95-1738 Data recovery of three prehistoric sites at the Gibbons Creek third five-year mine permit area, Grimes County, Texas. H2000.8 G882......95-1734 GROUNDWATER Activities of the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee : report to the 74th Legislature. N330.8 G918PRC 74TH......95-0557 Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer hydrogeology and groundwater quality. W600.8 B285......95-0137 Cross Roads Water Supply Corporation : a public water supply protection strategy. N330.8 P96CR......95-0096 Edwards Aquifer ground-water divides assessment, San Antonio Region, Texas. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-01......95-1107 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-03......95-1965 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-04......95-1966 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-05......95-1751 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-06......95-1752 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-07......95-1753 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-08......95-1754 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-09......95-1755 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-10......95-1756 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-11......95-1757 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-12......95-1758 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-13......95-1759 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-14......95-1760 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-15......95-1761 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-16......95-1762 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-17......95-1763 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-18......95-1764 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-19......95-1765 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-20......95-1766 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-21......95-1767 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-22......95-1768 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-23......95-1769 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-24......95-1770 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-25......95-1771 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-26......95-1772 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-27......95-1773 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-28......95-1774 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-29......95-1775 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-30......95-1776 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-31......95-1777 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-32......95-1778 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-33......95-1779 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-34......95-1780 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-35......95-1781 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-36......95-1782 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-37......95-1783 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-38......95-1784 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-39......95-1785 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-40......95-1786 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-41......95-1787 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-42......95-1788 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-43......95-1789 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-44......95-1790 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-45......95-1791 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-46......95-1792 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-47......95-1793 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-48......95-1794 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-49......95-1795 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-50......95-1796 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-51......95-1797 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-52......95-1798 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-53......95-1799 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-54......95-1800 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-55......95-1801 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-56......95-1802 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-57......95-1803 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-58......95-1804 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-59......95-1805 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-60......95-1806 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-61......95-1807 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-62......95-1808 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-63......95-1809 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-64......95-1810 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-65......95-1811 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-66......95-1812 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-67......95-1813 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-68......95-1814 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-69......95-1815 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-70......95-1816 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-71......95-1817 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-72......95-1818 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-73......95-1819 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-74......95-1820 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-75......95-1821 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-76......95-1822 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-77......95-1823 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-78......95-1824 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-79......95-1825 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-80......95-1826 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-81......95-1827 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-82......95-1828 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-83......95-1829 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-84......95-1830 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-85......95-1831 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-86......95-1832 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-87......95-1833 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-88......95-1834 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-89......95-1835 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-90......95-1836 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-91......95-1837 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-92......95-1838 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-93......95-1839 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-94......95-1840 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-95......95-1841 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-96......95-1842 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-97......95-1967 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-98......95-1968 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-99......95-1969 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-100......95-1970 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-101......95-1971 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-102......95-1972 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-103......95-1973 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-104......95-1974 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-105......95-1975 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-106......95-1976 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-107......95-1977 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-108......95-1978 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-109......95-1979 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-110......95-1980 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-111......95-1981 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-112......95-1982 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-113......95-1983 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-114......95-1984 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-115......95-1985 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-116......95-1986 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-117......95-1987 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-118......95-1843 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-119......95-1844 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-120......95-1845 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-121......95-1846 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-122......95-1847 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-123......95-1848 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-124......95-1849 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-125......95-1850 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-126......95-1851 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-127......95-1852 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-128......95-1853 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-129......95-1854 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-130......95-1855 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-131......95-1856 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-132......95-1857 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-133......95-1858 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-134......95-1859 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-135......95-1860 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-136......95-1861 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-137......95-1988 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-138......95-1989 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-139......95-1862 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-140......95-1990 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-141......95-1991 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-142......95-1992 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-143......95-1993 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-144......95-1994 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-145......95-1995 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-146......95-1996 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-147......95-1997 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-148......95-1998 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-149......95-1999 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-150......95-2000 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-151......95-2001 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-152......95-2002 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-153......95-2003 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-154......95-2004 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-155......95-2005 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-156......95-2006 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-157......95-2007 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-158......95-2008 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-159......95-2009 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-160......95-2010 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-161......95-2011 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-162......95-2012 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-163......95-2013 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-164......95-2014 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-165......95-2015 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-166......95-2016 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-167......95-2017 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-168......95-2018 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-169......95-2019 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-170......95-2020 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-171......95-2021 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-172......95-2022 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-173......95-2023 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-174......95-2024 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-175......95-2025 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-176......95-2026 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-177......95-2027 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-178......95-2028 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-179......95-2029 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-180......95-2030 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-181......95-2031 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-182......95-2032 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-183......95-2033 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-184......95-2034 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-185......95-2035 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-186......95-2036 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-187......95-2037 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-188......95-2038 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-189......95-2039 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-190......95-2040 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-191......95-2041 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-192......95-2042 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-193......95-2043 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-194......95-2044 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-195......95-2045 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-196......95-2046 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-197......95-2047 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-198......95-2048 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-199......95-2049 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-200......95-2050 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-201......95-2051 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-202......95-2052 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-203......95-2053 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-204......95-2054 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-205......95-2055 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-206......95-2056 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-207......95-2057 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-208......95-2058 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-209......95-2059 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-210......95-2060 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-211......95-2061 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-212......95-2062 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-213......95-2063 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-214......95-2064 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-215......95-2065 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-216......95-2066 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-217......95-2067 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-218......95-2068 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-219......95-2069 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-220......95-2070 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-221......95-2071 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-222......95-2072 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Medina County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-230......95-2073 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bexar County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-231......95-2074 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Comal County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-232......95-2075 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Hays County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-233......95-2076 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Travis County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-234......95-2077 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Williamson County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-235......95-2078 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bell County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-236......95-2079 Edwards Aquifer hydrogeologic report for ... . E1550.7 R299 NO.94-04......95-0910 Evaluation of ground-water quality in Texas counties bordering the Rio Grande. W600.7 L629P NO.214......95-1346 Explanation of the Texas Water Development Board ground-water level monitoring program and water-level measurement manual. W600.5 EX73......95-0597 Ground-water resources of the Bone Peak Aquifer in the Dell Valley area, Texas. W600.7 R299 NO.344......95-0825 Guidance for risk-based assessments at LPST sites in Texas : emphasizing initial investigations and Plan A evaluation. N330.7 R339 NO.175......95-2183 Joint groundwater monitoring and contamination report, 1994. N330.8 J668 1994......95-1165 Millersview-Doole Water Supply Corporation : a public water supply protection strategy. N330.8 P96MI......95-0101 State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 Underground water conservation districts : report to the 74th Legislature. N330.8 UN2......95-0317 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS Class III cultural resources survey of United Oil and Minerals Stolte no. 1 well, Guadalupe County, Texas. H2000.8 G93......95-1132 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-108......95-1978 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-109......95-1979 GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITY Annual report. (Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority) G6000.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0480 Evaluation of alternative instream and bay & estuary flow criteria for run-of-the-river diversions : technical memorandum : Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area. W600.8 T687EV......95-1660 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority. S1500.8 G93......95-0341 Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area : phase I : interim report. W600.8 T687 V.3......95-0598 GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN CORPORATION Annual report. (Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) G7000.3 AN78 1990/1......95-0730 Financial report. (Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation) G7000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0283 GULF COAST On the coast : a bimonthly newsletter of the Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.6 C631......95-1153 Saltwater finfish research and management in Texas : a report to the governor and the 74th Legislature. P400.8 SA37FIR 1994......95-0777 Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.8 C631mapR......95-0751 Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON) quarterly progress report. Z C800.6 T312......95-0176 GULF COAST WASTE DISPOSAL AUTHORITY Annual report. (Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority) G8000.3 AN78 1994......95-1603 Financial report. (Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority) G8000.3 F49 1994......95-1119 GULF INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY Archival research, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Calhoun and Aransas counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1423......95-1739 Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in Texas : presented in response to the Texas Coastal Waterway Act of 1975 and submitted to the ... session of the Texas Legislature. T1300.8 G951 1994......95-2201 Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Corpus Christi Bay to Point Penascal : Nueces, Kleberg, and Kenedy counties, Texas. H2000.8 N885......95-1137 Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Port Aransas to Live Oak Point, Aransas and Calhoun counties, Texas. H2000.8 AR13......95-1138 GULF STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION Annual report. (Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission) G9000.3 AN78 1991......95-0731 GUNS License to carry a handgun debated. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-4......95-0538 Texas concealed handgun laws : and selected deadly force statutes, 1995-1996. P3500.4 C744 1995......95-1963 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1991......95-0615 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1993......95-0617 GWYN, WOODY Woody Gwyn. Z TT422.8 W879......95-1383 HALE COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource survey of proposed preferred and alternate 115 kV transmission line routes and substations, Lamb and Hale counties, Texas. H2000.8 L165......95-1610 Final report : archeological survey report of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Plainview facility, Hale County, Texas : TAC permit #1445. A1900.7 P422 NO.1445......95-0941 HANTAVIRUS PULMONARY SYNDROME (HPS) Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6008......95-1373 HARDEMAN COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological survey report on the ENSEARCH Turner prospect seismic project, Hardeman and Foard counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1296......95-1277 Cultural resources survey of a distribution line at Copper Breaks State Park. A1900.7 P422 NO.1511......95-2154 HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the JOHRTS FY-94 TIP. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-4......95-1302 HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 1994 archeological data recovery excavations at the Kingwood Site, 41HR616, Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24KI......95-1431 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Archaeological investigation, East Toll Plaza, Beltway 8 East. H2000.8 H24EA......95-1127 Archaeological investigation, flood mitigation site, Beltway 8 East. H2000.8 H24FL......95-1128 Archaeological investigation, Southwest Toll Plaza site, Beltway 8. H2000.8 H24SO......95-1129 Archeological survey of a French Ltd., wetlands replacement project, city of Baytown, Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24FR......95-1433 Archeological survey of a phase I road alignment, city of Houston, Eisenhower Park, northeast Harris County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1481......95-1452 Beneficial use areas survey, Houston-Galveston navigation channels, Texas project, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1529......95-1740 Cultural resource assessment of a proposed Union Pacific Railroad crossing of Cedar Bayou : Harris and Chambers counties, Texas. H2000.8 H24UN......95-1437 Cultural resources survey of a 15 acre regional detention basin site (HCFC unit E532-01-00) on Whiteoak Bayou in northwest Harris County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1435......95-1143 Cultural resources survey of a Harris County MUD Number 254 proposed wastewater treatment plant site on Greens Bayou in Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24MUD......95-1440 Cultural resources survey of Woodforest Road from Greens Bayou to Maxey Road, Harris County, Texas. H2000.8 H24WO......95-1443 HARRISON COUNTY, TEXAS 1994 archaeological survey operations at the South Hallsville No. 1 Mine, Harrison County, Texas. H2000.8 H245HA 1994......95-2139 Archaeological survey and testing at the South Hallsville No. 1 Mine, Harrison County, Texas, 1992. H2000.8 H245HA......95-1130 Archaeological survey of 1993-1994 timber harvesting areas, Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Harrison County, Texas. H2000.8 H245TI......95-2140 Archaeological survey of the Arkla Energy Resources' replacement line S segment (FERC, F2, F13), Harrison County, Texas. H2000.8 H245AR......95-1607 Archeological survey of selected portions of the Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Harrison County, Texas, 1989-1992. H2000.8 H245......95-2142 HAY Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS Archaic and late prehistoric human ecology in the Middle Onion Creek Valley, Hays County, Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.19......95-1713 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-110......95-1980 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-111......95-1981 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-112......95-1982 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-113......95-1983 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-114......95-1984 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-115......95-1985 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-116......95-1986 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-117......95-1987 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-118......95-1843 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-119......95-1844 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-120......95-1845 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-121......95-1846 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-122......95-1847 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-123......95-1848 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-124......95-1849 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-125......95-1850 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-126......95-1851 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-127......95-1852 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-128......95-1853 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-129......95-1854 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-130......95-1855 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-131......95-1856 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-132......95-1857 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-133......95-1858 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-134......95-1859 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-135......95-1860 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-136......95-1861 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-137......95-1988 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-138......95-1989 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-139......95-1862 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-140......95-1990 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-141......95-1991 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-142......95-1992 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-143......95-1993 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-144......95-1994 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-145......95-1995 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-146......95-1996 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Hays County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-233......95-2076 Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 HAZARDOUS WASTE Annual report. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 H336 1993/4......95-0558 Disposal of hazardous materials from TxDOT activities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1318-1F......95-1305 Dry cleaners : an overview of pollution prevention, rules and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.114......95-1468 Environmental monitoring annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78ENM 1992......95-0734 Guidelines for the classification & coding of industrial wastes and hazardous wastes. N330.5 G941 1995......95-2184 Hazardous waste : a management guide for small businesses. N330.5 H336......95-1746 Managing environmental risks in Texas : background papers. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.78-79......95-0437 Municipal solid waste plan for Texas. N330.8 M925 ......95-0966 Municipal solid waste plan for Texas. N330.8 M925 SUMM.......95-0965 Source reduction and waste minimization annual progress report : instruction manual and forms. N330.7 R339 NO.112 REV.......95-0971 State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System : STEERS user's manual version 2.1. N330.7 R339 NO.28 1995......95-1626 Waste minimization in the oil field. R553.8 W288......95-1641 HEALTH 1995/96 Texas state health plan. H600.8 H349P 1995-6......95-0481 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Analysis of the impact on health and human services in the introduced appropriations bill for the 1996-1997 biennium. H350.8 AN12 1995/7......95-0924 Coordinated service delivery model workplan. (Health and Human Services Commission) H350.8 C788......95-0284 Financial report. (Health and Human Services Commission) H350.3 F49 1993/4......95-0054 Health and human services consolidated budget, FY 1996-97. H350.3 B859CO 1995/7......95-0285 Health and human services coordinated strategic plan, 1995-2000 : phase I. H350.3 ST82CO 1994-2000......95-0055 Health and human services in Texas : presented to the House Appropriations Committee. H350.8 H349......95-0925 Report to Senate Health and Human Services Committee. (Health and Human Services Commission) H350.8 R299......95-1120 HEALTH CARE 1995/96 Texas state health plan. H600.8 H349P 1995-6......95-0481 Access to primary health care in Texas. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.81......95-1712 Analysis of the impact on health and human services in the introduced appropriations bill for the 1996-1997 biennium. H350.8 AN12 1995/7......95-0924 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78PRS 1992/3......95-0291 Border health authority : issues and design. Z UA320.7 US1 NO.6......95-1388 Committee on Public Health, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 P96 74......95-0529 Economic impact of the health industry on Dallas-Fort Worth : update. Z N707.8 EC74HE 1994......95-0852 Effects of LoneSTAR in Travis County. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847TR......95-1122 Evaluation of the physician indemnification program : a report to the Seventy-fourth Texas Legislature. H350.8 P569......95-2133 Health and human services in Texas : presented to the House Appropriations Committee. H350.8 H349......95-0925 Health care supervision responsibilities and malpractice liability. Z TT300.8 H349......95-1057 Health law news. Z U406.6 N477......95-0428 LoneSTAR implementation report. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847......95-0927 On balance : promoting health, wealth, and well-being in the workplace. Z S770.6 ON1......95-0389 Physician work force strategy for Texas : a report to the Subcommittees on Health and Human Services and Education of the House Appropriations Committee. H600.8 P569......95-0736 Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant state plan and ... annual report. H600.3 P928ST 1994/5......95-1944 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature on health care for women and children in Texas. H600.8 R299HEC......95-0928 Rules & regulations governing the control and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.4 R861CS 1994......95-1124 Rural health in Texas : a report to the Governor and the 74th Texas Legislature. H852.8 R88H 1995......95-0485 Texas 1115 Medicaid waiver : state of Texas access reform. H350.8 M468WA 1995......95-2134 Texas talk : family health newsletter. H781.6 T144......95-1605 Working with you : ideas and resources for worksite health promotion. C330.6 W892......95-0458 HEALTH CARE FINANCE Texas 1115 Medicaid waiver : state of Texas access reform. H350.8 M468WA 1995......95-2134 Tuberculosis in Texas : a cost assessment. Z N707.8 T79......95-0856 HEALTH CARE PLANNING Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant state plan and ... annual report. H600.3 P928ST 1994/5......95-1944 HEALTH CARE WORKERS Health care supervision responsibilities and malpractice liability. Z TT300.8 H349......95-1057 HEALTH COORDINATING COUNCIL, STATEWIDE Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78BHI 1993/4......95-0483 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78HIV 1994......95-0482 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78PRS 1992/3......95-0291 Financial report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0056 Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 Texas Department of Health forms and literature catalog. H600.1 L712 1995......95-2138 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF. BOARD OF NURSING FACILITY ADMINISTRATORS Nursing facility administrators quarterly. H600.6 N938......95-1261 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF. BOARD OF SOCIAL WORKER EXAMINERS Directory of social workers licensed by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners. H600.5 D628SOW 1995......95-0926 State of Texas, social worker licensing. H600.4 SO13 1994......95-1125 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF. CENTER FOR RURAL HEALTH INITIATIVES Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF. KIDNEY HEALTH CARE DIVISION Annual report. (Health, Department of. Kidney Health Care Division) H760.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0486 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF. TUBERCULOSIS ELIMINATION DIVISION Annual report. (Health, Department of. Tuberculosis Elimination Division) H861.3 AN78 1993......95-0061 HEALTH EDUCATION 1995/96 Texas state health plan. H600.8 H349P 1995-6......95-0481 Allied health review : a report. C3400.8 AL55H......95-0036 Appendices, universities and health science centers, community and technical colleges. C3400.5 R299 1995 APP.......95-1407 Collaboration among Texas medical schools to improve education in cancer prevention and detection. C330.8 C683......95-0885 Physician work force strategy for Texas : a report to the Subcommittees on Health and Human Services and Education of the House Appropriations Committee. H600.8 P569......95-0736 Reporting and procedures manual for health science centers : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299HS 1995......95-1408 Rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice. N1200.4 R861 1994......95-0106 Rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice. N1200.4 R861 1995......95-0773 Video catalog, 1994. (Health, Department of) H600.5 V668 1994......95-0737 HEALTH FACILITIES Directory of nursing facilities and certified facilities for care of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628NU 1995......95-1279 Facilities fact book. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 F118 1993/4......95-0244 HEALTH HAZARDS Environmental monitoring annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78ENM 1992......95-0734 Guidelines for the detection and management of lead poisoning for physicians and health care providers. H600.5 G941LEP......95-0735 Incident summary. (Health, Department of) H600.6 IN2......95-1426 Occupational injury and illness in Texas : report to the Texas Legislature. Z U406.8 OC1......95-0850 HEALTH INSURANCE 1993-1994 Texas consumer complaints against insurance companies-- : a tool for shopping smart. I1100.8 C766CO 1993-4......95-1946 Effects of LoneSTAR in Travis County. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847TR......95-1122 Final report of the Joint Interim Committee on Health Insurance Access. L1836.74 H349......95-0303 Health maintenance organizations : a consumer guide. I1100.5 H349 ......95-1146 HMOs for Medicare beneficiaries : an alternative to Medicare for your health needs : a brief explanation of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) in Texas. I1100.5 H648......95-1947 LoneSTAR implementation report. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847......95-0927 Medicare supplement insurance : a handbook for Texas consumers. I1100.8 M468 1995......95-1149 Report of the Joint Interim Committee on Qualified Providers : report to the 74th Texas Legislature. L1836.74 Q25......95-0305 Senior aware : insurance information for senior Texans. I1100.5 SE57......95-1948 Small employer health insurance : an update. L1801.7 H816I NO.73-9......95-0543 HEALTH LAW Advanced medical malpractice course. B600.8 AD95ME 1995......95-1246 Health law news. Z U406.6 N477......95-0428 HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS Health maintenance organizations : a consumer guide. I1100.5 H349 ......95-1146 HMOs for Medicare beneficiaries : an alternative to Medicare for your health needs : a brief explanation of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) in Texas. I1100.5 H648......95-1947 HEALTH OCCUPATIONS Join the health care team! : a health careers information video and leader guide for utilization by health organizations, youth groups, and 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade students interested in career exploration. Z TA265.8 J667......95-1694 HEALTH PLANNING Effects of LoneSTAR in Travis County. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847TR......95-1122 LoneSTAR implementation report. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847......95-0927 HEALTH PROGRAMS Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 Public Health Region 11. H600.1 P96H NO.11......95-2137 Working with you : ideas and resources for worksite health promotion. C330.6 W892......95-0458 HEALTH STATISTICS 1995/96 Texas state health plan. H600.8 H349P 1995-6......95-0481 Annual report. (Health, Department of. Kidney Health Care Division) H760.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0486 Birth-origin study of Texas newborns during ... . H600.6 B539 1993......95-0057 Birth-origin study of Texas newborns during ... . H600.6 B539 1994......95-1942 Cancer incidence (1989-1990) and mortality (1981-1991) in the Texas Golden Crescent. H600.8 C16ING 1989-90......95-0733 Epidemiology in Texas ... annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.6 R299MOM 1993......95-1123 Impact of cancer on Texas. C330.8 IM7CAT 1995......95-1920 Meeting the challenge : a plan to control diabetes in Texas. D1300.8 P692COD 1995......95-0903 Mortality report for nursing facilities and related institutions. H2600.8 M691 1993......95-0295 Substance abuse trends in Texas, June 1995. A1400.8 SU16ABTR 1995......95-1392 Texas cancer mortality statistics. H600.8 C16MOS 1993......95-0290 Texas child care facility report : immunization status of enrollees. H661.8 C436IM 1992/3......95-0738 Texas' healthy people 2000 health status indicators by race and ethnicity, 1980-1993 : a report. H600.8 T312HPE 1995......95-1126 Texas private school immunization report. H661.8 P939IM 1992/3......95-0739 Texas state plan to serve substance abusers at risk of HIV, STDs and TB : 1995 update. A1400.8 T312ST 1995......95-1243 Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 HEARING AIDS, BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN THE FITTING AND DISPENSING OF Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 HEARING IMPAIRED Collaboration. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C683......95-1719 HEART OF TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Financial report. (Heart of Texas Council of Governments) H1120.3 F49AU 1992/3......95-1606 HEMPHILL COUNTY, TEXAS Report on the archaeological survey of the proposed Campbell #2-58 production pipeline in Hemphill County, Texas : for Warren Petroleum Company. H2000.8 H377......95-1275 HENDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Coffee-Overton 138-kV transmission line project, Anderson, Cherokee, Henderson, Rusk, and Smith counties, Texas. H2000.8 AN23......95-1614 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Explorer-Antioch 138-kV transmission line project, Van Zandt, Kaufman, and Henderson counties, Texas. H2000.8 V26......95-1730 HERBICIDES Influence of adjuvants on Roundup effectiveness. T1311.7 R311 NO.902-10......95-1323 Influence of Roundup with adjuvants and other herbicides for control of roadside bermudagrass. T1311.7 R311 NO.902-11......95-1325 HERBS Growing herbs in Texas. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2242......95-0182 HEROIN Ethnographic study of heroin abuse by Mexican Americans in San Antonio, Texas. A1400.8 ET38......95-1575 HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological survey of the colonias wastewater treatment assistance program project near Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1554......95-1453 Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge : continued archeological and historical research at El Capote ranch community, Hidalgo County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1284......95-0499 HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE LANES Evaluation of high-occupancy vehicle lanes in Texas, 1993. T1311.7 R311 NO.1353-1......95-1313 Mobile source emission impacts of high occupancy vehicle facilities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1353-2......95-1327 Optimal detector location for HOV lane operation. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-7......95-1329 HIGH PLAINS Perennial weed control during fallow periods in the Texas High Plains. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5102......95-2093 HIGH-SPEED RAIL AUTHORITY Financial report. (High-Speed Rail Authority) H1175.3 F49 1993/4......95-0293 Official Texas administrative code. Title 43 : transportation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 43......95-1179 HIGHER EDUCATION 1995 progress report on the Master plan for Texas higher education. C3400.8 M393P 1995 REV.......95-1099 Access and equity 2000 : the Texas educational opportunity plan for public higher education, September 1994 through August 2000. Z TA555.8 AC22......95-1049 Committee on Higher Education, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 H537 74......95-0522 Data information guide. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.5 D262......95-0893 Economic impact of higher education in North Texas : update. Z N707.8 EC74HI 1994......95-0851 Expenditures for remedial instruction in Texas public institutions of higher education. C3400.8 EX71......95-0039 Faculty development and core curriculum : concepts, alternatives, and strategies = Desarollo del profesorado y tronco comun : conceptos, alternativas y estrategias. C3400.7 OC1 NO.1......95-1927 Fees at Texas public institutions of higher education. C3400.8 F321 1994......95-0245 Higher education tuition in Texas. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-2......95-0953 Institutions of higher education in Texas. C3400.5 IN7H 1994/5......95-0246 Instructional telecommunications in Texas higher education : a progress report to the 74th Legislature in response to SCR 66 of the 73rd Legislature. C3400.8 IN7TCO......95-0703 Master plan for Texas higher education, 1995. C3400.8 M393 1995......95-1101 Master plan for Texas higher education 1995 progress report. C3400.8 M393P 1995......95-0704 Research expenditures, Texas public universities and health-related institutions. C3400.3 R311 1993/4......95-1255 HIGHWAY BARRIERS Development of low-profile to safety-shape transition sections. (Transportation Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1992-1......95-1304 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Disposal of hazardous materials from TxDOT activities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1318-1F......95-1305 Expediting urban highway construction. T1311.7 R311 NO.1227-1......95-1315 Temporary erosion control measures design guidelines for TxDOT. T1311.7 R311 NO.1379-1......95-1517 Temporary erosion control selection : TAMUBMP computer program. T1311.7 R311 NO.1379-2F......95-1518 US-75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : May 1994 traffic conditions. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-3......95-1343 US-75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : October 1993 and March 1994 traffic conditions. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-2......95-1344 HIGHWAY DESIGN Design specifications and implementation requirements for a Texas long-term pavement performance program. T1311.7 R311 NO.1908-2......95-1299 Distance requirements for ramp metering. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-5......95-1306 Implementation manual for the use of bonding materials for piezoelectric traffic monitoring sensors. T1311.7 R311 NO.2039-2F......95-1318 Interactive Graphics Intersection Design user's manual. T1311.7 R311 NO.1308-1F......95-1656 Texas highway-rail intersection field reference guide. T1311.7 R311 NO.1273-2F 1994......95-0821 HIGHWAY ENGINEERING Examination of air entrainment stability factors of pumped concrete. T1311.7 R311 NO.1254-3F 94/11......95-0811 HIGHWAY FINANCE Evaluation of bonds for financing state highway expenditures in Texas : preliminary findings. T1311.7 R311 NO.1362-1......95-1506 Texas highway cost allocation analysis and estimates, 1993-1995. T1311.7 R311 NO.1919-3F, 1910-4F......95-1337 HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Construction of rehabilitation test sections on US 59 in the Lufkin District. T1311.7 R311 NO.987-3......95-1651 Development and construction of the Texas supplemental maintenance effectiveness research program (SMERP) experiment. T1311.7 R311 NO.1981-1F 1994......95-0810 Effects of work zone detours on rural highway traffic operations. T1311.7 R311 NO.987-2......95-1653 Field performance of maintenance treatments constructed with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). T1311.7 R311 NO.187-24......95-1316 Results of the six- and twelve-month evaluations of the Texas Supplemental Maintenance Effectiveness Research Program (SMERP) sites. T1311.7 R311 NO.2908-1F......95-1334 HIGHWAY RESEARCH Urban highway operations and implementation program overview and summary. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-32F......95-0823 HIGHWAYS Establishment of grass mixtures on roadsides. T1311.7 R311 NO.902-6......95-1309 Influence of adjuvants on Roundup effectiveness. T1311.7 R311 NO.902-10......95-1323 Physical and access/locational characteristics of remainders of partial takings significantly affecting right-of-way costs. T1311.7 R311 NO.1390-1......95-1330 Prairie restoration : an evaluation of techniques for management of native grass communities in highway roadsides in Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.944-1 ......95-0818 State departmental map. T1324.8 OF2M 1995......95-1008 Texas, official travel map. T1325.7 H537 1995......95-2209 U.S. 75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : Lemmon/Oak Lawn/Peak screen line automobile user panel : October 1993 survey results. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-1......95-0132 U.S. 75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : Lemmon/Oak Lawn/Peak screen line automobile user panel : May 1994 survey results. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-6......95-1341 HILL COLLEGE Budget. (Hill College) Z H500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0831 Financial report. (Hill College) Z H500.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0832 HISPANIC AMERICANS Ethnographic study of heroin abuse by Mexican Americans in San Antonio, Texas. A1400.8 ET38......95-1575 Hispanic law journal. Z UA345.6 H625......95-1390 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Texas preservation handbook for county historical commissions, 1994-1995. H2000.5 H629PRH 1995......95-1140 HISTORICAL COMMISSION Biennial report. (Historical Commission) H2000.3 B477 1992/4......95-0062 Financial report. (Historical Commission) H2000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0740 Official Texas administrative code. Title 13 : cultural resources. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 13......95-0995 Texas preservation handbook for county historical commissions, 1994-1995. H2000.5 H629PRH 1995......95-1140 HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES (HUB) Equal employment opportunities and contracting opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in the Texas telephone and electric industry. P3750.8 EQ25......95-0986 State of Texas disparity study : a report to the Texas Legislature as mandated by H.B. 2626, 73rd Legislature. C2600.8 D632......95-0466 Texas challenge : broadening the competitive edge : a report examining the expansion of state procurement opportunities. L1836.74 H629......95-0515 HIV Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78BHI 1993/4......95-0483 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78HIV 1994......95-0482 Rules & regulations governing the control and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.4 R861CS 1994......95-1124 Source : news and information from the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of HIV and STD Prevention. H600.6 H641......95-0484 Texas HIV prevention community planning handbook. H600.5 T312H......95-1430 Texas HIV/STD update. H600.6 H641UP......95-1724 Texas state plan to serve substance abusers at risk of HIV, STDs and TB : 1995 update. A1400.8 T312ST 1995......95-1243 HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS Texas veterans housing assistance & home improvement programs. L400.5 H817ASH 1995......95-1460 HOMELESSNESS Texas directory of services for homeless veterans & their families. V400.5 T312DI 1995......95-1012 HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE 1993-1994 Texas consumer complaints against insurance companies-- : a tool for shopping smart. I1100.8 C766CO 1993-4......95-1946 Homeowners insurance : a guide for Texas consumers. I1100.5 H752 1995......95-1148 Report of the Select Committee on Rate and Policy Form Regulation to the 74th Texas Legislature : pursuant to House Bill 1461 of the 73rd Legislature, article 1.50, Texas Insurance Code. L1836.74 R187......95-0952 Senior aware : insurance information for senior Texans. I1100.5 SE57......95-1948 HOMEOWNERSHIP Home-seller's guide. R800.5 H752SE......95-1199 Should Texas allow home equity lending?. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-6......95-0758 Texas veterans housing assistance & home improvement programs. L400.5 H817ASH 1995......95-1460 HONDO, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-147......95-1997 HONEY Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 HORSE RACING Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Texas Racing Commission, Equine Research Account Advisory Committee. S1500.8 R115......95-0125 HORSES Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 Texas State 4-H Horse Show, 1995 : rules and regulations. Z TA265.8 T312HO 1995......95-1222 HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX 1994 Texas local hotel taxes : survey report. C2300.8 L786 1994......95-1922 HOTELS Texas hotel performance report. C2300.6 T312HOP ......95-1095 HOUSING Condensed housing sales in Texas, 1979-94. R800.8 H817SAC 1979-94......95-1532 Housing sales in Texas, 1979-94. R800.8 H817SA 1979-94......95-1533 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 Texas housing affordability index, 1989-94. R800.8 T312HOA 1989-94......95-1201 Texas veterans housing assistance & home improvement programs. L400.5 H817ASH 1995......95-1460 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF Financial report. (Housing and Community Affairs, Department of) H2370.3 F49 1993/4......95-0501 Official Texas administrative code. Title 10 : community development. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 10......95-0994 HOUSTON, TEXAS Archeological monitoring at the METRO multi-use facility, Houston, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1226......95-1451 Archeological survey of a phase I road alignment, city of Houston, Eisenhower Park, northeast Harris County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1481......95-1452 Dynamic response-- : tied arch bridges, U.S. 59 Houston. T1311.8 D993 1995......95-2205 Gentlemen, shall we begin again? : the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program. Z UA275.8 G289......95-1067 Planning, design, and operation of transportation facilities in Houston, Texas : a summary of activities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1941-2F......95-0131 HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL Regional transportation report. (Houston-Galveston Area Council) H2400.3 T687 1992......95-1615 Regional transportation report. (Houston-Galveston Area Council) H2400.3 T687 1994......95-0743 HOWARD COLLEGE Budget. (Howard College ) Z H870.3 B859 1995/6......95-1671 College catalog. (Howard College) Z H870.5 C868 1995/7......95-1672 HOWARD COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT Financial report. (Howard County Junior College District) Z H875.3 F49AU 1993/4 SUPP.......95-0833 HUDSPETH COUNTY, TEXAS Ground-water resources of the Bone Peak Aquifer in the Dell Valley area, Texas. W600.7 R299 NO.344......95-0825 HUMAN RIGHTS, COMMISSION ON Annual report. (Human Rights, Commission on) H2700.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0744 Budget. (Human Rights, Commission on) H2700.3 B859 1993/4......95-0068 Financial report. (Human Rights, Commission on) H2700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0067 HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Annual report. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0747 Client self-support services guide = Guia de servicios para el cliente. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.5 C611 1994......95-0069 Financial report. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0071 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey of a proposed construction project (FMHA, F2, F13) for the North Hunt Water Supply Corporation : Hunt, Fannin, and Delta counties, Texas. H2000.8 H911......95-1131 HUNTING Hunter's clearinghouse directory. P400.5 H919 1995......95-1290 Texas hunting guide. P400.4 H92G 1995/6......95-1749 HUNTING AND FISHING REGULATIONS Texas fishing guide. P400.4 F539 1995/6......95-1748 Texas hunting guide. P400.4 H92G 1995/6......95-1749 HUTTO, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-207......95-2057 HYDROLOGY Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.220......95-1708 IMMIGRATION Vietnamese, Laotian, Ethiopian & former Soviet Union refugees in Texas : findings from the Texas Refugee Study. H2600.8 V678......95-0504 IMMUNIZATION Cuestiones de familia : inmunizaciones. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5089 SPAN.......95-1052 Guide to drug, vaccine, and pesticide use in aquaculture. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5085......95-1372 Texas child care facility report : immunization status of enrollees. H661.8 C436IM 1992/3......95-0738 Texas families : immunizations. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5089 94/06......95-0631 Texas private school immunization report. H661.8 P939IM 1992/3......95-0739 INCENTIVE AND PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION Financial report. (Incentive and Productivity Commission) I150.3 F49 1993/4......95-0296 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 INCOME Income replacement from temporary income benefits under the Texas workers' compensation system. W2000.8 IN2RE......95-1017 INDIGENT CARE Report to the 74th Texas Legislature on health care for women and children in Texas. H600.8 R299HEC......95-0928 Texas directory of services for homeless veterans & their families. V400.5 T312DI 1995......95-1012 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Cost-trust relationship in the construction industry. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.100......95-0430 Disputes potential index. Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.23-3......95-2111 Effects of changes on labor productivity : why and how much. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.99......95-0432 Effects of scheduled overtime on labor productivity : a quantitative analysis. Z UA269.7 SO84 NO.98......95-0860 Measuring quality performance on EPC projects. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 P96 NO.36-1......95-0861 Pre-project planning : beginning a project the right way. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 P96 NO.39-1......95-1386 Project change management. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.43-1......95-0862 Schedule reduction. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 P96 NO.41-1......95-1387 INDUSTRIAL WASTE Clean Industries 2000 directory. N330.5 C58IN......95-0962 Dry cleaners : an overview of pollution prevention, rules and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.114......95-1468 Municipal solid waste plan for Texas. N330.8 M925 ......95-0966 Municipal solid waste plan for Texas. N330.8 M925 SUMM.......95-0965 Pollution prevention ideas from Texas industries : a case study compendium. N330.8 P765......95-0564 State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System : STEERS user's manual version 2.1. N330.7 R339 NO.28 1995......95-1626 Use determination for pollution control property : guidelines for implementing House Bill 1920 and November 1993 constitutional amendment proposition 2. N330.7 R339 NO.102......95-0771 Waste minimization in the oil field. R553.8 W288......95-1641 INDUSTRY Clean industries 2000 community environmental programs resource guide. N330.5 C58INCO......95-0961 Clean Industries 2000 directory. N330.5 C58IN......95-0962 Clean industries 2000 : program description. N330.7 R339 NO.143......95-1955 Opportunities for energy efficiency in the Texas industrial sector : roundtable proceedings. L600.8 OP5 1995......95-2169 Pollution prevention ideas from Texas industries : a case study compendium. N330.8 P765......95-0564 Texas industrial water use efficiency study final report. W600.8 T312IN......95-0143 Texas occupational employment statistics. Industry staffing patterns, non-manufacturing industries, 2nd quarter, 1993. E2100.8 OC1EN 1993......95-0916 INFANTS Investigation of a cluster of neural tube defects in Cameron County, Texas : a report. H600.8 IN8CL......95-0289 INFORMATION AND REFERRAL SERVICES Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF Biennial report to the governor and Legislature on information resources management. (Information Resources, Department of) I525.3 B477IRM 1992/4......95-0297 Department of Information Resources. (Auditor) A2800.8 IN3MA......95-1581 Financial report. (Information Resources, Department of) I525.3 F49 1993/4......95-0072 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Biennial report to the governor and Legislature on information resources management. (Information Resources, Department of) I525.3 B477IRM 1992/4......95-0297 Business information and systems plan. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.8 B964......95-0807 Criminal Justice Policy Council agency plan for information resources. C4850.8 AG35 1995......95-1593 How to manage an information technology project. I525.5 H83M......95-0298 How to prepare the biennial operating plan : instructions for state agencies and universities, 1996-1997. I525.5 AG35 1995......95-1617 Information resources strategic plan. (Medical Examiners, Board of) M800.8 IN3 1994......95-2179 Information resources strategic plan, 1996-1997. (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of) P1325.3 ST82IN 1996-7......95-0783 Information resources strategic plan : for September 1, 1994 through August 31, 1999. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 ST82IN 1994/9......95-0388 Information resources strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0380 Information systems strategic plan for the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INA 1995-2000......95-1287 Planning information resources for tomorrow : instructions for preparing and submitting agency information resources strategic plans for the FY 1995-1999 period. I525.5 IN75FS 1995-9 94/08......95-0073 Preliminary report for the information systems strategic plan of the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INAP 1995-2000......95-1288 State Preservation Board information resource strategic plan, 1995-1999. P2350.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0328 Statewide geographic information systems implementation plan : building Texas GIS infrastructure. I525.8 ST29......95-0505 Strategic plan for state information resources management, fiscal years 1995-1999. (Adjutant General's Department) A600.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0671 Texas Commission for the Blind information resources strategic plan, 1995-1999. B1000.3 ST29IN 1995-9......95-0884 INFORMATION SCIENCES RICIS review. (University of Houston - Clear Lake. Research Institute for Computing and Information Systems) Z U510.6 R419......95-0426 INFRASTRUCTURE Business information and systems plan. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.8 B964......95-0807 Statewide geographic information systems implementation plan : building Texas GIS infrastructure. I525.8 ST29......95-0505 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 Texas in the information age : economic and social impacts of broadband telecommunications infrastructure in Texas. Z N707.8 T312IN......95-0855 INSECTICIDES Management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans-Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209 1995......95-1374 Management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210 1995......95-1212 Management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204 1995......95-1213 Managing insect and mite pests of commercial pecans in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1238 1995......95-1214 Managing insect and mite pests of Texas corn. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1366 1995......95-1215 Pesticide use by Texas nursery crop growers. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6000......95-0623 Pesticide use by Texas turfgrass growers. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6005......95-1545 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204A 1995......95-1219 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209A 1995......95-1548 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210A 1995......95-1220 Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 INSECTS Controlling the pecan nut casebearer. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5134......95-1885 Gall-making insects and mites. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.1299 1994......95-0409 Management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans-Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209 1995......95-1374 Management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210 1995......95-1212 Management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204 1995......95-1213 Managing insect and mite pests of commercial pecans in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1238 1995......95-1214 Managing insect and mite pests of Texas corn. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1366 1995......95-1215 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204A 1995......95-1219 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209A 1995......95-1548 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210A 1995......95-1220 INSURANCE Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 Committee on Insurance, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 IN7 74......95-0524 Comprehensive Consumer Law Seminar. B600.8 C738......95-0230 Directory of workers' compensation resources. W2000.5 D628 1995......95-1523 Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 Income replacement from temporary income benefits under the Texas workers' compensation system. W2000.8 IN2RE......95-1017 Insurance related legislation : enacted by the 74th Legislature of Texas--regular session. I1100.4 IN7 74......95-2164 Medicare supplement insurance : a handbook for Texas consumers. I1100.8 M468 1995......95-1149 Report of the Select Committee on Rate and Policy Form Regulation to the 74th Texas Legislature : pursuant to House Bill 1461 of the 73rd Legislature, article 1.50, Texas Insurance Code. L1836.74 R187......95-0952 Report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 B964 74......95-0540 Return-to-work patterns and programs for injured workers covered by Texas workers' compensation insurance. W2000.8 R316......95-1189 Return-to-work patterns and time intervals for Texas workers' compensation claimants reaching maximum medical improvement. W2000.8 R316TI......95-1348 Return-to-work programs from Texas workers' compensation claimants : suggested design parameters. W2000.8 R316PR......95-1190 Senior aware : insurance information for senior Texans. I1100.5 SE57......95-1948 Study of nonsubscription to the Texas workers' compensation system : the employee perspective. W2000.8 ST94EM......95-0355 System performance update : employer participation in the Texas workers' compensation system. W2000.8 SY87......95-1349 Texas automobile rules and rating manual : governing the insuring of automobiles and standard automobile endorsements for the state of Texas : prescribed and approved by the Texas Department of Insurance : pursuant to House Bill 2, as passed by the 72nd Legislature of the state of Texas. I1100.4 AU82 1992......95-0075 Texas insurance consumer advocate. I1130.6 IN7CO......95-1459 Texas liability insurance closed claim annual report. I1100.8 T312LC 1993......95-1150 Workers' compensation insurance deductibles : the effect on claim rates and costs. W2000.8 W892DE......95-2080 INSURANCE CODE Biennial report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.8 R245CHI 1994......95-0506 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-2 : fire detection and alarm devices and the fire alarm rules. F750.4 T312INFD 1995......95-1115 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-3 : fire protection sprinkler systems and the sprinkler rules. F750.4 T312INFP 1995......95-1116 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-4 : fireworks and storage and sale of fireworks. F750.4 T312INFW 1995......95-1117 INSURANCE COUNSEL, OFFICE OF PUBLIC Financial report. (Insurance Counsel, Office of Public) I1130.3 F49 1993/4......95-0299 INSURANCE, DEPARTMENT OF Agency business plan. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.8 B964 1995......95-1618 Annual report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0943 Biennial report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.8 R245CHI 1994......95-0506 Financial report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0074 Official Texas administrative code. Title 28 : insurance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 28......95-0999 Review of management controls at the Texas Department of Insurance. A2800.8 IN7MAC......95-0224 Review of the insurance fraud regulatory function at the Texas Department of Insurance. A2800.8 IN7FR......95-1077 Turning the corner : a report from the Texas Department of Insurance. I1100.8 T861......95-1619 Working for you : a consumer guide to the Texas Department of Insurance. I1100.1 W892......95-1949 INSURANCE INDUSTRY 1993-1994 Texas consumer complaints against insurance companies-- : a tool for shopping smart. I1100.8 C766CO 1993-4......95-1946 Biennial report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.8 R245CHI 1994......95-0506 Medicare supplement insurance : a handbook for Texas consumers. I1100.8 M468 1995......95-1149 Report of the Select Committee on Rate and Policy Form Regulation to the 74th Texas Legislature : pursuant to House Bill 1461 of the 73rd Legislature, article 1.50, Texas Insurance Code. L1836.74 R187......95-0952 Texas insurance consumer advocate. I1130.6 IN7CO......95-1459 INSURANCE STATISTICS 1993 state of Texas property and casualty insurance experience by coverage and carriers : compiled from the Texas page 14 of The NAIC annual statement for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993. I1100.8 P945 1993......95-0749 1993-1994 Texas consumer complaints against insurance companies-- : a tool for shopping smart. I1100.8 C766CO 1993-4......95-1946 Annual report. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0943 Professional liability statistics for physicians practicing in Texas as of ... . M800.8 P942LIS 1994......95-2180 Professional liability statistics for physicians practicing in Texas as of ... . M800.8 P942LIS 1995......95-1954 Return-to-work patterns and time intervals for Texas workers' compensation claimants reaching maximum medical improvement. W2000.8 R316TI......95-1348 State of Texas actuarial study, workers' compensation program as of November 30, 1994. A2400.8 ST29AC......95-1393 Statistical bulletin. (Workers' Compensation Research Center) W2000.6 ST29......95-0354 Texas liability insurance closed claim annual report. I1100.8 T312LC 1993......95-1150 Texas workers' compensation system data report. W1900.6 T312......95-1016 Workers' compensation indemnity claim incidence in Texas, 1988-1993. W2000.8 W892CO 1988-93......95-1191 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Business disputes along the information superhighway. B600.8 B964DIA......95-1583 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW Intellectual property law. B600.8 IN8PR 1995......95-1082 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (ITS) Annual report. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 AN78RE 1994......95-1561 RCE intelliscope : a quarterly focus on the IVHS Research Centers of Excellence Program. Z TA505.6 R219......95-1560 INTERAGENCY COOPERATION Activities of the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee : report to the 74th Legislature. N330.8 G918PRC 74TH......95-0557 Joint groundwater monitoring and contamination report, 1994. N330.8 J668 1994......95-1165 Statewide geographic information systems implementation plan : building Texas GIS infrastructure. I525.8 ST29......95-0505 INTERNATIONAL LAW Doing business in the new Texas-Mexico market. B600.8 D685......95-1399 House Committee on International and Cultural Relations interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8 74......95-0535 INVESTMENTS Assessment of the potential for stranded investment in Texas. P3750.8 AS74......95-1750 Briefing report on derivative investments by Texas state entities. A2800.8 D445......95-0877 Committee on Investments and Banking, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8B 74......95-0525 Investment policy and procedures. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.8 IN8POP......95-0721 Investment report. (Teacher Retirement System) T600.3 AN78I 1993/4......95-1494 IRRIGATION Calculating horsepower requirements and sizing irrigation supply pipelines. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6011......95-2234 IRRIGATORS Roster of registered licensed irrigators and licensed installers : geographical listing also included : as of May 1995. N330.7 R339 NO.66 1995......95-1473 JACKSON COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Delhi Gas Pipeline Corporation 6 5/8 inch pipeline crossing of the Lavaca River, Jackson County, Texas. H2000.8 J132......95-1441 JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON Annual report. (Jail Standards, Commission on) J040.3 AN78 1994......95-0944 Financial report. (Jail Standards, Commission on) J040.3 F49 1993/4......95-0076 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 JASPER COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource survey of targeted areas, B.A. Steinhagen Lake, Jasper and Tyler counties, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.41......95-0655 JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the JOHRTS FY-94 TIP. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-4......95-1302 Final combined cultural resources survey report, United State Coast Guard Station Sabine, Sabine Pass, Texas. H2000.8 J356......95-1136 Magnetometer survey of Sabine Pass Channel and assessment of the Clifton, 41JF65, Jefferson County, Texas, Cameron Parish, Louisiana. A1900.7 P422 NO.1363......95-0942 Results of a cultural resources survey of the proposed Centana Intrastate Pipeline Company right-of-way, Jefferson, Orange, and Newton counties, Texas. H2000.8 J356CE......95-1139 JOB EVALUATION Biennial report of recommended changes to the Classification Plan. (Auditor) A2800.8 C569REC......95-0017 Texas A & M University System Administration and General Offices job evaluation and salary administration program : final reports and recommendations. Z TA565.8 J575......95-0178 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Texas economy : a new wave of employment opportunity! : a descriptive analysis of trends in the Texas economy and how they can and are shaping the Texas job market. O250.8 T312NE 1995......95-1961 JOB OPPORTUNITIES AND BASIC SKILLS (JOBS) Briefing materials, May 26-27, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/05......95-0358 Committee on Human Services, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 H88 74......95-0523 Texas JOBS program evaluation : second year impacts. Z UA320.8 T312J 1995......95-0867 JOB SKILLS Desarollo de habilidades para la busqueda de trabajo : guia del participante. E2100.5 D451 SPAN.......95-1415 Employer incentives and technical assistance : final report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1995......95-1351 Employer incentives and technical assistance project : policy report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1994......95-1352 (My) futures-- : a TEC career planner for--. E2100.5 M99 1995......95-1932 School to work liaison system. W2100.5 SCH65......95-1665 JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT Briefing materials, April 20, 1995, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/04......95-1018 Briefing materials, December 8-9, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/12......95-0357 Briefing materials, June 1-2, 1995, Doubletree Hotel, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/06......95-1350 Briefing materials, May 26-27, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/05......95-0358 Job Training Partnership Act : governor's coordination and special services plan, PY94-95. C2300.8 G746COS 1994/6 REV.......95-0689 State plan for employment and training assistance for dislocated workers, state of Texas, for the period ... . C2300.3 J575TST 1994-5 REV.......95-0034 JUAREZ, MEXICO El Paso/Juarez 1990 PM10 receptor modeling feasibility study. N330.8 AI17EL......95-0559 El Paso/Juarez 1990 PM10 receptor modeling feasibility study. N330.8 AI17ELEX......95-0560 JUDGES Bench book for the Texas judiciary. B600.8 B431......95-0881 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU......95-1598 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU 95/09......95-1933 So now you're a judge-- . (Ethics Commission) E2500.5 SO1......95-0276 Texas appellate judicial candidates campaign and election report : 1988, 1990, 1992 and 1994 elections. C3900.5 T312AP 1988-94......95-0896 Texas judicial system : directory, 1995-1996. C3900.5 T312J 1995/6......95-1412 JUDGMENTS Advanced Criminal Law Course. B600.8 AD95CL 1994......95-0450 Convicted sex offenders in Texas : an overview of sentencing dynamics and the impact of altering sentencing policy. C4850.8 C769......95-0707 Crime and justice in Texas. Z S205.8 C868 1995......95-1044 Punishment reform in the new Texas. P3975.8 P969......95-0791 State jail felony implementation report. C4825.8 ST29......95-1256 Summit report : a report of the proceedings of the Texas Punishment Standards Commission's Criminal Justice Summit, August 13-15, 1992, Dallas, Texas. P3975.8 SU64......95-0792 Testing the case for more incarceration in Texas : the record so far. C4850.8 T288 1995......95-1930 Texas correctional cost per day, 1993-1994. C4850.8 T312CC 1992/4......95-0712 Texas Punishment Standards Commission final report : recommendations to the 73rd Legislature. P3975.8 R245 1993......95-0793 JUDICIAL CONDUCT, COMMISSION ON Annual report. (Judicial Conduct, Commission on) C4250.3 AN78 1990/1......95-0508 Annual report. (Judicial Conduct, Commission on) C4250.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1280 Financial report. (Judicial Conduct, Commission on) C4250.3 F49 1993/4......95-0507 JUDICIAL COUNCIL Annual report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0510 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 Reference materials for judicial redistricting. C3900.8 J898......95-0895 JUDICIAL COUNCIL. OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION Financial report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 F49CO 1993/4......95-0509 JUDICIAL OFFICERS Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU......95-1598 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU 95/09......95-1933 Texas appellate judicial candidates campaign and election report : 1988, 1990, 1992 and 1994 elections. C3900.5 T312AP 1988-94......95-0896 JUDICIAL SYSTEM Bench book for the Texas judiciary. B600.8 B431......95-0881 Crime and justice in Texas. Z S205.8 C868 1995......95-1044 Gender Bias Task Force of Texas final report. (Bar) B600.8 G285......95-0452 Reference materials for judicial redistricting. C3900.8 J898......95-0895 Texas judicial system : directory, 1995-1996. C3900.5 T312J 1995/6......95-1412 Texas Punishment Standards Commission final report : recommendations to the 73rd Legislature. P3975.8 R245 1993......95-0793 JUNIOR COLLEGES Appendices, universities and health science centers, community and technical colleges. C3400.5 R299 1995 APP.......95-1407 Educational opportunities at Texas public community and technical colleges : valid through 1996. C3400.5 ED83OPP 1995......95-0701 Enrollment forecasts, 1995-2010 : Texas institutions of higher education. C3400.7 ST94 NO.27 1995......95-1100 Institutions of higher education in Texas. C3400.5 IN7H 1994/5......95-0246 Learning to work : making the business and industry connection for tech prep programs : a manual for developing advanced skills courses at community and technical colleges. Z TS815.5 L479......95-0189 Reporting and procedures manual for public community and technical colleges : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299 1995......95-1409 Statistical report. (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-0894 JURIES Choosing and courting a jury. B600.8 C455......95-1584 Trial advocacy for winners-- : master strategists and judges demonstrate how to be successful at trial. B600.8 T73......95-1400 JUVENILE CORRECTIONS Balancing the scales : a look at the overrepresentation of minority youth in the Texas juvenile justice system. G821.8 B182......95-0725 Committee on Judicial Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 J897 74......95-0526 Perceptions of the juvenile justice system by TYC youth. Y200.8 P411......95-1527 Report to the governor & the Texas Legislature, 1993. (Governor, Office of the. Criminal Justice Division) G821.8 R299......95-0918 Report to the legislature. (Youth Commission) Y200.8 R299......95-0147 Safeguarding the future : a call to action : programs that work : the Governor's Statewide Youth Summit. G800.8 SA17......95-0477 State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 State of Texas monitoring report for calendar year 1993 : Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act. G821.8 J988MO 1993......95-0727 Texas justice statistics compendium. Z S205.8 T312JU......95-0835 Texas juvenile probation statistical report : statistical and other data on the juvenile justice system in Texas for calendar year. J850.3 ST29R 1994......95-1743 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Balancing the scales : a look at the overrepresentation of minority youth in the Texas juvenile justice system. G821.8 B182......95-0725 Criminal justice plan for Texas. G821.6 C868J 1996......95-0282 Pace-setters : preventive adolescent crime education : building a crime-free community. Z TA265.8 P114......95-1216 Perceptions of the juvenile justice system by TYC youth. Y200.8 P411......95-1527 Report to the governor & the Texas Legislature, 1993. (Governor, Office of the. Criminal Justice Division) G821.8 R299......95-0918 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 Safeguarding the future : a call to action : programs that work : the Governor's Statewide Youth Summit. G800.8 SA17......95-0477 State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 State of Texas monitoring report for calendar year 1993 : Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act. G821.8 J988MO 1993......95-0727 Texas juvenile probation statistical report : statistical and other data on the juvenile justice system in Texas for calendar year. J850.3 ST29R 1994......95-1743 JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION ACT (JJDP) Report to the governor & the Texas Legislature, 1993. (Governor, Office of the. Criminal Justice Division) G821.8 R299......95-0918 State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 State of Texas monitoring report for calendar year 1993 : Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act. G821.8 J988MO 1993......95-0727 JUVENILE LAW [Procedures used to complete survey of juvenile detainees in Texas adult jails and to complete Texas directory of adult jails]. J040.8 C868S......95-1621 Report to the governor & the Texas Legislature, 1993. (Governor, Office of the. Criminal Justice Division) G821.8 R299......95-0918 State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 State of Texas monitoring report for calendar year 1993 : Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act. G821.8 J988MO 1993......95-0727 JUVENILE OFFENDERS Balancing the scales : a look at the overrepresentation of minority youth in the Texas juvenile justice system. G821.8 B182......95-0725 Perceptions of the juvenile justice system by TYC youth. Y200.8 P411......95-1527 [Procedures used to complete survey of juvenile detainees in Texas adult jails and to complete Texas directory of adult jails]. J040.8 C868S......95-1621 Report to the governor & the Texas Legislature, 1993. (Governor, Office of the. Criminal Justice Division) G821.8 R299......95-0918 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 Safeguarding the future : a call to action : programs that work : the Governor's Statewide Youth Summit. G800.8 SA17......95-0477 State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 State of Texas monitoring report for calendar year 1993 : Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act. G821.8 J988MO 1993......95-0727 JUVENILE PROBATION News. (Juvenile Probation Commission) J850.6 N477......95-0077 Texas juvenile probation statistical report : statistical and other data on the juvenile justice system in Texas for calendar year. J850.3 ST29R 1994......95-1743 JUVENILE PROBATION COMMISSION Financial report. (Juvenile Probation Commission) J850.3 F49 1993/4......95-0750 News. (Juvenile Probation Commission) J850.6 N477......95-0077 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 Texas juvenile probation standards : standards for juvenile boards, probation officers, and facilities in Texas. J850.4 T312JUP 1995......95-2165 KARNES COUNTY, TEXAS Regional water plan for participating municipalities in Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson counties : final report. W600.8 AT17 1994......95-0141 KAUFMAN COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Explorer-Antioch 138-kV transmission line project, Van Zandt, Kaufman, and Henderson counties, Texas. H2000.8 V26......95-1730 KENEDY COUNTY, TEXAS Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Corpus Christi Bay to Point Penascal : Nueces, Kleberg, and Kenedy counties, Texas. H2000.8 N885......95-1137 KLEBERG COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed South Texas Plant Materials Center improvement project, Kleberg County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1257......95-0496 Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Corpus Christi Bay to Point Penascal : Nueces, Kleberg, and Kenedy counties, Texas. H2000.8 N885......95-1137 KYLE, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-111......95-1981 LA COSTE, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-148......95-1998 LA PORTE, TEXAS Field tests and analyses of concrete pavement in Texarkana and La Porte, Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-7......95-0812 LABOR FORCE Briefing materials, April 20, 1995, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/04......95-1018 Briefing materials, December 8-9, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/12......95-0357 Briefing materials, June 1-2, 1995, Doubletree Hotel, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/06......95-1350 Briefing materials, May 26-27, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/05......95-0358 Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report : a report to the 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 EC74 74......95-0520 Employer incentives and technical assistance : final report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1995......95-1351 Employer incentives and technical assistance project : policy report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1994......95-1352 Employer worksite modification guide. W2100.8 EM73WO......95-1353 Governor's Executive Development Program : Class XI Task Force reports. Z UA320.8 G746 93/01......95-0866 Guide for combining work-based learning programs. W2100.8 G941......95-1354 Incentive and strategy guide : encouraging and facilitating employer participation in work-based learning programs for youth. W2100.8 IN2......95-1355 Labor directory : workers' guide. (Employment Commission) E2100.5 L113D 1995......95-0723 On balance : promoting health, wealth, and well-being in the workplace. Z S770.6 ON1......95-0389 State priority & regional targeted occupations for Texas. E500.8 ST29PR 1995......95-1723 Texas economy : a new wave of employment opportunity! : a descriptive analysis of trends in the Texas economy and how they can and are shaping the Texas job market. O250.8 T312NE 1995......95-1961 Texas occupational employment statistics. Industry staffing patterns, non-manufacturing industries, 2nd quarter, 1993. E2100.8 OC1EN 1993......95-0916 Valuing diversity in the workplace. N330.8 V249......95-1479 Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 LABOR LAWS Employer incentives and technical assistance : final report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1995......95-1351 Employer incentives and technical assistance project : policy report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1994......95-1352 LABOR UNIONS Labor directory : workers' guide. (Employment Commission) E2100.5 L113D 1995......95-0723 LAGUNA MADRE Abundance and distribution of larval fishes and shrimps in the Laguna Madre, Texas : a hypersaline lagoon. Z UA335.7 T226 NO.90-007......95-1233 LAKE LIVINGSTON Foraging of bald eagles at a proposed bridge site near Lake Livingston. T1311.7 R311 NO.1990-2F......95-0813 LAMAR COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey of the proposed Roxton Senior[s] Apartments (FMHA, F2, F13), Lamar County, Texas. H2000.8 L161......95-1726 LAMAR UNIVERSITY AT ORANGE Self-study, Lamar University at Orange : Orange, Texas, November 8-11, 1993. Z L105.8 SE48 1993......95-0160 LAMAR UNIVERSITY AT PORT ARTHUR Budget. (Lamar University at Port Arthur) Z L110.3 B859 1995/6......95-2215 LAMAR UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Financial report. (Lamar University System) Z L150.3 F49CON 1993/4......95-0161 LAMB COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource survey of proposed preferred and alternate 115 kV transmission line routes and substations, Lamb and Hale counties, Texas. H2000.8 L165......95-1610 LAND Texas Veterans Land Program. L400.5 V641 1995......95-2166 LAND BOARD, SCHOOL Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 LAND BOARD, VETERANS Budget. (Land Office, General) L600.3 B859 1994/5......95-2168 Financial report. (Land Office, General) L600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0079 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 Texas Veterans Land Program. L400.5 V641 1995......95-2166 LAND OFFICE, GENERAL Achievement during the 80s, vision for the 90s. (Land Office, General) L600.1 AC46......95-0511 Budget. (Land Office, General) L600.3 B859 1994/5......95-2168 Financial report. (Land Office, General) L600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0079 Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 Protecting our heritage : 1994-1995 report of accomplishments. (Land Office, General) L600.3 P946 1994/5......95-1154 LAND OFFICE, GENERAL. TEXAS COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.8 C631mapR......95-0751 LAND OWNERSHIP Texas family land heritage registry. A900.5 F21 V.12......95-1717 LAND SURVEYING, BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL Financial report. (Land Surveying, Board of Professional) L700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0080 Newsletter. (Land Surveying, Board of Professional) L700.6 N477......95-1281 Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying : summary report on the legal, analytical, and reciprocal examinations (9504). L700.8 T287 SUMM. 95/04......95-1156 LAND USE Hunter's clearinghouse directory. P400.5 H919 1995......95-1290 Integrating transportation and land use planning. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-15......95-1326 Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.8 C631mapR......95-0751 Texas private lands initiative : final report--phase I. P400.8 T312PR 1995......95-1485 Texas rural land prices in ... . R800.8 T312RUL 1993-4......95-1678 LAND VALUES Endangered Species Act : impact on Texas rural land values. R800.8 EN21 1995......95-2218 Physical and access/locational characteristics of remainders of partial takings significantly affecting right-of-way costs. T1311.7 R311 NO.1390-1......95-1330 Rural land values in the Southwest : second half, 1994. R800.8 R88LV 94/7-12......95-1042 Texas rural land prices in ... . R800.8 T312RUL 1993-4......95-1678 Texas Veterans Land Program : appraisal conference guidebook for developers. L400.5 T312VE 1994......95-0945 LANDLORDS Landlords' and tenants' guide. R800.8 L235TEG 1995......95-1877 LAREDO, TEXAS Historical archeology at Fort McIntosh in Laredo, Webb County, Texas : the import/export educational facility at Laredo Community College. A1900.7 P422 NO.1471......95-1278 IH 35/Milo Road (Loop 20) interchange analysis, Laredo, Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.2904-1F......95-1511 LATIN AMERICA House Committee on International and Cultural Relations interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8 74......95-0535 LAVACA RIVER Cultural resources survey of the proposed Delhi Gas Pipeline Corporation 6 5/8 inch pipeline crossing of the Lavaca River, Jackson County, Texas. H2000.8 J132......95-1441 LAW Hispanic law journal. Z UA345.6 H625......95-1390 LAW CASES Advanced Criminal Law Course. B600.8 AD95CL 1994......95-0450 Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 Advanced family law course. B600.8 AD95F 1994......95-0451 Advanced personal injury law course. B600.8 AD95P 1994......95-0027 Litigation update, 1995. B600.8 L714UP 1995......95-0882 LAW ENFORCEMENT Criminal justice plan for Texas. G821.6 C868J 1996......95-0282 Criminal justice report to the 74th Legislature of Texas : September 1, 1992-August 31, 1994. G821.1 R299 74TH......95-1118 Statewide strategy for drug and violent crime control. G821.8 T312N 1995......95-0919 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS AND EDUCATION, COMMISSION ON Close up. (Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, Commission on) L900.6 C624......95-1157 Financial report. (Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, Commission on) L900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0300 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Close up. (Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, Commission on) L900.6 C624......95-1157 LAW EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Law Examiners, Board of) L1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0081 LAW LIBRARY Financial report. (Law Library) L1050.3 F49 1993/4......95-0752 LAW OFFICES Productive law practice management : a practical skills oriented program to develop client relations, profitability, and efficiency for solo and small firms. B600.8 P942LA......95-1586 LAWS Amendments to the Real Estate License Act : article 6573a, Vernon's Texas civil statutes : 74th Legislature regular session. R900.4 P949A 1995......95-1642 Chapter 302, Texas Government Code : speaker of the House of Representatives : effective September 1, 1993. E2500.4 C161 1995......95-1417 Chapter 305, Texas Government Code : registration of lobbyists : effective September 1, 1995. E2500.4 R263 1995......95-1418 Chapter 306, Texas Government Code : legislative information : effective September 1, 1995. E2500.4 L524IN......95-1597 Chapter 571, Texas Government Code : Texas Ethics Commission : effective September 1, 1995. E2500.4 L524 1995......95-1419 Chapters 36 & 39, Texas Penal Code : bribery and corrupt influence : effective September 1, 1993. E2500.4 B76 1995......95-1420 Construction standards for on-site sewerage facilities. N330.7 R339 NO.134......95-0963 DPS law : chapter 411, Texas Government Code, 1993-1994. P3500.4 D779 1993/4......95-0981 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU......95-1598 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU 95/09......95-1933 Insurance related legislation : enacted by the 74th Legislature of Texas--regular session. I1100.4 IN7 74......95-2164 Legislative guide. (Ethics Commission) E2500.5 L525GU......95-0274 Medical Practice Act of Texas and other statutes relating to physicians. M800.4 M468P 1994 REV.......95-1953 Psychologists' Certification and Licensing Act ; and, Rules and regulations of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. P3300.4 P959 1995......95-0979 Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 : a nonsubstantive recodification of PURA : effective as of April 5, 1995. P3750.4 P96 1995......95-1173 Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 : article 1446c-0 : with all amendments as of September 1, 1995. P3750.4 P96 95/09......95-1491 Selected laws passed by the 1995 Texas Legislature affecting people with disabilities. G1001.4 SE48L 1995......95-2132 Standards for TDCJ-CJAD. C4830.4 ST24TD 1995......95-2122 State of Texas, social worker licensing. H600.4 SO13 1994......95-1125 Summary of enactments, 74th Legislature : regular session, 1995. L1400.8 SU63EN 74TH......95-1744 Texas concealed handgun laws : and selected deadly force statutes, 1995-1996. P3500.4 C744 1995......95-1963 Texas Credit Union Act : act of 1975, as amended by the 74th Legislature : effective June 16, 1995. C4700.4 C86 1995......95-1928 Texas impairment schedule : an alternative model to the American Medical Association's Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment. L1836.74 OV2......95-1159 Texas laws relating to mental health and mental retardation. M1000.4 L44 1994......95-0554 Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 Vocational Nurse Act : created by H.B. 47, chap. 118, acts 52nd Leg., 1951 : Vernon's ann. civ. st., art. 4528c : amended through HB 883, 74th Legislature, 1995. V1000.4 V851NUA 1995......95-1964 LEAD Guidelines for the detection and management of lead poisoning for physicians and health care providers. H600.5 G941LEP......95-0735 LEASES Hunter's clearinghouse directory. P400.5 H919 1995......95-1290 Landlords' and tenants' guide. R800.8 L235TEG 1995......95-1877 LEE COLLEGE Budget. (Lee College) Z L300.3 B859 1993/4......95-1031 Budget. (Lee College) Z L300.3 B859 1994/5......95-1032 College catalog. (Lee College) Z L300.5 B873 1994/5......95-1874 College catalog. (Lee College) Z L300.5 B873 1995/6......95-1875 Financial report. (Lee College) Z L300.3 F49 1992/3......95-1030 Focus. (Lee College) Z L300.6 F684......95-1673 LEE COUNTY, TEXAS Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 LEGAL DOCUMENTS Advanced Real Estate Drafting Course. B600.8 AD95RD 1995......95-1079 LEGAL PROCEDURES 18th Annual Marriage Dissolution Institute. B600.8 M349 1995......95-1397 74th Legislature overhauls tort law. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-13......95-1462 Advanced Business Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95BU 1995......95-1917 Advanced creditors' rights course. B600.8 AD95CR 1994......95-0025 Advanced Criminal Law Course. B600.8 AD95CL 1994......95-0450 Advanced drafting : estate planning and probate course. B600.8 AD95DEP 1994......95-0228 Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 Advanced Environmental Law Course. B600.8 AD95EN 1995......95-1078 Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 Advanced estate planning strategies. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1398 Advanced Evidence and Discovery Course. B600.8 AD95EV 1994......95-0682 Advanced family law course. B600.8 AD95F 1994......95-0451 Advanced personal injury law course. B600.8 AD95P 1994......95-0027 Anatomy of a personal injury trial. B600.8 AN16PEI 1994......95-1080 Choosing and courting a jury. B600.8 C455......95-1584 Comprehensive Consumer Law Seminar. B600.8 C738......95-0230 Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 Federal court practice. B600.8 F317 1994......95-0683 Legal aspects of the entertainment industry. B600.8 L522ASE 1995......95-1247 Litigation update, 1995. B600.8 L714UP 1995......95-0882 Mental Health Institute : how to represent clients in involuntary commitment and forced medication hearings. B600.8 M528......95-1585 Procedural rules for contested cases before the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. N330.7 R339 NO.145 95/10......95-2189 Tort reform : basics of the 1995 debate. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-10......95-0955 Trial advocacy for winners-- : master strategists and judges demonstrate how to be successful at trial. B600.8 T73......95-1400 Ultimate trial notebook-- family law. B600.8 AD95ULTF 1994......95-0883 LEGAL RESEARCH Guide to legislative information. L1400.8 G942L 1994......95-0083 LEGISLATION Analysis of legislation : 74th Legislature. S1500.8 AN13 1995......95-2199 Analysis of sunset legislation : 72nd Legislature. S1500.8 AN13 1991......95-0804 Appendixes to final report from the Oil Spill Commission : submitted pursuant to the Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act of 1991. L600.8 F49 APP.......95-1151 Briefing materials, December 8-9, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/12......95-0357 Briefing materials, May 26-27, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/05......95-0358 Constitutional amendments. L1801.8 C766 1995......95-1952 Court sets deadline for dental board law. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-2......95-0534 Final report from the Oil Spill Commission : submitted pursuant to the Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act of 1991. L600.8 F49......95-1152 Highlights of the 74th Texas Legislature, regular session : a summary of the most significant legislative action. L1803.8 H537 74......95-1464 House committee procedures. L1801.7 H816 NO.192......95-0087 House committee procedures. L1801.7 H816 NO.192A......95-0757 How a bill becomes law : 74th Legislature. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-5......95-0536 Insurance related legislation : enacted by the 74th Legislature of Texas--regular session. I1100.4 IN7 74......95-2164 Major differences between House and Senate versions of HB1. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-4......95-1161 New code governs public schools. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-14......95-1623 Recommendations for the 1995 Farm Bill debate. A900.8 R245......95-1241 Rider 154 implementation : a report to the Governor, Legislative Budget Board, and Comptroller of Public Accounts. H350.8 R435......95-0286 Selected laws passed by the 1995 Texas Legislature affecting people with disabilities. G1001.4 SE48L 1995......95-2132 Sine die report : agricultural issues of the 74th Legislature, regular session. A900.8 SI63......95-1716 State, congressional redistricting update. L1801.8 ST29 1995......95-2176 Supplement to House journal, Seventy-fourth Legislature, regular session : text of Conference Committee report, House bill no. 1 (General Appropriations Act) and Governor's veto proclamation. L1800.4 AP65 74......95-1461 Texas 1115 Medicaid waiver : state of Texas access reform. H350.8 M468WA 1995......95-2134 Texas legislative manual. L1400.5 L524M 1995......95-1158 Update. (Employment Commission) E2100.6 UP1......95-1112 Use determination for pollution control property : guidelines for implementing House Bill 1920 and November 1993 constitutional amendment proposition 2. N330.7 R339 NO.102......95-0771 Vetoes of legislation, 74th Legislature. L1801.7 H816 NO.193......95-1463 LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS REQUEST Legislative appropriations request. (South Texas Community College) Z S705.3 R299L......95-0385 Legislative appropriations request. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 R299L......95-0605 Legislative appropriations request. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 B859E......95-0911 Legislative appropriations request. (Lottery Commission) L2503.3 B859E......95-0311 Legislative appropriations request. (North Central Texas College) Z C680.3 R299L......95-0163 LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Financial report. (Legislative Budget Board) L1300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0301 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Financial report. (Legislative Council) L1400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0082 Guide to the Texas Legislative Council. L1400.8 L524G 1994......95-0084 LEGISLATIVE HISTORIES Guide to legislative information. L1400.8 G942L 1994......95-0083 Guide to the Texas Legislative Council. L1400.8 L524G 1994......95-0084 Presiding officers of the Texas Legislature, 1846-1995. L1400.5 P926O 1995......95-0950 LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION Analyses of proposed constitutional amendments, November 7, 1995, election. L1400.8 AN13PRC 1995......95-1951 Fiscal 1996-97 budget-- House Appropriations Committee version. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-3......95-1160 General Appropriations Act for fiscal 1996-97. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-5......95-1622 Guide to legislative information. L1400.8 G942L 1994......95-0083 Guide to the Texas Legislative Council. L1400.8 L524G 1994......95-0084 Texas legislative manual. L1400.5 L524M 1995......95-1158 Writing the state budget. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-1......95-0546 LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY Legislative Reference Library resources : a guide to current periodicals, newspapers, CD-ROMs, loose-leaf services, indexes & selected legal reference materials in the Texas Legislative Reference Library. L1700.5 L525 1994......95-0513 Texas state agency periodicals in the Legislative Reference Library. L1700.5 P418 1994......95-0514 LEGISLATURE Chapter 306, Texas Government Code : legislative information : effective September 1, 1995. E2500.4 L524IN......95-1597 Chief elected and administrative officials of Texas. L1700.5 C434 1995......95-0512 House committee procedures. L1801.7 H816 NO.192......95-0087 House committee procedures. L1801.7 H816 NO.192A......95-0757 Presiding officers of the Texas Legislature, 1846-1995. L1400.5 P926O 1995......95-0950 Texas legislative manual. L1400.5 L524M 1995......95-1158 LEGISLATURE. 72ND Analysis of sunset legislation : 72nd Legislature. S1500.8 AN13 1991......95-0804 LEGISLATURE. 74TH 74th Legislature overhauls tort law. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-13......95-1462 Analysis of legislation : 74th Legislature. S1500.8 AN13 1995......95-2199 Committee on Agriculture and Wildlife Management, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 AG83 74......95-0517 Committee on Appropriations, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 AP65 74......95-0518 Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 C868 74......95-0519 Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report : a report to the 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 EC74 74......95-0520 Committee on Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 EN89R 74......95-0521 Committee on Higher Education, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 H537 74......95-0522 Committee on Human Services, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 H88 74......95-0523 Committee on Insurance, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 IN7 74......95-0524 Committee on Investments and Banking, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8B 74......95-0525 Committee on Judicial Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 J897 74......95-0526 Committee on Licensing and Administrative Procedures, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 L616 74......95-0755 Committee on Natural Resources interim report, 1994. L1801.9 N219 74......95-0527 Committee on Public Education, Texas House of Representatives interim reports, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 ED84 74......95-0528 Committee on Public Health, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 P96 74......95-0529 Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 ST29 74......95-0530 Committee on Transportation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 T687 74......95-0531 Committee on Urban Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 UR1 74......95-0532 Committee on Ways and Means, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 W368 74......95-0533 Comprehensive review of the Texas Family Code. L1836.74 F21......95-0085 Final report of the Joint Interim Committee on Health Insurance Access. L1836.74 H349......95-0303 Final report of the Joint Select Committee to Review the Central Education Agency. L1836.74 C332......95-0086 Highlights of the 74th Texas Legislature, regular session : a summary of the most significant legislative action. L1803.8 H537 74......95-1464 House Committee on International and Cultural Relations interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8 74......95-0535 How a bill becomes law : 74th Legislature. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-5......95-0536 Insurance related legislation : enacted by the 74th Legislature of Texas--regular session. I1100.4 IN7 74......95-2164 Interim report of the Joint Interim Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks. L1836.74 P448......95-0304 Interim report to the 74th Texas Legislature. (House of Representatives. Special Select Committee on NAFTA and GATT) L1836.74 N13......95-0951 Interim report to the 74th Texas Legislature. (Legislature. House of Representatives) L1801.9 G286 74......95-0537 Report of the Joint Interim Committee on Qualified Providers : report to the 74th Texas Legislature. L1836.74 Q25......95-0305 Report of the Select Committee on Rate and Policy Form Regulation to the 74th Texas Legislature : pursuant to House Bill 1461 of the 73rd Legislature, article 1.50, Texas Insurance Code. L1836.74 R187......95-0952 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature on health care for women and children in Texas. H600.8 R299HEC......95-0928 Report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 B964 74......95-0540 Report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 SM18 74......95-0541 Sine die report : agricultural issues of the 74th Legislature, regular session. A900.8 SI63......95-1716 State of Texas disparity study : a report to the Texas Legislature as mandated by H.B. 2626, 73rd Legislature. C2600.8 D632......95-0466 Summary of enactments, 74th Legislature : regular session, 1995. L1400.8 SU63EN 74TH......95-1744 Supplement to House journal, Seventy-fourth Legislature, regular session : text of Conference Committee report, House bill no. 1 (General Appropriations Act) and Governor's veto proclamation. L1800.4 AP65 74......95-1461 Texas alternatives : competitive and regulatory options in telecommunications and electric power : a roadmap for meeting new challenges : a report to the 74th Legislature. L1836.74 T235......95-0754 Texas challenge : broadening the competitive edge : a report examining the expansion of state procurement opportunities. L1836.74 H629......95-0515 Texas impairment schedule : an alternative model to the American Medical Association's Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment. L1836.74 OV2......95-1159 To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature : report of the Committee on Corrections, Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 C817 74......95-0544 To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature : report of the Committee on Public Safety, Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 P96S 74......95-0545 Vetoes of legislation, 74th Legislature. L1801.7 H816 NO.193......95-1463 LEGISLATURE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chapter 302, Texas Government Code : speaker of the House of Representatives : effective September 1, 1993. E2500.4 C161 1995......95-1417 Financial report. (Legislature. House of Representatives) L1801.3 F49 1993/4......95-0516 House committee procedures. L1801.7 H816 NO.192A......95-0757 Texas Department of Commerce Tourism Division activities for the House of Representatives, September 1991-August 1993. C2300.8 T645DIA 1991/3......95-0690 LEGISLATURE. SENATE Financial report. (Legislature. Senate) L1803.3 F49 1993/4......95-0088 Supplement to House journal, Seventy-fourth Legislature, regular session : text of Conference Committee report, House bill no. 1 (General Appropriations Act) and Governor's veto proclamation. L1800.4 AP65 74......95-1461 LEGUMES Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 Pinto beans : Texas commercial vegetable growers guide. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5012......95-0411 LEON COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource survey of Fort Boggy State Park, Leon County, Texas. P400.8 C899......95-0108 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Leona sewer system, the city of Leona, Leon County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1412......95-0494 Excavations at the Cottonwood Springs Site, Jewett Mine project, Leon County, Texas. H2000.8 L551EXJE......95-1135 LEONA, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Leona sewer system, the city of Leona, Leon County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1412......95-0494 LIABILITY INSURANCE Texas liability insurance closed claim annual report. I1100.8 T312LC 1993......95-1150 LIABILITY (LAW) Advanced creditors' rights course. B600.8 AD95CR 1994......95-0025 Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 Advanced Oil, Gas & Mineral Law Course. B600.8 AD95OIG 1994......95-0229 Advanced personal injury law course. B600.8 AD95P 1994......95-0027 Anatomy of a personal injury trial. B600.8 AN16PEI 1994......95-1080 Comprehensive Consumer Law Seminar. B600.8 C738......95-0230 LIBERTY COUNTY, TEXAS 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Beneficial use areas survey, Houston-Galveston navigation channels, Texas project, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers counties, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1529......95-1740 LIBRARIES Annual report. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 AN78L 1993/4......95-1901 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1993......95-0548 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1994......95-0957 Texas public library directory for ... . L1900.6 P96DI 1993......95-0308 Texas public library statistics for ... . L1900.6 P96 1993......95-0309 Texas public library summary for ... . L1900.6 P96SU 1993......95-0310 LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES COMMISSION Annual program. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.8 L616A 1995/6......95-1465 Annual report [on the Library Services and Construction Act]. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.3 L616 1993/4......95-0547 Biennial report. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.3 B477 1992/4......95-0307 Financial report. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0306 Official Texas administrative code. Title 13 : cultural resources. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 13......95-0995 LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT Annual program. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.8 L616A 1995/6......95-1465 Annual report [on the Library Services and Construction Act]. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.3 L616 1993/4......95-0547 Long range plan for statewide library development in Texas. L1900.8 L853RAP 1995/9......95-1282 System orientation manual : Texas library system. L1900.5 SY87ORM 1995......95-1466 LIBRARY NETWORKS System orientation manual : Texas library system. L1900.5 SY87ORM 1995......95-1466 LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT Annual program. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.8 L616A 1995/6......95-1465 Annual report [on the Library Services and Construction Act]. (Library and Archives Commission) L1900.3 L616 1993/4......95-0547 Long range plan for statewide library development in Texas. L1900.8 L853RAP 1995/9......95-1282 LIBRARY STATISTICS Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1993......95-0548 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1994......95-0957 Texas public library statistics for ... . L1900.6 P96 1993......95-0309 Texas public library summary for ... . L1900.6 P96SU 1993......95-0310 LICENSE AND REGISTRATION FEES Vehicle registration manual. T1322.5 M857R 1993......95-0594 LICENSES Committee on Licensing and Administrative Procedures, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 L616 74......95-0755 Day-care center minimum standards & guidelines. P3275.4 M664DAC 1995......95-1488 Guide to Texas business licenses & permits. C2300.5 T312G 1995......95-1094 License to carry a handgun debated. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-4......95-0538 Structural pesticide applicator training general manual : commercial, noncommercial, technician. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5073......95-1547 Texas hunting guide. P400.4 H92G 1995/6......95-1749 LICENSING AND REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF Budget. (Licensing and Regulation, Department of) L200.3 B859 1993/4......95-0089 Financial report. (Licensing and Regulation, Department of) L200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0549 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 LIFE INSURANCE 1993-1994 Texas consumer complaints against insurance companies-- : a tool for shopping smart. I1100.8 C766CO 1993-4......95-1946 LIFE MANAGEMENT CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES OF EL PASO Special report on the Life Management Center for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services of El Paso. A2800.8 M528LI......95-0879 LIGNITE MINING Public Utility Commission of Texas 1993 lignite mine survey results. P3750.8 L629S 1993......95-0790 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Filing guide for corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, assumed name, registered limited liability partnership & trademark documents. S500.5 F476C 94/12......95-0585 LITERACY Applied Research Consortium for Workforce Literacy phase II final report. Z N600.8 D46 1993......95-0382 F.Y.I. newsletter. (Texas A&M University. Texas Literacy Resource Center) Z TA200.6 F992......95-1206 Final report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994. (El Paso County Community College District) Z E880.8 T312 1993/4......95-1670 State services and assistance : workers' guide. E2100.5 ST29......95-0473 LITERATURE Appointment with Somerset Maugham and other literary encounters. Z TA475.8 AP61......95-0175 Larry McMurtry and the Victorian novel. Z T100.7 SO89 NO.5......95-0170 LITIGATION Advanced DTPA/Consumer/Insurance Law Course. B600.8 AD95DT 1995......95-1918 Advanced Evidence and Discovery Course. B600.8 AD95EV 1994......95-0682 Litigation and controversy : an analysis of the Texas workers' compensation administrative dispute resolution system. W2000.8 L714......95-1663 Litigation update, 1995. B600.8 L714UP 1995......95-0882 Trial advocacy for winners-- : master strategists and judges demonstrate how to be successful at trial. B600.8 T73......95-1400 Ultimate trial notebook-- family law. B600.8 AD95ULTF 1994......95-0883 LIVE OAK COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological investigations at the Loma Sandia site (41LK28) : a prehistoric cemetery and campsite in Live Oak County, Texas. Z UA209.7 ST94 NO.20......95-2112 LIVE OAK, TEXAS Leak detection/location survey report for San Antonio Water System within the city limits of the city of Live Oak : April 10, 1995-April 27, 1995. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-06......95-1595 LIVESTOCK Research highlights noxious brush and weed control, range and wildlife management. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.6 N859 1994 V.25......95-0847 Suggestions for managing external parasites of Texas livestock and poultry. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1306 1994......95-0184 Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 LIVINGSTON, TEXAS Final report, a compliance audit of Lake Livingston Telephone Company : project no. 13275. P3750.8 C738LAL......95-0789 LLANO COUNTY, TEXAS Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 LOANS Report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 SM18 74......95-0541 LOBBYISTS Chapter 305, Texas Government Code : registration of lobbyists : effective September 1, 1995. E2500.4 R263 1995......95-1418 Legislative guide. (Ethics Commission) E2500.5 L525GU......95-0274 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Committee on Urban Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 UR1 74......95-0532 First annual proceedings : held in Austin, Texas, July 1994. (University of Texas at Austin. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs) Z UA320.8 IN8WO 1994......95-1068 Local schedule PW : retention schedule for records of public works and services. L1900.8 L787PW 1995......95-2178 Municipal solid waste services full cost accounting workbook for Texas local governments. N330.7 R339 NO.127......95-1166 New perspectives on local economic development in Texas and strategies for the South Texas Region. Z UA150.8 N42......95-1063 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE Committee on Urban Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 UR1 74......95-0532 LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE Appraisal practices and tax burdens, Texas local governments : report. R1800.8 AP65PR 1993/4......95-0989 LOCAL HISTORY Texas preservation handbook for county historical commissions, 1994-1995. H2000.5 H629PRH 1995......95-1140 LOCAL TAXES Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES 1995 profile of licensed nursing homes in Texas. H2600.5 P943 1995......95-1616 Directory of nursing facilities and certified facilities for care of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628NU 1995......95-1279 Mortality report for nursing facilities and related institutions. H2600.8 M691 1993......95-0295 Nursing facility administrators quarterly. H600.6 N938......95-1261 LONG-RANGE PLANNING 1995 progress report on the Master plan for Texas higher education. C3400.8 M393P 1995 REV.......95-1099 20-year (1992-2011) regional solid waste management plan for the Ark-Tex Region. A2150.8 R263......95-0673 Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Auditor) A2700.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1718 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Education Agency) E500.3 ST82 1995-9 94/12......95-0268 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Ethics Commission) E2500.3 ST82 1995-9 94/08......95-0474 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Finance Authority, Public) B1385.3 ST82 1995-9 94/06/15......95-0277 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1535 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Water Development Board) W600.3 ST82 1995-9......95-0350 Agency strategic plan for the Employees Retirement System of Texas. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 ST82 1994......95-0045 Annual plan. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 ST82 1994/5......95-1037 Community master plan report for higher education at Paris Junior College. Z P150.8 C737 1994......95-0165 Edwards Underground Water District strategic plan (1994-2004). E1550.3 ST82 1994-2004......95-0719 Health and human services coordinated strategic plan, 1995-2000 : phase I. H350.3 ST82CO 1994-2000......95-0055 Long range state plan for disability prevention in Texas : strategies for prevention, 1994-2000. D1100.8 L853 1994-2000......95-0901 Long-range state plan for Texans with disabilities : toward a state disability policy : executive summary : 19.4% of Texans have disabilities. G1001.8 L853 1995 SUMM.......95-0729 Master plan for Texas higher education, 1995. C3400.8 M393 1995......95-1101 Master plan for Texas higher education 1995 progress report. C3400.8 M393P 1995......95-0704 Meeting the challenge : a plan to control diabetes in Texas. D1300.8 P692COD 1995......95-0903 South East Texas solid waste management plan, 1992-2012. S1010.8 R263......95-0800 State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 State Preservation Board information resource strategic plan, 1995-1999. P2350.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0328 Strategic focus report, 1993-1995. (Navarro College) Z N100.3 ST82 1995-2005......95-1530 Strategic plan. (Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities) G1001.3 ST82 1992......95-1602 Strategic plan. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 ST82 92/06......95-1682 Strategic plan, 1994-1999. (Texas A&M University at Galveston) Z TA555.3 ST82 1994-9......95-1371 Strategic plan, 1995-1999. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1562 Strategic plan, fiscal years 1995 to 1999. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 ST82 1995-9 REV.......95-1163 Strategic plan for the 1992-1998 period. (Educational Economic Policy Center) E450.3 ST82 1992-8......95-0830 Strategic plan, FY 1995-1999. (Texas Forest Service) F1400.3 ST82 1995-9......95-0418 Strategic plan through 1999. Z TA505.3 ST82 94/08......95-1563 Texas Clean Rivers Program long term action plan, 1991-2000. N330.8 T312CL......95-0566 Texas State Cemetery master plan. P400.8 T312STC......95-0325 Toward 2000 : a long-range plan for Panola College. Z P130.8 L853 1993-2000......95-1531 LONG-TERM CARE Final report and recommendations. (Health and Human Services Commission) H350.8 F49LO......95-0732 LONGVIEW, TEXAS Final report : archeological survey and geomorphological testing of the north Longview sewer project, city of Longview, Gregg County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1477......95-0939 LOTTERIES Minority business participation report, Texas lottery. C2600.8 M666......95-0694 LOTTERY COMMISSION Legislative appropriations request. (Lottery Commission) L2503.3 B859E......95-0311 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 LOUISIANA Results of a cultural resources survey of a proposed pipeline, Newton County, Texas, and Vernon Parish, Louisiana. H2000.8 N482PI......95-1448 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL AUTHORITY Financial report. (Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority) L2505.3 F49 1993/4......95-0090 Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY Evaluation of alternative instream and bay & estuary flow criteria for run-of-the-river diversions : technical memorandum : Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area. W600.8 T687EV......95-1660 LCRA annual report of cultural resource investigations for ... . L2510.3 AN78CU 1993-4......95-1745 Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area : phase I : interim report. W600.8 T687 V.3......95-0598 LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY Guide to grasses of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Z P100.8 G941......95-0205 LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS Final report : archeological survey report of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Lubbock facility, Lubbock County, Texas : TAC permit # 1402. A1900.7 P422 NO.1402......95-0940 LUFKIN, TEXAS Archaeological survey of the proposed raw waterline replacement project (HUD, CDBG, F2, F13) for the city of Lufkin, Angelina County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1486......95-0933 MALPRACTICE Advanced medical malpractice course. B600.8 AD95ME 1995......95-1246 Advanced personal injury law course. B600.8 AD95P 1994......95-0027 Anatomy of a personal injury trial. B600.8 AN16PEI 1994......95-1080 Evaluation of the physician indemnification program : a report to the Seventy-fourth Texas Legislature. H350.8 P569......95-2133 Health care supervision responsibilities and malpractice liability. Z TT300.8 H349......95-1057 Professional liability statistics for physicians practicing in Texas as of ... . M800.8 P942LIS 1994......95-2180 Professional liability statistics for physicians practicing in Texas as of ... . M800.8 P942LIS 1995......95-1954 MAMMALS Mammals of Texas. P400.8 M311 1994......95-0570 MANAGEMENT Blueprint : a process for measuring project quality. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.36-2......95-0651 Disputes potential index. Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.23-3......95-2111 How to manage an information technology project. I525.5 H83M......95-0298 Pre-project planning : beginning a project the right way. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 P96 NO.39-1......95-1386 Project change management. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 SP31 NO.43-1......95-0862 Schedule reduction. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.7 P96 NO.41-1......95-1387 MANAGEMENT AUDITS House Bill 2473, Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, July 24, 1995. N330.7 R339 NO.173......95-2185 MANSFIELD, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the Kathryn Rose Memorial Park. A1900.7 P422 NO.1458......95-0937 MANUFACTURERS Directory of Texas manufacturers. Z UA215.5 D628 1995......95-1065 mapS County maps of Texas. T1324.8 C832M 1994......95-0133 State departmental map. T1324.8 OF2M 1995......95-1008 Texas, official travel map. T1325.7 H537 1995......95-2209 Transboundary resource inventory glossary : Spanish-English : cartographic, environmental, and oil spill terms. L600.5 T687......95-0949 MARION COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of 550 acres at Lake O' the Pines, Marion County, Texas. H2000.8 M339......95-2146 MARKETING Market development for Texas recyclables. Volume 1, Market development strategy final report. N330.8 M341 V.1......95-0100 Market development for Texas recyclables. Volume 2, Working papers. N330.8 M341 V.2......95-0766 Texas municipal compost marketing manual. N330.5 M925......95-0567 Travel industry sales : scheduled activities. C2300.8 T697IN......95-1923 MARRIAGE 18th Annual Marriage Dissolution Institute. B600.8 M349 1995......95-1397 Advanced family law course. B600.8 AD95F 1994......95-0451 Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPISTS, BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78MAF 1992/3......95-0287 Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78MAF 1993/4......95-0288 MATAGORDA COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource survey, Mad Island Marsh Preserve, Matagorda County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1427......95-0490 Cultural resources survey of proposed disposal area 1A, Colorado River, Matagorda County, Texas. H2000.8 M411......95-1134 MATERNAL AND INFANT WELFARE Gateway to WIC : a bulletin from the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants & children. H600.6 G223......95-1425 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature on health care for women and children in Texas. H600.8 R299HEC......95-0928 Texas talk : family health newsletter. H781.6 T144......95-1605 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Optimizing detector placement for high speed isolated signalized intersections using vehicular delay as the criterion. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-3......95-1514 MATHEMATICS Study of the Texas Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Higher Education State Grant Program : case studies of five long-term projects. C3400.8 EI83 1995......95-1411 Workplace competencies in mathematics : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892MA......95-1059 MAUGHAM, SOMERSET Appointment with Somerset Maugham and other literary encounters. Z TA475.8 AP61......95-0175 MAVERICK COUNTY, TEXAS Dos Republicas project : cultural resources survey of a proposed surface mining project in Maverick County, Texas. H2000.8 M449DO 1995......95-2150 Letter report for an archeological survey of two parcels of land for the City of Eagle Pass, Maverick County, Texas. H2000.8 M449......95-1447 MCKINNEY FALLS STATE PARK Guide to plant identification, Smith Rockshelter Trail, McKinney Falls State Park, Austin, Texas. P500 M215P......95-1482 MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS Directory of community resources : families helping families. H2600.5 D628MC 1994......95-0070 MCMURTRY, LARRY Larry McMurtry and the Victorian novel. Z T100.7 SO89 NO.5......95-0170 MEDICAID Client self-support services guide = Guia de servicios para el cliente. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.5 C611 1994......95-0069 Effects of LoneSTAR in Travis County. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847TR......95-1122 Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 Evaluation of the physician indemnification program : a report to the Seventy-fourth Texas Legislature. H350.8 P569......95-2133 LoneSTAR implementation report. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847......95-0927 Texas 1115 Medicaid waiver : state of Texas access reform. H350.8 M468WA 1995......95-2134 MEDICAL DISCLOSURE PANEL Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 MEDICAL EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Medical Examiners, Board of) M800.3 F49 1993/4......95-0760 Information resources strategic plan. (Medical Examiners, Board of) M800.8 IN3 1994......95-2179 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT Medical Practice Act of Texas and other statutes relating to physicians. M800.4 M468P 1994 REV.......95-1953 MEDICAL SCHOOLS Appendices, universities and health science centers, community and technical colleges. C3400.5 R299 1995 APP.......95-1407 Collaboration among Texas medical schools to improve education in cancer prevention and detection. C330.8 C683......95-0885 Reporting and procedures manual for health science centers : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299HS 1995......95-1408 Research expenditures, Texas public universities and health-related institutions. C3400.3 R311 1993/4......95-1255 Statutory review of family practice clerkship. (Auditor) A2800.8 F21 1995......95-0449 MEDICARE Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 HMOs for Medicare beneficiaries : an alternative to Medicare for your health needs : a brief explanation of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) in Texas. I1100.5 H648......95-1947 Medicare supplement insurance : a handbook for Texas consumers. I1100.8 M468 1995......95-1149 MEDINA COUNTY, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-147......95-1997 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-148......95-1998 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-149......95-1999 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-150......95-2000 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-151......95-2001 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-152......95-2002 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-153......95-2003 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-154......95-2004 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-155......95-2005 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-156......95-2006 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-157......95-2007 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-158......95-2008 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-159......95-2009 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-160......95-2010 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-161......95-2011 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-162......95-2012 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-163......95-2013 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-164......95-2014 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-165......95-2015 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Medina County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-230......95-2073 MENTAL HEALTH Equity of Access Task Force report. M1000.8 EQ59......95-0553 Mental Health Institute : how to represent clients in involuntary commitment and forced medication hearings. B600.8 M528......95-1585 Publications list. (University of Texas at Austin. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health) Z UA275.1 P96 1995......95-0864 Texas laws relating to mental health and mental retardation. M1000.4 L44 1994......95-0554 MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL RETARDATION, DEPARTMENT OF Annual report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0551 Annual report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0552 Construction status report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78C 1992/3......95-0762 Construction status report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78C 1993/4......95-0763 Equity of Access Task Force report. M1000.8 EQ59......95-0553 Financial report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0550 Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 Special report on the Life Management Center for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services of El Paso. A2800.8 M528LI......95-0879 Strategic plan, fiscal years 1995 to 1999. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 ST82 1995-9 REV.......95-1163 Texas laws relating to mental health and mental retardation. M1000.4 L44 1994......95-0554 MENTAL HEALTH CODE Mental Health Institute : how to represent clients in involuntary commitment and forced medication hearings. B600.8 M528......95-1585 Texas laws relating to mental health and mental retardation. M1000.4 L44 1994......95-0554 MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES Directory of facilities for persons with mental retardation and/or related conditions licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628ME......95-1457 Mental Health Institute : how to represent clients in involuntary commitment and forced medication hearings. B600.8 M528......95-1585 Sex offender treatment providers : registry. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.5 SE91 NO.4......95-0340 Sex offender treatment providers : registry. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.5 SE91 NO.5......95-2197 MENTAL RETARDATION Equity of Access Task Force report. M1000.8 EQ59......95-0553 Texas laws relating to mental health and mental retardation. M1000.4 L44 1994......95-0554 MEXICAN AMERICANS Comer bien para vivir mejor = Eat well to live better : skills-oriented nutrition counseling for Mexican American type II diabetic patients : a professional guide. D1300.5 C734 1991......95-1931 MEXICO Doing business in the new Texas-Mexico market. B600.8 D685......95-1399 Essays on the changing images of the Southwest. Z TA475.7 W384 NO.28......95-0397 House Committee on International and Cultural Relations interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8 74......95-0535 Mexican pleasure travel and study : highlights report. C2300.8 M574PLT 1995......95-1401 NAFTA handbook for water resource managers and engineers. Z UA320.8 N13......95-1389 Update : the effects of the Mexican financial situation on the Texas economy. C2300.6 UP1......95-1720 MEXICO-TEXAS BORDER Evaluation of ground-water quality in Texas counties bordering the Rio Grande. W600.7 L629P NO.214......95-1346 MEXICO-TEXAS RELATIONS Doing business in the new Texas-Mexico market. B600.8 D685......95-1399 Free trade with Mexico : what's in it for Texas?. Z UA320.7 US1 NO.1......95-1566 House Committee on International and Cultural Relations interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8 74......95-0535 Planning activities along the Texas/Mexico border. T1300.8 P693......95-0808 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 Update : the effects of the Mexican financial situation on the Texas economy. C2300.6 UP1......95-1720 MEXICO-UNITED STATES BORDER Border environment : an exchange : October 3 and 4, 1994, El Paso, Texas : summary of conference proceedings = el ambiente fronterizo : un intercambio. N330.8 B644 1994......95-1467 Border health authority : issues and design. Z UA320.7 US1 NO.6......95-1388 Planning activities along the Texas/Mexico border. T1300.8 P693......95-0808 Quality assurance project plan for Texas-Mexico border air sampling. N330.7 R339 NO.98......95-0565 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 MEXICO-UNITED STATES RELATIONS Border health authority : issues and design. Z UA320.7 US1 NO.6......95-1388 Logistics management and U.S.-Mexico transportation systems : a preliminary investigation. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.109......95-0652 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 MIDDLE RIO GRANDE DEVELOPMENTAL COUNCIL Audit report. (Middle Rio Grande Development Council) M1300.3 AU24 1993/4......95-0764 MIDLAND COLLEGE Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1991/2......95-1362 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1992/3......95-1363 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1993/4......95-1364 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1994/5......95-1365 MIDLAND, TEXAS Midland ISD school performance review. C2600.8 SCH65MI......95-0464 MIDWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY Budget. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 B859 1995/6......95-1674 Faculty papers of Midwestern State University. Z M570.7 F119 3/12......95-2087 Faculty publications and artistic productions. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.1 F119PUA 1994......95-1529 Financial report. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 F49 1993/4......95-0162 Information resources strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0380 President's report. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 P926 1993/4......95-1366 President's report. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 P926 1994/5......95-1876 MILAM COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological survey of the proposed Hearne to Branchville transmission line reroute project. H2000.8 M59......95-1434 MILK Eat right : milk, cheese, and yogurt. Z TA265.8 EA81RIMI 1994......95-0621 MILK PRODUCTION Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 MINORITIES Access and equity 2000 : the Texas educational opportunity plan for public higher education, September 1994 through August 2000. Z TA555.8 AC22......95-1049 Balancing the scales : a look at the overrepresentation of minority youth in the Texas juvenile justice system. G821.8 B182......95-0725 Final report, improvement of special populations coordinators. Z N700.8 IM7F......95-1702 Gentlemen, shall we begin again? : the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program. Z UA275.8 G289......95-1067 Governor's Executive Development Program : Class XI Task Force reports. Z UA320.8 G746 93/01......95-0866 Minority hiring report. H2700.3 M666 1991/2......95-0503 Minority hiring report : phase I, snapshot as of August 31, 1993 : phase II, September 1, 1993 through August 31, 1994 (fiscal year 1994). H2700.3 M666 1993/4......95-0745 Standardized EEO report, calendar year 1994 : January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. H2700.3 ST24 1994......95-0746 Texas State Senate interim report to the 72nd Texas Legislature. L1836.72 C86......95-0753 Trainers' manual and participants' guide. (University of North Texas) Z N700.8 IM7T......95-1703 Valuing diversity in the workplace. N330.8 V249......95-1479 Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 MINORITY BUSINESS Minority business participation report, Texas lottery. C2600.8 M666......95-0694 State of Texas disparity study : a report to the Texas Legislature as mandated by H.B. 2626, 73rd Legislature. C2600.8 D632......95-0466 Texas challenge : broadening the competitive edge : a report examining the expansion of state procurement opportunities. L1836.74 H629......95-0515 Texas State Senate interim report to the 72nd Texas Legislature. L1836.72 C86......95-0753 MINORITY STUDENTS Access and equity 2000 : the Texas educational opportunity plan for public higher education, September 1994 through August 2000. Z TA555.8 AC22......95-1049 MITES Gall-making insects and mites. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.1299 1994......95-0409 Managing insect and mite pests of commercial pecans in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1238 1995......95-1214 Managing insect and mite pests of Texas corn. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1366 1995......95-1215 MOHAIR Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 MONTAGUE COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological investigations in southwestern Montague County, Texas. H2000.8 M76......95-1432 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Cultural resources survey of a proposed 90-acre residential subdivision, Montgomery County, Texas. H2000.8 M766......95-1728 MORBIDITY Cancer incidence (1989-1990) and mortality (1981-1991) in the Texas Golden Crescent. H600.8 C16ING 1989-90......95-0733 Epidemiology in Texas ... annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.6 R299MOM 1993......95-1123 MORTALITY Epidemiology in Texas ... annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.6 R299MOM 1993......95-1123 Fatal occupational injuries in Texas. W1900.8 F268 1993......95-1188 Impact of cancer on Texas. C330.8 IM7CAT 1995......95-1920 Mortality report for nursing facilities and related institutions. H2600.8 M691 1993......95-0295 Occupational injury and illness in Texas : report to the Texas Legislature. Z U406.8 OC1......95-0850 Texas' healthy people 2000 health status indicators by race and ethnicity, 1980-1993 : a report. H600.8 T312HPE 1995......95-1126 Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 MORTGAGES Should Texas allow home equity lending?. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-6......95-0758 MOTOR FUELS Clearing the air : an alternative fuels update from the Texas General Land Office. L600.8 C58 1995......95-2167 First interim report of the Federal Fleet Conversion Task Force. (Land Office, General) L600.8 F519......95-0947 Marketable permits final report, grant period 1993-94. N330.8 M341PE 1993/4......95-0563 MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION Motor Vehicle Board advertising rules : including 1992 amendments. T1300.4 M857 92/06......95-1004 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS Enhancements to passive warning devices at railroad-highway grade crossings. T1311.7 R311 NO.1273-1......95-1505 U.S. 75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : Lemmon/Oak Lawn/Peak screen line automobile user panel : October 1993 survey results. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-1......95-0132 U.S. 75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : Lemmon/Oak Lawn/Peak screen line automobile user panel : May 1994 survey results. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-6......95-1341 MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS Annotated bibliography of transportation-related air quality documents, 1989-1994. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-8 ......95-1498 Clearing the air : an alternative fuels update from the Texas General Land Office. L600.8 C58 1995......95-2167 Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the El Paso FY-94 TIP. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-2......95-1301 Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the Victoria FY-94 TIP and 2015 metropolitan plan. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-3......95-1303 Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the JOHRTS FY-94 TIP. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-4......95-1302 El Paso TIP and MTP 1995-2015 conformity analysis. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-5......95-1504 Marketable permits final report, grant period 1993-94. N330.8 M341PE 1993/4......95-0563 Mobile source emission impacts of high occupancy vehicle facilities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1353-2......95-1327 State-of-the-practice report on mobile source emissions models. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-3......95-0820 TCM Analyst 1.0 and user's guide. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-7......95-2208 Use and evaluation of transportation control measures. T1311.7 R311 NO.1279-6......95-1345 MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS Vehicle registration manual. T1322.5 M857R 1993......95-0594 MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION Registration and title system. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.5 R263 1995......95-2202 Summary of motor vehicle registrations for ... Vehicle registration and license fees by county. T1300.3 R263FEE 1993/4......95-1005 Vehicle registration manual. T1322.5 M857R 1993......95-0594 MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FEES 1995 fees : schedule of fees for jurisdications [i.e. jurisdictions] under the International Registration Plan. T1322.8 F321 1995......95-0593 MOTOR VEHICLES First interim report of the Federal Fleet Conversion Task Force. (Land Office, General) L600.8 F519......95-0947 Fleet management. (General Services Commission) P4050.3 F624 1993/4......95-1599 IFTA Texas guidebook. C2600.5 IF7......95-1926 Motor Vehicle Board advertising rules : including 1992 amendments. T1300.4 M857 92/06......95-1004 MULTICULTURALISM Faculty development and core curriculum : concepts, alternatives, and strategies = Desarollo del profesorado y tronco comun : conceptos, alternativas y estrategias. C3400.7 OC1 NO.1......95-1927 Valuing diversity in the workplace. N330.8 V249......95-1479 Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 MUNICIPAL PARKS Texas public campgrounds : year round, the camping's great in Texas!. T1325.5 P96 1994......95-1009 MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM Financial report. (Municipal Retirement System) M2500.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1624 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 MUSIC INDUSTRY Texas music industry directory : the annotated sourcebook of the Texas music industry. G842.5 M973 1995......95-0923 NATALIA, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-152......95-2002 NATIONAL PARKS Texas public campgrounds : year round, the camping's great in Texas!. T1325.5 P96 1994......95-1009 NATIONAL RESEARCH LABORATORY COMMISSION Annual report. (National Research Laboratory Commission) N250.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0556 Audit report on Texas National Research Laboratory Commission. A2800.8 N213 1995......95-1579 Financial report. (National Research Laboratory Commission) N250.3 F49 1993/4......95-0555 NATURAL DISASTERS State of Texas hazard mitigation plan for Texas counties affected by severe storms and tornadoes during the period April 25, 1994 through May 4, 1994 and wildfires during the period July 1, 1994 through July 10 1994. P3510.8 H336MIS 1994......95-1639 NATURAL GAS Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.220......95-1708 Quantifying secondary gas resources in fluvial/deltaic reservoirs : a case history from Stratton Field, South Texas. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.221......95-1709 NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION Rules having statewide general application to oil, gas, and geothermal resource operations within the state of Texas. R553.4 ST29RUF 1994......95-0579 NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Audit report on management controls at the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. A2800.8 N219......95-1578 Financial report. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0312 Fiscal year 1994 multi-media strategy and guidance. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.7 R339 NO.96......95-0098 Guide to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. N330.1 G941......95-0099 Guide to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. N330.1 G941 1995......95-1286 Leadership team responses to the recommendations of the employee survey QUESTeams. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 L469......95-0562 Official Texas administrative code. Title 30 : environmental quality. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 30......95-1294 Procedural rules for contested cases before the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. N330.7 R339 NO.145 95/10......95-2189 Publications catalog. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.1 P96......95-1958 Quality assurance project plan for NAMS, SLAMS, and PAMS monitoring in Texas : state plan. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.7 R339 NO.97......95-0967 TNRCC directory : organizational listings. N330.5 T549 1995......95-0974 TNRCC directory : organizational listings. N330.5 T549 95/06......95-1478 TNRCC directory : organizational listings. N330.5 T549 95/10......95-2192 TNRCC publications catalog. N330.1 P96 95/10......95-2193 Wellhead protection update. N330.6 W459P......95-1481 Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION. OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY Information systems strategic plan for the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INA 1995-2000......95-1287 Preliminary report for the information systems strategic plan of the TNRCC Office of Air Quality. N330.8 ST29INAP 1995-2000......95-1288 NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION. OFFICE OF POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RECYCLING Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling : Clean Texas 2000, pollution prevention, recycling. N330.1 C58 1995......95-1956 Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling : Clean Texas 2000, pollution prevention, recycling. N330.1 C58 1995B......95-2186 NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION. STATE SMALL BUSINESS ADVOCATE'S OFFICE Annual report. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 AN78STS 1993/4......95-0093 NATURAL RESOURCES Committee on Natural Resources interim report, 1994. L1801.9 N219 74......95-0527 NAVARRO COLLEGE Financial report. (Navarro College) Z N100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0381 Strategic focus report, 1993-1995. (Navarro College) Z N100.3 ST82 1995-2005......95-1530 NEGOTIATION Advanced negotiation. (Bar) B600.8 AD95N......95-0026 NETWORKS First impressions : Texas Early Childhood and Elementary School Mentor Network : a 21st century imperative. E500.6 F519......95-0715 NEW BRAUNFELS, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-97......95-1967 NEW BUSINESS ENTERPRISES Audit report on the Texas Enterprise Zone Program. A2800.8 EN82......95-0016 Texas enterprise zone program ... annual report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.3 EN82 1993/4......95-0236 NEW MEXICO Cultural resources survey of the proposed Sunland Park Drive extension project, Dona Ana County, New Mexico and El Paso County, Texas. H2000.8 EL69SU......95-2148 Depositional and diagenetic facies patterns and reservoir development in Silurian and Devonian rocks of the Permian Basin. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.216......95-1707 Essays on the changing images of the Southwest. Z TA475.7 W384 NO.28......95-0397 NEWTON COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the Trunkline Gas Company right-of-way, Newton County, Texas. H2000.8 N482......95-1733 Results of a cultural resources survey of a proposed pipeline, Newton County, Texas, and Vernon Parish, Louisiana. H2000.8 N482PI......95-1448 Results of a cultural resources survey of the proposed Centana Intrastate Pipeline Company right-of-way, Jefferson, Orange, and Newton counties, Texas. H2000.8 J356CE......95-1139 NORTEX REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Financial report. (Nortex Regional Planning Commission) N980.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0318 NORTH AMERICA House Committee on International and Cultural Relations interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 IN8 74......95-0535 NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (NAFTA) Doing business in the new Texas-Mexico market. B600.8 D685......95-1399 Free trade with Mexico : what's in it for Texas?. Z UA320.7 US1 NO.1......95-1566 Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement on the Texas Department of Public Safety. P3500.8 IM7......95-0982 Interim report to the 74th Texas Legislature. (House of Representatives. Special Select Committee on NAFTA and GATT) L1836.74 N13......95-0951 NAFTA and the energy industry : lessons from the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. Z N707.8 N13......95-1062 NAFTA handbook for water resource managers and engineers. Z UA320.8 N13......95-1389 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE College catalog. (North Central Texas College) Z C680.5 C28 1994/5......95-1033 Legislative appropriations request. (North Central Texas College) Z C680.3 R299L......95-0163 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Financial report. (North Central Texas Council of Governments) N970.3 F49 1993/4......95-0568 NORTH TEXAS Economic impact of higher education in North Texas : update. Z N707.8 EC74HI 1994......95-0851 NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Annual report. (North Texas Municipal Water District) N985.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0772 NORTHEAST TEXAS Archaeological testing at the South Hallsville No. 1 Mine, 1993. H2000.8 H245HA 1993......95-2141 NORTHEAST TEXAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Financial report. (Northeast Texas Community College District) Z N750.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-2088 NUCLEAR ENERGY Annual report, operating nuclear power plants serving Texas. P3750.7 OP25 1992......95-1640 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1992......95-1427 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1993......95-1428 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1994......95-1429 NUCLEAR PHYSICS Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility quality assurance project plan for ambient air monitoring. N330.7 R339 NO.140......95-1625 NUCLEAR WEAPONS Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility ambient air monitoring annual report. N330.6 P195A 1994......95-1957 Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility quality assurance project plan for ambient air monitoring. N330.7 R339 NO.140......95-1625 NUECES BAY Impact assessment of produced water discharges to Nueces Bay-- August 1993. N330.8 IM7......95-1470 NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Held/Hogan Wildlife Refuge, Nueces County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1347......95-0938 Cultural resources survey of the proposed South Fork II bridge project, Nueces County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1208......95-2158 Magnetometer survey of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), Corpus Christi Bay to Point Penascal : Nueces, Kleberg, and Kenedy counties, Texas. H2000.8 N885......95-1137 NUECES RIVER AUTHORITY Evaluation of alternative instream and bay & estuary flow criteria for run-of-the-river diversions : technical memorandum : Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area. W600.8 T687EV......95-1660 Financial report. (Nueces River Authority) N1135.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0319 Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area : phase I : interim report. W600.8 T687 V.3......95-0598 NUECES RIVER BASIN Regional assessment of water quality in the Nueces coastal basins. N330.3 B477NUC 1992/4......95-0767 NUECES-RIO GRANDE COASTAL BASIN Regional assessment of water quality in the Nueces coastal basins. N330.3 B477NUC 1992/4......95-0767 NURSE EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Annual report. (Nurse Examiners, Board of) N1200.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1169 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 Rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice. N1200.4 R861 1994......95-0106 Rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice. N1200.4 R861 1995......95-0773 NURSES LVN newsletter. V1000.6 N477......95-1185 NURSING CHN : communi[t]y health nursing-- caring for communities : community health nursing newsletter. H600.6 P96HEN......95-0058 LVN newsletter. V1000.6 N477......95-1185 Rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice. N1200.4 R861 1994......95-0106 Rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice. N1200.4 R861 1995......95-0773 Vocational Nurse Act : created by H.B. 47, chap. 118, acts 52nd Leg., 1951 : Vernon's ann. civ. st., art. 4528c : amended through HB 883, 74th Legislature, 1995. V1000.4 V851NUA 1995......95-1964 NURSING HOMES 1995 profile of licensed nursing homes in Texas. H2600.5 P943 1995......95-1616 Directory of nursing facilities and certified facilities for care of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628NU 1995......95-1279 Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 Mortality report for nursing facilities and related institutions. H2600.8 M691 1993......95-0295 Nursing facility administrators quarterly. H600.6 N938......95-1261 NUTRITION Alimento y familia. H600.6 F739 SPAN.......95-2135 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Nutrition and Natural Fiber Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78N 1993/4......95-0641 Comer bien para vivir mejor = Eat well to live better : skills-oriented nutrition counseling for Mexican American type II diabetic patients : a professional guide. D1300.5 C734 1991......95-1931 Eat right : bread, cereal and pasta = Alimentese bien : pan, cereal y pasta. Z TA265.8 EA81RIBR 1995......95-1541 Eat right : fruits. Z TA265.8 EA81RIFR......95-1542 Eat right : milk, cheese, and yogurt. Z TA265.8 EA81RIMI 1994......95-0621 Eat right : planning makes a difference. Z TA265.8 EA81RIPL......95-1543 Eat right : vegetables. Z TA265.8 EA81RIV......95-1693 Eating right is basic : lesson 2 : start your engines. Z TA265.8 EA81STL 1993......95-0408 Effect of socioeconomic and demographic factors on away-from-home and at-home consumption of selected nutrients. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1717......95-0179 Final evaluation report, Texas Nutrition Education and Training Program. H2600.8 T312NUE 1993/4......95-0748 Food & family. H600.6 F739......95-2136 Gateway to WIC : a bulletin from the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants & children. H600.6 G223......95-1425 Living light. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5097......95-0183 Start your engines : lesson two : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81STM 1995......95-1546 Winning food ideas, lesson three : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81WI 1995......95-1551 Winning food ideas, lesson three : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81WIM 1995......95-1552 OCCUPATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES School-to-work transition : a Texas perspective. E500.8 SCH65TOW......95-0716 OCCUPATIONAL PLANNING Building college and community services for single parents and displaced homemakers : PY94 final detailed report : discretionary equity grant, Austin Community College. Z A800.8 B868 1993/4......95-0604 Building college and community services for single parents and displaced homemakers : PY95 final detailed report : discretionary equity grant, Austin Community College. Z A800.8 B868 1994/5......95-2212 Desarollo de habilidades para la busqueda de trabajo : guia del participante. E2100.5 D451 SPAN.......95-1415 Equity services : the Victoria College equity services : end of year project report, PY 1993-1994 : project number 44150026. Z V500.8 Y32 1993/4......95-0670 Final report : Carl Perkins single parent/single pregnant women and displaced homemakers : grant #44150038, 1993-94. (Grayson County College) Z G800.8 P943 1993/4......95-0610 Final report : Perkins discretionary equity project, 1993-94. (Midland College) Z M500.8 F51 1993/4......95-0612 Final report to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Community and Technical Colleges Division, for "Making technical education accessable [sic]" : project number #44150039 : funded by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act : funding year January 1, 1994 through June 30, 1994. Z TS815.8 M289 1993/4......95-0646 How to get an interview : how to get a job offer : how to negotiate a higher salary and better benefits : the successful nontraditional method : the job search workshop manual of the Texas Employment Commission's Dislocated Worker Program. E2100.5 J575WO......95-0047 Join the health care team! : a health careers information video and leader guide for utilization by health organizations, youth groups, and 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade students interested in career exploration. Z TA265.8 J667......95-1694 (My) futures-- : a TEC career planner for--. E2100.5 M99 1995......95-1932 PY95 final detailed report on Project LEEWAY for single parents : project #55150015 : Project LEEWAY for single parents. Z L300.8 P943 1994/5......95-2216 School to work liaison system. W2100.5 SCH65......95-1665 School-to-work transition : a Texas perspective. E500.8 SCH65TOW......95-0716 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994. (Lamar University at Orange) Z L105.8 S64 1993/4......95-0611 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994 : executive summary. (Texas Southmost College) Z TS750.8 P943 1993/4......95-0643 [Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board single parents, displaced homemakers, and single pregnant women year-end grant report, fiscal year 1993-94]. (Northeast Texas Community College District) Z N750.8 P943 1993/4......95-0613 Texas occupational employment statistics. Industry staffing patterns, non-manufacturing industries, 2nd quarter, 1993. E2100.8 OC1EN 1993......95-0916 Workplace competencies in business communications : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892BU......95-1380 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Fatal occupational injuries in Texas. W1900.8 F268 1993......95-1188 Occupational injuries and illnesses in Texas. W1900.8 OC1IN 1992......95-1015 Occupational injuries and illnesses in Texas. W1900.8 OC1IN 1993......95-1863 Occupational injury and illness in Texas : report to the Texas Legislature. Z U406.8 OC1......95-0850 Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING Briefing materials, December 8-9, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/12......95-0357 Client self-support services guide = Guia de servicios para el cliente. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.5 C611 1994......95-0069 College catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 C834 1994......95-0413 Employer incentives and technical assistance : final report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1995......95-1351 Employer incentives and technical assistance project : policy report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1994......95-1352 End of year report, project #44120003, professional development for community college career counselors narrative. Z N750.8 P942 1994......95-1675 Final report, improvement of special populations coordinators. Z N700.8 IM7F......95-1702 Final report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994. (El Paso County Community College District) Z E880.8 T312 1993/4......95-1670 Governor's Executive Development Program : Class XI Task Force reports. Z UA320.8 G746 93/01......95-0866 Guide for combining work-based learning programs. W2100.8 G941......95-1354 Incentive and strategy guide : encouraging and facilitating employer participation in work-based learning programs for youth. W2100.8 IN2......95-1355 Project P.A.C.E. : Palo Alto College equity program : project report, 1993-94. Z P075.8 P943PA 1993/4......95-0614 School to work liaison system. W2100.5 SCH65......95-1665 School-to-work pilot project for work-based training in machining with linkages to tech prep and youth apprenticeship : final report-- implementation plan. W2100.8 SCH65PII......95-1525 School-to-work pilot project for work-based training in machining with linkages to tech prep and youth apprenticeship : final programmatic report. W2100.8 SCH65PIP......95-1526 School-to-work transition : a Texas perspective. E500.8 SCH65TOW......95-0716 State plan for employment and training assistance for dislocated workers, state of Texas, for the period ... . C2300.3 J575TST 1994-5 REV.......95-0034 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 92 end of year report, July 1, 1992-June 30, 1993 : executive summary. (Amarillo College) Z A100.8 R229 1992/3......95-1019 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994 : executive summary. (Amarillo College) Z A100.8 R229 1993/4......95-1020 Trainers' manual and participants' guide. (University of North Texas) Z N700.8 IM7T......95-1703 Training approval procedures. (Fire Protection, Commission on) F750.5 T682 1994......95-0280 W.I.T., Women in Technology : end of year report, July '93-June '94 : "taking women one step further ... ". (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842E 1993/4......95-0608 Women in Technology : Project Opportunity. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842 1993/4......95-0609 Workplace competencies in biology : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892BI......95-1226 Workplace competencies in computer literacy : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892CO......95-1058 Workplace competencies in English : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892EN......95-1381 Workplace competencies in mathematics : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892MA......95-1059 Workplace competencies in microcomputer applications : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892MI......95-1060 ODESSA COLLEGE Review of Odessa College investments. A2800.8 OD2......95-0019 OFFENDERS WITH MENTAL IMPAIRMENTS, COUNCIL ON Biennial report. (Offenders with Mental Impairments, Council on) O285.3 B477 1993/5......95-0569 OFFICE MANAGEMENT Productive law practice management : a practical skills oriented program to develop client relations, profitability, and efficiency for solo and small firms. B600.8 P942LA......95-1586 OIL AND GAS LEASES Advanced Oil, Gas & Mineral Law Course. B600.8 AD95OIG 1994......95-0229 OIL RESERVOIRS Depositional and diagenetic facies patterns and reservoir development in Silurian and Devonian rocks of the Permian Basin. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.216......95-1707 OIL SPILLS Appendixes to final report from the Oil Spill Commission : submitted pursuant to the Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act of 1991. L600.8 F49 APP.......95-1151 Comparison of methods for following the effects of two major oil spills on first-order streams in East Texas. N330.8 C738ME......95-0313 Final report from the Oil Spill Commission : submitted pursuant to the Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act of 1991. L600.8 F49......95-1152 Transboundary resource inventory glossary : Spanish-English : cartographic, environmental, and oil spill terms. L600.5 T687......95-0949 OPEN RECORDS ACT Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 ST29 74......95-0530 OPTOMETRY BOARD Financial report. (Optometry Board) O500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0320 ORANGE COUNTY, TEXAS Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the JOHRTS FY-94 TIP. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-4......95-1302 Results of a cultural resources survey of the proposed Centana Intrastate Pipeline Company right-of-way, Jefferson, Orange, and Newton counties, Texas. H2000.8 J356CE......95-1139 ORANGE, TEXAS Flood protection study, city of Orange, Texas. W600.8 F659PRO......95-0138 OWLS Eastern screech owl : life history, ecology, and behavior in the suburbs and countryside. Z TA475.7 M776 NO.16......95-0396 OYSTER CREEK 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994......95-0091 Appendices to the 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994 APP.......95-0094 Executive summary : 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994 SUMM.......95-0097 PALO ALTO COLLEGE Budget. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 B859 1995/6......95-1864 College catalog. (Palo Alto College) Z P075.5 C28 1995/6......95-1676 PALO PINTO COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources evaluation of the Blue Flats Disposal Site, Palo Pinto County, Texas. H2000.8 P186......95-2143 PANHANDLE (TEXAS) Wind resource screening in the Texas Panhandle. Z W352.7 R299 NO.94-1......95-0210 PANOLA COLLEGE Financial report. (Panola College) Z P130.3 F49 1993/4......95-0164 Toward 2000 : a long-range plan for Panola College. Z P130.8 L853 1993-2000......95-1531 PANOLA COUNTY, TEXAS National register testing of four historic archaeological sites in the Martin Lake B West mine, Panola County, Texas. H2000.8 P194......95-1736 PARASITES Anaplasmosis in beef cattle. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5098......95-0181 Releases of exotic parasitoids and predators of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), in the Texas Panhandle, 1987-1993. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1720......95-0402 Suggestions for managing external parasites of Texas livestock and poultry. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1306 1994......95-0184 PARENTAL KIDNAPPING Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 C868 74......95-0519 PARENTING Directory : child abuse and neglect prevention programs. C1155.5 C437 1995......95-0460 Prevention of child abuse and neglect : program evaluation report, fiscal year 1994. C1155.8 C437 1993/4......95-1090 Prevention of child abuse and neglect : program evaluation report, fiscal year 1994. C1155.8 C437 1993/4 SUMM.......95-0887 PARIS JUNIOR COLLEGE Annual report. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.3 AN78 1994/5......95-2089 Budget. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.3 B859 1994/5......95-1034 College catalog. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.5 C28 1995/7......95-1198 Community master plan report for higher education at Paris Junior College. Z P150.8 C737 1994......95-0165 Financial report. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0166 PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT Annual aircraft flight log and operating costs : for the period September 1 ... through August 31 ... . (Parks and Wildlife Department) P400.3 AI78 1993/4......95-0107 Financial report. (Parks and Wildlife Department) P400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0321 Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 Operational plan. (Parks and Wildlife Department) P400.3 OP2 1994/5......95-0110 Programs and recreation opportunities. (Parks and Wildlife Department) P400.1 P943 1995......95-2195 Texas Parks & Wildlife Department public lands : TAC [sections] 59.61-59.64 : policy guidelines for acquisition, development, operation, management & use. P400.4 P96 1995......95-0779 PAROLE Abolishing parole for offenders sentenced to prison for violent offenses : impact analysis. C4850.8 AB78......95-0897 Component reports to the Steering Committee. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.8 C738......95-1592 Continuous electronic monitoring in Texas : issues for consideration. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.8 C767......95-0898 Texas justice statistics compendium. Z S205.8 T312JU......95-0835 PARTNERSHIP Filing guide for corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, assumed name, registered limited liability partnership & trademark documents. S500.5 F476C 94/12......95-0585 Texas business organizations : choice of entity and formation. B600.8 C452......95-0684 PASTURES Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 PATENTS Business disputes along the information superhighway. B600.8 B964DIA......95-1583 Intellectual property law. B600.8 IN8PR 1995......95-1082 PAVEMENT MARKERS Improved communication of a left exit lane drop using pavement markings. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-27......95-1320 Retroreflective raised pavement markers : a two-year field evaluation in Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.1946-3F......95-0819 PAVEMENTS Analysis of jointed concrete pavement. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-10......95-1650 Bonded concrete overlay (BCO) project selection, design, and construction. T1311.7 R311 NO.920-6F......95-1297 Construction of rehabilitation test sections on US 59 in the Lufkin District. T1311.7 R311 NO.987-3......95-1651 Design specifications and implementation requirements for a Texas long-term pavement performance program. T1311.7 R311 NO.1908-2......95-1299 Development and construction of the Texas supplemental maintenance effectiveness research program (SMERP) experiment. T1311.7 R311 NO.1981-1F 1994......95-0810 Development of a bonded concrete overlay computer-aided design system. T1311.7 R311 NO.2911-1......95-1652 Effects of aggregate blends on the properties of Portland cement concrete pavements. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-8......95-1307 Evaluation of flexible pavements and subgrades using the spectral-analysis-of-surface-waves (SASW) method. T1311.7 R311 NO.1175-7F......95-1312 Field performance of maintenance treatments constructed with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). T1311.7 R311 NO.187-24......95-1316 Field tests and analyses of concrete pavement in Texarkana and La Porte, Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-7......95-0812 Ground penetrating radar applications on roads and highways. T1311.7 R311 NO.1923-2F......95-1510 Guidelines for the construction of fast track concrete paving intersections. T1311.7 R311 NO.1385-1F 94/06......95-0815 Guidelines on the use of RAP in routine maintenance activities. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1272-2F 1994......95-0816 Implementation manual for the use of bonding materials for piezoelectric traffic monitoring sensors. T1311.7 R311 NO.2039-2F......95-1318 Implementation of the Texas ground penetrating radar system. T1311.7 R311 NO.1233-1 1994......95-1319 Influence of coarse aggregate shape and surface texture on rutting of hot mix asphalt concrete. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-6 94/10......95-1324 Investigation of parameters affecting the interface bonding of thin concrete overlays due to vehicular vibration. T1311.7 R311 NO.1920-2......95-1007 Method for estimating the remaining life of continuously reinforced concrete pavements. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-12......95-1657 Network-level deflection data collection for rigid pavements. T1311.7 R311 NO.1908-3......95-1328 Prime coat methods and materials to replace cutback asphalt. T1311.7 R311 NO.1334-1F......95-1516 Procedure for classification of coarse aggregates based on properties affecting performance. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-9......95-1331 PEACE OFFICERS To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature : report of the Committee on Public Safety, Texas House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 P96S 74......95-0545 PEANUTS Production of Virginia peanuts in the Rolling Plains and southern High Plains of Texas. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5140......95-1887 Suggestions for weed control in peanuts. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6010......95-2241 PECANS Controlling the pecan nut casebearer. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5134......95-1885 Managing insect and mite pests of commercial pecans in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1238 1995......95-1214 Pecan crop forecasts, cold storage holding, and season's average blend prices. Z TA225.7 F119PAS NO.94-7......95-0173 PECOS RIVER COMPACT COMMISSIONER Financial report. (Pecos River Compact Commissioner) P900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0571 PEDERNALES FALLS STATE SCENIC STATE PARK Plants of Pedernales Falls State Park : a plant checklist and ecological summary. P500 P412PL......95-0324 PENAL CODE Chapters 36 & 39, Texas Penal Code : bribery and corrupt influence : effective September 1, 1993. E2500.4 B76 1995......95-1420 Texas Punishment Standards Commission final report : recommendations to the 73rd Legislature. P3975.8 R245 1993......95-0793 PENSION REVIEW BOARD Biennial report. (Pension Review Board) P980.3 B477 1992/4......95-0573 Financial report. (Pension Review Board) P980.3 F49 1993/4......95-0572 PENSIONS Financial report. (Coastal Water Authority) C1975.3 F49AUP 1993/4......95-1093 Public retirement systems of Texas. P980.8 P96......95-0782 PEPPERS Evaluations of pepper breeding lines for stress resistance, 1991-1994. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5255......95-1050 Pepper weevil and its management. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5069 1995......95-2239 PERFORMANCE REPORTS Performance report. (Governor, Office of the. Criminal Justice Division) G821.3 P416 1993/4......95-2131 Staff performance report to the ... Legislature. (Legislative Budget Board) L1300.3 P416 74......95-0302 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) : crime victim assistance program performance report manual. G821.5 V664......95-0478 PERIODICALS 4-H youth focus : state 4-H newsletter for county extension agents. Z TA265.6 Y88......95-0404 PERIODICALS Agrifood master : teaching the foundation of the nation : the statewide newsletter of the Texas AgriFood Masters (TAM) Program. Z TA265.6 AG83FO......95-0842 Alimento y familia. H600.6 F739 SPAN.......95-2135 Appraiser report. R910.6 AP65......95-1644 Around the bend : news of the Coastal Bend's bays & estuaries. N330.6 AR67......95-0399 Arts Texas : Texas Commission on the Arts newsletter. A2200.6 N474......95-0447 Big Bend Ranch State Park newsletter. P400.6 B48......95-1629 Bulletin. (University of Houston) Z U400.6 EN89......95-1900 Capitol news. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.6 C172......95-0980 CHN : communi[t]y health nursing-- caring for communities : community health nursing newsletter. H600.6 P96HEN......95-0058 CII news. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.6 C489......95-1711 City forester : a quarterly publication of the Texas Urban Forestry Council. F1400.6 C498......95-1696 Close up. (Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, Commission on) L900.6 C624......95-1157 CLU : criminal law update. A2400.6 C868L......95-1244 Collaboration. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C683......95-1719 Communique : speech communication newsletter. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.6 SP32......95-1534 Communities : a newsletter highlighting successful community development programs. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.6 C737......95-0843 Comptimes : a quarterly news and information letter. (Workers' Compensation Commission) W1900.6 T912......95-0599 Consumer news. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C766......95-1249 Cornerstone : a quarterly newsletter from the Texas Diabetes Council/Texas Department of Health. D1300.6 C815......95-0902 County adoption-- effective yr/qtr ... ; City additional adoption-- effective yr/qtr ... ; Special purpose district (SPD) adoption effective yr/qtr ... . C2600.6 C832C......95-1925 CRCB newsletter. (Court Reporters Certification Board) C4444.6 C859......95-0265 F.Y.I. newsletter. (Texas A&M University. Texas Literacy Resource Center) Z TA200.6 F992......95-1206 Families first. (Children and Youth, Commission on) C1151.6 F21......95-1086 First impressions : Texas Early Childhood and Elementary School Mentor Network : a 21st century imperative. E500.6 F519......95-0715 Focus. (Lee College) Z L300.6 F684......95-1673 Food & family. H600.6 F739......95-2136 For your benefit. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.6 ER81......95-1111 Foreign office report. (Commerce, Department of) C2300.6 F761......95-0688 Gas utility information bulletin. R585.6 IN3......95-0580 Gateway to WIC : a bulletin from the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants & children. H600.6 G223......95-1425 Health law news. Z U406.6 N477......95-0428 Hispanic law journal. Z UA345.6 H625......95-1390 Incident summary. (Health, Department of) H600.6 IN2......95-1426 Ingenuity. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.6 IN4......95-1889 JSEC news. (Employment Commission) E2100.6 J869......95-0914 Legislative appropriations request. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 R299L......95-0605 Legislative appropriations request. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 B859E......95-0911 Legislative appropriations request. (Lottery Commission) L2503.3 B859E......95-0311 Legislative appropriations request. (North Central Texas College) Z C680.3 R299L......95-0163 Legislative appropriations request. (South Texas Community College) Z S705.3 R299L......95-0385 Look. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.6 L872......95-1690 LVN newsletter. V1000.6 N477......95-1185 MD Anderson oncolog. Z UM100.6 R299......95-1240 Middle school spotlight. E500.6 M584......95-1103 News. (Juvenile Probation Commission) J850.6 N477......95-0077 News and notes from the vice chancellor's office. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.6 N474......95-1883 Newsbriefs. (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center) Z TT550.6 N475......95-2101 Newsletter. (Land Surveying, Board of Professional) L700.6 N477......95-1281 Nursing facility administrators quarterly. H600.6 N938......95-1261 On balance : promoting health, wealth, and well-being in the workplace. Z S770.6 ON1......95-0389 On the coast : a bimonthly newsletter of the Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.6 C631......95-1153 Perinatal forum. Z UM305.6 P418......95-1568 Quarterly FDO bulletin. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.6 Q28......95-1495 Quest : the research magazine of Texas Woman's University. Z TW700.6 Q38......95-0191 Quick look at PRS. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.6 Q4......95-1489 RCE intelliscope : a quarterly focus on the IVHS Research Centers of Excellence Program. Z TA505.6 R219......95-1560 Research alert. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.6 R311......95-0403 RICIS review. (University of Houston - Clear Lake. Research Institute for Computing and Information Systems) Z U510.6 R419......95-0426 Rural social science education : RSSE. Z TA455.6 R88......95-1207 Source : news and information from the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of HIV and STD Prevention. H600.6 H641......95-0484 Spectrum. (University of North Texas) Z N700.6 SP32......95-1565 SRActivities. (Sabine River Authority) S050.6 SR11......95-1174 State of the states : a look at tax and budget issues in the 50 states. C2600.6 ST29ST......95-1252 Statistical bulletin. (Workers' Compensation Research Center) W2000.6 ST29......95-0354 SUPA news : the newsletter for friends of the UTA School of Urban and Public Affairs. Z UA150.6 SU76......95-1229 TALL insight. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.6 T144......95-1549 Tech topics : a chronicle of private giving to Texas Tech. Z TT300.6 T225TO......95-2100 Texas birth defects monitor. H661.6 T312......95-1262 Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON) quarterly progress report. Z C800.6 T312......95-0176 Texas HIV/STD update. H600.6 H641UP......95-1724 Texas hotel performance report. C2300.6 T312HOP ......95-1095 Texas insurance consumer advocate. I1130.6 IN7CO......95-1459 Texas monarch watch. P400.6 T312MO......95-0778 Texas on-site insights : information about on-site wastewater treatment systems in Texas. Z TA545.6 ON1......95-0398 Texas risk factor report : behavioral risk factor surveillance system. H653.6 T312RI......95-0292 Texas state agency periodicals in the Legislative Reference Library. L1700.5 P418 1994......95-0514 Texas talk : family health newsletter. H781.6 T144......95-1605 Texas Wetlands Plan update. P400.6 T312WE......95-1291 Texas workers' compensation system data report. W1900.6 T312......95-1016 Trainer agent topics : training and management ideas that work. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.6 T682......95-1550 Transportation news. T1300.6 T687N......95-1182 Tree health newsletter. Z TA200.6 T714......95-2225 TSU quarterly. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.6 T789......95-2097 TxDOT's federal flyer. T1300.6 F317......95-1183 Update. (Employment Commission) E2100.6 UP1......95-1112 Update : the effects of the Mexican financial situation on the Texas economy. C2300.6 UP1......95-1720 Wellhead protection update. N330.6 W459P......95-1481 Wellness exchange : a quarterly report from the Social Work Wellness Project. C330.6 W462......95-0457 Working with you : ideas and resources for worksite health promotion. C330.6 W892......95-0458 PERMANENT UNIVERSITY FUND Permanent university fund investment report. (University of Texas System) Z US900.3 P422 1993/4......95-0208 PERMIAN BASIN Depositional and diagenetic facies patterns and reservoir development in Silurian and Devonian rocks of the Permian Basin. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.216......95-1707 PERSONAL CARE HOMES 1995 profile of licensed nursing homes in Texas. H2600.5 P943 1995......95-1616 Directory of personal care facilities licensed in Texas. H2600.5 D628PE......95-1458 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Supervision in social work. H600.8 SU76 1995......95-1945 Trainer agent topics : training and management ideas that work. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.6 T682......95-1550 PEST CONTROL Controlling the pecan nut casebearer. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5134......95-1885 Cultural control of the boll weevil : a four season approach-- Texas Rolling Plains. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1721......95-1208 Integrated pest management guide for Texas forage crops. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1401 1995......95-2092 Management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans-Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209 1995......95-1374 Management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210 1995......95-1212 Management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204 1995......95-1213 Managing insect and mite pests of commercial pecans in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1238 1995......95-1214 Managing insect and mite pests of Texas corn. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1366 1995......95-1215 Pepper weevil and its management. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5069 1995......95-2239 Pink bollworm : management in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1511 1994......95-0624 Releases of exotic parasitoids and predators of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), in the Texas Panhandle, 1987-1993. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1720......95-0402 Structural pesticide applicator training general manual : commercial, noncommercial, technician. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5073......95-1547 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204A 1995......95-1219 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209A 1995......95-1548 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210A 1995......95-1220 White grubs in Texas turfgrass. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.1131 1995......95-2096 PESTICIDE LAW Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 PESTICIDES Guide to drug, vaccine, and pesticide use in aquaculture. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5085......95-1372 Integrated pest management guide for Texas forage crops. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1401 1995......95-2092 Management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans-Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209 1995......95-1374 Management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210 1995......95-1212 Management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204 1995......95-1213 Managing insect and mite pests of commercial pecans in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1238 1995......95-1214 Managing insect and mite pests of Texas corn. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1366 1995......95-1215 Pesticide use by Texas nursery crop growers. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6000......95-0623 Pesticide use by Texas turfgrass growers. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6005......95-1545 Structural pesticide applicator training general manual : commercial, noncommercial, technician. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5073......95-1547 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the southern, eastern, and Blackland areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1204A 1995......95-1219 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the High Plains, Rolling Plains, and Trans Pecos areas of Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1209A 1995......95-1548 Suggested insecticides for management of cotton insects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1210A 1995......95-1220 Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 Texas plant diseases handbook : chemical control supplement for vegetables. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1140B 1994......95-1375 PETROLEUM Report to the 74th Texas Legislature : used oil recycling. N330.8 US2......95-0970 PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Advanced Oil, Gas & Mineral Law Course. B600.8 AD95OIG 1994......95-0229 Rules having statewide general application to oil, gas, and geothermal resource operations within the state of Texas. R553.4 ST29RUF 1994......95-0579 Waste minimization in the oil field. R553.8 W288......95-1641 PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS Committee on Natural Resources interim report, 1994. L1801.9 N219 74......95-0527 Guidance for risk-based assessments at LPST sites in Texas : emphasizing initial investigations and Plan A evaluation. N330.7 R339 NO.175......95-2183 Interim report of the Joint Interim Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks. L1836.74 P448......95-0304 Petroleum Storage Tank Program : reimbursement from the Petroleum Storage Tank Remediation Fund. N330.7 R339 NO.144......95-2187 Preapproval for corrective action activities. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.7 R339 NO.111......95-2188 PST news : petroleum storage tank. N330.6 P959......95-2190 PFLUGERVILLE, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-168......95-2018 PHARMACY, BOARD OF Annual report. (Pharmacy, Board of) P1200.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1631 Financial report. (Pharmacy, Board of) P1200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0114 PHYSICAL THERAPY AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EXAMINERS, EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF Biennial report. (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of) P1325.3 B477 1993-4......95-0327 Financial report. (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of) P1325.3 F49 1993/4......95-0326 Information resources strategic plan, 1996-1997. (Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of) P1325.3 ST82IN 1996-7......95-0783 PHYSICIANS Directory of licensed and registered physicians and surgeons in Texas. M800.5 D628 1994......95-0761 Evaluation of the physician indemnification program : a report to the Seventy-fourth Texas Legislature. H350.8 P569......95-2133 Medical Practice Act of Texas and other statutes relating to physicians. M800.4 M468P 1994 REV.......95-1953 Physician work force strategy for Texas : a report to the Subcommittees on Health and Human Services and Education of the House Appropriations Committee. H600.8 P569......95-0736 Professional liability statistics for physicians practicing in Texas as of ... . M800.8 P942LIS 1994......95-2180 Professional liability statistics for physicians practicing in Texas as of ... . M800.8 P942LIS 1995......95-1954 PHYSICS Semiconductor physics and chemistry I. Z TA325.8 SE51 V.2......95-0633 PINTO BEANS Pinto beans : Texas commercial vegetable growers guide. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5012......95-0411 PIPELINES Calculating horsepower requirements and sizing irrigation supply pipelines. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6011......95-2234 PLAINVIEW, TEXAS Final report : archeological survey report of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Plainview facility, Hale County, Texas : TAC permit #1445. A1900.7 P422 NO.1445......95-0941 PLANO, TEXAS Cultural resources evaluation of the Plano municipal golf course. A1900.7 P422 NO.1385......95-0491 PLANT DISEASES Disease response of grain sorghum hybrids. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6004......95-1540 Gall-making insects and mites. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.1299 1994......95-0409 Texas plant diseases handbook : chemical control supplement for vegetables. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1140B 1994......95-1375 PLANT NURSERIES Pesticide use by Texas nursery crop growers. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6000......95-0623 PLANTS Guide to plant identification, Smith Rockshelter Trail, McKinney Falls State Park, Austin, Texas. P500 M215P......95-1482 Plants of Pedernales Falls State Park : a plant checklist and ecological summary. P500 P412PL......95-0324 Springflow augmentation of Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs, Texas : phase I--feasibility study. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.247......95-0858 PLUMBING EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Plumbing Examiners, Board of) P1900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0784 PODIATRY EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Podiatry Examiners, Board of) P2000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0977 POISONS Guidelines for the detection and management of lead poisoning for physicians and health care providers. H600.5 G941LEP......95-0735 POLITICAL CANDIDATES Chapter 302, Texas Government Code : speaker of the House of Representatives : effective September 1, 1993. E2500.4 C161 1995......95-1417 POLK COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resource survey of Alabama-Coushatta Reservation well no. 5 (lease no. 14-20-0208-5265), Polk County, Texas. H2000.8 P759......95-1266 POLLUTION Autobody shops : an overview of pollution prevention, rules, and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.84 1995......95-2182 Clean cities 2000 program guide : recruiting municipalities to voluntarily reduce solid waste going to landfills, and to reduce pollution going into Texas' skies, land, and waterways by the year 2000. N330.8 C58......95-0765 Clean Industries 2000 directory. N330.5 C58IN......95-0962 Clean industries 2000 : program description. N330.7 R339 NO.143......95-1955 Cotton gin plant compliance with air pollution regulations in Texas : effect on plant costs and returns. Z TA225.7 IN3 NO.94-3......95-0171 Managing environmental risks in Texas : background papers. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.78-79......95-0437 Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling : Clean Texas 2000, pollution prevention, recycling. N330.1 C58 1995......95-1956 Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling : Clean Texas 2000, pollution prevention, recycling. N330.1 C58 1995B......95-2186 Pollution prevention ideas from Texas industries : a case study compendium. N330.8 P765......95-0564 Quality assurance project plan for NAMS, SLAMS, and PAMS monitoring in Texas : state plan. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.7 R339 NO.97......95-0967 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature : pollution prevention and waste reduction in Texas. N330.8 P765WA......95-0969 Talleres de carroceria : un resumen de la prevencion, las normas y los permisos sobre la contaminacion. N330.7 R339 NO.84A 1995 SPAN.......95-1627 Teachers air education handbook. N330.5 T22......95-1628 Use determination for pollution control property : guidelines for implementing House Bill 1920 and November 1993 constitutional amendment proposition 2. N330.7 R339 NO.102......95-0771 POLYGRAPH EXAMINERS BOARD Financial report. (Polygraph Examiners Board) P2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0115 PONDS Water gardening in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6001......95-1223 POOR Final report, improvement of special populations coordinators. Z N700.8 IM7F......95-1702 Health and human services provided by Texas public institutions of higher education to the people of Texas. C3400.8 H349HU......95-0702 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature on health care for women and children in Texas. H600.8 R299HEC......95-0928 Texas 1115 Medicaid waiver : state of Texas access reform. H350.8 M468WA 1995......95-2134 Trainers' manual and participants' guide. (University of North Texas) Z N700.8 IM7T......95-1703 Unique needs study report. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.8 UN3......95-0469 POPULATION Demography of the Texas elderly population. Z TA455.7 T226 NO.95-1......95-1370 POPULATION STATISTICS Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 POULTRY Hatching eggs in the classroom : a teacher's guide. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5084......95-0410 Home broiler flock. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.7 L47 NO.1247 1995......95-2091 Suggestions for managing external parasites of Texas livestock and poultry. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1306 1994......95-0184 Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 POWER PLANTS Annual report, operating nuclear power plants serving Texas. P3750.7 OP25 1992......95-1640 Assessment of the potential for stranded investment in Texas. P3750.8 AS74......95-1750 Electric generating unit inventory. P3750.8 IN8EL 1994......95-0333 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1992......95-1427 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1993......95-1428 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1994......95-1429 PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Budget. (Prairie View A&M University) Z P800.3 B859 1995/6......95-2217 PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE Annual report. (Prairie View A&M University) Z P800.3 AN78ENA 1993/4......95-1035 PREGNANCY Determining pregnancy in cattle. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1077 1995......95-2236 Perinatal forum. Z UM305.6 P418......95-1568 PRESCHOOL EDUCATION Texas evaluation study of prekindergarten programs : final report summary. E500.8 T312EV SUMM.......95-0908 PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Mental Health Institute : how to represent clients in involuntary commitment and forced medication hearings. B600.8 M528......95-1585 PRESERVATION BOARD Annual report. (Preservation Board) P2350.3 AN78CA 1993/4......95-1635 Budget. (Preservation Board) P2350.3 B859 1994......95-0978 Financial report. (Preservation Board) P2350.3 F49 1993/4......95-0116 Official Texas administrative code. Title 13 : cultural resources. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 13......95-0995 Self-evaluation report to the Sunset Advisory Commission : background, policy issues, additional data, comments. (Preservation Board) P2350.1 SE48......95-1634 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the State Preservation Board. S1500.8 P926......95-0342 State Preservation Board information resource strategic plan, 1995-1999. P2350.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0328 PRESIDIO COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed water system improvement project for the community of Ruidosa, Presidio County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1440......95-0497 PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE 1996 cancer prevention & control initiatives : an overview of Texas Cancer Plan projects. C330.8 C16 1996......95-1919 Collaboration among Texas medical schools to improve education in cancer prevention and detection. C330.8 C683......95-0885 Long range state plan for disability prevention in Texas : strategies for prevention, 1994-2000. D1100.8 L853 1994-2000......95-0901 Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant state plan and ... annual report. H600.3 P928ST 1994/5......95-1944 Public Health Region 11. H600.1 P96H NO.11......95-2137 Source : news and information from the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of HIV and STD Prevention. H600.6 H641......95-0484 Tattletooth II, a new generation : kindergarten : something to smile about. H600.8 T189KI SPAN.......95-0929 Texas HIV prevention community planning handbook. H600.5 T312H......95-1430 Texas HIV/STD update. H600.6 H641UP......95-1724 Texas risk factor report : behavioral risk factor surveillance system. H653.6 T312RI......95-0292 Wellness exchange : a quarterly report from the Social Work Wellness Project. C330.6 W462......95-0457 Working with you : ideas and resources for worksite health promotion. C330.6 W892......95-0458 PRISONERS Criminal justice system population projection, 1991-1997. C4850.8 P819......95-0708 Criminal justice system population projections, 1991-1997 : briefing to House Corrections Committee, Allen Hightower, chairman. C4850.8 P819B......95-0709 [Procedures used to complete survey of juvenile detainees in Texas adult jails and to complete Texas directory of adult jails]. J040.8 C868S......95-1621 Projected impact of S.B. 15 under different policy assumptions : summary report. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.8 P943IM SUMM.......95-0710 Projection of correctional populations in Texas, FY 1994-2000. C4850.8 P943CO 95/03......95-0711 Projection of female correctional populations in Texas, FY 1996-2000. C4850.8 P943FE 1996-2000......95-2124 Testing the case for more incarceration in Texas : the record so far. C4850.8 T288 1995......95-1930 Texas treatment initiative : overview and recommendations from the Criminal Justice Policy Council program evaluations. C4850.8 T312TR......95-0899 PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS AND PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES, BOARD OF Financial report. (Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies, Board of) P3150.3 F49 1993/4......95-0117 PRIVATE SCHOOLS Texas private school immunization report. H661.8 P939IM 1992/3......95-0739 Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 PRIVATIZATION Privatizing public education : the Texas experience. Z UA150.8 P939......95-1064 PROBATE Advanced drafting : estate planning and probate course. B600.8 AD95DEP 1994......95-0228 Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 PROBATION Texas justice statistics compendium. Z S205.8 T312JU......95-0835 Texas juvenile probation standards : standards for juvenile boards, probation officers, and facilities in Texas. J850.4 T312JUP 1995......95-2165 PROBATION OFFICERS Texas juvenile probation standards : standards for juvenile boards, probation officers, and facilities in Texas. J850.4 T312JUP 1995......95-2165 PROBATIONERS Continuous electronic monitoring in Texas : issues for consideration. (Criminal Justice Policy Council) C4850.8 C767......95-0898 Texas treatment initiative : overview and recommendations from the Criminal Justice Policy Council program evaluations. C4850.8 T312TR......95-0899 PROCEDURES MANUALS Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 Air compliance kit. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.5 AI72CO......95-0092 Appendices, universities and health science centers, community and technical colleges. C3400.5 R299 1995 APP.......95-1407 Autobody shops : an overview of pollution prevention, rules, and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.84 1995......95-2182 Certification curriculum manual for paid fire protection personnel. F750.5 C337PA......95-0917 Computing at Texas Tech. Z TT300.5 C739 1995......95-1896 Conteniendo la composta : construyendo una caja o un cajon para la composta en su jardin. N330.5 C767 SPAN.......95-0095 Crude oil tax report tape reporting system. C2600.5 T199GCR 1995......95-0890 Data standards for school district data delivery. E500.8 D262ST 1995/6......95-1102 Desarollo de habilidades para la busqueda de trabajo : guia del participante. E2100.5 D451 SPAN.......95-1415 Dry cleaners : an overview of pollution prevention, rules and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.114......95-1468 Explanation of the Texas Water Development Board ground-water level monitoring program and water-level measurement manual. W600.5 EX73......95-0597 Filing guide for corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, assumed name, registered limited liability partnership & trademark documents. S500.5 F476C 94/12......95-0585 Financial management manual for TDCJ-CJAD funding. C4830.5 F49 1995......95-1929 Finding child care : a guide to CCMS services for parents of children with disabilities = Cuidado de ninos : guia de servicios de CCMS para los padres del nino que tiene una incapacidad. H2600.5 F492CHCG......95-0294 Guia de planeacion del programa especialistas en composta para la promocion de la composta en el hogar y la reduccion de recortes de cesped. N330.5 M393P SPAN.......95-0315 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU......95-1598 Guide to the 1995 Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. E2500.5 G941JU 95/09......95-1933 Guide to the Texas Legislative Council. L1400.8 L524G 1994......95-0084 Guidelines for the classification & coding of industrial wastes and hazardous wastes. N330.5 G941 1995......95-2184 Guidelines for the detection and management of lead poisoning for physicians and health care providers. H600.5 G941LEP......95-0735 Hazardous waste : a management guide for small businesses. N330.5 H336......95-1746 Home-seller's guide. R800.5 H752SE......95-1199 How to get an interview : how to get a job offer : how to negotiate a higher salary and better benefits : the successful nontraditional method : the job search workshop manual of the Texas Employment Commission's Dislocated Worker Program. E2100.5 J575WO......95-0047 How to manage an information technology project. I525.5 H83M......95-0298 How to prepare the biennial operating plan : instructions for state agencies and universities, 1996-1997. I525.5 AG35 1995......95-1617 IFTA Texas guidebook. C2600.5 IF7......95-1926 Job development [chart] : telephone format. E2100.5 J575DE......95-0722 Learning to work : making the business and industry connection for tech prep programs : a manual for developing advanced skills courses at community and technical colleges. Z TS815.5 L479......95-0189 Legislative guide. (Ethics Commission) E2500.5 L525GU......95-0274 Manual de capacitacion para especialistas en composta. N330.5 M393T SPAN.......95-0316 Municipal solid waste services full cost accounting workbook for Texas local governments. N330.7 R339 NO.127......95-1166 (My) futures-- : a TEC career planner for--. E2100.5 M99 1995......95-1932 Planning information resources for tomorrow : instructions for preparing and submitting agency information resources strategic plans for the FY 1995-1999 period. I525.5 IN75FS 1995-9 94/08......95-0073 Preapproval for corrective action activities. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.7 R339 NO.111......95-2188 Preservation of wood : a training manual for wood treaters. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5076 1995......95-1217 Registration and title system. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.5 R263 1995......95-2202 Reporting and procedures manual for health science centers : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299HS 1995......95-1408 Reporting and procedures manual for public community and technical colleges : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299 1995......95-1409 Reporting and procedures manual for public universities : effective September 1995. C3400.5 R299PU 1995......95-1410 Senior aware : insurance information for senior Texans. I1100.5 SE57......95-1948 So now you're a judge-- . (Ethics Commission) E2500.5 SO1......95-0276 Source reduction and waste minimization annual progress report : instruction manual and forms. N330.7 R339 NO.112 REV.......95-0971 State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System : STEERS user's manual version 2.1. N330.7 R339 NO.28 1995......95-1626 State of Texas, social worker licensing. H600.4 SO13 1994......95-1125 Structural pesticide applicator training general manual : commercial, noncommercial, technician. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5073......95-1547 System orientation manual : Texas library system. L1900.5 SY87ORM 1995......95-1466 Taller de carroceria en Texas exencion standard #124 : guia de requisitos y metodos de registro. N330.7 R339 NO.71A 1995 SPAN.......95-1474 Talleres de carroceria : un resumen de la prevencion, las normas y los permisos sobre la contaminacion. N330.7 R339 NO.84A 1995 SPAN.......95-1627 TASP, Texas Academic Skills Program policy manual. C3400.5 T183POM 1993......95-0468 Taxpayers' rights, remedies & responsibilities. C2625.5 P945TA 1995......95-0242 Taxpayers' rights, remedies & responsibilities. C2625.5 P945TALP 1995......95-0467 Teachers air education handbook. N330.5 T22......95-1628 Texas autobody shop standard exemption #124 : a guide to requirements and record keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.71 1995......95-1475 Texas automobile rules and rating manual : governing the insuring of automobiles and standard automobile endorsements for the state of Texas : prescribed and approved by the Texas Department of Insurance : pursuant to House Bill 2, as passed by the 72nd Legislature of the state of Texas. I1100.4 AU82 1992......95-0075 Texas HIV prevention community planning handbook. H600.5 T312H......95-1430 Texas legislative manual. L1400.5 L524M 1995......95-1158 Texas municipal compost marketing manual. N330.5 M925......95-0567 Texas preservation handbook for county historical commissions, 1994-1995. H2000.5 H629PRH 1995......95-1140 Texas public school system guidelines for purchasing Texas fruits & vegetables, 1992-1993. A900.5 T312PU 1992/3......95-0008 Texas Recycles Day : special event planning guide. N330.5 R245 1995......95-2191 Texas State 4-H Horse Show, 1995 : rules and regulations. Z TA265.8 T312HO 1995......95-1222 Texas thermoset resin facilities standard exemption #113 : a guide to requirements and record-keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.135......95-1476 Texas Veterans Land Program. L400.5 V641 1995......95-2166 Texas Veterans Land Program : appraisal conference guidebook for developers. L400.5 T312VE 1994......95-0945 Texas watch : volunteer environmental monitoring trainer's manual. N330.5 T312WA 1994......95-0770 Thermoset resin facilities : an overview of pollution prevention, rules, and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.113 95/07......95-1960 TNRCC electronic reporting requirements. N330.5 EL25......95-0975 Traffic operations manual : highway safety traffic safety volume. T1300.5 T676HI......95-0346 Training approval procedures. (Fire Protection, Commission on) F750.5 T682 1994......95-0280 Truth-in-taxation : a guide for setting tax rates. C2600.5 P945 1995......95-1590 Tuberculosis II. Z UH500.5 B765 1995......95-0868 Use determination for pollution control property : guidelines for implementing House Bill 1920 and November 1993 constitutional amendment proposition 2. N330.7 R339 NO.102......95-0771 Vehicle registration manual. T1322.5 M857R 1993......95-0594 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) : crime victim assistance program performance report manual. G821.5 V664......95-0478 Your child with tuberculosis : a guide for parents and guardians. Z UH500.5 Y88......95-2115 PROCESS INDUSTRIES Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1988......95-1553 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1989......95-1554 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1991......95-1555 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1992......95-1556 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1993......95-1557 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1994......95-1695 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1995......95-1558 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Advanced Consumer Bankruptcy Law Course. B600.8 AD95COB 1994......95-0024 Advanced Criminal Law Course. B600.8 AD95CL 1994......95-0450 Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 Advanced family law course. B600.8 AD95F 1994......95-0451 Chapter 572, Texas Government Code : personal financial disclosure, standards of conduct, and conflict of interest : effective May 11, 1995. E2500.4 P432 1995......95-2129 PROFESSIONAL LICENSES Amendments to the Real Estate License Act : article 6573a, Vernon's Texas civil statutes : 74th Legislature regular session. R900.4 P949A 1995......95-1642 Directory of licensed administrators and child care institutions. P3275.5 D628L 1995......95-1171 Directory of licensed and registered physicians and surgeons in Texas. M800.5 D628 1994......95-0761 Guide to Texas business licenses & permits. C2300.5 T312G 1995......95-1094 Obtaining a Texas real estate sales license. R800.8 OB7YL 1995......95-1041 Roster. (Psychologists, Board of Examiners of) P3300.5 R739 1995......95-1172 State of Texas, social worker licensing. H600.4 SO13 1994......95-1125 Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying : summary report on the legal, analytical, and reciprocal examinations (9504). L700.8 T287 SUMM. 95/04......95-1156 PROPERTY INSURANCE 1993 state of Texas property and casualty insurance experience by coverage and carriers : compiled from the Texas page 14 of The NAIC annual statement for the calendar year ending December 31, 1993. I1100.8 P945 1993......95-0749 PROPERTY RIGHTS Committee on Natural Resources interim report, 1994. L1801.9 N219 74......95-0527 Property rights : a balance of interests. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-3......95-0539 PROPERTY TAX BOARD Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 PROPERTY TAXES Annual property tax report. C2625.3 AN78P 1993......95-0697 Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 Appraisal district directory. C2625.5 P945TAA 1995......95-1406 Appraisal district operations report, 1994 & 1995 data. C2625.8 AP65 1994/5......95-1253 Committee on Ways and Means, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 W368 74......95-0533 Derechos, recursos y responsabilidades del contribuyente de impuestos. C2625.5 P945TA SPAN. 1995......95-0698 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1992......95-0241 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1994......95-2119 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Preliminary report. C2625.8 P945VP 1994......95-0699 Taxpayers' rights, remedies & responsibilities. C2625.5 P945TA 1995......95-0242 Taxpayers' rights, remedies & responsibilities. C2625.5 P945TALP 1995......95-0467 Texas property taxes, 1982-93. R800.8 T312PR 1982-93......95-1043 Truth-in-taxation : a guide for setting tax rates. C2600.5 P945 1995......95-1590 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Budget. (Court of Criminal Appeals) C4200.3 B859PR 1993/4......95-0263 PROTECTIVE AND REGULATORY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Annual report. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1486 Annual report. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1487 Financial report. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.3 F49 1993/4......95-0329 Financial report. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0574 Quick look at PRS. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.6 Q4......95-1489 PROTECTIVE SERVICES Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 PROTECTIVE SERVICES STATISTICS Legislative data book. (Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of) P3275.8 L524 1993/4......95-1292 PSYCHOLOGISTS Roster. (Psychologists, Board of Examiners of) P3300.5 R739 1995......95-1172 PSYCHOLOGISTS, BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF Financial report. (Psychologists, Board of Examiners of) P3300.3 F49 1993/4......95-1637 Psychologists' Certification and Licensing Act ; and, Rules and regulations of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. P3300.4 P959 1995......95-0979 Roster. (Psychologists, Board of Examiners of) P3300.5 R739 1995......95-1172 PSYCHOLOGISTS' CERTIFICATION AND LICENSING ACT Psychologists' Certification and Licensing Act ; and, Rules and regulations of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. P3300.4 P959 1995......95-0979 PUBIC UTILITY COMMISSION Texas alternatives : competitive and regulatory options in telecommunications and electric power : a roadmap for meeting new challenges : a report to the 74th Legislature. L1836.74 T235......95-0754 PUBLIC HEALTH 1995/96 Texas state health plan. H600.8 H349P 1995-6......95-0481 Access to primary health care in Texas. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.81......95-1712 Border health authority : issues and design. Z UA320.7 US1 NO.6......95-1388 CHN : communi[t]y health nursing-- caring for communities : community health nursing newsletter. H600.6 P96HEN......95-0058 Committee on Public Health, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 P96 74......95-0529 Effects of LoneSTAR in Travis County. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847TR......95-1122 Identification, confirmation, and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.8 ID2C 1995......95-1943 LoneSTAR implementation report. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847......95-0927 Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant state plan and ... annual report. H600.3 P928ST 1994/5......95-1944 Public Health Region 11. H600.1 P96H NO.11......95-2137 Rural health in Texas : a report to the Governor and the 74th Texas Legislature. H852.8 R88H 1995......95-0485 PUBLIC HEALTH CARE Final report and recommendations. (Health and Human Services Commission) H350.8 F49LO......95-0732 Health and human services provided by Texas public institutions of higher education to the people of Texas. C3400.8 H349HU......95-0702 PUBLIC LAND Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.8 C631mapR......95-0751 Texas Parks & Wildlife Department public lands : TAC [sections] 59.61-59.64 : policy guidelines for acquisition, development, operation, management & use. P400.4 P96 1995......95-0779 PUBLIC OPINION Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1991......95-0615 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1992......95-0616 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1993......95-0617 PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF Annual report. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.3 AN78 1994......95-1962 Audit report on legislative information review of the Texas Department of Public Safety. A2800.8 L524IN......95-0014 Capitol news. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.6 C172......95-0980 DPS law : chapter 411, Texas Government Code, 1993-1994. P3500.4 D779 1993/4......95-0981 Financial report. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0118 Financial report. (Public Safety, Department of) P3500.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0330 Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement on the Texas Department of Public Safety. P3500.8 IM7......95-0982 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 Charter schools : experiments in reform : an update. L1300.8 C385 1995......95-2173 Committee on Public Education, Texas House of Representatives interim reports, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Legislature. L1801.9 ED84 74......95-0528 Educator professional development : a key element in states' education reform efforts. L1300.8 ED83 1994......95-2174 Efficiency of the Texas public school delivery system. L1801.8 EF41......95-0756 Final report of the Joint Select Committee to Review the Central Education Agency. L1836.74 C332......95-0086 First impressions : Texas Early Childhood and Elementary School Mentor Network : a 21st century imperative. E500.6 F519......95-0715 Handbook for developing a school-based integrated support services system. W2100.5 H191......95-1524 Learner-centered schools for Texas : a vision of Texas educators : proficiencies for teachers, proficiencies for administrators, proficiencies for counselors. E500.8 L479 1995......95-2126 Middle school spotlight. E500.6 M584......95-1103 Midland ISD school performance review. C2600.8 SCH65MI......95-0464 New accountability system for Texas public schools : report of the accountability study. E450.8 N42......95-0828 New code governs public schools. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-14......95-1623 One student at a time : report of the State Board of Education, Task Force on High School Education. E500.8 ON2......95-0905 Privatizing public education : the Texas experience. Z UA150.8 P939......95-1064 Proposed administrative cost measure for Texas school districts : final report of the administrative cost study. E450.8 P945......95-0829 Report of the Senate Interim Committee on School Facilities. L1803.9 SCH65 74......95-0956 Report on grade level retention of Texas students, 1992-93 and 1993-94. E500.8 ST29REP 1995......95-0906 School performance review, San Angelo Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65SAG......95-1405 School performance review, Waco Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65WA......95-1097 Source book on Texas public school debt. B1250.8 SO84 1995......95-1083 Texas evaluation study of prekindergarten programs : final report summary. E500.8 T312EV SUMM.......95-0908 Texas public school accountability : a report card on implementation of the system. L1300.8 P96 1994......95-2175 Texas public school districts general obligation debt : a report on debt issued through .... B1250.8 T312PU 1993/4......95-1084 Texas public school system guidelines for purchasing Texas fruits & vegetables, 1992-1993. A900.5 T312PU 1992/3......95-0008 Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 Texas school performance review progress report. C2600.8 SCH65PR PT.1......95-0696 PUBLIC UTILITIES 1994 statewide electrical energy plan. P3750.3 B477STE 1993-4......95-0983 Comprehensive review of the management and operations of Colorado Valley Telephone Cooperative. P3750.8 C738CO......95-0985 Equal employment opportunities and contracting opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in the Texas telephone and electric industry. P3750.8 EQ25......95-0986 Final report, a compliance audit of Lake Livingston Telephone Company : project no. 13275. P3750.8 C738LAL......95-0789 Final report, compliance audit of Sam Houston Electric Cooperative, Inc. : project no. 13274. P3750.8 C738SAH......95-0575 Gas utility information bulletin. R585.6 IN3......95-0580 Texas electric utility company profiles. P3750.8 T312E 1994......95-1492 PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Annual report. (Public Utility Commission) P3750.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0984 Annual report. (Public Utility Commission) P3750.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1490 Financial report. (Public Utility Commission) P3750.3 F49 1993/4......95-0332 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 : a nonsubstantive recodification of PURA : effective as of April 5, 1995. P3750.4 P96 1995......95-1173 Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 : article 1446c-0 : with all amendments as of September 1, 1995. P3750.4 P96 95/09......95-1491 PUBLIC UTILITY COUNSEL, OFFICE OF Financial report. (Public Utility Counsel, Office of) P3755.3 F49 1993/4......95-0119 PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY ACT Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 : a nonsubstantive recodification of PURA : effective as of April 5, 1995. P3750.4 P96 1995......95-1173 Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 : article 1446c-0 : with all amendments as of September 1, 1995. P3750.4 P96 95/09......95-1491 PUBLICATIONS LISTS Catalog : publications, special products, video tapes, education modules, software. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.1 P942 1996......95-1710 Comprehensive list of publications, Central Texas College District. Z C310.1 C738......95-0370 Faculty publications and artistic productions. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.1 F119PUA 1994......95-1529 Publications catalog. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.1 P96......95-1958 Publications list. (University of Texas at Austin. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health) Z UA275.1 P96 1995......95-0864 Texas Department of Health forms and literature catalog. H600.1 L712 1995......95-2138 Texas state agency periodicals in the Legislative Reference Library. L1700.5 P418 1994......95-0514 TNRCC publications catalog. N330.1 P96 95/10......95-2193 PURCHASES OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF BLIND AND SEVERELY DISABLED PERSONS, COMMITTEE ON Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 PURPLE MARTINS Purple martin and its management in Texas. P400.8 P976......95-1483 RABIES Facts about rabies. H600.8 F119RAB 1994......95-0059 RACING COMMISSION Annual report. (Racing Commission) R200.3 AN78 1989......95-0577 Annual report. (Racing Commission) R200.3 AN78 1994......95-0578 Financial report. (Racing Commission) R200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0120 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Texas Racing Commission, Equine Research Account Advisory Committee. S1500.8 R115......95-0125 RADAR Ground penetrating radar applications on roads and highways. T1311.7 R311 NO.1923-2F......95-1510 Implementation of the Texas ground penetrating radar system. T1311.7 R311 NO.1233-1 1994......95-1319 RADIATION Environmental monitoring annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78ENM 1992......95-0734 Incident summary. (Health, Department of) H600.6 IN2......95-1426 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1992......95-1427 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1993......95-1428 Intercomparison report for monitoring of fixed nuclear facilities in the state of Texas. H600.3 IN8EN 1994......95-1429 RADIOACTIVE WASTE Environmental monitoring annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78ENM 1992......95-0734 RAILROAD COMMISSION Financial report. (Railroad Commission) R500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0335 First hundred years. (Railroad Commission) R500.1 F519......95-0334 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 Railroad Commission of Texas, 1891-1991 [videorecording] : 100 years of service to Texas. R500.1 F519V......95-0794 Review of selected permitting processes and activities : Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverage Commission, and Railroad Commission. A2800.8 SE48......95-0020 RANCHES Reference guide for Texas ranchers. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5097 1995......95-2095 Texas directory, farm and ranch associations. E2100.5 D628FA 1995......95-0915 RANGE MANAGEMENT Balancing forage demand with forage supply. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1606 1995......95-2233 Chemical weed and brush control suggestions for rangeland. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1466 1995......95-2235 Reference guide for Texas ranchers. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5097 1995......95-2095 Research highlights noxious brush and weed control, range and wildlife management. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.6 N859 1994 V.25......95-0847 RANGER JUNIOR COLLEGE Annual plan. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 ST82 1994/5......95-1037 Audited financial statements and other financial information. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 AU25 1993/4......95-1038 Budget. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 B859 1994/5......95-1036 College catalog. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.5 C28 1994/5......95-1039 REAGAN COUNTY, TEXAS Reconnaissance of Big Lake Draw : implications for prehistoric playa utilization, Reagan County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.40......95-0200 REAL ESTATE Condensed housing sales in Texas, 1979-94. R800.8 H817SAC 1979-94......95-1532 Home-seller's guide. R800.5 H752SE......95-1199 Housing sales in Texas, 1979-94. R800.8 H817SA 1979-94......95-1533 Rural land values in the Southwest : second half, 1994. R800.8 R88LV 94/7-12......95-1042 Texas housing affordability index, 1989-94. R800.8 T312HOA 1989-94......95-1201 REAL ESTATE AGENTS Amendments to the Real Estate License Act : article 6573a, Vernon's Texas civil statutes : 74th Legislature regular session. R900.4 P949A 1995......95-1642 Obtaining a Texas real estate sales license. R800.8 OB7YL 1995......95-1041 REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Appraiser report. R910.6 AP65......95-1644 Roster, state certified and licensed real estate appraisers. R910.5 R739 1995......95-0988 Texas appraiser licensing and certification : application, information, forms, and pre-examination study guide. R910.5 AP65 1995......95-0795 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Advanced Real Estate Drafting Course. B600.8 AD95RD 1995......95-1079 Rules of the Texas Real Estate Commission, as revised and in effect on April 1, 1995. R900.4 R861 1995......95-1643 REAL ESTATE CENTER AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Annual report. (Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University) R800.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1040 REAL ESTATE COMMISSION Amendments to the Real Estate License Act : article 6573a, Vernon's Texas civil statutes : 74th Legislature regular session. R900.4 P949A 1995......95-1642 Financial report. (Real Estate Commission) R900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0581 Rules of the Texas Real Estate Commission, as revised and in effect on April 1, 1995. R900.4 R861 1995......95-1643 REAL ESTATE COMMISSION. APPRAISER LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION BOARD Appraiser report. R910.6 AP65......95-1644 Texas appraiser licensing and certification : application, information, forms, and pre-examination study guide. R910.5 AP65 1995......95-0795 REAL ESTATE COMMISSION. LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION BOARD Roster, state certified and licensed real estate appraisers. R910.5 R739 1995......95-0988 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Investment by design : a primer in real estate analysis. R800.7 P96 NO.1055......95-1200 REAL ESTATE LOANS Should Texas allow home equity lending?. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-6......95-0758 REAL ESTATE STATISTICS Annual building permit activity in Texas metropolitan areas, 1980-94. R800.8 AN78BUA 95/07......95-1677 REAPPORTIONMENT State, congressional redistricting update. L1801.8 ST29 1995......95-2176 Texas redistricting cases considered. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-8......95-0759 RECIDIVISM Component reports to the Steering Committee. (Criminal Justice, Department of) C4825.8 C738......95-1592 Report to the legislature. (Youth Commission) Y200.8 R299......95-0147 Texas treatment initiative : overview and recommendations from the Criminal Justice Policy Council program evaluations. C4850.8 T312TR......95-0899 RECIPES Eat right : bread, cereal and pasta = Alimentese bien : pan, cereal y pasta. Z TA265.8 EA81RIBR 1995......95-1541 Eat right : fruits. Z TA265.8 EA81RIFR......95-1542 Eat right : milk, cheese, and yogurt. Z TA265.8 EA81RIMI 1994......95-0621 Eat right : vegetables. Z TA265.8 EA81RIV......95-1693 Eating right is basic : handouts for 4-H : picking the winners : lesson 5. Z TA265.8 EA81PI ......95-0406 Eating right is basic : lesson 2 : start your engines. Z TA265.8 EA81STL 1993......95-0408 Living light. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5097......95-0183 Rainbow trout. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5101......95-1218 Start your engines : lesson two : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81STM 1995......95-1546 Winning food ideas, lesson three : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81WI 1995......95-1551 Winning food ideas, lesson three : eating right is basic. Z TA265.8 EA81WIM 1995......95-1552 RECORDS MANAGEMENT Electronic records standards and procedures. L1900.7 L787 NO.2 1995......95-2177 Local schedule PW : retention schedule for records of public works and services. L1900.8 L787PW 1995......95-2178 RECYCLING Clean cities 2000 program guide : recruiting municipalities to voluntarily reduce solid waste going to landfills, and to reduce pollution going into Texas' skies, land, and waterways by the year 2000. N330.8 C58......95-0765 Computer recycling : in layman's terms. L600.8 C739......95-0946 Field performance of maintenance treatments constructed with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). T1311.7 R311 NO.187-24......95-1316 Guia de planeacion del programa especialistas en composta para la promocion de la composta en el hogar y la reduccion de recortes de cesped. N330.5 M393P SPAN.......95-0315 Guidelines on the use of RAP in routine maintenance activities. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1272-2F 1994......95-0816 Manual de capacitacion para especialistas en composta. N330.5 M393T SPAN.......95-0316 Market development for Texas recyclables. Volume 1, Market development strategy final report. N330.8 M341 V.1......95-0100 Market development for Texas recyclables. Volume 2, Working papers. N330.8 M341 V.2......95-0766 Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling : Clean Texas 2000, pollution prevention, recycling. N330.1 C58 1995......95-1956 Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling : Clean Texas 2000, pollution prevention, recycling. N330.1 C58 1995B......95-2186 Recycle Texas : a reuse and recycling directory. N330.7 R339 NO.79......95-0102 Recycling directory : computers & electronics. L600.5 R245......95-0948 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature : used oil recycling. N330.8 US2......95-0970 Texas Recycles Day : special event planning guide. N330.5 R245 1995......95-2191 Verification of an asphalt aging test and development of superior recycling agents and asphalts. T1311.7 R311 NO.1314-1F......95-1520 RED RIVER AUTHORITY Financial report. (Red River Authority) R1200.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0336 RED RIVER BASIN Regional assessment of water quality, Red River Basin of Texas : biennial report. N330.3 B477RED 1993-4......95-0104 RED RIVER COMPACT COMMISSIONER Annual report. (Red River Compact Commissioner) R1220.3 B477 1992/3......95-0338 Financial report. (Red River Compact Commissioner) R1220.3 F49 1993/4......95-0337 RED RIVER COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological investigations on the OkTex Pipeline Company proposed abandonment of OK-7, Red River County, Texas. H2000.8 R245OK......95-1264 REFERENCE SOURCES Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 Index to the opinions of the Attorney General of Texas. A2400.7 D569A 1994......95-0875 Legislative Reference Library resources : a guide to current periodicals, newspapers, CD-ROMs, loose-leaf services, indexes & selected legal reference materials in the Texas Legislative Reference Library. L1700.5 L525 1994......95-0513 REFUGEE STATISTICS Vietnamese, Laotian, Ethiopian & former Soviet Union refugees in Texas : findings from the Texas Refugee Study. H2600.8 V678......95-0504 REFUGEES Vietnamese, Laotian, Ethiopian & former Soviet Union refugees in Texas : findings from the Texas Refugee Study. H2600.8 V678......95-0504 REHABILITATION COMMISSION Annual report. (Rehabilitation Commission) R1500.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0582 Financial report. (Rehabilitation Commission) R1500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0121 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 Programs reference guide. (Rehabilitation Commission) R1500.1 P943R 1994......95-0796 REMEDIAL EDUCATION Expenditures for remedial instruction in Texas public institutions of higher education. C3400.8 EX71......95-0039 RENTAL PROPERTY Landlords' and tenants' guide. R800.8 L235TEG 1995......95-1877 RESEARCH Directory of workers' compensation resources. W2000.5 D628 1995......95-1523 Quest : the research magazine of Texas Woman's University. Z TW700.6 Q38......95-0191 RCE intelliscope : a quarterly focus on the IVHS Research Centers of Excellence Program. Z TA505.6 R219......95-1560 RESEARCH FUNDING Research alert. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.6 R311......95-0403 Research expenditures, Texas public universities and health-related institutions. C3400.3 R311 1993/4......95-1255 Survey of scientific and engineering expenditures at universities and colleges, FY 1994, Stephen F[.] Austin St[ate] U[niversity]. Z S850.8 SU79SC 1993/4......95-0836 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board survey of research expenditures, fiscal year 1994. Z S850.8 SU79RE 1993/4 REV.......95-0837 RESEARCH LEAGUE, TEXAS Annual report. (Research League, Texas) R1800.3 AN78 1994......95-0797 RESERVOIRS State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 RETIREMENT PLANS Public retirement systems of Texas. P980.8 P96......95-0782 RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Public retirement systems of Texas. P980.8 P96......95-0782 REVENUES Audit report on the Comptroller's tax revenue management process. A2800.8 C739REV 1994......95-0876 General revenue fund account cash flow report. T1400.3 G286 1994/5......95-0595 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0239 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0240 RICE Proceedings of the ... Rice Technical Working Group. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.8 P941R 1994......95-1051 RIO GRANDE COMPACT COMMISSIONER Annual report. (Rio Grande Compact Commissioner) R2500.3 R299 1994......95-1645 Financial report. (Rio Grande Compact Commissioner) R2500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0583 RIO GRANDE RIVER Flow, salts, and trace elements in the Rio Grande : a review. Z TA545.7 T226 NO.169......95-1691 RIO GRANDE RIVER BASIN Regional assessment of water quality in the Rio Grande Basin. N330.3 B477RIG 1992/4......95-0768 RIVER AUTHORITIES Earnings report for electric cooperatives and river authorities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76EC 1995......95-0786 RIVER BASINS State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 Texas water quality : a summary of river basin assessments. N330.8 T312WA......95-1477 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 Water-quality assessment protocol for Texas river basins : a case study on the Upper Neches River Basin study area for the Clean Rivers Program : a research proposal. W600.8 W291QUP......95-1347 Watershed Texas : the statewide basin management approach. N330.8 W319 1995 REV.......95-2194 RIVERS Feasibility study for hydraulic modeling facility for scour problems. T1311.7 R311 NO.1408-1F......95-1509 Texas Clean Rivers Program long term action plan, 1991-2000. N330.8 T312CL......95-0566 ROBERTS COUNTY, TEXAS Report on the archaeological survey of three proposed production pipelines in Roberts County, Texas for Warren Petroleum Company. H2000.8 R541......95-1276 ROBERTSON COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological survey of the proposed Hearne to Branchville transmission line reroute project. H2000.8 M59......95-1434 Continuing cultural resource management at Calvert Mine : 1993 prehistoric site testing, Robertson County. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.42......95-0654 RODENTS Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6008......95-1373 ROUND ROCK, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-206......95-2056 RUBBER Laboratory evaluation of crumb-rubber modified (CRM) binders and mixtures. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1332-1......95-0130 RULES AND REGULATION Rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice. N1200.4 R861 1995......95-0773 Administrative tax rules index. C2600.4 AD65 1995......95-0889 Administrative tax rules index. C2600.4 AD65 94/11......95-0463 Administrative tax rules index. C2600.4 AD65 95/06......95-1403 Administrative tax rules index. C2600.4 AD65 95/08......95-1924 Autobody shops : an overview of pollution prevention, rules, and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.84 1995......95-2182 Committee on Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 EN89R 74......95-0521 Construction standards for on-site sewerage facilities. N330.7 R339 NO.134......95-0963 Cotton gin plant compliance with air pollution regulations in Texas : effect on plant costs and returns. Z TA225.7 IN3 NO.94-3......95-0171 Day-care center minimum standards & guidelines. P3275.4 M664DAC 1995......95-1488 Directory of licensed administrators and child care institutions. P3275.5 D628L 1995......95-1171 Dry cleaners : an overview of pollution prevention, rules and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.114......95-1468 House committee procedures. L1801.7 H816 NO.192......95-0087 House committee procedures. L1801.7 H816 NO.192A......95-0757 How a bill becomes law : 74th Legislature. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-5......95-0536 Marketable permits final report, grant period 1993-94. N330.8 M341PE 1993/4......95-0563 Motor Vehicle Board advertising rules : including 1992 amendments. T1300.4 M857 92/06......95-1004 Official Texas administrative code. General index. S500.4 AD65 1995 INDEX......95-1175 Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 Official Texas administrative code. Title 4 : agriculture. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 4......95-0992 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 Official Texas administrative code. Title 10 : community development. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 10......95-0994 Official Texas administrative code. Title 13 : cultural resources. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 13......95-0995 Official Texas administrative code. Title 16 : economic regulation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 16......95-1176 Official Texas administrative code. Title 19 : education. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 19......95-0996 Official Texas administrative code. Title 22 : examining boards. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 22......95-0997 Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 Official Texas administrative code. Title 28 : insurance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 28......95-0999 Official Texas administrative code. Title 30 : environmental quality. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 30......95-1294 Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 Official Texas administrative code. Title 43 : transportation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 43......95-1179 Procedural rules for contested cases before the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. N330.7 R339 NO.145 95/10......95-2189 Psychologists' Certification and Licensing Act ; and, Rules and regulations of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. P3300.4 P959 1995......95-0979 Regulatory guidance document for applications to divert, store or use state water. N330.7 R339 NO.141......95-1472 Rules and regulations relating to professional nurse education, licensure, and practice. N1200.4 R861 1994......95-0106 Rules having statewide general application to oil, gas, and geothermal resource operations within the state of Texas. R553.4 ST29RUF 1994......95-0579 Rules of the Texas Real Estate Commission, as revised and in effect on April 1, 1995. R900.4 R861 1995......95-1643 Rules & regulations governing the control and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.4 R861CS 1994......95-1124 Standards for TDCJ-CJAD. C4830.4 ST24TD 1995......95-2122 State of Texas, social worker licensing. H600.4 SO13 1994......95-1125 Taller de carroceria en Texas exencion standard #124 : guia de requisitos y metodos de registro. N330.7 R339 NO.71A 1995 SPAN.......95-1474 Texas autobody shop standard exemption #124 : a guide to requirements and record keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.71 1995......95-1475 Texas automobile rules and rating manual : governing the insuring of automobiles and standard automobile endorsements for the state of Texas : prescribed and approved by the Texas Department of Insurance : pursuant to House Bill 2, as passed by the 72nd Legislature of the state of Texas. I1100.4 AU82 1992......95-0075 Texas ... commercial fishing guide. P400.4 G942COM 1995/6......95-1747 Texas Employment Commission rules : adopted pursuant to Texas Unemployment Compensation Act. E2100.4 R861 1994......95-0272 Texas Ethics Commission rules. E2500.4 R861 1995......95-1113 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 6, Organization and administration. E2500.4 OR3......95-1421 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 8, Advisory opinions. E2500.4 AD96......95-1422 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 10, Ethics training programs. E2500.4 ET37......95-1423 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 12, Sworn complaints. E2500.4 SW74 1995......95-1934 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 18, General rules concerning reports. E2500.4 G286 1995......95-1935 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 20, Reporting political contributions and expenditures. E2500.4 R299PO 1995......95-1936 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 22, Restrictions on contributions and expenditures. E2500.4 R313CO 1995......95-1937 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 24, Restrictions on contributions and expenditures applicable to corporations and labor organizations. E2500.4 R313COA 1995......95-1938 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 26, Political and legislative advertising. E2500.4 P759 1995......95-1939 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 28, Reports by a candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives. E2500.4 R299CA 1995......95-1940 Texas impairment schedule : an alternative model to the American Medical Association's Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment. L1836.74 OV2......95-1159 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-2 : fire detection and alarm devices and the fire alarm rules. F750.4 T312INFD 1995......95-1115 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-3 : fire protection sprinkler systems and the sprinkler rules. F750.4 T312INFP 1995......95-1116 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-4 : fireworks and storage and sale of fireworks. F750.4 T312INFW 1995......95-1117 Texas juvenile probation standards : standards for juvenile boards, probation officers, and facilities in Texas. J850.4 T312JUP 1995......95-2165 Texas legislative manual. L1400.5 L524M 1995......95-1158 Texas Parks & Wildlife Department public lands : TAC [sections] 59.61-59.64 : policy guidelines for acquisition, development, operation, management & use. P400.4 P96 1995......95-0779 Texas pesticide and agricultural hazard communications (right-to-know) laws, regulations, and related statutory provisions, 1994 : as amended effective July 5, 1994. A900.4 P439AG 1994......95-0672 Texas State 4-H Horse Show, 1995 : rules and regulations. Z TA265.8 T312HO 1995......95-1222 Texas thermoset resin facilities standard exemption #113 : a guide to requirements and record-keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.135......95-1476 Thermoset resin facilities : an overview of pollution prevention, rules, and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.113 95/07......95-1960 TNRCC electronic reporting requirements. N330.5 EL25......95-0975 Use determination for pollution control property : guidelines for implementing House Bill 1920 and November 1993 constitutional amendment proposition 2. N330.7 R339 NO.102......95-0771 RUNNELS COUNTY, TEXAS Lee Colburn Park expansion project. A1900.7 P422 NO.1362......95-0066 RURAL DEVELOPMENT Unique needs study report. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.8 UN3......95-0469 RURAL HEALTH CARE Rural health in Texas : a report to the Governor and the 74th Texas Legislature. H852.8 R88H 1995......95-0485 RURAL LAND Endangered Species Act : impact on Texas rural land values. R800.8 EN21 1995......95-2218 Rural land values in the Southwest : second half, 1994. R800.8 R88LV 94/7-12......95-1042 Texas rural land prices in ... . R800.8 T312RUL 1993-4......95-1678 RURAL LIFE Rural social science education : RSSE. Z TA455.6 R88......95-1207 RUSK COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Coffee-Overton 138-kV transmission line project, Anderson, Cherokee, Henderson, Rusk, and Smith counties, Texas. H2000.8 AN23......95-1614 National register testing at eight archaeological sites within the Oak Hill 2,280-acre study area, Rusk County, Texas. H2000.8 R897......95-1735 SABINE COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of Exxon fee A-13 no. 1 proposed wellpad and pipeline right-of-way, Sabine County, Texas. H2000.8 SA13......95-1133 SABINE RIVER AUTHORITY SRActivities. (Sabine River Authority) S050.6 SR11......95-1174 SABINE RIVER BASIN Regional assessment of water quality, Sabine River Basin, Texas. N330.3 B477SAR 1992/4......95-0968 SABINE RIVER COMPACT COMMISSION Annual report. (Sabine River Compact Commissioner) S100.3 AN78C 1993/4......95-1646 Financial report. (Sabine River Compact Commission) S100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0584 SAFETY Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-2 : fire detection and alarm devices and the fire alarm rules. F750.4 T312INFD 1995......95-1115 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-3 : fire protection sprinkler systems and the sprinkler rules. F750.4 T312INFP 1995......95-1116 Texas Insurance Code, article 5.43-4 : fireworks and storage and sale of fireworks. F750.4 T312INFW 1995......95-1117 SALARIES Budget. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 B859 1995/6......95-1864 Budget. (Alvin Community College) Z A050.3 B859 1994/5......95-0360 Budget. (Amarillo College) Z A100.3 B859 1994/5......95-0148 Budget. (Angelina College) Z A150.3 B859 1995/6......95-1865 Budget. (Angelo State University) Z A200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1866 Budget. (Austin Community College) Z A800.3 B859 1994/5......95-0363 Budget. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 B859 1993/4......95-1022 Budget. (Bee County College) Z B200.3 B859 1994/5......95-1023 Budget. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 B859 1993/4......95-1194 Budget. (Blinn College) Z B500.3 B859 1994/5......95-1195 Budget. (Brazosport College) Z B650.3 B859 1994/5......95-1025 Budget. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 B859CO 1994/5......95-0371 Budget. (Central Texas College District) Z C310.3 B859CO 1995/6......95-1868 Budget. (Coastal Water Authority) C1975.3 B859 1995......95-1091 Budget. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 B859OP 1994/5 REV.......95-2213 Budget. (College of the Mainland) Z C600.3 B859OP 1995/6......95-1869 Budget. (Cooke County College) Z C680.3 B859 1993/4......95-1027 Budget. (Del Mar College) Z D350.3 B859 1994/5......95-0151 Budget. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 B859 1995/6......95-1871 Budget. (East Texas State University) Z E400.3 B859R 95/SUMMER......95-0607 Budget. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 B859 1995/6......95-1872 Budget. (East Texas State University at Texarkana) Z E453.3 B859R 95/SUMMER......95-1196 Budget. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.3 B859 1994/5......95-0155 Budget. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.3 B859 1993/4......95-0156 Budget. (Frank Phillips College) Z F500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0157 Budget. (Galveston College) Z G100.3 B859 1995/6......95-2086 Budget. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 B859 1994/5......95-1361 Budget. (Grayson County College) Z G800.3 B859 1995/6......95-1873 Budget. (Hill College) Z H500.3 B859 1994/5......95-0831 Budget. (Howard College ) Z H870.3 B859 1995/6......95-1671 Budget. (Lamar University at Port Arthur) Z L110.3 B859 1995/6......95-2215 Budget. (Lee College) Z L300.3 B859 1993/4......95-1031 Budget. (Lee College) Z L300.3 B859 1994/5......95-1032 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1991/2......95-1362 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1992/3......95-1363 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1993/4......95-1364 Budget. (Midland College) Z M500.3 B859 1994/5......95-1365 Budget. (Midwestern State University) Z M570.3 B859 1995/6......95-1674 Budget. (Paris Junior College) Z P150.3 B859 1994/5......95-1034 Budget. (Prairie View A&M University) Z P800.3 B859 1995/6......95-2217 Budget. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 B859 1994/5......95-1036 Budget. (Sam Houston State University) Z S200.3 B859R 1995/6......95-1878 Budget. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 B859 1994/5......95-1679 Budget. (South Plains College) Z S700.3 B859 1994/5......95-1367 Budget. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.3 B859 1994/5......95-1368 Budget. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.3 B859 1995/6......95-1683 Budget. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 B859 1995/6......95-1879 Budget. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 B859 1995/6......95-1880 Budget. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.3 B859 1995/6......95-2221 Budget. (Tarrant County Junior College District) Z T150.3 B859 1995/6......95-2222 Budget. (Texas A&M International University) Z L250.3 B859 1995/6......95-2223 Budget. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.3 B859 1995/6......95-2224 Budget. (Texas A&M University at Galveston) Z TA555.3 B859 1995/6......95-2227 Budget. (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi) Z C800.3 B859 1995/6......95-2228 Budget. (Texas A&M University - Kingsville) Z TA110.3 B859 1995/6......95-2229 Budget. (Texas A&M University System) Z TA565.3 B859AD 1995/6......95-2230 Budget. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.3 B859 1995/6......95-2232 Budget. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.3 B859 1995/6......95-2238 Budget. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 B859 1995/6......95-2242 Budget. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.3 B859 1995/6......95-2243 Budget. (Texas Forest Service) F1400.3 B859 1995/6......95-2244 Budget. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1891 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Harlingen) Z TS835.3 B859 1995/6......95-1892 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Sweetwater) Z TS845.3 B859 1995/6......95-1893 Budget. (Texas State Technical College System) Z TS800.3 B859 1995/6......95-1895 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Waco) Z TS815.3 B859 1995/6......95-1894 Budget. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 B859 1995 SUMMER......95-1224 Budget. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 B859 1995/6......95-2245 Budget. (Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory) V775.3 B859 1995/6......95-2246 Budget. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1897 Budget. (University of North Texas) Z N700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1701 Budget. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 B859 1995/6......95-1902 Budget. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1903 Budget. (University of Texas at Dallas) Z UA500.3 B859 1995/6......95-1906 Budget. (University of Texas at El Paso) Z UA550.3 B859 1995/6......95-1908 Budget. (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) Z UH325.3 B859 1995/6......95-1909 Budget. (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Z UH340.3 B859 1995/6......95-1910 Budget. (University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Z US905.3 B859 1995/6......95-1911 Budget. (University of Texas of the Permian Basin) Z UP300.3 B859 1995/6......95-1912 Budget. (University of Texas - Pan American) Z P100.3 B859 1995/6......95-1913 Budget. (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Z UH310.3 B859 1995/6......95-1914 Budget. (West Texas A&M University) Z W350.3 B859 1995/6......95-2250 Budget. (Western Texas College) Z W375.3 B859 1995/6......95-1915 Leadership team responses to the recommendations of the employee survey QUESTeams. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 L469......95-0562 Salary schedule. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.3 B859SA 1995/6......95-1899 Salary schedule for the fiscal year ending ... . (Central Texas College) Z C200.3 B859SA 1994/5......95-0369 Salary schedule for the fiscal year ending ... . (Central Texas College) Z C200.3 B859SA 1995/6......95-1867 State of Texas state and local government information USPS/HRIS statewide support ... EEO-4 statewide summary report. G827.8 ST29 SUMM. 1991......95-0920 State of Texas state and local government information USPS/HRIS statewide support ... EEO-4 statewide summary report. G827.8 ST29 SUMM. 1993......95-0921 Texas A & M University System Administration and General Offices job evaluation and salary administration program : final reports and recommendations. Z TA565.8 J575......95-0178 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1993......95-0548 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1994......95-0957 Texas Ethics Commission rules. Chapter 50, Legislative salaries & per diem. E2500.4 L524SA 1995......95-2130 University pay plans. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 UN3 1994/5......95-0390 SALES TAXES County adoption-- effective yr/qtr ... ; City additional adoption-- effective yr/qtr ... ; Special purpose district (SPD) adoption effective yr/qtr ... . C2600.6 C832C......95-1925 Sales and franchise tax exemptions : a report to the governor and Texas Legislature. C2600.8 SA32FRT 1995......95-0465 SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY Budget. (Sam Houston State University) Z S200.3 B859R 1995/6......95-1878 Financial report. (Sam Houston State University) Z S200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0383 Graduate catalogue. (Sam Houston State University) Z S200.5 C28GR 1995/7......95-0834 SAN ANGELO, TEXAS School performance review, San Angelo Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65SAG......95-1405 SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE Budget. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 B859 1995/6......95-1864 SAN ANTONIO RIVER AUTHORITY Annual report. (San Antonio River Authority) S250.3 AN78 1994......95-0122 Budget. (San Antonio River Authority) S250.3 AN78B 1995/6......95-1647 Evaluation of alternative instream and bay & estuary flow criteria for run-of-the-river diversions : technical memorandum : Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area. W600.8 T687EV......95-1660 Financial report. (San Antonio River Authority) S250.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0990 Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area : phase I : interim report. W600.8 T687 V.3......95-0598 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Archaeological monitoring at Espada Road acequia crossing, south San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.221......95-0202 Documentation of the San Pedro Acequia (41BX337) at Trevino Street, San Antonio, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.230......95-1238 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-06......95-1752 Ethnographic study of heroin abuse by Mexican Americans in San Antonio, Texas. A1400.8 ET38......95-1575 Evaluation of archaeological material from the Little Church of La Villita property, San Antonio, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.228......95-0203 Leak detection/location survey report for Bexar Metropolitan Water District, northeast/northwest San Antonio, Texas : March 21, 1994-February 24, 1995. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-04......95-1109 SAN ANTONIO-NUECES COASTAL BASIN Regional assessment of water quality in the Nueces coastal basins. N330.3 B477NUC 1992/4......95-0767 SAN ELIZARIO, TEXAS Archaeological survey of the San Elizario High School site, San Elizario, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1523......95-1142 SAN JACINTO COLLEGE DISTRICT Budget. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 B859 1994/5......95-1679 College catalog. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.5 C28 1995/6......95-1681 Financial report. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 AU25 1993/4......95-1680 Strategic plan. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 ST82 92/06......95-1682 SAN JACINTO RIVER BASIN Regional assessment of water quality : Trinity-San Jacinto Coastal Basin, San Jacinto River Basin, San Jacinto-Brazos Coastal Basin, Brazos-Colorado Coastal Basin. N330.3 B477TR 1993-4......95-1959 SAN JACINTO-BRAZOS COASTAL BASIN Regional assessment of water quality : Trinity-San Jacinto Coastal Basin, San Jacinto River Basin, San Jacinto-Brazos Coastal Basin, Brazos-Colorado Coastal Basin. N330.3 B477TR 1993-4......95-1959 SAN MARCOS, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-110......95-1980 SAN PATRICIO COUNTY, TEXAS Northshore regional wastewater reuse, water supply, and flood control planning study-- San Patricio County, Texas. W600.8 N818......95-0139 SAN SABA COUNTY, TEXAS Results of test hole 41-61-804 at Colorado Bend State Park, San Saba County, Texas. W600.8 R313......95-0351 San Saba Mill Pond Park survey, San Saba County, Texas. Z UA812.7 AR22 NO.220......95-0204 SANDERSON, TEXAS Sanderson flood of 1965 : crisis in a rural Texas community. Z S900.8 SA56......95-1881 SANITATION Construction standards for on-site sewerage facilities. N330.7 R339 NO.134......95-0963 SAVINGS AND LOAN DEPARTMENT Annual report. (Savings and Loan Department) S400.3 AN78 1994......95-1493 Financial report. (Savings and Loan Department) S400.3 F49 1993/4......95-1648 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 SAVINGS AND LOAN INSTITUTIONS Annual report. (Savings and Loan Department) S400.3 AN78 1994......95-1493 Texas savings & loan directory. S400.5 SA94 1995......95-1293 SCHERTZ, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-108......95-1978 SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS Southwest scholarship : a collection of faculty accomplishments for ... . (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.5 SO89 1993......95-1203 SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING Faculty papers of Midwestern State University. Z M570.7 F119 3/12......95-2087 SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship sourcebook Southwest Texas State : sources and instructions for obtaining scholarships at Southwest Texas State. Z S770.5 SCH64 1995/6......95-1369 Scholarships & financial aid. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.5 SCH64 1995......95-1699 SCHOOL DISTRICTS Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 Annual property tax report. C2625.3 AN78P 1993......95-0697 Midland ISD school performance review. C2600.8 SCH65MI......95-0464 Proposed administrative cost measure for Texas school districts : final report of the administrative cost study. E450.8 P945......95-0829 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1992......95-0241 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1994......95-2119 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Preliminary report. C2625.8 P945VP 1994......95-0699 School performance review, San Angelo Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65SAG......95-1405 School performance review, Waco Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65WA......95-1097 Source book on Texas public school debt. B1250.8 SO84 1995......95-1083 Texas public school districts general obligation debt : a report on debt issued through .... B1250.8 T312PU 1993/4......95-1084 Texas school performance review progress report. C2600.8 SCH65PR PT.1......95-0696 SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMS Tattletooth II, a new generation : kindergarten : something to smile about. H600.8 T189KI SPAN.......95-0929 SCIENCE American women afield : writings by pioneering women naturalists. Z TA475.7 M551 NO.20......95-0839 Study of the Texas Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Higher Education State Grant Program : case studies of five long-term projects. C3400.8 EI83 1995......95-1411 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1988......95-1553 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1989......95-1554 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1991......95-1555 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1992......95-1556 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1993......95-1557 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1994......95-1695 Proceedings. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.8 IN7PRI 1995......95-1558 SEA RIM STATE PARK Sea Rim State Park activity book. P500.8 SE11AC......95-0111 SECRETARY OF STATE Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 SECURITIES ACT Securities Act, state of Texas : effective August 22, 1957 : as amended, including all amendments effective as of September 1, 1995. S600.4 SE26 1995......95-2196 SECURITIES BOARD Financial report. (Securities Board) S600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0339 Official Texas administrative code. Title 7 : banking and securities. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 7......95-0993 Securities Act, state of Texas : effective August 22, 1957 : as amended, including all amendments effective as of September 1, 1995. S600.4 SE26 1995......95-2196 SEDIMENT Sediment-interstitial study final report. (Lower Colorado River Authority) L2510.8 SE28......95-0958 Temporary erosion control measures design guidelines for TxDOT. T1311.7 R311 NO.1379-1......95-1517 Temporary erosion control selection : TAMUBMP computer program. T1311.7 R311 NO.1379-2F......95-1518 SELMA, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-92......95-1838 SEMICONDUCTORS Semiconductor physics and chemistry I. Z TA325.8 SE51 V.2......95-0633 Survey of semiconductor fabrication. Z TA325.8 SU79......95-0846 SEPTIC TANKS Construction standards for on-site sewerage facilities. N330.7 R339 NO.134......95-0963 Texas on-site insights : information about on-site wastewater treatment systems in Texas. Z TA545.6 ON1......95-0398 SESSION LAWS Summary of enactments, 74th Legislature : regular session, 1995. L1400.8 SU63EN 74TH......95-1744 SEWAGE SYSTEMS Construction standards for on-site sewerage facilities. N330.7 R339 NO.134......95-0963 Texas on-site insights : information about on-site wastewater treatment systems in Texas. Z TA545.6 ON1......95-0398 SEX EQUITY Building college and community services for single parents and displaced homemakers : PY94 final detailed report : discretionary equity grant, Austin Community College. Z A800.8 B868 1993/4......95-0604 Expanded child care and support services for a broad spectrum of students : serving single parents, displaced homemakers, single pregnant women : a project of the Women's Resource Center, Texas State Technical College, Amarillo. Z TS825.8 P943EX 1994......95-0644 Final report : Perkins discretionary equity project, 1993-94. (Midland College) Z M500.8 F51 1993/4......95-0612 Gender Bias Task Force of Texas final report. (Bar) B600.8 G285......95-0452 W.I.T., Women in Technology : end of year report, July '93-June '94 : "taking women one step further ... ". (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842E 1993/4......95-0608 Women in Technology : Project Opportunity. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842 1993/4......95-0609 SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT, COUNCIL ON Biennial report. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.3 B477 1992/4......95-0798 Financial report. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.3 F49 1993/4......95-0586 SEX OFFENDERS Convicted sex offenders in Texas : an overview of sentencing dynamics and the impact of altering sentencing policy. C4850.8 C769......95-0707 Sex offender treatment providers : registry. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.5 SE91 NO.4......95-0340 Sex offender treatment providers : registry. (Sex Offender Treatment, Council on) S760.5 SE91 NO.5......95-2197 State studies how best to deter sex crimes. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-9......95-0954 SEXUAL ASSAULT Gender Bias Task Force of Texas final report. (Bar) B600.8 G285......95-0452 State studies how best to deter sex crimes. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-9......95-0954 SHEEP Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 SHELLFISH Texas shrimp fishery : a report to the Governor and the Legislature. P400.3 SH86 1994......95-0780 SHIPWRECKS Magnetometer survey of Sabine Pass Channel and assessment of the Clifton, 41JF65, Jefferson County, Texas, Cameron Parish, Louisiana. A1900.7 P422 NO.1363......95-0942 SHORELINES On the coast : a bimonthly newsletter of the Texas Coastal Management Program. L600.6 C631......95-1153 SHRIMP Abundance and distribution of larval fishes and shrimps in the Laguna Madre, Texas : a hypersaline lagoon. Z UA335.7 T226 NO.90-007......95-1233 Texas shrimp fishery : a report to the Governor and the Legislature. P400.3 SH86 1994......95-0780 SHRIMP INDUSTRY Texas shrimp fishery : a report to the Governor and the Legislature. P400.3 SH86 1994......95-0780 SMALL BUSINESS Air compliance kit. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.5 AI72CO......95-0092 Hazardous waste : a management guide for small businesses. N330.5 H336......95-1746 Report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 SM18 74......95-0541 Small employer health insurance : an update. L1801.7 H816I NO.73-9......95-0543 State of Texas disparity study : a report to the Texas Legislature as mandated by H.B. 2626, 73rd Legislature. C2600.8 D632......95-0466 Taller de carroceria en Texas exencion standard #124 : guia de requisitos y metodos de registro. N330.7 R339 NO.71A 1995 SPAN.......95-1474 Texas autobody shop standard exemption #124 : a guide to requirements and record keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.71 1995......95-1475 Texas challenge : broadening the competitive edge : a report examining the expansion of state procurement opportunities. L1836.74 H629......95-0515 Texas State Senate interim report to the 72nd Texas Legislature. L1836.72 C86......95-0753 Texas thermoset resin facilities standard exemption #113 : a guide to requirements and record-keeping. N330.7 R339 NO.135......95-1476 Thermoset resin facilities : an overview of pollution prevention, rules, and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.113 95/07......95-1960 SMART JOBS FUND PROGRAM Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report : a report to the 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 EC74 74......95-0520 SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Coffee-Overton 138-kV transmission line project, Anderson, Cherokee, Henderson, Rusk, and Smith counties, Texas. H2000.8 AN23......95-1614 SOCIAL SECURITY Elder Law Institute. B600.8 EL22 1994......95-0028 SOCIAL SERVICES Analysis of the impact on health and human services in the introduced appropriations bill for the 1996-1997 biennium. H350.8 AN12 1995/7......95-0924 Client self-support services guide = Guia de servicios para el cliente. (Human Services, Department of) H2600.5 C611 1994......95-0069 Committee on Human Services, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 H88 74......95-0523 Directory : child abuse and neglect prevention programs. C1155.5 C437 1995......95-0460 Directory of community resources : families helping families. H2600.5 D628MC 1994......95-0070 Directory of social workers licensed by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners. H600.5 D628SOW 1995......95-0926 Final report and recommendations. (Health and Human Services Commission) H350.8 F49LO......95-0732 Finding help in Texas : a directory of information and referral programs. D1200.5 F492 1994......95-0471 Handbook for developing a school-based integrated support services system. W2100.5 H191......95-1524 Health and human services in Texas : presented to the House Appropriations Committee. H350.8 H349......95-0925 Health and human services provided by Texas public institutions of higher education to the people of Texas. C3400.8 H349HU......95-0702 Just friends [videorecording]. (Developmental Disabilities, Planning Council for) D1200.8 J982......95-0713 Official Texas administrative code. Title 40 : social services and assistance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 40 V.1......95-1178 Rider 154 implementation : a report to the Governor, Legislative Budget Board, and Comptroller of Public Accounts. H350.8 R435......95-0286 State of Texas, Comptroller of Public Accounts, electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system shakedown : final report. C2600.8 EL25......95-0891 State services and assistance : workers' guide. E2100.5 ST29......95-0473 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 SOCIAL WORKERS Directory of social workers licensed by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners. H600.5 D628SOW 1995......95-0926 State of Texas, social worker licensing. H600.4 SO13 1994......95-1125 Supervision in social work. H600.8 SU76 1995......95-1945 SOCORRO, TEXAS Archaeological monitoring of community development block grant water line construction, Las Milpas Colonia, Socorro, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1504......95-1141 SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION BOARD Directory : Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and Texas soil and water conservation district directors. S900.5 D628 1995......95-0799 Financial report. (Soil and Water Conservation Board) S900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0587 Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 Profile of a soil and water conservation district in action. S900.8 P943SOW REV.......95-2198 SOLID WASTE 20-year (1992-2011) regional solid waste management plan for the Ark-Tex Region. A2150.8 R263......95-0673 Annual report. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 H336 1993/4......95-0558 Clean cities 2000 program guide : recruiting municipalities to voluntarily reduce solid waste going to landfills, and to reduce pollution going into Texas' skies, land, and waterways by the year 2000. N330.8 C58......95-0765 Committee on Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 EN89R 74......95-0521 Guia de planeacion del programa especialistas en composta para la promocion de la composta en el hogar y la reduccion de recortes de cesped. N330.5 M393P SPAN.......95-0315 Guidelines for the classification & coding of industrial wastes and hazardous wastes. N330.5 G941 1995......95-2184 Municipal solid waste plan for Texas. N330.8 M925 ......95-0966 Municipal solid waste plan for Texas. N330.8 M925 SUMM.......95-0965 Municipal solid waste services full cost accounting workbook for Texas local governments. N330.7 R339 NO.127......95-1166 Recycle Texas : a reuse and recycling directory. N330.7 R339 NO.79......95-0102 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature : pollution prevention and waste reduction in Texas. N330.8 P765WA......95-0969 South East Texas solid waste management plan, 1992-2012. S1010.8 R263......95-0800 State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System : STEERS user's manual version 2.1. N330.7 R339 NO.28 1995......95-1626 SORGHUM Disease response of grain sorghum hybrids. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6004......95-1540 Forage quality and agronomic traits of experimental forage sorghum hybrids. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1759......95-0401 Forage quality and agronomic traits of sorghum-sudangrass hybrids. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1765......95-1210 Forage research in Texas. Z TA245.7 P943 NO.5252......95-1884 Grain sorghum performance tests in Texas--1994. Z TA245.7 T226 NO.95-2......95-1211 SOUTH EAST TEXAS REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Financial report. (South East Texas Regional Planning Commission) S1010.3 F49 1992/3......95-1180 South East Texas solid waste management plan, 1992-2012. S1010.8 R263......95-0800 SOUTH PLAINS ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Annual report. (South Plains Association of Governments) S1050.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1001 Regional directory. (South Plains Association of Governments) S1050.5 R263 1995......95-1649 SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE Budget. (South Plains College) Z S700.3 B859 1994/5......95-1367 Financial report. (South Plains College) Z S700.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0384 SOUTH TEXAS New perspectives on local economic development in Texas and strategies for the South Texas Region. Z UA150.8 N42......95-1063 Quantifying secondary gas resources in fluvial/deltaic reservoirs : a case history from Stratton Field, South Texas. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.221......95-1709 SOUTH TEXAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Legislative appropriations request. (South Texas Community College) Z S705.3 R299L......95-0385 SOUTH TEXAS DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Financial report. (South Texas Development Council) S1060.