Maryland State Library for the Blind Podcast: NFB-NEWSLINE

Join the Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled’s podcast on Friday, February 23, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. (Central). Host Ashley Biggs will explore the amazing features and benefits of NFB-NEWSLINE, a free audio and braille information service for anyone who is blind, low-vision, deafblind, or otherwise print-disabled.

Ashley will be joined by Scott White, the Director of Sponsored Technology Programs for the National Federation of the Blind, who will share his insights and expertise on NFB-NEWSLINE and how it can enhance your access to information, entertainment, and independence.

NFB-NEWSLINE offers access to more than five hundred publications, including newspapers, magazines, breaking news sources, online international newspapers, TV listings, job listings, retail ads, and more. You can access NFB-NEWSLINE through various methods, such as the touch-tone telephone, Apple iOS app, website, or Amazon Alexa, and customize your preferences and settings. This podcast is a great opportunity for you to learn more about NFB-NEWSLINE and ask questions.

If you want to sign up for this free service, contact the Texas Talking Book Program at 1-800-252-9605 or, if you have a non-Texas area code, at (512) 463-5458.

Whether you are a current subscriber or a new user, you will find this podcast informative and engaging. Join us on Friday, February 23, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. (Central). The details on how to join the Zoom presentation are listed below.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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NLS Aspiring Leaders Internship Program Accepting Applications for Summer 2022

The National Library Service (NLS) is now accepting applications through March 1, 2022, for the Summer 2022 NLS Aspiring Leaders Internship Program.

Established through the National Library for the Blind Endowment, this paid internship offers legally blind individuals the opportunity to work at NLS in areas that support services for the blind, including collections building, program delivery, and business oversight and management. Interns will gain valuable experience and explore potential career options while being guided through mentorships and developmental activities. The program has spring, summer, and fall sessions, between ten to twelve weeks each session. All interns work remotely.

Application Process

Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students and those who have graduated within the past five years from an accredited two-year or four-year college or university are eligible to apply. In addition, applicants must be:

  • US citizens
  • legally blind
  • able to work remotely

A complete application package includes a cover letter expressing interest, a federal-style resume, a recent official or unofficial transcript, and an application form that is completed online.

Applicants interested in the Summer 2022 session should submit a completed application by March 1.

To learn more about the program and the application process, visit

For more information, please contact: Erica Vaughns, Head, NLS Administrative Services,

NLS Minibibliography: Changemakers

The National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) produces minibibliographies to assist staff at cooperating libraries with finding books for local patrons. These minibiographies are bibliographies based on subjects that are narrow in scope. They cover such topics as: prize winners, hobbies, and famous people, to name a few.

Here is a link to a full listing of NLS minibiographies:

Recently, NLS has produced a minibibliography on changemakers. Changemakers are those people who by their words and actions have made the world a more accessible place for those with disabilities. Some changemakers have fought to make services available to all people regardless of disability. Others have excelled at a sport, an occupation, or an artistic endeavor previously denied to or under-represented by those alternatively abled.

The Changemakers minibibliography is organized alphabetically by subject or area in which the changemaker excelled or made their mark. Some subjects include: Academia, Science, and Service to Blind Individuals.

A couple of Changemakers listed in the minibibliography are Texans: Christine Ha, located under the heading “Food” and Larry Johnson, located under the heading “Media” are both examples of changemakers from the Lone Star State.

To learn more here is a link to NLS’ minibibliography on Changemakers: