November is National Family Caregivers Month

Caregiving is both a rewarding and complex situation for families.

Finding affordable and reliable caregivers can be difficult, so many spouses, partners, parents, adult children, and other family members care for their loved ones without paid assistance.

Texas Health and Human Services provides web sites and programs to assist families with this complicated endeavor.

HHS Caregiver Support and Resources: Sections on this site include benefits, in-home care and personal attendant services, transportation and meals, and medication management.

HHS Strengthen the Care You Give: many caregivers neglect their own physical and mental well-being while caring for their loved ones. This site provides information on caregiver self-care, training and planning, and support and resources.

Take Time Texas: Time Texas connects caregivers of children and caregivers of older adults to information and resources related to respite care.

HHS Turn To: site provides information about sources for support. Sections include support for yourself, for your child, for your friends and family, and for your community

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