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0801 SOUTHEAST TEXAS Proceedings of the 3rd annual Conference on Environmental Monitoring in Southeast Texas. N330.8 C76 1994......95-1167 SOUTHWEST COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF Budget. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.3 B859 1994/5......95-1368 Budget. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.3 B859 1995/6......95-1683 College catalog. (Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf) Z S718.5 C686 1995/7......95-1684 SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Annual report. (Southwest Research Institute) Z S730.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0386 SOUTHWEST TEXAS JUNIOR COLLEGE College catalog. (Southwest Texas Junior College) Z S750.5 C28 1994/5......95-1202 College catalog. (Southwest Texas Junior College) Z S750.5 C28 1995/6......95-2219 Financial report. (Southwest Texas Junior College) Z S750.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0387 SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY Budget. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 B859 1995/6......95-1879 Communique : speech communication newsletter. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.6 SP32......95-1534 Financial report. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 F49 1993/4......95-0167 Graduate catalog. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.5 G755 1995/7......95-1045 Information resources strategic plan : for September 1, 1994 through August 31, 1999. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.3 ST82IN 1994/9......95-0388 Scholarship sourcebook Southwest Texas State : sources and instructions for obtaining scholarships at Southwest Texas State. Z S770.5 SCH64 1995/6......95-1369 Southwest scholarship : a collection of faculty accomplishments for ... . (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.5 SO89 1993......95-1203 Strategic planning : internal audit report. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.8 IN8ST......95-2220 SWT & its comparable institutions : a statistical profile, fall 1993. Z S770.1 SW79 1993......95-0168 SOUTHWESTERN HISTORY Essays on the changing images of the Southwest. Z TA475.7 W384 NO.28......95-0397 SPANISH (LANGUAGE) Transboundary resource inventory glossary : Spanish-English : cartographic, environmental, and oil spill terms. L600.5 T687......95-0949 SPORTS Sports field maintenance. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2344 1995......95-1888 --'til the fat lady sings : classic Texas sports quotes. Z TT422.8 T45......95-1382 SQUIRRELS Fox squirrel management in East Texas. P400.8 F833SM 1994......95-0322 ST. PHILIP'S COLLEGE Budget. (Alamo Community College District) Z A025.3 B859 1995/6......95-1864 STAR OF THE REPUBLIC MUSEUM Annual report. (Blinn College. Star of the Republic Museum) Z B500.3 AN78S 1993/4......95-1356 STARR COUNTY, TEXAS Continuing cultural resource investigations for Sanchez-O'Brien Oil & Gas, Inc. developments in Falcon State Park-- : an archeological survey of a proposed underground pipeline, Starr County, Texas. H2000.8 ST28......95-1436 Cultural resource monitoring of fence and cattle guard construction on Bob West South well pad, Starr County, Texas. H2000.8 ST28FE......95-1265 Intensive archeological monitoring program conducted for a gas pipeline project, Falcon State Park, Zapata and Starr counties, Texas. H2000.8 Z19FAG......95-1444 Intensive archeological monitoring program conducted for the development of reconfigured pad C alternative and associated pipelines, Falcon State Park, Zapata and Starr counties, Texas. H2000.8 Z19FAD......95-1445 STATE AGENCIES 1992 financial and compliance audit results. (Auditor) A2800.8 M289G......95-0678 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Auditor) A2700.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1718 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Education Agency) E500.3 ST82 1995-9 94/12......95-0268 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Ethics Commission) E2500.3 ST82 1995-9 94/08......95-0474 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Finance Authority, Public) B1385.3 ST82 1995-9 94/06/15......95-0277 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Water Development Board) W600.3 ST82 1995-9......95-0350 Agency strategic plan for the Employees Retirement System of Texas. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 ST82 1994......95-0045 Analysis of legislation : 74th Legislature. S1500.8 AN13 1995......95-2199 Analysis of sunset legislation : 72nd Legislature. S1500.8 AN13 1991......95-0804 Analysis of the impact on health and human services in the introduced appropriations bill for the 1996-1997 biennium. H350.8 AN12 1995/7......95-0924 Annual report. (Auditor) A2800.3 AN78FU 1993/4......95-0216 Audit report on agency implementation of State Auditor's Office recommendations. A2800.8 AG35......95-0013 Audit report on improving the construction process. A2800.8 IM7CO......95-0217 Audit report on performance measures at 18 state agencies. A2800.8 P416STE......95-0679 Audit report on the Uniform Statewide Payroll/Personnel System (USPS). A2800.8 UN3ST......95-1580 Biennial report. (Auditor) A2700.3 B477 1992/4......95-0220 Briefing report on derivative investments by Texas state entities. A2800.8 D445......95-0877 Briefing report on reconciling state financial reports. A2800.8 R245......95-0221 Chief elected and administrative officials of Texas. L1700.5 C434 1995......95-0512 Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 ST29 74......95-0530 Commodity book : identification of supplies, equipment, and services by classes and items. P4050.5 C737 1995......95-1260 Federal discretionary grants and Texas state agencies, fiscal year 1993. S1250.8 F317 1992/3......95-0802 Fleet management. (General Services Commission) P4050.3 F624 1993/4......95-1599 Governor's Executive Development Program : Class XI Task Force reports. Z UA320.8 G746 93/01......95-0866 Health and human services coordinated strategic plan, 1995-2000 : phase I. H350.3 ST82CO 1994-2000......95-0055 Health and human services in Texas : presented to the House Appropriations Committee. H350.8 H349......95-0925 Interim report, state match pool : program performance to date, February 1, 1995. S1250.8 IN8R......95-1002 JSEC news. (Employment Commission) E2100.6 J869......95-0914 Planning information resources for tomorrow : instructions for preparing and submitting agency information resources strategic plans for the FY 1995-1999 period. I525.5 IN75FS 1995-9 94/08......95-0073 Procurement practices : state of Texas : report to the 74th Legislature as mandated by Senate Bill 381. C2600.8 P942PR 1994......95-1404 Report on evaluating the effectiveness of internal audit. A2800.8 EV13......95-0223 Report on the 1994 financial and compliance audit results. (Auditor) A2800.8 M289G 1993/4......95-1075 Report to the 74th Legislature. (Sunset Advisory Commission) S1500.3 F49R 74......95-0805 Review of rate setting for children's residential care. A2800.8 R187......95-0225 Staff performance report to the ... Legislature. (Legislative Budget Board) L1300.3 P416 74......95-0302 State expenditures by county. C2600.3 EX71CO 1995......95-2118 State Preservation Board information resource strategic plan, 1995-1999. P2350.3 ST82IN 1995-9......95-0328 State services and federal expenditures in Texas. S1250.8 ST29......95-0803 Status report on agencies under sunset review, 73rd Legislature, 1993. S1500.8 ST29AG 1993......95-0806 Strategic plan. (Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities) G1001.3 ST82 1992......95-1602 Strategic plan, fiscal years 1995 to 1999. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 ST82 1995-9 REV.......95-1163 Strategic plan for the 1992-1998 period. (Educational Economic Policy Center) E450.3 ST82 1992-8......95-0830 Sunset review in Texas : summary of process and procedure. S1500.5 SU74R 1995......95-2200 Supplement to House journal, Seventy-fourth Legislature, regular session : text of Conference Committee report, House bill no. 1 (General Appropriations Act) and Governor's veto proclamation. L1800.4 AP65 74......95-1461 STATE GOVERNMENT Workforce diversity in Texas state government : Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.110......95-0439 STATE HOSPITALS Construction status report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78C 1992/3......95-0762 Construction status report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78C 1993/4......95-0763 STATE PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS Mitigation and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat : Texas Parks and Wildlife Department lands. P400.8 M697......95-0775 Texas public campgrounds : year round, the camping's great in Texas!. T1325.5 P96 1994......95-1009 STATE PLANS 1994 statewide electrical energy plan. P3750.3 B477STE 1993-4......95-0983 Agency business plan. (Insurance, Department of) I1100.8 B964 1995......95-1618 Coordinated service delivery model workplan. (Health and Human Services Commission) H350.8 C788......95-0284 Interim state plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the state plan supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program. B1000.8 IN8......95-0453 Long range state plan for disability prevention in Texas : strategies for prevention, 1994-2000. D1100.8 L853 1994-2000......95-0901 Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant state plan and ... annual report. H600.3 P928ST 1994/5......95-1944 State plan for employment and training assistance for dislocated workers, state of Texas, for the period ... . C2300.3 J575TST 1994-5 REV.......95-0034 Texas state plan to serve substance abusers at risk of HIV, STDs and TB : 1995 update. A1400.8 T312ST 1995......95-1243 STATE SCHOOLS Construction status report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78C 1992/3......95-0762 Construction status report. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 AN78C 1993/4......95-0763 STATE-FEDERAL RELATIONS, OFFICE OF Annual report. (State-Federal Relations, Office of) S1250.3 AN78 1991/2......95-0589 Financial report. (State-Federal Relations, Office of) S1250.3 F49 1993/4......95-0588 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Office of State-Federal Relations. S1500.8 ST29......95-0124 STATISTICS Birth-origin study of Texas newborns during ... . H600.6 B539 1993......95-0057 Birth-origin study of Texas newborns during ... . H600.6 B539 1994......95-1942 Texas occupational employment statistics. Industry staffing patterns, non-manufacturing industries, 2nd quarter, 1993. E2100.8 OC1EN 1993......95-0916 STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY College catalog. (Stephen F. Austin State University) Z S850.5 G286 1995/6......95-0618 Survey of scientific and engineering expenditures at universities and colleges, FY 1994, Stephen F[.] Austin St[ate] U[niversity]. Z S850.8 SU79SC 1993/4......95-0836 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board survey of research expenditures, fiscal year 1994. Z S850.8 SU79RE 1993/4 REV.......95-0837 STRATEGIC PLANS Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Auditor) A2700.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1718 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Education Agency) E500.3 ST82 1995-9 94/12......95-0268 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Ethics Commission) E2500.3 ST82 1995-9 94/08......95-0474 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Finance Authority, Public) B1385.3 ST82 1995-9 94/06/15......95-0277 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1535 Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Water Development Board) W600.3 ST82 1995-9......95-0350 Agency strategic plan for the Employees Retirement System of Texas. (Employees Retirement System) E1900.3 ST82 1994......95-0045 Annual plan. (Ranger Junior College) Z R100.3 ST82 1994/5......95-1037 Edwards Underground Water District strategic plan (1994-2004). E1550.3 ST82 1994-2004......95-0719 Health and human services coordinated strategic plan, 1995-2000 : phase I. H350.3 ST82CO 1994-2000......95-0055 Planning information resources for tomorrow : instructions for preparing and submitting agency information resources strategic plans for the FY 1995-1999 period. I525.5 IN75FS 1995-9 94/08......95-0073 Strategic focus report, 1993-1995. (Navarro College) Z N100.3 ST82 1995-2005......95-1530 Strategic plan. (Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities) G1001.3 ST82 1992......95-1602 Strategic plan. (San Jacinto College District) Z S360.3 ST82 92/06......95-1682 Strategic plan, 1994-1999. (Texas A&M University at Galveston) Z TA555.3 ST82 1994-9......95-1371 Strategic plan, 1995-1999. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1562 Strategic plan, fiscal years 1995 to 1999. (Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Department of) M1000.3 ST82 1995-9 REV.......95-1163 Strategic plan for the 1992-1998 period. (Educational Economic Policy Center) E450.3 ST82 1992-8......95-0830 Strategic plan, FY 1995-1999. (Texas Forest Service) F1400.3 ST82 1995-9......95-0418 Strategic plan through 1999. Z TA505.3 ST82 94/08......95-1563 Strategic planning : internal audit report. (Southwest Texas State University) Z S770.8 IN8ST......95-2220 Toward 2000 : a long-range plan for Panola College. Z P130.8 L853 1993-2000......95-1531 STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL BOARD Financial report. (Structural Pest Control Board) S1400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0590 STUDENT COUNSELING End of year report, project #44120003, professional development for community college career counselors narrative. Z N750.8 P942 1994......95-1675 Learner-centered schools for Texas : a vision of Texas educators : proficiencies for teachers, proficiencies for administrators, proficiencies for counselors. E500.8 L479 1995......95-2126 STUDENT PERFORMANCE Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 National comparative results for Texas students : a report. E500.8 N213......95-1594 TAAS : Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and end-of-course examinations : student performance results, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 : statewide and regional results. E510.8 AS74MPE 1992/4......95-0717 STUDENTS 1994 executive summary : Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994 SUMM.......95-1071 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994......95-1573 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994......95-1574 Computing at Texas Tech. Z TT300.5 C739 1995......95-1896 Executive summary : 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994 SUMM.......95-1072 Handbook for developing a school-based integrated support services system. W2100.5 H191......95-1524 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 SUBSTANCE ABUSE 1994 executive summary : Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994 SUMM.......95-1071 1994 indicators of alcohol and drug abuse in Texas : treatment data, arrests, motor vehicle accidents, deaths. A1400.8 IN2 1994......95-1242 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994......95-1573 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994......95-1574 1995 resource directory for substance abuse professionals. A1400.5 R312 1995......95-1572 Executive summary : 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994 SUMM.......95-1072 In-depth review of the evaluation of the Texas correctional substance abuse treatment initiative. C4850.8 IN2 1995......95-2123 Study of drug-free workplace policies of Texas employers with workers' compensation coverage. W2000.8 D842......95-1664 Substance abuse trends in Texas, June 1995. A1400.8 SU16ABTR 1995......95-1392 Substance use among female inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1994. A1400.8 SU16FE......95-1576 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1993. A1400.8 SU16MA......95-1073 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, 1993 : executive summary. A1400.8 SU16MA SUMM.......95-0445 Texas state plan to serve substance abusers at risk of HIV, STDs and TB : 1995 update. A1400.8 T312ST 1995......95-1243 Texas treatment initiative : overview and recommendations from the Criminal Justice Policy Council program evaluations. C4850.8 T312TR......95-0899 Treatment alternatives to incarceration program : an analysis of retention in treatment and outcome evaluation. C4850.8 T71AN......95-0900 SUBSTANCE ABUSE STATISTICS 1994 executive summary : Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994 SUMM.......95-1071 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994......95-1573 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994......95-1574 Executive summary : 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994 SUMM.......95-1072 Substance use among female inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1994. A1400.8 SU16FE......95-1576 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1993. A1400.8 SU16MA......95-1073 SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY Budget. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 B859 1995/6......95-1880 College catalog. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.5 C28 1994/6......95-1204 Financial report. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0169 University pay plans. (Sul Ross State University) Z S900.3 UN3 1994/5......95-0390 SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION Financial report. (Sunset Advisory Commission) S1500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0123 Texas alternatives : competitive and regulatory options in telecommunications and electric power : a roadmap for meeting new challenges : a report to the 74th Legislature. L1836.74 T235......95-0754 SUNSET REVIEW Analysis of legislation : 74th Legislature. S1500.8 AN13 1995......95-2199 Report to the 74th Legislature. (Sunset Advisory Commission) S1500.3 F49R 74......95-0805 Self-evaluation report for the Sunset Advisory Commission. (Credit Union Commission) C4700.1 SE48......95-2121 Self-evaluation report to the Sunset Advisory Commission : background, policy issues, additional data, comments. (Preservation Board) P2350.1 SE48......95-1634 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority. S1500.8 G93......95-0341 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Office of State-Federal Relations. S1500.8 ST29......95-0124 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the State Preservation Board. S1500.8 P926......95-0342 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. S1500.8 T22......95-0343 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Texas Department of Agriculture. S1500.8 AG83 1994......95-0344 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Texas Racing Commission, Equine Research Account Advisory Committee. S1500.8 R115......95-0125 Status report on agencies under sunset review, 73rd Legislature, 1993. S1500.8 ST29AG 1993......95-0806 Sunset review in Texas : summary of process and procedure. S1500.5 SU74R 1995......95-2200 SUPERCONDUCTING SUPER COLLIDER Annual report. (National Research Laboratory Commission) N250.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0556 SUPREME COURT Financial report. (Supreme Court) C4400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0591 SURFACE WATER Southern Bexar County, Medina Valley surface water supply study. W600.8 SO88......95-0142 State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 SURPLUS PROPERTY AGENCY Official Texas administrative code. Title 1 : administration. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 1......95-0991 SURVEYS 1994 executive summary : Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994 SUMM.......95-1071 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994......95-1573 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994......95-1574 Appraisal district operations report, 1994 & 1995 data. C2625.8 AP65 1994/5......95-1253 Efficiency of the Texas public school delivery system. L1801.8 EF41......95-0756 Evaluation of urban travel survey methodologies. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-10......95-1314 Executive summary : 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994 SUMM.......95-1072 Leadership team responses to the recommendations of the employee survey QUESTeams. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 L469......95-0562 [Procedures used to complete survey of juvenile detainees in Texas adult jails and to complete Texas directory of adult jails]. J040.8 C868S......95-1621 Public Utility Commission of Texas 1993 lignite mine survey results. P3750.8 L629S 1993......95-0790 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1991......95-0615 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1992......95-0616 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1993......95-0617 Texas public opinion regarding toll roads. T1311.7 R311 NO.1322-1......95-1659 Urban travel demand modeling data. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-7......95-1342 SWINE Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5137......95-1886 Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1535 Budget. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.3 B859 1995/6......95-2221 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1990/1......95-1205 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1991/2......95-1685 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1992/3......95-1686 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1993/4......95-1687 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1994/5......95-1688 College catalog. (Tarleton State University) Z T100.5 C28 1995/6......95-1689 TARRANT COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT Budget. (Tarrant County Junior College District) Z T150.3 B859 1995/6......95-2222 Financial report. (Tarrant County Junior College District) Z T150.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0391 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of Arcadia Park South, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1573......95-2156 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Bowman Springs Road Park, city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1467......95-2157 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Lynn Creek linear and neighborhood parks, city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1405......95-0495 Northeast Tarrant County regional water supply planning report. W600.8 T176NE......95-1187 TAX EXEMPTIONS Sales and franchise tax exemptions : a report to the governor and Texas Legislature. C2600.8 SA32FRT 1995......95-0465 TAX LAW Coin operated services. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.4 C666 1995......95-0691 Franchise tax. Subchapter B, Exemptions. C2600.4 F846E 1995......95-0693 Tax law for the rest of us. B600.8 T199......95-1248 TAX PROFESSIONAL EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Tax Professional Examiners, Board of) T175.3 F49 1993/4......95-0345 TAXATION Appraisal practices and tax burdens, Texas local governments : report. R1800.8 AP65PR 1993/4......95-0989 Tax law for the rest of us. B600.8 T199......95-1248 TAXES Administrative tax rules index. C2600.4 AD65 1995......95-0889 Administrative tax rules index. C2600.4 AD65 94/11......95-0463 Administrative tax rules index. C2600.4 AD65 95/06......95-1403 Administrative tax rules index. C2600.4 AD65 95/08......95-1924 Committee on Ways and Means, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 W368 74......95-0533 Derechos, recursos y responsabilidades del contribuyente de impuestos. C2625.5 P945TA SPAN. 1995......95-0698 Effect of the proposed btu tax on the Texas economy. C2600.8 EF36......95-0692 Higher education tuition in Texas. L1801.7 H816F NO.74-2......95-0953 State of the states : a look at tax and budget issues in the 50 states. C2600.6 ST29ST......95-1252 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0239 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0240 Truth-in-taxation : a guide for setting tax rates. C2600.5 P945 1995......95-1590 TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM Actuarial valuation: Teacher Retirement System of Texas. T600.3 AC88 1993/4......95-0592 Financial report. (Teacher Retirement System) T600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0126 Financial report. (Teacher Retirement System) T600.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1003 Investment report. (Teacher Retirement System) T600.3 AN78I 1993/4......95-1494 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 Opinion audit on the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. A2800.8 T312R 1993/4......95-1074 Staff report to the Sunset Advisory Commission on the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. S1500.8 T22......95-0343 TEACHERS Educator professional development : a key element in states' education reform efforts. L1300.8 ED83 1994......95-2174 Learner-centered schools for Texas : a vision of Texas educators : proficiencies for teachers, proficiencies for administrators, proficiencies for counselors. E500.8 L479 1995......95-2126 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 Texas teacher retention, mobility, and attrition. E500.7 P758 NO.6......95-1414 TEACHING METHODS Educator professional development : a key element in states' education reform efforts. L1300.8 ED83 1994......95-2174 Final report, Tech Prep Intergenerational Curriculum Development Project. Z TT300.8 T225 1993/4......95-0648 Learner-centered schools for Texas : a vision of Texas educators : proficiencies for teachers, proficiencies for administrators, proficiencies for counselors. E500.8 L479 1995......95-2126 TECHNOLOGY W.I.T., Women in Technology : end of year report, July '93-June '94 : "taking women one step further ... ". (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842E 1993/4......95-0608 Women in Technology : Project Opportunity. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842 1993/4......95-0609 TEETH Toothfully speaking : 4-H dental health program. Z TA265.8 T619......95-0185 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Alternative instructional delivery/distance learning : research report. Z C200.8 AL79......95-1668 Business disputes along the information superhighway. B600.8 B964DIA......95-1583 Instructional telecommunications in Texas higher education : a progress report to the 74th Legislature in response to SCR 66 of the 73rd Legislature. C3400.8 IN7TCO......95-0703 Scope of competition in telecommunications markets. P3750.8 SC67 1995......95-0576 Texas alternatives : competitive and regulatory options in telecommunications and electric power : a roadmap for meeting new challenges : a report to the 74th Legislature. L1836.74 T235......95-0754 Texas in the information age : economic and social impacts of broadband telecommunications infrastructure in Texas. Z N707.8 T312IN......95-0855 TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Official directory. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 D628 1994/5......95-0197 Official directory. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 D628 1995/6......95-2249 TELEPHONE UTILITIES Comprehensive review of the management and operations of Colorado Valley Telephone Cooperative. P3750.8 C738CO......95-0985 Earnings report for telephone utilities : instructions, questions, and schedules : effective January 1, 1995. P3750.8 EA76TE 1995......95-0788 Equal employment opportunities and contracting opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in the Texas telephone and electric industry. P3750.8 EQ25......95-0986 Final report, a compliance audit of Lake Livingston Telephone Company : project no. 13275. P3750.8 C738LAL......95-0789 Scope of competition in telecommunications markets. P3750.8 SC67 1995......95-0576 Staff analysis of the incentive regulation plan established in Docket No. 8585 : the first three years. (Public Utility Commission) P3750.8 ST13AN......95-0987 TEMPLE JUNIOR COLLEGE Budget. (Temple Junior College) Z T300.3 B859 1995/6......95-1882 Financial report. (Temple Junior College) Z T300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0392 TENANTS Landlords' and tenants' guide. R800.8 L235TEG 1995......95-1877 TEXARKANA, TEXAS Field tests and analyses of concrete pavement in Texarkana and La Porte, Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.1244-7......95-0812 TEXAS State expenditures by county. C2600.3 EX71CO 1995......95-2118 Texas, official travel map. T1325.7 H537 1995......95-2209 Texas : Texas state travel guide. T1325.8 T312 1995......95-0824 TEXAS A&M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Budget. (Texas A&M International University) Z L250.3 B859 1995/6......95-2223 College catalog. (Texas A&M International University) Z L250.5 B874 1995/6......95-1536 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Annual report for program year ... . (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78DIS 1992/3......95-0038 Annual report for program year ... . (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78DIS 1993/4......95-0243 Audit report on management controls at Texas A & M University and the system offices. A2800.8 T312AMM......95-0218 Budget. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.3 B859 1995/6......95-2224 Financial report. (Texas A&M University System) Z TA565.3 F49 1993/4......95-0177 News and notes from the vice chancellor's office. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.6 N474......95-1883 Texas A & M 1894-1994 football centennial media guide. Z TA200.5 F739......95-0395 Texas A&M University affirmative action plan : January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. Z TA200.8 AF27 1994......95-1048 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY AT GALVESTON Access and equity 2000 : the Texas educational opportunity plan for public higher education, September 1994 through August 2000. Z TA555.8 AC22......95-1049 Budget. (Texas A&M University at Galveston) Z TA555.3 B859 1995/6......95-2227 Strategic plan, 1994-1999. (Texas A&M University at Galveston) Z TA555.3 ST82 1994-9......95-1371 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - CORPUS CHRISTI Budget. (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi) Z C800.3 B859 1995/6......95-2228 College catalog. (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi) Z C800.5 C28 1995/6......95-1692 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Annual report. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.3 AN78ME 1992/3......95-0393 Making an impact. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.1 M289......95-0394 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Faculty, Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University, 1994-1995. Z TA200.5 F119PO 1994/5......95-1047 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. DWIGHT LOOK COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Look. (Texas A&M University) Z TA200.6 L872......95-1690 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - KINGSVILLE Budget. (Texas A&M University - Kingsville) Z TA110.3 B859 1995/6......95-2229 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - KINGSVILLE. CAESAR KLEBERG WILDLIFE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Annual report. (Texas A&M University - Kingsville. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute) Z TA115.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0400 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. RURAL SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Rural social science education : RSSE. Z TA455.6 R88......95-1207 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Audit report on management controls at Texas A & M University and the system offices. A2800.8 T312AMM......95-0218 Budget. (Texas A&M University System) Z TA565.3 B859AD 1995/6......95-2230 Financial report. (Texas A&M University System) Z TA565.3 F49S 1993/4......95-0840 Texas A & M University System Administration and General Offices job evaluation and salary administration program : final reports and recommendations. Z TA565.8 J575......95-0178 TEXAS ACADEMIC SKILLS PROGRAM TASP, Texas Academic Skills Program policy manual. C3400.5 T183POM 1993......95-0468 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78P 1993/4......95-0634 Budget. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station) Z TA245.3 B859 1995/6......95-2232 Official Texas administrative code. Title 4 : agriculture. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 4......95-0992 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE Budget. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.3 B859 1995/6......95-2238 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL LIFETIME LEADERSHIP (TALL) TALL insight. (Texas Agricultural Extension Service) Z TA265.6 T144......95-1549 TEXAS ASSESSMENT OF ACADEMIC SKILLS Accountability manual : the 1995 accountability rating system for Texas public schools and school districts and blueprint for the 1996-2000 accountability systems. E500.5 AC27 1995......95-0904 Composite TAAS notebook : San Angelo, Midland, El Paso, Van Horn, Lubbock, and Mt. Pleasant workshop materials. Z TA200.8 T11......95-1046 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3 SUPP.......95-1105 TAAS : Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and end-of-course examinations : student performance results, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 : statewide and regional results. E510.8 AS74MPE 1992/4......95-0717 TEXAS COASTAL OCEAN OBSERVATION NETWORK (TCOON) Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON) quarterly progress report. Z C800.6 T312......95-0176 TEXAS CONSTITUTION Analyses of proposed constitutional amendments, November 7, 1995, election. L1400.8 AN13PRC 1995......95-1951 Constitutional amendments. L1801.8 C766 1995......95-1952 Texas legislative manual. L1400.5 L524M 1995......95-1158 TEXAS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 AN78 1990/1......95-1376 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 AN78 1991/2......95-1377 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1378 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1379 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78E 1993/4......95-0636 Budget. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.3 B859 1995/6......95-2242 Ingenuity. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station) Z TA305.6 IN4......95-1889 TEXAS ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE Budget. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.3 B859 1995/6......95-2243 Course catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Services) Z TA325.5 C28 1994/5......95-0414 TEXAS ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE. ELECTRONICS TRAINING DIVISION Semiconductor physics and chemistry I. Z TA325.8 SE51 V.2......95-0633 TEXAS ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE. FIRE PROTECTION TRAINING DIVISION College catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 C28FI 1994......95-0412 TEXAS ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY TRAINING DIVISION College catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 C834 1994......95-0413 TEXAS ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE. TRANSPORTATION TRAINING DIVISION 1994 video catalog : Local Technical Assistance Program video lending library. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 V668 1994......95-0632 College catalog. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 C28TRT......95-0416 TEXAS FOLKLORE SOCIETY Texas Folklore Society. Z N700.8 F719 V.2......95-0194 TEXAS FOOD AND FIBERS COMMISSION Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78P 1993/4......95-0634 Annual report. (Texas Engineering Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78E 1993/4......95-0636 Annual report. (Texas Tech University. International Textile Center (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N313.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0635 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Natural Fibers Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78T 1993/4......95-0640 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Nutrition and Natural Fiber Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78N 1993/4......95-0641 Annual report. (University of Texas. Natural Fibers Research Information Center (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N329.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0637 Financial report. (Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0639 TEXAS FOREST SERVICE Budget. (Texas Forest Service) F1400.3 B859 1995/6......95-2244 Strategic plan, FY 1995-1999. (Texas Forest Service) F1400.3 ST82 1995-9......95-0418 TEXAS HISTORY Essays on the changing images of the Southwest. Z TA475.7 W384 NO.28......95-0397 Presiding officers of the Texas Legislature, 1846-1995. L1400.5 P926O 1995......95-0950 Texas Folklore Society. Z N700.8 F719 V.2......95-0194 TEXAS HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT FINANCING COUNCIL Financial report. (Hospital Equipment Financing Council) T1400.3 F49H 1993/4......95-0134 TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION. CLEAN CITIES 2000 PROGRAM Clean cities 2000 program guide : recruiting municipalities to voluntarily reduce solid waste going to landfills, and to reduce pollution going into Texas' skies, land, and waterways by the year 2000. N330.8 C58......95-0765 TEXAS PROBATE SYSTEM Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY American Dietetic Association plan V : responses to peer review of self-study application, Feb. 24, 1990. Z TS700.8 D568......95-1890 Budget. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1891 College catalog. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.5 C28 1993/5......95-0642 Financial report. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0187 TSU quarterly. (Texas Southern University) Z TS700.6 T789......95-2097 TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE College catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 C28 1994/5......95-0201 College catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 C28 1995/6......95-2114 Graduate catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 G755 1995/6......95-2113 TEXAS STATE CEMETERY Texas State Cemetery master plan. P400.8 T312STC......95-0325 TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE - HARLINGEN Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Harlingen) Z TS835.3 B859 1995/6......95-1892 TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE - SWEETWATER Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Sweetwater) Z TS845.3 B859 1995/6......95-1893 College catalog. (Texas State Technical College - Sweetwater) Z TS845.5 G286 1994/5......95-0419 College catalog. (Texas State Technical College - Sweetwater) Z TS845.5 G286 1995/6......95-2098 TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM Budget. (Texas State Technical College System) Z TS800.3 B859 1995/6......95-1895 TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE - WACO Aircraft operations report. (Texas State Technical College - Waco) Z TS815.3 AI74 1993/4......95-0645 Budget. (Texas State Technical College - Waco) Z TS815.3 B859 1995/6......95-1894 TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Financial report. (Texas State University System) Z TS875.3 F49 1993/4......95-0647 Financial report. (Texas State University System) Z TS875.3 F49CO 1993/4......95-1698 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Annual report. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 AN78AA 1993/4......95-1056 Annual report. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 F49BA 1993/4......95-2099 Budget. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 B859 1995 SUMMER......95-1224 College catalog. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.5 G286 1995/6......95-1225 Computing at Texas Tech. Z TT300.5 C739 1995......95-1896 Financial report. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0422 Graduate catalog - Texas Tech University. Z TT300.5 G755 1995/6......95-0423 Scholarships & financial aid. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.5 SCH64 1995......95-1699 Tech topics : a chronicle of private giving to Texas Tech. Z TT300.6 T225TO......95-2100 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION College of Education directory of faculty specialties, Texas Tech University. Z TT300.5 D628ED......95-0421 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY. GRADUATE SCHOOL Annual report. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.3 AN78GR 1993/4......95-0420 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER Financial report. (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center) Z TT550.3 F49 1993/4......95-0424 Newsbriefs. (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center) Z TT550.6 N475......95-2101 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY. INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE CENTER Annual report. (Texas Tech University. International Textile Center (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N313.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0635 TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE Annual report. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 AN78 1992/3......95-1227 Budget. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 B859 1995/6......95-2245 Strategic plan, 1995-1999. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 ST82 1995-9......95-1562 Strategic plan through 1999. Z TA505.3 ST82 94/08......95-1563 TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE. RESEARCH CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE Annual report. (Texas Transportation Institute) Z TA505.3 AN78RE 1994......95-1561 TEXAS VETERINARY MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY Budget. (Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory) V775.3 B859 1995/6......95-2246 Official Texas administrative code. Title 4 : agriculture. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 4......95-0992 TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Natural Fibers Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78T 1993/4......95-0640 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Nutrition and Natural Fiber Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78N 1993/4......95-0641 Budget. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1897 College catalog. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.5 C28 1995/7......95-1061 Financial report. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.3 F49 1993/4......95-0190 Graduate catalog. (Texas Woman's University) Z TW700.5 G755 1994/6......95-0848 Quest : the research magazine of Texas Woman's University. Z TW700.6 Q38......95-0191 TEXTILES Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 Annual report. (Texas Woman's University. Natural Fibers Utilization Research (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N321.3 AN78T 1993/4......95-0640 TIMBER Directory of the forest products industries in Texas. F1400.7 C496 NO.275 1994......95-0417 Harvest trends. F1400.7 P96 NO.152......95-0186 TITUS COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological investigation within the Monticello B-2 first five-year disturbance area, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOBA 1993......95-1725 Cultural resources survey of a proposed SWEPCO transmission line, Titus County, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.39......95-0198 Cultural resources survey of portions of the Monticello B-2 surface lignite mine, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOBC 1994......95-1729 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Monticello B-2 surface mine, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOBC......95-1731 Cultural resources survey of the proposed Monticello I area surface mine, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOC 1994......95-1732 National register testing of ten sites in the Monticello B-2 Surface Mine, Titus County, Texas. H2000.8 T541MOBN......95-1737 TOBACCO Review of the revenue audit function of the Texas State Treasury : the tobacco tax revenue process. A2800.8 T71TO......95-0226 TOLL ROADS Texas public opinion regarding toll roads. T1311.7 R311 NO.1322-1......95-1659 TORNADOES State of Texas hazard mitigation plan for Texas counties affected by severe storms and tornadoes during the period April 25, 1994 through May 4, 1994 and wildfires during the period July 1, 1994 through July 10 1994. P3510.8 H336MIS 1994......95-1639 TORTS 74th Legislature overhauls tort law. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-13......95-1462 Tort reform : basics of the 1995 debate. L1801.7 H816SEF NO.74-10......95-0955 TOURISM 1993 review of international travel to Texas. C2300.8 M341 1995......95-1588 Mexican pleasure travel and study : highlights report. C2300.8 M574PLT 1995......95-1401 Sources of assistance for tourism in Texas. C2300.5 SO84AS 1995......95-1402 Texas Department of Commerce Tourism Division activities for the House of Representatives, September 1991-August 1993. C2300.8 T645DIA 1991/3......95-0690 Texas hotel performance report. C2300.6 T312HOP ......95-1095 Texas : Texas state travel guide. T1325.8 T312 1995......95-0824 Texas tourism annual report. C2300.3 T645 1993/4......95-0462 TOURISTS 1993 review of international travel to Texas. C2300.8 M341 1995......95-1588 TOXIC SUBSTANCES COORDINATING COMMITTEE Official Texas administrative code. Title 25 : health services. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 25......95-0998 TRADE Travel industry sales : scheduled activities. C2300.8 T697IN......95-1923 TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS Fatal motor vehicle traffic accidents and deaths, total by county. P3500.8 F268TAC 1994......95-1638 Texas Traffic Safety Program highway safety plan. T1300.8 H539 1995/6......95-1496 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Advanced Real-time Ramp Metering System (ARMS) : the system concept. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-24......95-0347 Congestion management systems state-of-the-practice-review. T1311.7 R311 NO.563-1F......95-0809 Corridor analysis guidelines for incident management. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-29......95-1298 Development of analytical tools for evaluating operations of light-rail at-grade within an urban signal system. Interim report 2. T1311.7 R311 NO.1278-2......95-1500 Distance requirements for ramp metering. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-5......95-1306 Effective placement of detectors at diamond interchanges. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-4......95-1502 Effective placement of detectors for computerized traffic control summary report. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-9F......95-1503 Effects of work zone detours on rural highway traffic operations. T1311.7 R311 NO.987-2......95-1653 Evaluation of high-occupancy vehicle lanes in Texas, 1993. T1311.7 R311 NO.1353-1......95-1313 Expediting urban highway construction. T1311.7 R311 NO.1227-1......95-1315 Guidelines for response to major freeway incidents-- : response manual. T1311.7 R311 NO.1345-1......95-1317 Hardware/software compatibility for traffic management/IVHS systems. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-26......95-0817 IH 35/Milo Road (Loop 20) interchange analysis, Laredo, Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.2904-1F......95-1511 Inductance loop detector lead length. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-1......95-1321 Induction loop detector systems crosstalk. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-2......95-1322 Interim program documentation on system ramp control optimization algorithms. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-25......95-0129 Motorist understanding of traffic control devices : study results and recommendations. T1311.7 R311 NO.1261-4......95-1513 Optimal detector location for HOV lane operation. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-7......95-1329 Optimizing detector placement for high speed isolated signalized intersections using vehicular delay as the criterion. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-3......95-1514 Pedestrian signals : warrants and effectiveness. T1311.7 R311 NO.1296-2F......95-1658 Ramp adaptive metering bottleneck optimization (RAMBO) user's manual. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-31......95-1333 Speed measurement with inductance loop speed traps. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-8......95-1335 Traffic forecasting requirements by project type. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-8......95-1338 Traffic management in response to major freeway incidents. T1311.7 R311 NO.1345-2F......95-1519 TRANPLAN corridor analysis : procedures guide. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-16F......95-1339 Travel forecasting guidelines. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-14......95-1340 US-75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : May 1994 traffic conditions. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-3......95-1343 US-75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : October 1993 and March 1994 traffic conditions. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-2......95-1344 Visibility and spacing of lane control signals for freeway traffic management. T1311.7 R311 NO.1498-1......95-1521 TRAFFIC FATALITIES Fatal motor vehicle traffic accidents and deaths, total by county. P3500.8 F268TAC 1994......95-1638 TRAFFIC FLOW Advanced Real-time Ramp Metering System (ARMS) : the system concept. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-24......95-0347 Congestion management systems state-of-the-practice-review. T1311.7 R311 NO.563-1F......95-0809 Distance requirements for ramp metering. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-5......95-1306 Effects of work zone detours on rural highway traffic operations. T1311.7 R311 NO.987-2......95-1653 Inductance loop detector lead length. (Transportation, Department of. Cooperative Highway Research Program) T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-1......95-1321 Traffic management in response to major freeway incidents. T1311.7 R311 NO.1345-2F......95-1519 U.S. 75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : Lemmon/Oak Lawn/Peak screen line automobile user panel : October 1993 survey results. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-1......95-0132 U.S. 75 North Central Expressway reconstruction : Lemmon/Oak Lawn/Peak screen line automobile user panel : May 1994 survey results. T1311.7 R311 NO.1994-6......95-1341 TRAFFIC SAFETY Study of selected warning devices for reducing truck speeds. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-28......95-1336 Texas highway-rail intersection field reference guide. T1311.7 R311 NO.1273-2F 1994......95-0821 Texas Traffic Safety Program highway safety plan. T1300.8 H539 1995/6......95-1496 Traffic operations manual : highway safety traffic safety volume. T1300.5 T676HI......95-0346 TRAFFIC SAFETY DEVICES Enhancements to passive warning devices at railroad-highway grade crossings. T1311.7 R311 NO.1273-1......95-1505 Study of selected warning devices for reducing truck speeds. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-28......95-1336 Texas highway-rail intersection field reference guide. T1311.7 R311 NO.1273-2F 1994......95-0821 TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS Benefits of the Texas traffic light synchronization (TLS) grant program II. T1311.7 R311 NO.3010-1F......95-1296 Development of analytical tools for evaluating operations of light-rail at-grade within an urban signal system. Interim report 2. T1311.7 R311 NO.1278-2......95-1500 Effective placement of detectors for computerized traffic control summary report. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-9F......95-1503 Enhancements to passive warning devices at railroad-highway grade crossings. T1311.7 R311 NO.1273-1......95-1505 Evaluation of rural guide signing : second year activities and preliminary recommendations. T1311.7 R311 NO.1373-2......95-1507 Implementation guidelines for actuated controllers in coordinated systems. T1311.7 R311 NO.1255-2F......95-2207 Motorist understanding of traffic control devices : study results and recommendations. T1311.7 R311 NO.1261-4......95-1513 Optimizing detector placement for high speed isolated signalized intersections using vehicular delay as the criterion. T1311.7 R311 NO.1392-3......95-1514 Pedestrian signals : warrants and effectiveness. T1311.7 R311 NO.1296-2F......95-1658 Visibility and spacing of lane control signals for freeway traffic management. T1311.7 R311 NO.1498-1......95-1521 TRANSIT SYSTEMS Design guidelines to enhance pedestrian and transit interaction. T1311.7 R311 NO.1975-1......95-1499 Development of analytical tools for evaluating operations of light-rail at-grade within an urban signal system. Interim report 2. T1311.7 R311 NO.1278-2......95-1500 Development of analytical tools for evaluating operations of light rail at grade within an urban signal system. Final report. T1311.7 R311 NO.1278-4F......95-1501 Evaluation of automatic vehicle location systems in public transit. T1311.7 R311 NO.3006-1F......95-1310 Examination of policies and programs supporting transit use in Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.1975-2F......95-1508 Improving transit coordination in Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.1974-1......95-1512 Report on the review of financial and performance audit reports of certain mass transit authorities. A2800.8 R299CE......95-0448 TRANSPORTATION Committee on Transportation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 T687 74......95-0531 Logistics management and U.S.-Mexico transportation systems : a preliminary investigation. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.109......95-0652 Planning activities along the Texas/Mexico border. T1300.8 P693......95-0808 RCE intelliscope : a quarterly focus on the IVHS Research Centers of Excellence Program. Z TA505.6 R219......95-1560 Recommendations for the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston's employee trip reduction program. Z UH325.8 R245......95-1069 Site and survey assessment, University Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Z UH325.8 SI86......95-1070 Summary of physical & human infrastructure requirements along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas resulting from increased international trade & NAFTA. T1300.8 SU63......95-1181 Texas transportation energy savings : executive summary. L600.8 T687 1995 SUMM.......95-2171 Texas transportation energy savings : strategies for reducing energy consumption. L600.8 T687 1995......95-2172 Transportation news. T1300.6 T687N......95-1182 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF Audit report on management controls at the Texas Department of Transportation. A2800.8 T688MA......95-0015 Business information and systems plan. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.8 B964......95-0807 Financial report. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0127 Official Texas administrative code. Title 43 : transportation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 43......95-1179 Quarterly FDO bulletin. (Transportation, Department of) T1300.6 Q28......95-1495 Review of cost accounting methodology at the Texas Department of Transportation. A2800.8 T688CO......95-1076 Transportation news. T1300.6 T687N......95-1182 TxDOT's federal flyer. T1300.6 F317......95-1183 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF. AVIATION DIVISION Five-year aviation capital improvement program, 1996-2000. T1305.8 F586CA 1996/2000......95-1497 TRANSPORTATION FINANCE Evaluation of bonds for financing state highway expenditures in Texas : preliminary findings. T1311.7 R311 NO.1362-1......95-1506 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Congestion management systems state-of-the-practice-review. T1311.7 R311 NO.563-1F......95-0809 Framework for evaluating multimodal transportation investment in Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.1282-2F......95-1655 Integrating transportation and land use planning. