Count of Materials Found in the Databases
(July 1, 2016 - June 30th, 2017)
For contracts 7/1/16-6/30/17 | TexShare Database Vendor Information (for Core List) |
updated 11/16/16 |
Adam Matthew Digital | American Indian Histories and Cultures: Images | 92,293 |
The American West: Images | 78,866 | |
EBSCO | Academic Journals (peer reviewed) | 10,321 |
* EBSCO's numbers reflect number of titles |
Author Interviews (Famous book authors) | 9,548 |
Author Profiles (most cited journal authors) | 40,159 | |
Book Reviews | 941,014 | |
Case Studies (business) | 15,182 | |
Classic Novels | 7,467 | |
Company Information Records | 1,167,600+ | |
Conference Papers | 5,025 | |
Conference Proceeding Collections | 98 | |
Country Economic Reports | 1,276 | |
Country Fact Sheets | 203 | |
Educational Reports | 230 | |
Faculty Seminars (videos) | 57 | |
Health Fact Sheets | 18,842 | |
Health Reports - Evidence Based; English | 2,632 | |
Health Reports - Evidence Based; Spanish | 2,632 | |
Industry Reports | 8,560 | |
Interviews (Executive & Analyst) | 10,444 | |
Literary Criticism Essays | 97,353 | |
Magazines (incl. Trade Publications; excluding peer-reviewed journals) | 4,049 | |
Market Research Reports | 2,511 | |
Newspapers & Newswires | 522 | |
Pamphlets | 135 | |
Photos, Illustrations, Maps & Flags - from Periodicals | 4,743,100 | |
Photos, Illustrations, Maps & Flags - from the Image Collections | 1,450,136 | |
Plot Summaries | 36,127 | |
Poems | 95,261 | |
Primary Source Documents | 73,373 | |
Reference Books, Encyclopedias & Monographs | 5,758 | |
Short Stories | 26,149 | |
SWOT Analysis | 4,210 | |
TV & Radio News Transcripts | 470,077 | |
Videos | 61,450+ | |
Working Papers (unpublished) | 6,062 | |
GALE | Academic Journal | 7,057,409 |
* Gale's numbers reflect number of documents |
Audio | 173,583 |
Bibliography | 316 | |
Biography | 342,073 | |
Book | 85,866 | |
Brief Biography | 70,473 | |
Experiment | 115 | |
Images | 135,693 | |
Literature Criticism | 486,402 | |
Magazine | 2,279,503 | |
Multimedia | 181,656 | |
News | 17,755,720 | |
Primary Source and Literary Work | 269,506 | |
Reference | 27,583 | |
Reviews and News | 1,337,840 | |
Statistics | 406 | |
Topic and Work Overview | 41,340 | |
Video | 48,435 | |
Website | 490 | |
Gale Legal Forms | ||
Legal Forms | 14,629 | |
Legal Definitions | 33,000 | |
Legal Questions and Answers | 5,800 | |
Law Digest - Complete Encyclopedia of American Law | 8,214 | |
Lawyer Directory | 32,000 | |
LearningExpressLibrary | Tests | 949 |
Tutorials | 67 | |
Computer Tutorials | 88 | |
eBooks | 222 | |
Articles | 434 | |
Flashcards | 6 | |
Model Resumes | 206 | |
Sample Cover Letters | 25 | |
Tools (JCA) | 12 | |
Occupational Profiles | 1100 | |
PRONUNCIATOR | Learning languages | 80 |
Interface languages | 51 | |
Instructional phrases | 751795 | |
Pronunciation guides | 65000 | |
PDF phrasebooks | 4080 | |
Audio lessons (in hours) | 20993 | |
Quizzes per language | 54000 | |
Drills per language | 90000 | |
Songs | 4000 | |
City video tours | 265 | |
Movies | 33 | |
Citizenship instructional videos (English) | 100 | |
Citizenship instructional videos (Spanish) | 100 | |
Photographs and illustrations | 28000 | |
Bilingual Poems | 84 | |
Proquest | HeritageQuest | |
* ProQuest's numbers reflect number of titles |
HeritageQuest - United States Census Records (Federal, State, etc.) | 707,740,771 |
HeritageQuest - Canada Census Records | 120,790 | |
HeritageQuest – Other Countries Census Records | 16,163,393 | |
Total Census | 724,024,954 | |
Vital | ||
HeritageQuest – Birth Records | 359,542,975 | |
HeritageQuest – Marriage Records | 141,345,627 | |
HeritageQuest – Death Records | 47,945,274 | |
Total Vital | 548,833,876 | |
Civil Registrations | 98,768,046 | |
Church | 289,965,439 | |
Burials and Graves | 138,615,357 | |
HeritageQuest -- Photos | 615,000 | |
Military Pension | 2,353,317 | |
HeritageQuest -- Public Records | 821,161,255 | |
Immigration Records | ||
Passenger Lists | 3,508,587 | |
Naturalizations | 2,399,521 | |
Immigrations | 3,628,639 | |
Total Immigration | 9,536,747 | |
Genealogy and Local History Books-title count (not record count) | 22,000 | |
Social Security Death Index | 94,331,869 | |
U.S. City Directories | 1,560,284,731 | |
Historical and City Maps | 7,263,483 | |
Wills, Probates, Court, Tax, etc | 10,622,010 | |
Miscellaneous: City, County and Citizen Recourds, Notorial Records, etc… | 34,050,774 | |
Total | 4,340,449,106 | |
Sanborn Digitized Maps of Texas | 2,118 maps | |
20th Century English Poetry Poems | 45,350 | |
20th Century American Poetry Poems | 49,912 | |
E-Libro Premium Collection (title count) | 72,000 | |
Science & Technology Ebook Subscription (title count) | 29,000 | |
ProQuest SciTech Collection | ||
Scholary Journals | 3,999 | |
Trade Journals | 1,376 | |
Newspapers | 23 | |
Government & Official Publications | 1 | |
Wire Feeds | 116 | |
Magazines | 479 | |
Conference Papers & Proceedings | 102 | |
Reports | 847 | |
Books | 137 | |
Other Sources | 73 | |
Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites | 45 | |
Dissertations | 0 | |
Audio & Video | 4 | |
Working Papers | 10 | |
Standards | 0 | | | Audio Name Pronunciations | 2,216 |
Author Interviews | 6,337 | |
Book Readings | 10,562 | |
Book Guides & Lesson Plans | 28,739 | |
Full Text Journals | TOTAL | 9,356,793 |
Newspapers & News | TOTAL | 17,756,265 |
Reference Resources | TOTAL | 33,341 |
Primary Source Documents | TOTAL | 342,879 |
Primary Source Genealogy Documents | TOTAL | 4,340,449,106 |
EBSCO NetLibrary eBooks | TOTAL | 28,281 |
ProQuest E-Libro eBooks | 72,000 | |
ProQuest SciTech eBooks | 29,000 |