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TexShare Database Fees FY2020

 Academic and Medical Libraries


At the May 12, 2017 meeting of the TexShare Advisory Board, the Board adopted a revised TexShare Databases Participation Fee formula based on a recommendation from the TexShare Database Cost Sharing Working Group.

Under the revised formula, year-to-year stability is emphasized. The fee is based on the amount paid in the previous year, with adjustments by type, size, or resource expenditures determined from year to year by the Cost Sharing Working Group. No library will pay more than 5% of its resource expenditures budget, and no library's fee will increase more than 10% from one year to another.

FY20 Database Invoicing Schedule
June 28, 2019: Quotes distributed by email.
August 30, 2019: TexShare Participation Fee invoices distributed by email, unless a later date has been requested.
October 31, 2019: Participation fees due. Institutions who wish to protest the amount of their fees must submit an appeal by this date.
November 2019: TexShare Advisory Board meets to review appeals.
December 19, 2019: Institutions that have not paid are removed from Databases Program.

Questions regarding the fee amount and membership benefits should be directed to TexShare at (800) 252-9386 or email  Questions regarding payments due or received should be directed to TSLAC Accounting at (512) 463-5512 or email Texas State Library and Archives Commission does not accept credit card payments.

Fees for previous years can be found on the TexShare Databases Archival Information page.

TexShare ID City Institution Name FY20 Membership Fee
202 Abilene Abilene Christian University $8,905
1257 San Antonio Alamo Colleges $26,889
203 Alvin Alvin Community College $1,534
204 Amarillo Amarillo College $5,473
206 Garland Amberton University $1,857
207 Lufkin Angelina College $3,218
208 San Angelo Angelo State University $18,258
212 Sherman Austin College $6,704
213 Austin Austin Community College District $26,889
214 Austin Austin Graduate School of Theology $721
215 Austin Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary $853
216 Jacksonville Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary $853
1628 Dallas Baylor Health Sciences Library $2,811
220 Waco Baylor University $44,812
223 Brenham Blinn College $15,015
225 Lake Jackson Brazosport College $4,270
228 Killeen Central Texas College $9,001
229 Cisco Cisco College $3,126
230 Clarendon Clarendon College $806
231 Beeville Coastal Bend College $3,529
1632 Houston College of Biblical Studies-Houston $1,366
232 Texas City College of the Mainland $4,270
1279 Plano Collin College $26,206
237 Austin Concordia University Texas $4,270
238 Dallas Criswell College $1,716
239 Dallas Dallas Baptist University $4,270
241 Mesquite Dallas County Community College District $26,889
1480 Dallas Dallas International University $853
242 Dallas Dallas Theological Seminary $853
243 Corpus Christi Del Mar College $9,011
245 Marshall East Texas Baptist University $4,270
248 El Paso El Paso Community College $16,050
250 Borger Frank Phillips College $900
251 Galveston Galveston College $3,685
252 Denison Grayson College $4,225
253 Abilene Hardin-Simmons University $6,800
254 Hillsboro Hill College $4,270
219 Houston Houston Academy of Medicine - Texas Medical Center Library $3,118
255 Houston Houston Baptist University $4,270
256 Houston Houston Community College $26,889
259 Big Spring Howard College $2,351
260 Brownwood Howard Payne University $4,270
261 Austin Huston-Tillotson University $3,621
265 Jacksonville Jacksonville College $219
266 Hawkins Jarvis Christian College $1,778
271 Kilgore Kilgore College $4,270
273 Orange Lamar State College-Orange $3,841
274 Port Arthur Lamar State College-Port Arthur $4,270
275 Beaumont Lamar University $27,823
276 Laredo Laredo Community College $3,844
277 Baytown Lee College $4,270
278 Longview LeTourneau University $4,270
1391 Houston Lone Star College System $23,497
280 Lubbock Lubbock Christian University $4,270
281 Waco McLennan Community College $7,063
282 Abilene McMurry University $2,788
283 Midland Midland College $3,893
284 Wichita Falls Midwestern State University $10,155
287 Corsicana Navarro College $6,743
288 Gainesville North Central Texas College $1,902
292 Mount Pleasant Northeast Texas Community College $2,265
295 San Antonio Oblate School of Theology $853
296 Odessa Odessa College $3,556
297 San Antonio Our Lady of the Lake University $4,270
299 Carthage Panola College $3,787
300 Paris Paris Junior College $1,061
301 Dallas Parker University $1,118
303 Prairie View Prairie View A&M University $21,739
304 Ranger Ranger College $848
305 Houston Rice University $62,738
311 Huntsville Sam Houston State University $44,812
1280 Pasadena San Jacinto College District $18,423
316 Kerrville Schreiner University $4,270
249 Austin Seminary of the Southwest $853
317 Levelland South Plains College $8,022
320 McAllen South Texas College $24,123
321 Dallas Southern Methodist University $44,812
323 Uvalde Southwest Texas Junior College $654
325 Keene Southwestern Adventist University $4,270
326 Waxahachie Southwestern Assemblies of God University $3,685
327 Fort Worth Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary $853
328 Terrell Southwestern Christian College $685
329 Georgetown Southwestern University $14,155
307 Austin St Edwards University $11,326
308 San Antonio St Mary's University $4,270
330 Nacogdoches Stephen F Austin State University $23,402
331 Alpine Sul Ross State University $7,273
332 Stephenville Tarleton State University $20,440
334 Fort Worth Tarrant County College District $26,889
335 Temple Temple College $4,270
336 Texarkana Texarkana College $4,270
337 Laredo Texas A&M International University $23,357
1558 College Station Texas A&M Medical Sciences Library $1,938
338 College Station Texas A&M University $62,738
1548 Killeen Texas A&M University Central Texas $6,832
339 Commerce Texas A&M University Commerce $19,795
340 Corpus Christi Texas A&M University Corpus Christi $26,679
342 Kingsville Texas A&M University Kingsville $15,814
1547 San Antonio Texas A&M University San Antonio $4,270
344 Texarkana Texas A&M University Texarkana $4,270
345 Pasadena Texas Chiropractic College $1,118
346 Fort Worth Texas Christian University $44,812
347 Tyler Texas College $3,305
1400 Arlington Texas Health Resources $2,240
348 Seguin Texas Lutheran University $4,270
1387 Austin Texas Medical Association Knowledge Center $4,264
349 Houston Texas Southern University $24,318
1655 Waco Texas State Technical College LRC $5,188
324 San Marcos Texas State University $44,812
354 Lubbock Texas Tech University $62,738
355 Lubbock Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center $3,560
2001 El Paso Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso $1,251
357 Fort Worth Texas Wesleyan University $6,648
359 Denton Texas Woman's University $25,077
377 San Antonio Trinity University $22,765
378 Athens Trinity Valley Community College $6,697
382 Tyler Tyler Junior College $4,797
383 Irving University of Dallas $7,844
384 Houston University of Houston $62,738
385 Houston University of Houston Clear Lake $22,697
386 Houston University of Houston Downtown $38,192
388 Victoria University of Houston Victoria $11,130
389 Belton University of Mary Hardin-Baylor $10,776
390 Denton University of North Texas $44,812
1607 Dallas University of North Texas at Dallas $4,270
391 Fort Worth University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth $2,218
392 Houston University of St Thomas $7,610
360 Arlington University of Texas at Arlington $44,812
361 Austin University of Texas at Austin $62,738
363 Richardson University of Texas at Dallas $44,812
364 El Paso University of Texas at El Paso $44,812
1639 Edinburg University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley $44,102
367 San Antonio University of Texas at San Antonio $44,812
368 Tyler University of Texas at Tyler $10,578
1385 Tyler University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler $1,118
372 San Antonio University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio $3,338
1389 Houston University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center $2,195
373 Galveston University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston $3,513
366 Odessa University of Texas of the Permian Basin $9,032
375 Dallas University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center $3,942
393 San Antonio University of the Incarnate Word $15,862
394 Vernon Vernon College $2,779
397 Plainview Wayland Baptist University $6,832
398 Weatherford Weatherford College $4,270
399 Canyon West Texas A&M University $17,787
400 Snyder Western Texas College $1,436
401 Wharton Wharton County Junior College $4,270
402 Marshall Wiley College $2,056

Page last modified: June 26, 2019