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-15......95-1326 Planning activities along the Texas/Mexico border. T1300.8 P693......95-0808 Planning, design, and operation of transportation facilities in Houston, Texas : a summary of activities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1941-2F......95-0131 Regional transportation report. (Houston-Galveston Area Council) H2400.3 T687 1992......95-1615 Regional transportation report. (Houston-Galveston Area Council) H2400.3 T687 1994......95-0743 State departmental map. T1324.8 OF2M 1995......95-1008 Texas Traffic Safety Program highway safety plan. T1300.8 H539 1995/6......95-1496 Transportation system performance changes, 1980-1990 : based on the decennial censuses. T1311.7 R311 NO.1962-1......95-0822 TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS 1993 aircraft activity counter report. T1305.8 AI74 1993......95-1184 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 Fatal motor vehicle traffic accidents and deaths, total by county. P3500.8 F268TAC 1994......95-1638 TRAVEL 1993 review of international travel to Texas. C2300.8 M341 1995......95-1588 Evaluation of urban travel survey methodologies. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-10......95-1314 GIS protocol and data structures for the Texas travel demand package. T1311.7 R311 NO.947-8......95-0814 Mexican pleasure travel and study : highlights report. C2300.8 M574PLT 1995......95-1401 Texas Department of Commerce Tourism Division activities for the House of Representatives, September 1991-August 1993. C2300.8 T645DIA 1991/3......95-0690 Texas, official travel map. T1325.7 H537 1995......95-2209 Texas state travel directory. P4050.5 T312 1995/6......95-1600 Travel forecasting guidelines. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-14......95-1340 Travel industry sales : scheduled activities. C2300.8 T697IN......95-1923 Travel spending for Texas counties, 1992-1993. C2300.8 T697SP 1992-3......95-1096 Urban travel demand modeling data. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-7......95-1342 TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological and archival investigations at Fort Magruder (41 TV 1380) : Civil War period fortification in Austin, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1130......95-2151 Archaeological investigations in the Walnut Creek National Register District, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.322......95-1449 Cultural resource survey of the Tannehill Branch[/]Greenwood Avenue channel improvements project in Austin, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1540......95-1454 Cultural resources survey of a proposed 138-kV transmission line, Travis and Williamson counties, Texas. H2000.8 T698......95-1613 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-166......95-2016 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-167......95-2017 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-168......95-2018 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-169......95-2019 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-170......95-2020 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-171......95-2021 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-172......95-2022 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-173......95-2023 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-174......95-2024 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-175......95-2025 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-176......95-2026 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-177......95-2027 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-178......95-2028 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-179......95-2029 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-180......95-2030 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-181......95-2031 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-182......95-2032 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-183......95-2033 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-184......95-2034 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-185......95-2035 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-186......95-2036 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-187......95-2037 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-188......95-2038 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-189......95-2039 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-190......95-2040 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-191......95-2041 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-192......95-2042 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-193......95-2043 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-194......95-2044 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-195......95-2045 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-196......95-2046 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-197......95-2047 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-198......95-2048 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-199......95-2049 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-200......95-2050 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-201......95-2051 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-202......95-2052 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-203......95-2053 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-204......95-2054 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Travis County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-234......95-2077 Effects of LoneSTAR in Travis County. (Health, Department of) H600.8 L847TR......95-1122 Intensive cultural resources survey and assessment for the proposed Oak Hill regional detention pond on Williamson Creek, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1466......95-1144 Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 Summary report of the cultural resources investigations at the proposed Yett Creek regional detention pond, West Parmer Lane, Travis County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1488......95-2162 Travis County Commissioners Court : a report. C2600.8 T698......95-0892 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Audit report on the Texas State Treasury Department's automated systems and processes. A2800.8 T71AU......95-2117 Financial report. (Treasury Department) T1400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0135 General revenue fund account cash flow report. T1400.3 G286 1994/5......95-0595 Official Texas administrative code. Title 34 : public finance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 34......95-1177 Review of the revenue audit function of the Texas State Treasury : the tobacco tax revenue process. A2800.8 T71TO......95-0226 TREES Tree health newsletter. Z TA200.6 T714......95-2225 TRINITY VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Budget. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1898 College catalog. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.5 C28 1995/6......95-1700 Financial report. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0425 Salary schedule. (Trinity Valley Community College) Z H200.3 B859SA 1995/6......95-1899 TRINITY-SAN JACINTO COASTAL BASIN Regional assessment of water quality : Trinity-San Jacinto Coastal Basin, San Jacinto River Basin, San Jacinto-Brazos Coastal Basin, Brazos-Colorado Coastal Basin. N330.3 B477TR 1993-4......95-1959 TROUT Rainbow trout. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5101......95-1218 TRUCKS Overload permit procedures. T1311.7 R311 NO.1266-4F 94/02......95-1515 Study of selected warning devices for reducing truck speeds. T1311.7 R311 NO.1232-28......95-1336 TRUST CODE Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 TRUST LAW Advanced drafting : estate planning and probate course. B600.8 AD95DEP 1994......95-0228 Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 TUBERCULOSIS Annual report. (Health, Department of. Tuberculosis Elimination Division) H861.3 AN78 1993......95-0061 Texas state plan to serve substance abusers at risk of HIV, STDs and TB : 1995 update. A1400.8 T312ST 1995......95-1243 Tuberculosis II. Z UH500.5 B765 1995......95-0868 Tuberculosis in Texas : a cost assessment. Z N707.8 T79......95-0856 Your child with tuberculosis : a guide for parents and guardians. Z UH500.5 Y88......95-2115 TURFGRASS Pesticide use by Texas turfgrass growers. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6005......95-1545 Sports field maintenance. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2344 1995......95-1888 White grubs in Texas turfgrass. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.1131 1995......95-2096 TURNPIKE AUTHORITY Annual report. (Turnpike Authority) T1700.3 AN78 1994......95-1010 History of the Texas Turnpike Authority. T1700.1 H629......95-1522 Official Texas administrative code. Title 43 : transportation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 43......95-1179 TYLER COUNTY, TEXAS Archaeological survey for the proposed wastewater system improvements, the city of Woodville, Tyler County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1409......95-0063 Cultural resource survey of targeted areas, B.A. Steinhagen Lake, Jasper and Tyler counties, Texas. Z UA209.7 T226S NO.41......95-0655 TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE Financial report. (Tyler Junior College) Z TY100.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0192 UNEMPLOYMENT State services and assistance : workers' guide. E2100.5 ST29......95-0473 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Texas Employment Commission rules : adopted pursuant to Texas Unemployment Compensation Act. E2100.4 R861 1994......95-0272 UNIFORM STATE LAWS, COMMISSION ON Financial report. (Uniform State Laws, Commission on) U400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0596 UNIVERSAL CITY, TEXAS Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-05......95-1751 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON College catalog. (University of Houston) Z U400.5 C28U 1995/7......95-0849 Financial report. (University of Houston) Z U400.3 F49 1994/5......95-2102 President's report. (University of Houston) Z U400.1 P926 1995......95-1228 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON - CLEAR LAKE College catalog. (University of Houston - Clear Lake) Z U500.5 B874 1995/6......95-1564 Financial report. (University of Houston - Clear Lake) Z U500.3 F49 1994/5......95-2103 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON - CLEAR LAKE. RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS RICIS review. (University of Houston - Clear Lake. Research Institute for Computing and Information Systems) Z U510.6 R419......95-0426 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON - DOWNTOWN Financial report. (University of Houston - Downtown) Z U515.3 F49 1994/5......95-2104 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON. ENERGY LABORATORY Annual report. (University of Houston. Energy Laboratory) Z U427.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0427 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON. ENVIRONMENTAL INSTITUTE OF HOUSTON Bulletin. (University of Houston) Z U400.6 EN89......95-1900 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM Financial report. (University of Houston System) Z U600.3 F49 1994/5......95-2107 Financial report. (University of Houston System) Z U600.3 F49A 1994/5......95-2106 Review of management controls at the University of Houston System. A2800.8 UN3HOM......95-0018 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON - VICTORIA Financial report. (University of Houston - Victoria) Z U480.3 F49 1994/5......95-2105 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Budget. (University of North Texas) Z N700.3 B859 1995/6......95-1701 College catalog. (University of North Texas) Z N700.5 G286 1995/6......95-2248 Financial report. (University of North Texas) Z N700.3 F49 1993/4 REV.......95-0193 Graduate catalog. (University of North Texas) Z N700.5 G755 1995/6......95-2247 Spectrum. (University of North Texas) Z N700.6 SP32......95-1565 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT FORT WORTH. COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE College catalog. (University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. College of Osteopathic Medicine) Z U900.5 C28OS 1995/6......95-1704 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT FORT WORTH Financial report. (University of North Texas Health Science Center at Forth Worth) Z U900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0195 Research beyond 2000. (University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth) Z U900.1 R311......95-2108 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON Annual report. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 AN78L 1993/4......95-1901 Budget. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 B859 1995/6......95-1902 College catalog. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.5 UN2 1995/7......95-1385 Financial report. (University of Texas at Arlington) Z UA100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0649 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON. AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS INSTITUTE Annual report. (University of Texas at Arlington. Automation & Robotics Research Institute) Z UA110.3 AN78 1993/4......95-2109 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON. SCHOOL OF URBAN AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS SUPA news : the newsletter for friends of the UTA School of Urban and Public Affairs. Z UA150.6 SU76......95-1229 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Budget. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.3 B859 1995/6......95-1903 Financial report. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0650 General information [catalogue]. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 G286I 1995/6......95-1705 Graduate catalog. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 G755 1995/7......95-1706 Official directory. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 D628 1994/5......95-0197 Official directory. (University of Texas at Austin) Z UA200.5 D628 1995/6......95-2249 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY INSTITUTE Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.3 AN78 1994......95-2110 Catalog : publications, special products, video tapes, education modules, software. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.1 P942 1996......95-1710 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN. GENERAL LIBRARIES Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. General Libraries) Z UA273.3 AN78 1992/4......95-1904 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN. HOGG FOUNDATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health) Z UA275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0863 Publications list. (University of Texas at Austin. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health) Z UA275.1 P96 1995......95-0864 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN. IC2 INSTITUTE Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. IC2 Institute) Z UA280.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0434 Annual report. (University of Texas at Austin. IC2 Institute) Z UA280.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0865 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN. UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE Constitution and contest rules. (University of Texas at Austin. University Interscholastic League) Z UA375.4 C767 1995/6......95-1905 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT BROWNSVILLE College catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 C28 1994/5......95-0201 College catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 C28 1995/6......95-2114 Financial report. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.3 F49 1993/4......95-0656 Graduate catalog. (University of Texas at Brownsville) Z P110.5 G755 1995/6......95-2113 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Budget. (University of Texas at Dallas) Z UA500.3 B859 1995/6......95-1906 Financial report. (University of Texas at Dallas) Z UA500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0657 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO Budget. (University of Texas at El Paso) Z UA550.3 B859 1995/6......95-1908 Financial report. (University of Texas at El Paso) Z UA550.3 F49 1993/4......95-0658 Management control audit of the University of Texas at El Paso. A2800.8 UN3TEEL......95-0222 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO Financial report. (University of Texas at San Antonio) Z UA800.3 F49 1993/4......95-0659 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT TYLER Financial report. (University of Texas at Tyler) Z UA900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0660 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH CENTER AT TYLER Financial report. (University of Texas Health Center at Tyler) Z UH500.3 F49 1993/4......95-0661 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT HOUSTON Budget. (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) Z UH325.3 B859 1995/6......95-1909 Financial report. (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) Z UH325.3 F49 1993/4......95-0662 Recommendations for the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston's employee trip reduction program. Z UH325.8 R245......95-1069 Site and survey assessment, University Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Z UH325.8 SI86......95-1070 Texas fact book. (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) Z UH325.3 F119 1995......95-1714 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT SAN ANTONIO Budget. (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Z UH340.3 B859 1995/6......95-1910 Financial report. (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) Z UH340.3 F49 1993/4......95-0663 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS M.D. ANDERSON CANCER CENTER Budget. (University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Z US905.3 B859 1995/6......95-1911 Financial report. (University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Z US905.3 F49 1993/4......95-0664 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON Annual report. (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston) Z UM305.3 AN78 1993/4......95-1567 Financial report. (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston) Z UM305.3 F49 1993/4......95-0665 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS. NATURAL FIBERS RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTER Annual report. (University of Texas. Natural Fibers Research Information Center (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N329.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0637 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS OF THE PERMIAN BASIN Budget. (University of Texas of the Permian Basin) Z UP300.3 B859 1995/6......95-1912 College catalog. (University of Texas of the Permian Basin) Z UP300.5 C28 1995/7......95-1569 Financial report. (University of Texas of the Permian Basin) Z UP300.3 F49 1993/4......95-0666 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS - PAN AMERICAN Budget. (University of Texas - Pan American) Z P100.3 B859 1995/6......95-1913 Financial report. (University of Texas - Pan American) Z P100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0667 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL College catalog. (University of Texas Southwestern Allied Health Sciences School) Z US110.5 B874 1995/8......95-1715 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER AT DALLAS 1995 facts. (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Z UH310.1 F119 1995......95-1239 Budget. (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Z UH310.3 B859 1995/6......95-1914 Evaluation of the potential presence of historic properties located within the North Campus expansion area of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1352......95-0742 Financial report. (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Z UH310.3 F49 1993/4......95-0668 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM Annual report. (University of Texas System) Z US900.3 AN78 1994/5......95-0869 Directory - University of Texas System. Z US900.5 D628 1994/5......95-0207 Financial report. (University of Texas System) Z US900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0206 Financial report. (University of Texas System) Z US900.3 F49A 1993/4......95-0669 Permanent university fund investment report. (University of Texas System) Z US900.3 P422 1993/4......95-0208 UPPER GUADALUPE RIVER AUTHORITY Financial report. (Upper Guadalupe River Authority) U1375.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-1011 UPPER NECHES RIVER BASIN Water-quality assessment protocol for Texas river basins : a case study on the Upper Neches River Basin study area for the Clean Rivers Program : a research proposal. W600.8 W291QUP......95-1347 UPSHUR COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological survey report on the ETEX telephone cable project, Wood and Upshur counties, Texas. H2000.8 W85......95-1608 URBAN HIGHWAYS Urban travel demand modeling data. T1311.7 R311 NO.1235-7......95-1342 URBAN PLANNING City forester : a quarterly publication of the Texas Urban Forestry Council. F1400.6 C498......95-1696 Planning, design, and operation of transportation facilities in Houston, Texas : a summary of activities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1941-2F......95-0131 USE TAXES County adoption-- effective yr/qtr ... ; City additional adoption-- effective yr/qtr ... ; Special purpose district (SPD) adoption effective yr/qtr ... . C2600.6 C832C......95-1925 Sales and franchise tax exemptions : a report to the governor and Texas Legislature. C2600.8 SA32FRT 1995......95-0465 Texas highway cost allocation analysis and estimates, 1993-1995. T1311.7 R311 NO.1919-3F, 1910-4F......95-1337 VAN ALSTYNE, TEXAS Cultural resources evaluation in Van Alstyne, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1508......95-2153 VAN ZANDT COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of the proposed Explorer-Antioch 138-kV transmission line project, Van Zandt, Kaufman, and Henderson counties, Texas. H2000.8 V26......95-1730 VEGETABLES Eat right : vegetables. Z TA265.8 EA81RIV......95-1693 Home canning fruits and tomatoes. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2216 1994......95-0622 Texas crop statistics. A900.8 C883 1993......95-0006 Texas plant diseases handbook : chemical control supplement for vegetables. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1140B 1994......95-1375 Texas public school system guidelines for purchasing Texas fruits & vegetables, 1992-1993. A900.5 T312PU 1992/3......95-0008 VEGETATION Prairie restoration : an evaluation of techniques for management of native grass communities in highway roadsides in Texas. T1311.7 R311 NO.944-1 ......95-0818 VENEREAL DISEASES Annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.3 AN78SE 1993......95-0060 Rules & regulations governing the control and reporting of notifiable conditions. (Health, Department of) H600.4 R861CS 1994......95-1124 Source : news and information from the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of HIV and STD Prevention. H600.6 H641......95-0484 Texas HIV/STD update. H600.6 H641UP......95-1724 Texas state plan to serve substance abusers at risk of HIV, STDs and TB : 1995 update. A1400.8 T312ST 1995......95-1243 VETERANS ASSISTANCE Texas directory of services for homeless veterans & their families. V400.5 T312DI 1995......95-1012 Texas veterans housing assistance & home improvement programs. L400.5 H817ASH 1995......95-1460 Veterans Service Officers directory. V400.5 V641SO 1995......95-1013 VETERANS COMMISSION Financial report. (Veterans Commission) V400.3 F49 1993/4......95-0348 Veterans Service Officers directory. V400.5 V641SO 1995......95-1013 VETO Vetoes of legislation, 74th Legislature. L1801.7 H816 NO.193......95-1463 VICTIMS OF CRIME Annual report. (Attorney General. Crime Victims Compensation Division) A2400.3 C868VIC 1992/3......95-0676 Annual report. (Attorney General. Crime Victims Compensation Division) A2400.3 C868VIC 1993/4......95-0677 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1991......95-0615 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1992......95-0616 Texas crime poll. Z S205.8 C868P 1993......95-0617 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) : crime victim assistance program performance report manual. G821.5 V664......95-0478 VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) : crime victim assistance program performance report manual. G821.5 V664......95-0478 VICTORIA COUNTY, TEXAS Development of emission estimates for the conformity analysis of the Victoria FY-94 TIP and 2015 metropolitan plan. T1311.7 R311 NO.1375-3......95-1303 VIDEO INDUSTRY Texas production manual : a source book for the motion picture, television, and video industries. G830.5 P942 1995......95-0922 VIDEO RECORDINGS 1994 video catalog : Local Technical Assistance Program video lending library. (Texas Engineering Extension Service) Z TA325.5 V668 1994......95-0632 Aviation videos : VHS. T1305.1 AV52VI 1994......95-1006 Catalog : publications, special products, video tapes, education modules, software. (University of Texas at Austin. Construction Industry Institute) Z UA269.1 P942 1996......95-1710 Just friends [videorecording]. (Developmental Disabilities, Planning Council for) D1200.8 J982......95-0713 Railroad Commission of Texas, 1891-1991 [videorecording] : 100 years of service to Texas. R500.1 F519V......95-0794 Video catalog. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 M467 1995......95-1480 VISUALLY IMPAIRED Collaboration. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C683......95-1719 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Annual report for program year ... . (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78DIS 1992/3......95-0038 Annual report for program year ... . (Coordinating Board, Texas Higher Education) C3400.3 AN78DIS 1993/4......95-0243 Briefing materials, April 20, 1995, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/04......95-1018 Briefing materials, December 8-9, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/12......95-0357 Briefing materials, June 1-2, 1995, Doubletree Hotel, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/06......95-1350 Briefing materials, May 26-27, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/05......95-0358 Building college and community services for single parents and displaced homemakers : PY94 final detailed report : discretionary equity grant, Austin Community College. Z A800.8 B868 1993/4......95-0604 Building college and community services for single parents and displaced homemakers : PY95 final detailed report : discretionary equity grant, Austin Community College. Z A800.8 B868 1994/5......95-2212 Educational opportunities at Texas public community and technical colleges : valid through 1996. C3400.5 ED83OPP 1995......95-0701 End of year report, project #44120003, professional development for community college career counselors narrative. Z N750.8 P942 1994......95-1675 Environmental technology : (laboratory analysis and environmental sampling) : curriculum development project : final report. Z TS835.8 EN89......95-1697 Equity services : the Victoria College equity services : end of year project report, PY 1993-1994 : project number 44150026. Z V500.8 Y32 1993/4......95-0670 Executive summary : single parent displaced homemaker grant, Angelina College, 1993-1994. Z A150.8 SI64 1993/4......95-0603 Expanded child care and support services for a broad spectrum of students : serving single parents, displaced homemakers, single pregnant women : a project of the Women's Resource Center, Texas State Technical College, Amarillo. Z TS825.8 P943EX 1994......95-0644 Final report : Carl Perkins single parent/single pregnant women and displaced homemakers : grant #44150038, 1993-94. (Grayson County College) Z G800.8 P943 1993/4......95-0610 Final report, improvement of special populations coordinators. Z N700.8 IM7F......95-1702 Final report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994. (El Paso County Community College District) Z E880.8 T312 1993/4......95-1670 Final report : Perkins discretionary equity project, 1993-94. (Midland College) Z M500.8 F51 1993/4......95-0612 Final report, Tech Prep Intergenerational Curriculum Development Project. Z TT300.8 T225 1993/4......95-0648 Final report to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Community and Technical Colleges Division, for "Making technical education accessable [sic]" : project number #44150039 : funded by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act : funding year January 1, 1994 through June 30, 1994. Z TS815.8 M289 1993/4......95-0646 Governor's Executive Development Program : Class XI Task Force reports. Z UA320.8 G746 93/01......95-0866 Guide for combining work-based learning programs. W2100.8 G941......95-1354 Health and human services provided by Texas public institutions of higher education to the people of Texas. C3400.8 H349HU......95-0702 Incentive and strategy guide : encouraging and facilitating employer participation in work-based learning programs for youth. W2100.8 IN2......95-1355 Learning to work : making the business and industry connection for tech prep programs : a manual for developing advanced skills courses at community and technical colleges. Z TS815.5 L479......95-0189 [Professional Development Workshop for College Vocational Instructors in Correctional Institutions summary of proceedings]. Z C200.8 P942......95-1669 Project P.A.C.E. : Palo Alto College equity program : project report, 1993-94. Z P075.8 P943PA 1993/4......95-0614 PY95 final detailed report on Project LEEWAY for single parents : project #55150015 : Project LEEWAY for single parents. Z L300.8 P943 1994/5......95-2216 Resource manual for an emerging occupation, environmental technology. Z B750.8 EN89......95-1667 School to work liaison system. W2100.5 SCH65......95-1665 School-to-work pilot project for work-based training in machining with linkages to tech prep and youth apprenticeship : final report-- implementation plan. W2100.8 SCH65PII......95-1525 School-to-work pilot project for work-based training in machining with linkages to tech prep and youth apprenticeship : final programmatic report. W2100.8 SCH65PIP......95-1526 School-to-work transition : a Texas perspective. E500.8 SCH65TOW......95-0716 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994. (Lamar University at Orange) Z L105.8 S64 1993/4......95-0611 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994 : executive summary. (Texas Southmost College) Z TS750.8 P943 1993/4......95-0643 [Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board single parents, displaced homemakers, and single pregnant women year-end grant report, fiscal year 1993-94]. (Northeast Texas Community College District) Z N750.8 P943 1993/4......95-0613 Trainers' manual and participants' guide. (University of North Texas) Z N700.8 IM7T......95-1703 Vocational and applied technology education annual performance report for program year ... . E707.3 P416V 1994......95-1106 W.I.T., Women in Technology : end of year report, July '93-June '94 : "taking women one step further ... ". (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842E 1993/4......95-0608 Women in Technology : Project Opportunity. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842 1993/4......95-0609 Workplace competencies in biology : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892BI......95-1226 Workplace competencies in business communications : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892BU......95-1380 Workplace competencies in computer literacy : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892CO......95-1058 Workplace competencies in English : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892EN......95-1381 Workplace competencies in mathematics : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892MA......95-1059 Workplace competencies in microcomputer applications : real-world lessons in the academic classroom : building a quality workforce. Z TT300.8 W892MI......95-1060 VOCATIONAL NURSE EXAMINERS, BOARD OF Financial report. (Vocational Nurse Examiners, Board of) V1000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0349 LVN newsletter. V1000.6 N477......95-1185 VOCATIONAL NURSES Vocational Nurse Act : created by H.B. 47, chap. 118, acts 52nd Leg., 1951 : Vernon's ann. civ. st., art. 4528c : amended through HB 883, 74th Legislature, 1995. V1000.4 V851NUA 1995......95-1964 VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Consumer news. (Blind, Commission for the) B1000.6 C766......95-1249 Interim state plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the state plan supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program. B1000.8 IN8......95-0453 Return-to-work programs from Texas workers' compensation claimants : suggested design parameters. W2000.8 R316PR......95-1190 VOLUNTEER SERVICES Certification curriculum manual for volunteer fire protection personnel. F750.8 V889 1995......95-1259 Project CARE : Community Action to Reach the Elderly : final report. A800.8 P943CA......95-0442 Texas watch report. (Natural Resources Conservation Commission) N330.8 V889 1994......95-0105 Texas watch : volunteer environmental monitoring trainer's manual. N330.5 T312WA 1994......95-0770 WACO, TEXAS School performance review, Waco Independent School District : a report from the Texas Performance Review. C2600.8 SCH65WA......95-1097 WALLER COUNTY, TEXAS 1995-1997 transportation improvement program : for the Houston-Galveston transportation management area. H2400.8 T687IMPH 1994/7 V.1......95-0502 WARD COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Janelle Edwards tie in pipeline, Ward County, Texas. H2000.8 W21......95-1271 Cultural resources inventory of the Warren Petroleum Company Chevron Estes gathering system corridor, Ward County, Texas. H2000.8 W21CH......95-1439 WASTE State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System : STEERS user's manual version 2.1. N330.7 R339 NO.28 1995......95-1626 Waste minimization in the oil field. R553.8 W288......95-1641 WASTE DISPOSAL 20-year (1992-2011) regional solid waste management plan for the Ark-Tex Region. A2150.8 R263......95-0673 Annual report. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.3 H336 1993/4......95-0558 Clean cities 2000 program guide : recruiting municipalities to voluntarily reduce solid waste going to landfills, and to reduce pollution going into Texas' skies, land, and waterways by the year 2000. N330.8 C58......95-0765 Clean Industries 2000 directory. N330.5 C58IN......95-0962 Construction standards for on-site sewerage facilities. N330.7 R339 NO.134......95-0963 Disposal of hazardous materials from TxDOT activities. T1311.7 R311 NO.1318-1F......95-1305 Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence. N330.3 G746......95-1285 Guia de planeacion del programa especialistas en composta para la promocion de la composta en el hogar y la reduccion de recortes de cesped. N330.5 M393P SPAN.......95-0315 Guidelines for the classification & coding of industrial wastes and hazardous wastes. N330.5 G941 1995......95-2184 Hazardous waste : a management guide for small businesses. N330.5 H336......95-1746 Manual de capacitacion para especialistas en composta. N330.5 M393T SPAN.......95-0316 Municipal solid waste plan for Texas. N330.8 M925 ......95-0966 Municipal solid waste plan for Texas. N330.8 M925 SUMM.......95-0965 Municipal solid waste services full cost accounting workbook for Texas local governments. N330.7 R339 NO.127......95-1166 Pollution prevention ideas from Texas industries : a case study compendium. N330.8 P765......95-0564 Recycle Texas : a reuse and recycling directory. N330.7 R339 NO.79......95-0102 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature : pollution prevention and waste reduction in Texas. N330.8 P765WA......95-0969 Source reduction and waste minimization annual progress report : instruction manual and forms. N330.7 R339 NO.112 REV.......95-0971 South East Texas solid waste management plan, 1992-2012. S1010.8 R263......95-0800 Texas Recycles Day : special event planning guide. N330.5 R245 1995......95-2191 WASTEWATER Dry cleaners : an overview of pollution prevention, rules and permits. N330.7 R339 NO.114......95-1468 Estimated loadings of partially treated domestic wastewater on Galveston Bay. N330.7 G139 NO.41......95-1164 Northshore regional wastewater reuse, water supply, and flood control planning study-- San Patricio County, Texas. W600.8 N818......95-0139 State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 Texas on-site insights : information about on-site wastewater treatment systems in Texas. Z TA545.6 ON1......95-0398 Water and wastewater needs of colonias in Texas. W600.8 W291WA 1992......95-2210 Water and wastewater needs of Texas colonias : 1995 update. W600.8 W291WA 1995......95-1661 WATER Water gardening in Texas. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6001......95-1223 WATER CODE Committee on Natural Resources interim report, 1994. L1801.9 N219 74......95-0527 WATER CONSERVATION Analysis of the legal and institutional parameters for water marketing in Texas. Z TA245.8 AN13......95-0841 Leak detection/location survey report for Bexar Metropolitan Water District, northeast/northwest San Antonio, Texas : March 21, 1994-February 24, 1995. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-04......95-1109 Leak detection/location survey report for San Antonio Water System within the city limits of the city of Live Oak : April 10, 1995-April 27, 1995. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-06......95-1595 Texas industrial water use efficiency study final report. W600.8 T312IN......95-0143 Underground water conservation districts : report to the 74th Legislature. N330.8 UN2......95-0317 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD Agency strategic plan for the 1995-1999 period. (Water Development Board) W600.3 ST82 1995-9......95-0350 Financial report. (Water Development Board) W600.3 F49 1993/4......95-0136 Official Texas administrative code. Title 31 : natural resources and conservation. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 31......95-1000 WATER DISTRICTS Underground water conservation districts : report to the 74th Legislature. N330.8 UN2......95-0317 WATER PLANNING Analysis of the legal and institutional parameters for water marketing in Texas. Z TA245.8 AN13......95-0841 Dickinson Bayou Watershed regional drainage plan. W600.8 G139DI......95-1186 Evaluation of alternative instream and bay & estuary flow criteria for run-of-the-river diversions : technical memorandum : Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area. W600.8 T687EV......95-1660 Flood protection study, city of Orange, Texas. W600.8 F659PRO......95-0138 NAFTA handbook for water resource managers and engineers. Z UA320.8 N13......95-1389 Northeast Tarrant County regional water supply planning report. W600.8 T176NE......95-1187 Northshore regional wastewater reuse, water supply, and flood control planning study-- San Patricio County, Texas. W600.8 N818......95-0139 Overview of conjunctive management alternatives for the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority. W600.8 C16RMU 93/09......95-0140 Regional water plan for participating municipalities in Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson counties : final report. W600.8 AT17 1994......95-0141 Squeezing a dry sponge : water planning in Texas : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.111......95-0438 Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area : phase I : interim report. W600.8 T687 V.3......95-0598 Water and wastewater needs of colonias in Texas. W600.8 W291WA 1992......95-2210 Water and wastewater needs of Texas colonias : 1995 update. W600.8 W291WA 1995......95-1661 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 Water's for fighting : the Edwards Aquifer dilemma. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.80......95-0653 Watershed Texas : the statewide basin management approach. N330.8 W319 1995 REV.......95-2194 WATER POLLUTION Activities of the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee : report to the 74th Legislature. N330.8 G918PRC 74TH......95-0557 Comparison of methods for following the effects of two major oil spills on first-order streams in East Texas. N330.8 C738ME......95-0313 Cross Roads Water Supply Corporation : a public water supply protection strategy. N330.8 P96CR......95-0096 Flow, salts, and trace elements in the Rio Grande : a review. Z TA545.7 T226 NO.169......95-1691 Guidance for risk-based assessments at LPST sites in Texas : emphasizing initial investigations and Plan A evaluation. N330.7 R339 NO.175......95-2183 Impact assessment of produced water discharges to Nueces Bay-- August 1993. N330.8 IM7......95-1470 Joint groundwater monitoring and contamination report, 1994. N330.8 J668 1994......95-1165 Managing environmental risks in Texas : background papers. Z UA320.7 W892 NO.78-79......95-0437 Millersview-Doole Water Supply Corporation : a public water supply protection strategy. N330.8 P96MI......95-0101 State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 Texas Clean Rivers Program long term action plan, 1991-2000. N330.8 T312CL......95-0566 Texas water quality : a summary of river basin assessments. N330.8 T312WA......95-1477 WATER QUALITY 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994......95-0091 1994 review and update of the position of the Edward Aquifer freshwater/saline-water interface from Uvalde to Kyle, Texas. E1550.7 R299 NO.94-05......95-0909 Activities of the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee : report to the 74th Legislature. N330.8 G918PRC 74TH......95-0557 Appendices to the 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994 APP.......95-0094 Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer hydrogeology and groundwater quality. W600.8 B285......95-0137 Cross Roads Water Supply Corporation : a public water supply protection strategy. N330.8 P96CR......95-0096 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-03......95-1965 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-04......95-1966 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-05......95-1751 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-06......95-1752 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-07......95-1753 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-08......95-1754 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-09......95-1755 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-10......95-1756 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-11......95-1757 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-12......95-1758 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-13......95-1759 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-14......95-1760 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-15......95-1761 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-16......95-1762 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-17......95-1763 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-18......95-1764 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-19......95-1765 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-20......95-1766 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-21......95-1767 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-22......95-1768 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-23......95-1769 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-24......95-1770 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-25......95-1771 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-26......95-1772 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-27......95-1773 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-28......95-1774 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-29......95-1775 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-30......95-1776 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-31......95-1777 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-32......95-1778 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-33......95-1779 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-34......95-1780 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-35......95-1781 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-36......95-1782 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-37......95-1783 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-38......95-1784 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-39......95-1785 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-40......95-1786 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-41......95-1787 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-42......95-1788 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-43......95-1789 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-44......95-1790 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-45......95-1791 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-46......95-1792 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-47......95-1793 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-48......95-1794 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-49......95-1795 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-50......95-1796 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-51......95-1797 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-52......95-1798 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-53......95-1799 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-54......95-1800 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-55......95-1801 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-56......95-1802 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-57......95-1803 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-58......95-1804 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-59......95-1805 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-60......95-1806 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-61......95-1807 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-62......95-1808 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-63......95-1809 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-64......95-1810 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-65......95-1811 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-66......95-1812 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-67......95-1813 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-68......95-1814 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-69......95-1815 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-70......95-1816 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-71......95-1817 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-72......95-1818 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-73......95-1819 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-74......95-1820 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-75......95-1821 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-76......95-1822 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-77......95-1823 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-78......95-1824 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-79......95-1825 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-80......95-1826 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-81......95-1827 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-82......95-1828 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-83......95-1829 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-84......95-1830 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-85......95-1831 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-86......95-1832 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-87......95-1833 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-88......95-1834 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-89......95-1835 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-90......95-1836 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-91......95-1837 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-92......95-1838 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-93......95-1839 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-94......95-1840 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-95......95-1841 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-96......95-1842 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-97......95-1967 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-98......95-1968 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-99......95-1969 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-100......95-1970 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-101......95-1971 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-102......95-1972 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-103......95-1973 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-104......95-1974 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-105......95-1975 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-106......95-1976 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-107......95-1977 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-108......95-1978 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-109......95-1979 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-110......95-1980 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-111......95-1981 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-112......95-1982 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-113......95-1983 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-114......95-1984 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-115......95-1985 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-116......95-1986 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-117......95-1987 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-118......95-1843 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-119......95-1844 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-120......95-1845 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-121......95-1846 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-122......95-1847 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-123......95-1848 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-124......95-1849 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-125......95-1850 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-126......95-1851 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-127......95-1852 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-128......95-1853 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-129......95-1854 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-130......95-1855 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-131......95-1856 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-132......95-1857 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-133......95-1858 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-134......95-1859 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-135......95-1860 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-136......95-1861 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-137......95-1988 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-138......95-1989 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-139......95-1862 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-140......95-1990 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-141......95-1991 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-142......95-1992 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-143......95-1993 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-144......95-1994 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-145......95-1995 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-146......95-1996 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-147......95-1997 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-148......95-1998 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-149......95-1999 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-150......95-2000 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-151......95-2001 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-152......95-2002 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-153......95-2003 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-154......95-2004 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-155......95-2005 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-156......95-2006 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-157......95-2007 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-158......95-2008 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-159......95-2009 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-160......95-2010 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-161......95-2011 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-162......95-2012 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-163......95-2013 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-164......95-2014 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-165......95-2015 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-166......95-2016 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-167......95-2017 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-168......95-2018 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-169......95-2019 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-170......95-2020 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-171......95-2021 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-172......95-2022 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-173......95-2023 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-174......95-2024 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-175......95-2025 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-176......95-2026 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-177......95-2027 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-178......95-2028 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-179......95-2029 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-180......95-2030 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-181......95-2031 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-182......95-2032 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-183......95-2033 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-184......95-2034 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-185......95-2035 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-186......95-2036 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-187......95-2037 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-188......95-2038 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-189......95-2039 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-190......95-2040 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-191......95-2041 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-192......95-2042 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-193......95-2043 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-194......95-2044 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-195......95-2045 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-196......95-2046 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-197......95-2047 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-198......95-2048 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-199......95-2049 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-200......95-2050 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-201......95-2051 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-202......95-2052 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-203......95-2053 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-204......95-2054 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-205......95-2055 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-206......95-2056 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-207......95-2057 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-208......95-2058 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-209......95-2059 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-210......95-2060 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-211......95-2061 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-212......95-2062 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-213......95-2063 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-214......95-2064 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-215......95-2065 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-216......95-2066 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-217......95-2067 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-218......95-2068 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-219......95-2069 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-220......95-2070 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-221......95-2071 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-222......95-2072 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Medina County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-230......95-2073 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bexar County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-231......95-2074 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Comal County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-232......95-2075 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Hays County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-233......95-2076 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Travis County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-234......95-2077 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Williamson County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-235......95-2078 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bell County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-236......95-2079 Edwards Aquifer hydrogeologic report for ... . E1550.7 R299 NO.94-04......95-0910 Estimated loadings of partially treated domestic wastewater on Galveston Bay. N330.7 G139 NO.41......95-1164 Evaluation of ground-water quality in Texas counties bordering the Rio Grande. W600.7 L629P NO.214......95-1346 Executive summary : 1994 final report : regional assessment of water quality, Brazos River Basin including the Upper Oyster Creek Watershed. N330.8 B739RI 1994 SUMM.......95-0097 Flow, salts, and trace elements in the Rio Grande : a review. Z TA545.7 T226 NO.169......95-1691 Freshwater inflows to Texas bays and estuaries : ecological relationships and methods for determination of needs. W600.8 F892......95-1014 Impact assessment of produced water discharges to Nueces Bay-- August 1993. N330.8 IM7......95-1470 Joint groundwater monitoring and contamination report, 1994. N330.8 J668 1994......95-1165 Management conference agreement. (Natural Resource Conservation Commission) N330.8 M312CC......95-0964 Millersview-Doole Water Supply Corporation : a public water supply protection strategy. N330.8 P96MI......95-0101 Regional assessment of water quality, Canadian River Basin of Texas : biennial report. N330.3 B477CAN 1993-4......95-0103 Regional assessment of water quality in the Nueces coastal basins. N330.3 B477NUC 1992/4......95-0767 Regional assessment of water quality in the Rio Grande Basin. N330.3 B477RIG 1992/4......95-0768 Regional assessment of water quality, Red River Basin of Texas : biennial report. N330.3 B477RED 1993-4......95-0104 Regional assessment of water quality, Sabine River Basin, Texas. N330.3 B477SAR 1992/4......95-0968 Regional assessment of water quality : Trinity-San Jacinto Coastal Basin, San Jacinto River Basin, San Jacinto-Brazos Coastal Basin, Brazos-Colorado Coastal Basin. N330.3 B477TR 1993-4......95-1959 Results of test hole 41-61-804 at Colorado Bend State Park, San Saba County, Texas. W600.8 R313......95-0351 Sediment-interstitial study final report. (Lower Colorado River Authority) L2510.8 SE28......95-0958 Springflow augmentation of Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs, Texas : phase I--feasibility study. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.247......95-0858 State of Texas water quality inventory. N330.8 ST29 1994......95-0769 Streamside management zones. F1400.7 C496 NO.278 1995......95-1559 Texas Clean Rivers Program long term action plan, 1991-2000. N330.8 T312CL......95-0566 Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON) quarterly progress report. Z C800.6 T312......95-0176 Texas watch : volunteer environmental monitoring trainer's manual. N330.5 T312WA 1994......95-0770 Texas water quality : a summary of river basin assessments. N330.8 T312WA......95-1477 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 Water quality in Cypress Creek : an effluent dominated stream : segment 1009. N330.8 C992......95-0976 Water-quality assessment protocol for Texas river basins : a case study on the Upper Neches River Basin study area for the Clean Rivers Program : a research proposal. W600.8 W291QUP......95-1347 WATER RESEARCH 1994 review and update of the position of the Edward Aquifer freshwater/saline-water interface from Uvalde to Kyle, Texas. E1550.7 R299 NO.94-05......95-0909 Cyclone performance for the separation of solids from supercritical water oxidation effluents. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.256......95-1230 Effect of additives on the oxidation of dimethyl methylphosphonate in supercritical water. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.252......95-0857 Modeling subsurface biodegradation of non-aqueous phase liquids : a literature review. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.257......95-1231 Solubility of potassium hydroxide and potassium phosphate in supercritical water. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.255......95-1232 Springflow augmentation of Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs, Texas : phase I--feasibility study. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.247......95-0858 Supercritical water oxidation of dimethyl methylphosphonate and thiodiglycol. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.254......95-0859 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 WATER RESOURCES Analysis of the legal and institutional parameters for water marketing in Texas. Z TA245.8 AN13......95-0841 Ground-water resources of the Bone Peak Aquifer in the Dell Valley area, Texas. W600.7 R299 NO.344......95-0825 NAFTA handbook for water resource managers and engineers. Z UA320.8 N13......95-1389 WATER RIGHTS Regulatory guidance document for applications to divert, store or use state water. N330.7 R339 NO.141......95-1472 Squeezing a dry sponge : water planning in Texas : a report. Z UA320.7 P758 NO.111......95-0438 WATER SUPPLY Cross Roads Water Supply Corporation : a public water supply protection strategy. N330.8 P96CR......95-0096 Edwards/Glen Rose hydrologic communication, San Antonio Region, Texas. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-03......95-1108 Evaluation of alternative instream and bay & estuary flow criteria for run-of-the-river diversions : technical memorandum : Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area. W600.8 T687EV......95-1660 Millersview-Doole Water Supply Corporation : a public water supply protection strategy. N330.8 P96MI......95-0101 Northeast Tarrant County regional water supply planning report. W600.8 T176NE......95-1187 Northshore regional wastewater reuse, water supply, and flood control planning study-- San Patricio County, Texas. W600.8 N818......95-0139 Overview of conjunctive management alternatives for the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority. W600.8 C16RMU 93/09......95-0140 Regional water plan for participating municipalities in Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson counties : final report. W600.8 AT17 1994......95-0141 Southern Bexar County, Medina Valley surface water supply study. W600.8 SO88......95-0142 Springflow augmentation of Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs, Texas : phase I--feasibility study. Z UA260.7 T226 NO.247......95-0858 Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area : phase I : interim report. W600.8 T687 V.3......95-0598 Water and wastewater needs of colonias in Texas. W600.8 W291WA 1992......95-2210 Water and wastewater needs of Texas colonias : 1995 update. W600.8 W291WA 1995......95-1661 Water for Texas : research leads the way : proceedings of the 24th Water for Texas Conference. W600.8 W291TEP 95/01......95-0826 WATER TRANSPORTATION Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in Texas : presented in response to the Texas Coastal Waterway Act of 1975 and submitted to the ... session of the Texas Legislature. T1300.8 G951 1994......95-2201 WATER USE Evaluation of alternative instream and bay & estuary flow criteria for run-of-the-river diversions : technical memorandum : Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area. W600.8 T687EV......95-1660 Leak detection/location survey report for Bexar Metropolitan Water District, northeast/northwest San Antonio, Texas : March 21, 1994-February 24, 1995. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-04......95-1109 Leak detection/location survey report for San Antonio Water System within the city limits of the city of Live Oak : April 10, 1995-April 27, 1995. E1550.7 R299 NO.95-06......95-1595 Regulatory guidance document for applications to divert, store or use state water. N330.7 R339 NO.141......95-1472 Texas industrial water use efficiency study final report. W600.8 T312IN......95-0143 Trans-Texas Water Program : west central study area : phase I : interim report. W600.8 T687 V.3......95-0598 Water and wastewater needs of colonias in Texas. W600.8 W291WA 1992......95-2210 Water and wastewater needs of Texas colonias : 1995 update. W600.8 W291WA 1995......95-1661 WEATHERFORD COLLEGE College catalog. (Weatherford College) Z W300.5 AN78 1995/6......95-1570 WEBB COUNTY, TEXAS Historical archeology at Fort McIntosh in Laredo, Webb County, Texas : the import/export educational facility at Laredo Community College. A1900.7 P422 NO.1471......95-1278 Subsurface testing, portions of archeological sites 41WB362 and 41WB363, Texas A & M International University campus, Webb County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1444......95-2161 WEED CONTROL Chemical weed and brush control suggestions for rangeland. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.1466 1995......95-2235 Influence of adjuvants on Roundup effectiveness. T1311.7 R311 NO.902-10......95-1323 Influence of Roundup with adjuvants and other herbicides for control of roadside bermudagrass. T1311.7 R311 NO.902-11......95-1325 Perennial weed control during fallow periods in the Texas High Plains. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5102......95-2093 Research highlights noxious brush and weed control, range and wildlife management. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.6 N859 1994 V.25......95-0847 Suggestions for weed control in cotton. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5039......95-2240 Suggestions for weed control in peanuts. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.6010......95-2241 Texas citrus : weed control. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.2317 1994......95-0630 WEEDS Perennial weed control during fallow periods in the Texas High Plains. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5102......95-2093 WEEVILS Cultural control of the boll weevil : a four season approach-- Texas Rolling Plains. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1721......95-1208 Pepper weevil and its management. Z TA265.7 L47 NO.5069 1995......95-2239 WELFARE Committee on Human Services, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 H88 74......95-0523 WELLS (OIL AND GAS) Rules having statewide general application to oil, gas, and geothermal resource operations within the state of Texas. R553.4 ST29RUF 1994......95-0579 Waste minimization in the oil field. R553.8 W288......95-1641 WELLS (WATER) Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-03......95-1965 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-04......95-1966 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-05......95-1751 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-06......95-1752 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-07......95-1753 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-08......95-1754 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-09......95-1755 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-10......95-1756 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-11......95-1757 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-12......95-1758 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-13......95-1759 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-14......95-1760 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-15......95-1761 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-16......95-1762 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-17......95-1763 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-18......95-1764 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-19......95-1765 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-20......95-1766 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-21......95-1767 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-22......95-1768 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-23......95-1769 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-24......95-1770 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-25......95-1771 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-26......95-1772 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-27......95-1773 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-28......95-1774 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-29......95-1775 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-30......95-1776 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-31......95-1777 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-32......95-1778 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-33......95-1779 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-34......95-1780 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-35......95-1781 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-36......95-1782 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-37......95-1783 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-38......95-1784 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-39......95-1785 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-40......95-1786 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-41......95-1787 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-42......95-1788 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-43......95-1789 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-44......95-1790 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-45......95-1791 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-46......95-1792 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-47......95-1793 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-48......95-1794 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-49......95-1795 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-50......95-1796 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-51......95-1797 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-52......95-1798 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-53......95-1799 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-54......95-1800 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-55......95-1801 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-56......95-1802 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-57......95-1803 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-58......95-1804 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-59......95-1805 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-60......95-1806 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-61......95-1807 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-62......95-1808 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-63......95-1809 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-64......95-1810 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-65......95-1811 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-66......95-1812 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-67......95-1813 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-68......95-1814 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-69......95-1815 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-70......95-1816 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-71......95-1817 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-72......95-1818 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-73......95-1819 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-74......95-1820 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-75......95-1821 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-76......95-1822 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-77......95-1823 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-78......95-1824 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-79......95-1825 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-80......95-1826 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-81......95-1827 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-82......95-1828 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-83......95-1829 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-84......95-1830 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-85......95-1831 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-86......95-1832 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-87......95-1833 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-88......95-1834 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-89......95-1835 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-90......95-1836 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-91......95-1837 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-92......95-1838 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-93......95-1839 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-94......95-1840 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-95......95-1841 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-96......95-1842 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-97......95-1967 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-98......95-1968 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-99......95-1969 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-100......95-1970 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-101......95-1971 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-102......95-1972 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-103......95-1973 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-104......95-1974 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-105......95-1975 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-106......95-1976 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-107......95-1977 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-108......95-1978 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-109......95-1979 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-110......95-1980 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-111......95-1981 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-112......95-1982 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-113......95-1983 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-114......95-1984 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-115......95-1985 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-116......95-1986 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-117......95-1987 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-118......95-1843 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-119......95-1844 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-120......95-1845 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-121......95-1846 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-122......95-1847 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-123......95-1848 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-124......95-1849 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-125......95-1850 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-126......95-1851 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-127......95-1852 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-128......95-1853 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-129......95-1854 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-130......95-1855 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-131......95-1856 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-132......95-1857 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-133......95-1858 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-134......95-1859 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-135......95-1860 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-136......95-1861 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-137......95-1988 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-138......95-1989 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-139......95-1862 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-140......95-1990 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-141......95-1991 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-142......95-1992 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-143......95-1993 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-144......95-1994 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-145......95-1995 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-146......95-1996 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-147......95-1997 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-148......95-1998 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-149......95-1999 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-150......95-2000 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-151......95-2001 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-152......95-2002 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-153......95-2003 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-154......95-2004 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-155......95-2005 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-156......95-2006 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-157......95-2007 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-158......95-2008 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-159......95-2009 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-160......95-2010 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-161......95-2011 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-162......95-2012 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-163......95-2013 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-164......95-2014 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-165......95-2015 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-166......95-2016 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-167......95-2017 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-168......95-2018 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-169......95-2019 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-170......95-2020 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-171......95-2021 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-172......95-2022 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-173......95-2023 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-174......95-2024 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-175......95-2025 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-176......95-2026 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-177......95-2027 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-178......95-2028 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-179......95-2029 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-180......95-2030 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-181......95-2031 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-182......95-2032 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-183......95-2033 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-184......95-2034 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-185......95-2035 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-186......95-2036 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-187......95-2037 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-188......95-2038 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-189......95-2039 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-190......95-2040 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-191......95-2041 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-192......95-2042 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-193......95-2043 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-194......95-2044 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-195......95-2045 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-196......95-2046 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-197......95-2047 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-198......95-2048 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-199......95-2049 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-200......95-2050 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-201......95-2051 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-202......95-2052 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-203......95-2053 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-204......95-2054 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-205......95-2055 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-206......95-2056 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-207......95-2057 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-208......95-2058 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-209......95-2059 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-210......95-2060 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-211......95-2061 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-212......95-2062 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-213......95-2063 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-214......95-2064 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-215......95-2065 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-216......95-2066 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-217......95-2067 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-218......95-2068 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-219......95-2069 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-220......95-2070 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-221......95-2071 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-222......95-2072 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Medina County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-230......95-2073 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bexar County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-231......95-2074 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Comal County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-232......95-2075 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Hays County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-233......95-2076 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Travis County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-234......95-2077 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Williamson County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-235......95-2078 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Bell County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-236......95-2079 Explanation of the Texas Water Development Board ground-water level monitoring program and water-level measurement manual. W600.5 EX73......95-0597 Results of test hole 41-61-804 at Colorado Bend State Park, San Saba County, Texas. W600.8 R313......95-0351 Texas well drillers and pump installers : alphabetical listing (as of February 3, 1995). N330.7 R339 NO.83 REV.......95-0972 Texas well drillers and pump installers : county listing (as of February 3, 1995). N330.7 R339 NO.82 REV.......95-0973 WESLACO, TEXAS Archeological survey of the colonias wastewater treatment assistance program project near Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1554......95-1453 WEST TEXAS Depositional and diagenetic facies patterns and reservoir development in Silurian and Devonian rocks of the Permian Basin. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.216......95-1707 WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Budget. (West Texas A&M University) Z W350.3 B859 1995/6......95-2250 College catalog. (West Texas A&M University) Z W350.5 UN2 1995......95-0870 WESTERN TEXAS COLLEGE Budget. (Western Texas College) Z W375.3 B859 1995/6......95-1915 Financial report. (Western Texas College) Z W375.3 F49AU 1993/4......95-0440 WETLANDS Texas coastal wetlands. L600.8 C631WE......95-1155 Texas Wetlands Plan update. P400.6 T312WE......95-1291 WHEAT Dryland wheat response to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1723......95-1209 Releases of exotic parasitoids and predators of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), in the Texas Panhandle, 1987-1993. Z TA245.7 B873 NO.1720......95-0402 WIC PROGRAM Gateway to WIC : a bulletin from the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants & children. H600.6 G223......95-1425 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Texas private lands initiative : final report--phase I. P400.8 T312PR 1995......95-1485 WILDLIFE HABITATS Mitigation and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat : Texas Parks and Wildlife Department lands. P400.8 M697......95-0775 Research highlights noxious brush and weed control, range and wildlife management. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.6 N859 1994 V.25......95-0847 Texas private lands initiative : final report--phase I. P400.8 T312PR 1995......95-1485 WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT Committee on Agriculture and Wildlife Management, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 AG83 74......95-0517 Mitigation and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat : Texas Parks and Wildlife Department lands. P400.8 M697......95-0775 Post Oak Savannah deer herd : past, present, future. P400.8 P845......95-0776 Purple martin and its management in Texas. P400.8 P976......95-1483 Research highlights noxious brush and weed control, range and wildlife management. (Texas Tech University) Z TT300.6 N859 1994 V.25......95-0847 WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS Mitigation and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat : Texas Parks and Wildlife Department lands. P400.8 M697......95-0775 WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of a proposed 138-kV transmission line, Travis and Williamson counties, Texas. H2000.8 T698......95-1613 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-205......95-2055 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-206......95-2056 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-207......95-2057 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-208......95-2058 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-209......95-2059 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-210......95-2060 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-211......95-2061 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-212......95-2062 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-213......95-2063 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-214......95-2064 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-215......95-2065 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-216......95-2066 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-217......95-2067 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-218......95-2068 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-219......95-2069 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-220......95-2070 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-221......95-2071 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region : report. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-222......95-2072 Edwards Aquifer ground-water protection program, Central Texas Region, Williamson County, Texas. W1137.7 W459 NO.93-235......95-2078 Regional directory. (Capital Area Planning Council) C450.5 D628 1994......95-0233 Summary report of the cultural resources investigations of the city of Georgetown force main, sewer, and irrigation transmission line to serve Sun City-Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1516......95-2163 WILLS Advanced drafting : estate planning and probate course. B600.8 AD95DEP 1994......95-0228 Advanced Estate Planning & Probate Course. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1245 Advanced estate planning strategies. B600.8 AD95E 1995......95-1398 WILSON COUNTY, TEXAS Regional water plan for participating municipalities in Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson counties : final report. W600.8 AT17 1994......95-0141 WIND Effects of traffic and wind loads on a tied-arch bridge. T1311.8 EF36 1994......95-2206 WIND ENERGY Introduction to wind energy. Z W352.7 R299 NO.94-2......95-0209 Wind resource screening in the Texas Panhandle. Z W352.7 R299 NO.94-1......95-0210 WOMEN American women afield : writings by pioneering women naturalists. Z TA475.7 M551 NO.20......95-0839 Building college and community services for single parents and displaced homemakers : PY94 final detailed report : discretionary equity grant, Austin Community College. Z A800.8 B868 1993/4......95-0604 Building college and community services for single parents and displaced homemakers : PY95 final detailed report : discretionary equity grant, Austin Community College. Z A800.8 B868 1994/5......95-2212 Equity services : the Victoria College equity services : end of year project report, PY 1993-1994 : project number 44150026. Z V500.8 Y32 1993/4......95-0670 Executive summary : single parent displaced homemaker grant, Angelina College, 1993-1994. Z A150.8 SI64 1993/4......95-0603 Expanded child care and support services for a broad spectrum of students : serving single parents, displaced homemakers, single pregnant women : a project of the Women's Resource Center, Texas State Technical College, Amarillo. Z TS825.8 P943EX 1994......95-0644 Final report : Carl Perkins single parent/single pregnant women and displaced homemakers : grant #44150038, 1993-94. (Grayson County College) Z G800.8 P943 1993/4......95-0610 Final report : Perkins discretionary equity project, 1993-94. (Midland College) Z M500.8 F51 1993/4......95-0612 Governor's Executive Development Program : Class XI Task Force reports. Z UA320.8 G746 93/01......95-0866 Project P.A.C.E. : Palo Alto College equity program : project report, 1993-94. Z P075.8 P943PA 1993/4......95-0614 Projection of female correctional populations in Texas, FY 1996-2000. C4850.8 P943FE 1996-2000......95-2124 PY95 final detailed report on Project LEEWAY for single parents : project #55150015 : Project LEEWAY for single parents. Z L300.8 P943 1994/5......95-2216 Report to the 74th Texas Legislature on health care for women and children in Texas. H600.8 R299HEC......95-0928 Substance use among female inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1994. A1400.8 SU16FE......95-1576 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994. (Lamar University at Orange) Z L105.8 S64 1993/4......95-0611 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board PY 94 end of year report, July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994 : executive summary. (Texas Southmost College) Z TS750.8 P943 1993/4......95-0643 [Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board single parents, displaced homemakers, and single pregnant women year-end grant report, fiscal year 1993-94]. (Northeast Texas Community College District) Z N750.8 P943 1993/4......95-0613 Texas State Senate interim report to the 72nd Texas Legislature. L1836.72 C86......95-0753 Texas talk : family health newsletter. H781.6 T144......95-1605 W.I.T., Women in Technology : end of year report, July '93-June '94 : "taking women one step further ... ". (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842E 1993/4......95-0608 Women in Technology : Project Opportunity. (El Paso Community College District) Z E880.8 W842 1993/4......95-0609 WOOD Directory of the forest products industries in Texas. F1400.7 C496 NO.275 1994......95-0417 Harvest trends. F1400.7 P96 NO.152......95-0186 Preservation of wood : a training manual for wood treaters. Z TA265.7 B873 NO.5076 1995......95-1217 WOOD COUNTY, TEXAS Archeological survey report on the ETEX telephone cable project, Wood and Upshur counties, Texas. H2000.8 W85......95-1608 WOODVILLE, TEXAS Archaeological survey for the proposed wastewater system improvements, the city of Woodville, Tyler County, Texas. A1900.7 P422 NO.1409......95-0063 WOOL Annual report. (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (for the) Texas Food and Fibers Commission) N305.3 AN78A 1993/4......95-0638 WORKERS' COMPENSATION Attorney involvement in the Texas workers' compensation system. W2000.8 AT72......95-1662 Directory of workers' compensation resources. W2000.5 D628 1995......95-1523 Income replacement from temporary income benefits under the Texas workers' compensation system. W2000.8 IN2RE......95-1017 Litigation and controversy : an analysis of the Texas workers' compensation administrative dispute resolution system. W2000.8 L714......95-1663 Occupational injury and illness in Texas : report to the Texas Legislature. Z U406.8 OC1......95-0850 Report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature. L1801.9 B964 74......95-0540 Return-to-work patterns and programs for injured workers covered by Texas workers' compensation insurance. W2000.8 R316......95-1189 Return-to-work patterns and time intervals for Texas workers' compensation claimants reaching maximum medical improvement. W2000.8 R316TI......95-1348 Return-to-work programs from Texas workers' compensation claimants : suggested design parameters. W2000.8 R316PR......95-1190 State of Texas actuarial study, workers' compensation program as of November 30, 1994. A2400.8 ST29AC......95-1393 Statistical bulletin. (Workers' Compensation Research Center) W2000.6 ST29......95-0354 Study of drug-free workplace policies of Texas employers with workers' compensation coverage. W2000.8 D842......95-1664 Study of nonsubscription to the Texas workers' compensation system : the employee perspective. W2000.8 ST94EM......95-0355 System performance update : employer participation in the Texas workers' compensation system. W2000.8 SY87......95-1349 Texas impairment schedule : an alternative model to the American Medical Association's Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment. L1836.74 OV2......95-1159 Texas workers' compensation reserving implementation. A2400.8 T312WO......95-1394 Texas workers' compensation system data report. W1900.6 T312......95-1016 Workers' compensation indemnity claim incidence in Texas, 1988-1993. W2000.8 W892CO 1988-93......95-1191 Workers' compensation insurance deductibles : the effect on claim rates and costs. W2000.8 W892DE......95-2080 WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION Comptimes : a quarterly news and information letter. (Workers' Compensation Commission) W1900.6 T912......95-0599 Financial report. (Workers' Compensation Commission) W1900.3 F49 1993/4......95-0144 Internal audit annual report for the fiscal year ended August 31 ... . (Workers' Compensation Commission) W1900.3 IN8 1993/4......95-0145 Litigation and controversy : an analysis of the Texas workers' compensation administrative dispute resolution system. W2000.8 L714......95-1663 Official Texas administrative code. Title 28 : insurance. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 28......95-0999 WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION. RISK MANAGEMENT DIVISION Biennial report. (Workers' Compensation Commission) W1900.3 B477STR 1992/4......95-0352 WORKERS' COMPENSATION RESEARCH CENTER Annual report. (Workers' Compensation Research Center) W2000.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0827 Financial report. (Workers' Compensation Research Center) W2000.3 F49 1993/4......95-0353 WORKFORCE AND ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS, COUNCIL ON Briefing materials, April 20, 1995, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/04......95-1018 Briefing materials, December 8-9, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/12......95-0357 Briefing materials, June 1-2, 1995, Doubletree Hotel, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 95/06......95-1350 Briefing materials, May 26-27, 1994, Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 B765 94/05......95-0358 Financial report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.3 F49 1993/4......95-0356 Official Texas administrative code. Title 10 : community development. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 10......95-0994 WORKFORCE AND ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS, COUNCIL ON. NONTRADITIONAL EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN PROGRAM Nontraditional Employment for Women Program annual report. W2100.3 AN78NO 1993......95-2081 WYOMING Geologic and hydrologic controls on coalbed methane, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado and Wyoming. Z UA220.7 R299 NO.220......95-1708 YOUTH 1994 executive summary : Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994 SUMM.......95-1071 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994......95-1573 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 7-12. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.7-12 1994......95-1574 Executive summary : 1994 Texas school survey of substance use among students, grades 4-6. A1400.8 SCH65 GR.4-6 1994 SUMM.......95-1072 YOUTH COMMISSION Annual report. (Youth Commission) Y200.3 AN78EV 1993/4......95-1192 Budget. (Youth Commission) Y200.3 B859 1995/6......95-2211 Financial report. (Youth Commission) Y200.3 F49 1993/4......95-0146 Official Texas administrative code. Title 37 : public safety and corrections. S500.4 AD65 1995 TITLE 37......95-1295 Perceptions of the juvenile justice system by TYC youth. Y200.8 P411......95-1527 YOUTH SERVICES 4-H youth focus : state 4-H newsletter for county extension agents. Z TA265.6 Y88......95-0404 Employer incentives and technical assistance : final report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1995......95-1351 Employer incentives and technical assistance project : policy report. (Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Council on) W2100.8 EM73IN 1994......95-1352 Families first. (Children and Youth, Commission on) C1151.6 F21......95-1086 Gentlemen, shall we begin again? : the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program. Z UA275.8 G289......95-1067 Guide for combining work-based learning programs. W2100.8 G941......95-1354 Incentive and strategy guide : encouraging and facilitating employer participation in work-based learning programs for youth. W2100.8 IN2......95-1355 Review of rate setting for children's residential care. A2800.8 R187......95-0225 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth. C1151.8 SA17......95-1087 Safeguarding our future : children & families first : the report of the Texas Commission on Children and Youth : executive summary. C1151.8 SA17 SUMM.......95-1088 Safeguarding the future : a call to action : programs that work : the Governor's Statewide Youth Summit. G800.8 SA17......95-0477 ZAPATA COUNTY, TEXAS Cultural resources survey of a portion of Mustang Oil and Gas Corporation Lopeno Field 3-D seismic survey project, Zapata County, Texas. H2000.8 Z19MU......95-2147 Intensive archeological monitoring program conducted for a gas pipeline project, Falcon State Park, Zapata and Starr counties, Texas. H2000.8 Z19FAG......95-1444 Intensive archeological monitoring program conducted for the development of reconfigured pad C alternative and associated pipelines, Falcon State Park, Zapata and Starr counties, Texas. H2000.8 Z19FAD......95-1445 *****DEMOGRAPHIC HEADINGS***** **BY CITY: HOTELS Texas state travel directory. P4050.5 T312 1995/6......95-1600 **BY CITY: MANUFACTURERS Directory of Texas manufacturers. Z UA215.5 D628 1995......95-1065 **BY COUNTY Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 **BY COUNTY: ACCREDITED NON-PUBLIC SCHOOLS Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 **BY COUNTY: HIGHWAY mapS County maps of Texas. T1324.8 C832M 1994......95-0133 **BY COUNTY: SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 **BY SCHOOL: ACCREDITATION STATISTICS Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 **BY SCHOOL DISTRICT: BOARD MEMBERS AND COUNSELORS Texas school directory. E500.5 SCH65 1994/5......95-0718 **BY STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION: MANUFACTURERS Directory of Texas manufacturers. Z UA215.5 D628 1995......95-1065 **BY STATE AGENCY: MINORITY EMPLOYMENT Minority hiring report. H2700.3 M666 1991/2......95-0503 Minority hiring report : phase I, snapshot as of August 31, 1993 : phase II, September 1, 1993 through August 31, 1994 (fiscal year 1994). H2700.3 M666 1993/4......95-0745 Standardized EEO report, calendar year 1994 : January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. H2700.3 ST24 1994......95-0746 **BY STATE AGENCY: PERFORMANCE REPORTS Staff performance report to the ... Legislature. (Legislative Budget Board) L1300.3 P416 74......95-0302 **BY VENDOR: COMMERCIAL FEEDS Annual report on commercial feeds. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1767......95-0619 *****STATISTICAL HEADINGS***** **STATISTICS BY AGE: JUVENILE OFFENDERS State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 **STATISTICS BY CITY: PROPERTY TAX RATES Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 **STATISTICS BY CITY: TUBERCULOSIS Annual report. (Health, Department of. Tuberculosis Elimination Division) H861.3 AN78 1993......95-0061 **STATISTICS BY COLLEGE UNIVERSITY: STUDENTS ENROLLED Enrollment forecasts, 1995-2010 : Texas institutions of higher education. C3400.7 ST94 NO.27 1995......95-1100 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: BIRTH RATES Birth-origin study of Texas newborns during ... . H600.6 B539 1993......95-0057 Birth-origin study of Texas newborns during ... . H600.6 B539 1994......95-1942 Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: CANCER DEATHS Texas cancer mortality statistics. H600.8 C16MOS 1993......95-0290 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: DEATHS Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: DISEASES Epidemiology in Texas ... annual report. (Health, Department of) H600.6 R299MOM 1993......95-1123 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: DISTRICT COURT REPORTED ACTIVITY Annual report. (Judicial Council) J275.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0510 Reference materials for judicial redistricting. C3900.8 J898......95-0895 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTION Annual report on commercial fertilizers. Z TA245.7 M681 NO.1766......95-0620 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION Joint groundwater monitoring and contamination report, 1994. N330.8 J668 1994......95-1165 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: JUVENILE PROBATION DETENTION ACTIVITY Texas juvenile probation statistical report : statistical and other data on the juvenile justice system in Texas for calendar year. J850.3 ST29R 1994......95-1743 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: JUVENILE PROBATION DISPOSITION Texas juvenile probation statistical report : statistical and other data on the juvenile justice system in Texas for calendar year. J850.3 ST29R 1994......95-1743 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: JUVENILE PROBATION REFERRAL ACTIVITY Texas juvenile probation statistical report : statistical and other data on the juvenile justice system in Texas for calendar year. J850.3 ST29R 1994......95-1743 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: JUVENILE PROBATION SUPERVISION Texas juvenile probation statistical report : statistical and other data on the juvenile justice system in Texas for calendar year. J850.3 ST29R 1994......95-1743 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES Texas vital statistics. H600.8 V83ST 1993......95-1604 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FEE Summary of motor vehicle registrations for ... Vehicle registration and license fees by county. T1300.3 R263FEE 1993/4......95-1005 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: STATE EXPENDITURES State expenditures by county. C2600.3 EX71CO 1995......95-2118 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: STUDENTS IMMUNIZED Texas child care facility report : immunization status of enrollees. H661.8 C436IM 1992/3......95-0738 Texas private school immunization report. H661.8 P939IM 1992/3......95-0739 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: TAX RATES AND APPRAISED VALUATION Annual property tax report. C2625.3 AN78P 1993......95-0697 Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1992......95-0241 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Final report. C2625.8 P945VF 1994......95-2119 School & appraisal districts' property value study. Preliminary report. C2625.8 P945VP 1994......95-0699 **STATISTICS BY COUNTY: TRAVEL SPENDING Travel spending for Texas counties, 1992-1993. C2300.8 T697SP 1992-3......95-1096 **STATISTICS BY CRIME: JUVENILE OFFENDERS State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 **STATISTICS BY DRUG Substance use among female inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1994. A1400.8 SU16FE......95-1576 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice--Institutional Division, 1993. A1400.8 SU16MA......95-1073 Substance use among male inmates entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, 1993 : executive summary. A1400.8 SU16MA SUMM.......95-0445 **STATISTICS BY FIELD CROP Texas crop statistics. A900.8 C883 1993......95-0006 **STATISTICS BY HEALTH SERVICE AREA: TUBERCULOSIS Annual report. (Health, Department of. Tuberculosis Elimination Division) H861.3 AN78 1993......95-0061 **STATISTICS BY LIBRARY: EXPENDITURES, RESOURCES, AND SERVICES Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1993......95-0548 Texas academic library statistics. L1900.6 AC12 1994......95-0957 Texas public library statistics for ... . L1900.6 P96 1993......95-0309 **STATISTICS BY LIBRARY SYSTEM: EXPENDITURES, RESOURCES, AND SERVICES Texas public library statistics for ... . L1900.6 P96 1993......95-0309 **STATISTICS BY OCCUPATION: EMPLOYMENT Texas occupational employment statistics. Industry staffing patterns, non-manufacturing industries, 2nd quarter, 1993. E2100.8 OC1EN 1993......95-0916 **STATISTICS BY RACE: ACADEMIC TEST PERFORMANCE RESULTS Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3 SUPP.......95-1105 TAAS : Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and end-of-course examinations : student performance results, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 : statewide and regional results. E510.8 AS74MPE 1992/4......95-0717 **STATISTICS BY RACE: JUVENILE OFFENDERS Balancing the scales : a look at the overrepresentation of minority youth in the Texas juvenile justice system. G821.8 B182......95-0725 State of Texas Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act : three-year plan, fiscal years 1994-96. G821.8 J988 1993/6......95-0726 **STATISTICS BY REGION: ACADEMIC TEST PERFORMANCE RESULTS TAAS : Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and end-of-course examinations : student performance results, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 : statewide and regional results. E510.8 AS74MPE 1992/4......95-0717 **STATISTICS BY SCHOOL DISTRICT: BUDGET PER STUDENT Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 **STATISTICS BY SCHOOL DISTRICT: EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 **STATISTICS BY SCHOOL DISTRICT: ENROLLMENT Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 **STATISTICS BY SCHOOL DISTRICT: TAX RATES Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 **STATISTICS BY SCHOOL DISTRICT: TAX RATES AND APPRAISED VALUATION Annual report. (Property Tax Board) P3240.3 AN78T 1990......95-0785 **STATISTICS BY SCHOOL DISTRICT: TEST PERFORMANCE SCORES Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3......95-1104 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1992/3 SUPP.......95-1105 Snapshot, school district profiles. (Education Agency) E500.8 SN14 1993/4......95-0907 **STATISTICS BY SCHOOL DISTRICTS: STUDENT DROPOUTS Report on Texas public school dropouts. E500.8 R299D 1993/4......95-2127 **STATISTICS BY SEX: ACADEMIC TEST PERFORMANCE RESULTS TAAS : Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and end-of-course examinations : student performance results, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 : statewide and regional results. E510.8 AS74MPE 1992/4......95-0717 **STATISTICS BY STATE FUND: REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1992/3......95-0239 Texas ... annual cash report. (Comptroller of Public Accounts) C2600.3 AN78 1993/4......95-0240 **STATISTICS BY TYPE OF CANCER: DEATHS BY AGE, RACE AND SEX Cancer incidence (1989-1990) and mortality (1981-1991) in the Texas Golden Crescent. H600.8 C16ING 1989-90......95-0733 Texas cancer mortality statistics. H600.8 C16MOS 1993......95-0290 **STATISTICS BY TYPE OF CANCER: INCIDENCE RATES BY AGE, RACE, SEX Cancer incidence (1989-1990) and mortality (1981-1991) in the Texas Golden Crescent. H600.8 C16ING 1989-90......95-0733 **STATISTICS BY YEAR: LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY Texas livestock statistics. A900.6 L759 1993......95-0007 **STATISTICS BY YEAR: PRICES RECEIVED BY FARMERS Texas agricultural cash receipts and price statistics. A900.6 C268 1993......95-0005
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